
you know more about him than a newbie does...and everyone is different..the way they interpret things. Maybe someone who doesnt' know steve would see that and laugh. BUT if I were to go to a new forum, see that the mod was calling people cry babies, even in jest..it would discourage me from asking any questions or maybe even joining at all....and I know if I feel that way...there are others that do too.....

Which is why I would never say this stuff to a newcomer nor would I post it in the newcomer section.

and thats really kinda irrevilent, IMO, newbies can read "off topic" just as easily as the "newbie" section...

...and thats all I've got to say on the subject...we can agree to disagree....
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I had no idea Steve was a mod. Nothing in his title intimates he's a mod. How would I know he's a mod?
Just so nobody here has a heart attack or anything, Korrie, just for you, reread the first post under the crying baby.

I changed it just for you.
this whole thread is rather inappropriate dont' ya think??? I mean, come on, we're supposed to be a team here......

I don't understand why someone would need to do a thread like this unless they needed some special attention in a passive aggressive way.

Firstly, why does anyone even have to ready the bloody stickies? It's a forum. Not a controlled "my info only works and you must read it to be able to be in my special group".

Why pull peoples posts apart? Why deliberately try to provoke, upset or be sarcastic to people.

Why not try to be a normal human being or a decent human and be constructive or nice at the same time. Yes a difficult concept for some people.

I can't imagine what it must be like in the real world for a person who's head is so large it explodes wherever it goes.

Sorry, someone had to say it. Now we wait for my post to be analyzed and ripped apart.
I don't understand why someone would need to do a thread like this unless they needed some special attention in a passive aggressive way.

Yeah, I suppose you've never had to vent. You seem to be well adjusted and perfect to me. Coming into a thread just to rip onto someone else (like I am doing) seems just as "mean spirited" as you seemed to me when I got to your post.

Firstly, why does anyone even have to ready the bloody stickies? It's a forum. Not a controlled "my info only works and you must read it to be able to be in my special group".

What a way to miss the point of a FUCKING Weight-LOSS FORUM. People come for information... information that will help them lose weight (mind you, in different ways, not in a one way works only approach), therefore when they ask, they are directed to the place where the information works. Hmmmm, systematic? Damn, break down that shitty and efficient method, no sir, that isn't needed around here... this place looks like a god damn cluster fuck... it's about time someone pointed to the Sticky's on a consistent basis.

Why pull peoples posts apart? Why deliberately try to provoke, upset or be sarcastic to people.

It's fun...

In all honesty, when people come on here to ask for help and then get directed to places to help themselves (because retyping the SAME basics over and over gets old), you are only continuing their destructive behavior they have used to get them to a place they'd rather not be, namely fatties.

Why not try to be a normal human being or a decent human and be constructive or nice at the same time. Yes a difficult concept for some people.

You obviously haven't read any of Steve's posts at all, you'd never say such things if you had.

I can't imagine what it must be like in the real world for a person who's head is so large it explodes wherever it goes.

Yeah, I think you could. Kettle, Pot, Black. You think you're post is so damn important that you went on a rant to make a point, trying to be insulting and witty all at once, your sarcasim sucks... and guess what else I think? Your point fucking sucks.

Sorry, someone had to say it. Now we wait for my post to be analyzed and ripped apart.

Done. Glad I could have helped you out and proved your only valid point.
Are you serious? Good to see this forum working as a team?

It seems no one is allowed to pull Steve up on his behavior.

And there are ways of directing people kindly to information, not being a bully.

God help anyone that stand up.
You know everyones behind ya Steve. Like I've said, we all appreciate the education you give out....however, lets face it, sometimes newbies can be "sensitive" They don't have their backbones yet...you learn to develop one after a while, but for being newbies, I think they deserve nothing less than a friendly welcoming environment, as opposed to a "I expect more out of you" type of attitude......and I'm just saying this b/c I still frequent other forums and if someones -what I perceive to be, rude, right off the bat- I leave...and I just dont' want that for this forum....forums should be an enjoyable experiance, not another place to come and get challenged.....not that this forum is anything less than a welcoming environment, I just dont' want newbies to feel that it might not be...

And thats all I'm gonna say publicly as we've been disscusing all this privately...

Korrie, I have no real issues with you, however, this thread and your response has made me think very poorly of you.

I think you've vilified Steve here more than anyone else could have. First off, newbies they deserve the environment they create. No one gets a free pass in life, it's just how things work. If you come off as a complete dick, then you will be treated as a dick.

