
Hahahaha your cat's name is Frank?

But, I am at least researching Animal Omega Pak for the cheapest price and if it's cheaper than buying bulk EFA's. Yano, at least I am being semi productive.

Can i take this thread in a little different direction for a minute? Can i get a little more info on this stuff and exactly what it is and its benefits? I will google for some info but I'm sure everything i read will be from the maker and it will be the best thing since sliced bread.

Just looking for some unbiased info.


Well I am on my phone right now, typing this, but the gist of it all:

Its a "bulk" pack of things I already take of EFA's (essential fatty acid's) that your body needs in order to metabolize efficiently. It's also amazing for heart health, but the product contains fish oils and omega 6's, linolic acids (another good fat source) and some other goodies for absorption rate.

Its a nice way to buy a lot of supps without have to buy 8 different bottles of various products. Doesn't save any money, if anything it costs more. price of convenience I suppose.

1 pack daily for maintaining or a bulk. I'd say two for a cut phase.