
It's the facking tie! Whoever decided that it's proper for men to tie a piece of cloth tightly around their necks should be destroyed.
HAHAHA :iagree:
Maybe I'll turn a new leaf. Nothing but professionalism.

Instead of shirtless pics it'll be


Naw ... that pic doesn't motivate me. Go with the shirtless pics ;)
this whole thread is rather inappropriate dont' ya think??? I mean, come on, we're supposed to be a team here......
I agree 100% with you on that and i feel this place is the most support of any forum i have been on but some have been out of control lately.

A lot of people spend time helping others out with you included but there are times when people lash out at others despite their help. Just today i saw two people complain about being attacked then went to other threads and started arguing again. Fine if people dont like what they are being told move on and forget about what they just read. Dont continue to instigate.

I dont think this thread was started to call anyone out and i think the newcomers have been treated very well. Even better since the start ( i believe it was your thread) about helping out the newbies.

this whole thread is rather inappropriate dont' ya think??? I mean, come on, we're supposed to be a team here......

There's nothing team about people personally judging my character day in and out. This is the off topic forum. I'm not attacking anyone personally. Just ranting.

I don't see a problem with it.
Steve, ya know I like your methods...thats why I "nominated you" if you will ,as mod...I'm just saying, as a mod...this is inappropriate....I'm afraid it will discourage newbies from asking questions..I dont' want them to think this isnt' a welcoming environment.
And no one can truely judge your character Steve, this is just online stuff...can't take it too personally.

Korrie, I'm just having some fun.

If a thread of mine starts with a picture of a crying little boy, you can pretty much bet I'm not too upset.
Oh, and character can be judged over the Internet. Let's be serious for a second. Accurately? Hardly. But judgement certainly does not require face to face interaction.
I'm just trying to think of things from a newbie perspective...knowing you, a person can take things one way...but not knowing you from Adam...it could be a whole other thing, you know???

And yea, I guess people can "judge" you...but I've seen a few posts that you've mentioned it and I just thought you might have been taking it too personal is all....
This thread is in the off topic section and not directed at anyone in particular.

It is not in the newcomers thread.

I understand that this thread is 'out there.' In my opinion there's nothing wrong with demanding a little more out of people. Pushing some boundaries usually leads to progress.

As I said to both you and Sean now, if you don't feel that I'm the right man for the job when it comes to moderatorship, and the community agrees, I will step down.
You know everyones behind ya Steve. Like I've said, we all appreciate the education you give out....however, lets face it, sometimes newbies can be "sensitive" They don't have their backbones yet...you learn to develop one after a while, but for being newbies, I think they deserve nothing less than a friendly welcoming environment, as opposed to a "I expect more out of you" type of attitude......and I'm just saying this b/c I still frequent other forums and if someones -what I perceive to be, rude, right off the bat- I leave...and I just dont' want that for this forum....forums should be an enjoyable experiance, not another place to come and get challenged.....not that this forum is anything less than a welcoming environment, I just dont' want newbies to feel that it might not be...

And thats all I'm gonna say publicly as we've been disscusing all this privately...
Well all I'll say in public is I suggest you or Sean actually go through my posts in the newcomers section. Do an actual search. If I'm being a dick to someone, invariably it's:

i) a spammer
ii) a trainer/professional who is handing out poor advice that is harmful to our members
iii) an actual newcomer who is unreasonable or troublesome, which is rare.

The vast majority of my posts there, as in 99% of them, are welcoming. If you want to enable i, ii, or iii above... I'm not so sure that's in the best interest of the community.

You've said privately about how I should tell people to go read the stickies? Why the hell not? That's where the best information they're going to find is. I don't say, "Stop being a lazy ass you rude SOB... read the f-ing stickies."

This is what I say, more often than not (direct quotes from my most recent posts in the newcomers section regarding stickies:

Welcome to the community. I think it would be a great investment of your time if you read through the stickies here on the forum.

Start here:


Welcome to the community, Steve.

To get the most out of it I suggest:

a) Reading the stickies

b) Visiting journals in an attempt to familiarizing yourself with some of the other members

c) Starting your own journal for accountability

Best to you.