Case in point, I've come across recently a few threads where newbies have asked for basic help, that is clearly posted in other threads and most importantly, Stickies. If you aren't willing to look, that's fine, most generally you will be directed there anyways by either Mal or Steve (or even another senior member), however, when they respond with a smart ass answer or some other less than kind smarky comment, all bets are off. Who cares to have a member like that at WLF? Warm enviroment? What is this? Romper Room? Kids Korner? Fuck that... plain and simple. If you are sensitive about your weight... maybe a swift kick in the ass is good enough to get them moving. And if those types never come back after a well constructed response, this place is better off.

You only enable them by spoon feeding (which Steve still does on some cases) information. Great... let's enable FAT people to not be motivated enough to take responsibility for their own health and fitness.

Yano what.. whatever, I say this... Steve should leave. He is too fucking good for this place. Sean, You, and the others will have to deal with answering all of the questions he cleans up that you guys don't know the answers to. And if he were to leave, people would still be using his information left behind for years to come... just because it's that damn good.
Are you serious? Good to see this forum working as a team?

It seems no one is allowed to pull Steve up on his behavior.

And there are ways of directing people kindly to information, not being a bully.

God help anyone that stand up.

Why do you and I have to work as a team? I just saw you come at Steve (in my eyes) out of left field. Don't you even come close to preaching TEAM work. You obviously don't know the first thing.

What behavior? He vented in general about whiners? OMG... oh no... abandon SHIP!!! The humanity? Give the guy some credit for fuck's sake... he only keeps this place afloat (and of course Mal, hope she gets home soon).

He doesn't bully to information... show me where and I'll digress. Don't jump on Korrie's bandwagon... she has zero proof too (other than this thread which ISN'T bullying, it's indirect).

You call what you did standing up? PFFFFF, I call it mob mentality. Get a clue and then come back to have a real discussion... TEAM. You didn't help me lose a single fucking lb on my body. Actually... who the fuck are you?
Korrie, I have no real issues with you, however, this thread and your response has made me think very poorly of you.

I think you've vilified Steve here more than anyone else could have. First off, newbies they deserve the environment they create. No one gets a free pass in life, it's just how things work. If you come off as a complete dick, then you will be treated as a dick.

Case in point, I've come across recently a few threads where newbies have asked for basic help, that is clearly posted in other threads and most importantly, Stickies. If you aren't willing to look, that's fine, most generally you will be directed there anyways by either Mal or Steve (or even another senior member), however, when they respond with a smart ass answer or some other less than kind smarky comment, all bets are off. Who cares to have a member like that at WLF? Warm enviroment? What is this? Romper Room? Kids Korner? Fuck that... plain and simple. If you are sensitive about your weight... maybe a swift kick in the ass is good enough to get them moving. And if those types never come back after a well constructed response, this place is better off.

You only enable them by spoon feeding (which Steve still does on some cases) information. Great... let's enable FAT people to not be motivated enough to take responsibility for their own health and fitness.

Yano what.. whatever, I say this... Steve should leave. He is too fucking good for this place. Sean, You, and the others will have to deal with answering all of the questions he cleans up that you guys don't know the answers to. And if he were to leave, people would still be using his information left behind for years to come... just because it's that damn good.

You are right no one gets a free pass in life. But hey there is a way to tell people things. Just like just because someone is fat you don't need to slap them in the face and let them know it.

I'm not overweight, I won't ever be, that's is because people have always spoken to me in the right way and told me their advice in a constructive and nice way. This is actually how the world is.

However you get people on internet forums who decide that behind their screen they can do whatever they like. And throw in their sarcasm or whatever on other people.

It's actually not on.

And why on earth is Steve the be all and end all of everything? Why do we have to go only on his information. Maybe there are other people out there with good ideas.

Go and have a juice and settle down. so much anger.
Why do you and I have to work as a team? I just saw you come at Steve (in my eyes) out of left field. Don't you even come close to preaching TEAM work. You obviously don't know the first thing.

What behavior? He vented in general about whiners? OMG... oh no... abandon SHIP!!! The humanity? Give the guy some credit for fuck's sake... he only keeps this place afloat (and of course Mal, hope she gets home soon).

He doesn't bully to information... show me where and I'll digress. Don't jump on Korrie's bandwagon... she has zero proof too (other than this thread which ISN'T bullying, it's indirect).

You call what you did standing up? PFFFFF, I call it mob mentality. Get a clue and then come back to have a real discussion... TEAM. You didn't help me lose a single fucking lb on my body. Actually... who the fuck are you?

Look at yourself, you are embarassing yourself. Stop swearing, it's ridiculous.

Why would i help you? You are an angry person looking to take your problems out on others. You are doing it right now.
Honestly, who cares?

