Shae, my apologies if you've had a poor experience on this forum because of me. I went back and looked at my posts to you and I haven't treated you poorly at all.
I assume you're trying to stick up for others here. I'm sure your intentions are really good. It's not coming off as such though...
I've been here for years now, which means next to nothing. I believe if I were such a detriment to this place though, they would have canned me a long time ago, no? They definitely wouldn't have made me a moderator.
I can only say that I have one intent, and that's reaching people who care to be reached about the education of fitness. How I choose to do it depends very much on the individual at the other end of the post.
If you take a sample out of the bunch and that one example happens to be negative using your perception and value system (which is unique to all of us)... and you translate that to my character or how I treat all members here, you're sorely mistaken.
This seems to be where you're in error.
I should probably treat everyone with the utmost respect, regardless of how they treat me I suppose. In an ideal world, that's probably how I'd be. But in an ideal world too, I wouldn't have to get into it with incompetent professionals on a daily basis slinging poor information that is suboptimal or harmful to our members. In an ideal world I wouldn't have to discredit or shield the forum from spammers by the dozen each day (as does all the other mods). In an ideal world, people would read the stickies to get a basic understanding of the fundamentals before asking questions.
Mind you, I did not make those stickies. They were just posts of mine directed at other members (for the most part) that OTHER mods decided to stick. It isn't like I believe my word is gospel and stick it so all people must read it.
Also please keep in mind that there are plenty of informational posts in the stickies that are not my own. The stickies are very well rounded with information and there are no singular methods preached there, so I'm not quite sure what you're indicating.
I've had more success reaching people being blunt and succinct than anything else. Why change that? Because some stranger saw a few posts that he/she didn't like and decided that I'm a bad person?
That probably isn't going to happen.
If you care to talk about any particular instances, I'll be glad to. I'll admit where I was wrong, b/c I'm sure I've been a number of times. I'm sure you've been too. Unfortunately for me, I don't get to nit pick your dealings in your area of expertise. If I did, I probably wouldn't nit pick anyhow though. Unless you're a trainer, lol.
This thread.
Maybe it was a mistake?
I don't know. It got a lot of people talking. Got a lot of people laughing which I like. There is more people talking nice about it than talking bad in this tread.
But I do realize how it can negatively impact the community. I'm not stupid. And you're wrong, I didn't do it for attention. Attention from complete strangers on the net doesn't do much for me, believe it or not. I was just ranting a bit and cracking a joke.
All that said....
If I offended anyone, my apologies.
However, part of the reason I started this thread was exemplified in it. I don't come out and personally attack anyone. Yet, I'm attacked on a pretty consistent basis on here. I'm not playing victim. But if you're the overseer of all things good and bad, I don't see you barking up anyone else's tree.
As a moderator I feel like this thread should be closed by I can't stand censorship and won't be the one to do it. I'm all for hashing out our differences, but if you're going to directly attack me, we probably aren't going to get very far. Nor are we if you're going to make gross generalizations about my interactions here on the forum.