Here's a suggestion I sincerely hope you listen to: Read the stickies here on this forum. They're loaded with a ton of foundational advice that will be instrumental in your understanding of the basics.

Asking GNC workers for help with regards to your diet is like me asking the Amish who solely use horse-and-buggy as a means of transportation to fix the motor in my car.

They're idiots.

I wasn't being a jackass in the above post when I said I know a lot of misinformed people who look fantastic.

I appreciate your comments about my body.

I also hope you listen to what I'm saying for future reference: Don't go around believing every guy that looks jacked. I followed that route in my early years and got nowhere. Most jacked guys are drug users who know next to nothing about anything relating to this stuff.

Here's a very simple lesson in energy balance as it pertains to your body.

Calories are energy. We either use said energy immediately to function or we store excess for later in various forms. One of the most obvious forms is fat. Fat is simply a storage depot for excess energy you consume. It does a lot more but no need to go into details.

When looking to gain weight, an obvious question you should ask yourself would be, "How much energy do I need to consume to lose and/or gain no weight... as in break-even or maintain myself?"

Once you answer that question, you have yourself a starting point.

Maintenance intake is a very individual thing and without being hooked up to fancy equipment, it's not something you can calculate precisely. Best bet is to estimate it.

Generally speaking, maintenance intake is roughly 14-16 calories per pound for those who exercise regularly. Your maintenance intake can be assumed to be someplace around 1800-2000 calories per day.

From here, with the goal of gaining as much muscle and as little fat as possible (that is your goal, right?), you need to institute a slight caloric surplus above and beyond your maintenance.

In all cases, the best bet is to try to minimize fat gains by eating/bulking smart. Yes, you need to eat over maintenance but given the fact that you can't fast forward muscle growth, there's no need to eat waaaaaaaay over maintenance. You want to find the sweet spot where you're seeing some weight gain, but not gaining too much fat.

Read that again. And again. And now again. Let it sink in.

An aggressive surplus would be 500 calories over maintenance to start. In your case, I'd probably shoot for 250 if I'm being honest. Be consistent and every 2 weeks evaluate your progress. If it's lacking, you know you need to ramp up calories. If it's too much, you know you need to back off a bit. Finding said sweet spot is a touch & feel process.

Another major issue here is how much weight did you lose? Have you always been really skinny?

That's the first three posts you'll find if you do the search that have the word 'stickie' in it. Tell me again where I'm not responding according to the benefit of this community or welcoming those who should be welcomed?

Believe this or not... some people who find their way to this community are actually a detriment to the forum as a whole.
To be blunt, if a person is spoon-fed information, chances are they won't learn anything. If a person wants/needs to lose weight, they also need to recognize the fact that they need to be responsible for taking the necessary steps to educate themselves.

It's not a slap in the face to direct a person to solid information. They can read it and if they have questions, they can ask.

I haven't been on here very long, but I've worked out all my life. And I'm still learning. For the people who have joined this forum, there is relevant information right at their fingertips. It's all here in one nice big package -- it's a one-stop shop. I never had that. It would have been great if I had, because I would have been like a kid in a candy store :)

If I asked Steve a question, and the answer was in a stickie, I'd appreciate him referring me to the stickie as opposed to writing out a lengthy answer and wasting his time.
you know...your bringing up "other stuff"....and the "other stuff" is being worked out/disscussed via PM...my comment HERE, on this thread...was that a mod calling newbies "cry babies" was a little harsh....ALTHOUGH I get it, its a joke, ha ha...I'm just saying a new person who doesn't know Steve and his personality from Adam, would get offended.
I actually thought he was joking ...

I don't really know Steve from Adam, either. The only thing I do know about him is that he knows what he's talking about.
you know...your bringing up "other stuff"....and the "other stuff" is being worked out/disscussed via PM...my comment HERE, on this thread...was that a mod calling newbies "cry babies" was a little harsh....ALTHOUGH I get it, its a joke, ha ha...I'm just saying a new person who doesn't know Steve and his personality from Adam, would get offended.

Which is why I would never say this stuff to a newcomer nor would I post it in the newcomer section.