It's the internet. It's easy to not understand the tone of a post. On both Steve and other poster's posts. I'm not fond of how Steve replies to some posts, I personally think he sometimes jumps on them and is a smart ass when all they asked was a question. Then again, I don't know Steve personally, therefore, hey...whatever. He's helpful, his written up posts are helpful, I'm not at liberty to like him 100% of the time. Neither is anyone else.

As for the new people. No they don't need to be babied, but honestly, when you all were struggling with your weight, did you wanna be put down/talked down to right off the bat? Some people want to lose weight but they haven't embraced it, therefore, they're sorta whiney and don't listen until it sinks in. Not everyone is gonna disregard information, not everyone is gonna keep whining, not everyone is gonna "get it" right off the bat, and not everyone wants to be told "get it or take a hike".

When I first came to this forum, the stickies were over whelming. I, took the time to read them. Some people will read and because they don't know how to make the connection of one thing and another they'll ask a question. Which is referred back to "check the stickies". Sometimes it's laziness, sometimes the person doesn't honestly understand.

Again, its the internet. You don't have someone standing in front of you saying "look...this is what needs to happen/will happen."

I don't know Steve. I don't really know anyone else on here. Tho everyone is generally nice, it IS the internet, and because of that fact nothing will EVER be clear cut. People ask questions in life. Some people are dense. Some are bullheaded. Some are whiney. Some want help. Some don't know what they want.

Yes, I've read some of the most off the wall "why'd you even ask that" questions before, I've even sat and wondered "Why don't you just google it?!?!" but I don't think they deserve snide remarks. A simple "Google it" or "Check the stickies" would suffice. If they STILL don't get it, you tell them "if you're not willing to look around, then don't ask questions".

That's my two cents.
Look at yourself, you are embarassing yourself. Stop swearing, it's ridiculous.

Why would i help you? You are an angry person looking to take your problems out on others. You are doing it right now.

Yeah yeah... "embarassing" my self alright.

At any rate, how I talk is with those types of words. If it isn't up to your standards, than place me on your ignore list. Until then, read what I am typing, just because I know and everyone else knows, you're drawn to it like flies on shit.

Listen, you think I am angry? Hehehe... I suppose you think you know me now. That I am so mad against the world... honestly, this is a good time for me. And the real people who know me on here, know I am doing it with a huge smile on my face. My problems are tomorrow is Saturday and I have to put up a Christmas tree and go out to breakfast. Maybe throw in a load of laundry... maybe. You don't know my problems. You know nothing about me. I did exactly what you did a few posts up... but I guess I am the one with the "problems".

Just because I called out your Bullshit... and made valid points (which of course yours lacked in every possible way), doesn't mean you get a pass to psychoanalyze me. Go read some stickies and lose some weight... it's what I did. "TEAMMATE"
Honestly, who cares?

It's the internet. It's easy to not understand the tone of a post. On both Steve and other poster's posts. I'm not fond of how Steve replies to some posts, I personally think he sometimes jumps on them and is a smart ass when all they asked was a question. Then again, I don't know Steve personally, therefore, hey...whatever. He's helpful, his written up posts are helpful, I'm not at liberty to like him 100% of the time. Neither is anyone else.

You hit the nail on the head here... TONE. Everyone thinks Steve is giving an attitude when he replies with a question repeating something like "And why would you want to do XXXXXXXX?", he has done it to me SEVERAL times.

However, what he is doing is two-fold (maybe more, who knows), first he wants to make sure he understands that you even understand what you are saying and/or he isn't sure what the person is attempting to say due to lack of clarification. Secondly, he wants the person to really think about their statements and their usefulness their own program. He uses it as a gauge for assessing the person he is talking to and their depth of knowledge, I respect that he uses it as a tool to his advantage. He can than base his response on their response accordingly. Does it seem smart assed? Sure, if you yourself are a smart ass and are then inflecting your own preconceived tone onto his statement, I can see how Steve would be a total dickhead... but if you step back for a second and really see what he is doing, I bet you'd see the value he sees in it.

Maybe I am all wrong here.
I'd rep you if I could, Keith. Thank you very much.

Shae, my apologies if you've had a poor experience on this forum because of me. I went back and looked at my posts to you and I haven't treated you poorly at all.

I assume you're trying to stick up for others here. I'm sure your intentions are really good. It's not coming off as such though...

I've been here for years now, which means next to nothing. I believe if I were such a detriment to this place though, they would have canned me a long time ago, no? They definitely wouldn't have made me a moderator.

I can only say that I have one intent, and that's reaching people who care to be reached about the education of fitness. How I choose to do it depends very much on the individual at the other end of the post.

If you take a sample out of the bunch and that one example happens to be negative using your perception and value system (which is unique to all of us)... and you translate that to my character or how I treat all members here, you're sorely mistaken.

This seems to be where you're in error.

I should probably treat everyone with the utmost respect, regardless of how they treat me I suppose. In an ideal world, that's probably how I'd be. But in an ideal world too, I wouldn't have to get into it with incompetent professionals on a daily basis slinging poor information that is suboptimal or harmful to our members. In an ideal world I wouldn't have to discredit or shield the forum from spammers by the dozen each day (as does all the other mods). In an ideal world, people would read the stickies to get a basic understanding of the fundamentals before asking questions.

Mind you, I did not make those stickies. They were just posts of mine directed at other members (for the most part) that OTHER mods decided to stick. It isn't like I believe my word is gospel and stick it so all people must read it.

Also please keep in mind that there are plenty of informational posts in the stickies that are not my own. The stickies are very well rounded with information and there are no singular methods preached there, so I'm not quite sure what you're indicating.

I've had more success reaching people being blunt and succinct than anything else. Why change that? Because some stranger saw a few posts that he/she didn't like and decided that I'm a bad person?

That probably isn't going to happen.

If you care to talk about any particular instances, I'll be glad to. I'll admit where I was wrong, b/c I'm sure I've been a number of times. I'm sure you've been too. Unfortunately for me, I don't get to nit pick your dealings in your area of expertise. If I did, I probably wouldn't nit pick anyhow though. Unless you're a trainer, lol.

This thread.

Maybe it was a mistake?

I don't know. It got a lot of people talking. Got a lot of people laughing which I like. There is more people talking nice about it than talking bad in this tread.

But I do realize how it can negatively impact the community. I'm not stupid. And you're wrong, I didn't do it for attention. Attention from complete strangers on the net doesn't do much for me, believe it or not. I was just ranting a bit and cracking a joke.

All that said....

If I offended anyone, my apologies.

However, part of the reason I started this thread was exemplified in it. I don't come out and personally attack anyone. Yet, I'm attacked on a pretty consistent basis on here. I'm not playing victim. But if you're the overseer of all things good and bad, I don't see you barking up anyone else's tree.

As a moderator I feel like this thread should be closed by I can't stand censorship and won't be the one to do it. I'm all for hashing out our differences, but if you're going to directly attack me, we probably aren't going to get very far. Nor are we if you're going to make gross generalizations about my interactions here on the forum.
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I'd hate to see this thread closed. Every once in a while, things need to be cleared up... I don't even dislike Shae right now. I bet in another thread... we'd actually have a decent conversation.

If this is truly a community... let it behave like one, where disagreements like this can be posted and constructed upon. It actually leads to better understanding in the long run... Censorship is for weak leadership that needs to lead by control.
I respect most of what you said here, thanks. I'd like to comment on a few things in particular if I may...

As for the new people. No they don't need to be babied, but honestly, when you all were struggling with your weight, did you wanna be put down/talked down to right off the bat?

I don't put people down. That generalization needs to stop. Usually when I'm a dick, it's warranted as in someone actually judged me or it's against a spammer or incompetent professional.

Other times when it's perceived I'm being a dick to someone who isn't in those categories, more often than not I believe it's confusion or misinterpretation.

Not to remove all blame from me. Because I do admit I am a dick at times.

But not to random newcomers who are asking a question I don't feel like answering.

"get it or take a hike".

That has not been said either. Nothing of the sort. The most blunt I'll be is, "read the stickies before asking general questions."

Unfortunately, there's a lot of painting being done here. I don't think it's your intent. Others, I know it's their intent. Not yours though. I still feel the need to comment though.

When I first came to this forum, the stickies were over whelming. I, took the time to read them. Some people will read and because they don't know how to make the connection of one thing and another they'll ask a question. Which is referred back to "check the stickies". Sometimes it's laziness, sometimes the person doesn't honestly understand.

When it's obvious people have read at least some of the stickies, I go well out of my way to make sure they grasp the information they read. I go as out of my way with them as I do for clients who pay me for the same advice.

Yes, I've read some of the most off the wall "why'd you even ask that" questions before, I've even sat and wondered "Why don't you just google it?!?!" but I don't think they deserve snide remarks. A simple "Google it" or "Check the stickies" would suffice. If they STILL don't get it, you tell them "if you're not willing to look around, then don't ask questions".

What snide remarks are you referring to?
Maybe I am all wrong here.

100% wrong.

I'm actually a complete tool who gets his willies off talking smack on the net. I mean look at me. It's friday night and this is what I'm doing with my free time.

I have a hot ass wife laying next to me sound asleep on one side of me and Frank, my cat, on the other sound asleep.

And here I sit trying to maintain my cover, but I think it's blown.

I'm a horrible, horrible person.

And care about nobody. Especially newcomers. Why would I want them to lose weight?