Thakes, cate!
Well yesterday before my trip I weighed in at 139.2 lbs. so that’s awesome. Finally in the 130s.
My trip here to Orlando was long and hard. The traffic was horrible. I had to change car companies. Now trying to get my money back. I might have to go through my credit card company which might be easier.
NEway, I just had a vegetable soup at the airport. Came to the house and exercised in the pool. I found out there is a small gym so I can go workout. It looks like there are treadmills. So that’s great!!! I plan on going this morning. I think it opens up at 8. Till 10 pm.
Tomorrow we are going to magic Kingdom and another day to the EPCOT Center. Looking forward to it.
So yesterday we made burgers and hotdogs. I didn’t have any. It wasn’t too hard to say no. I bought a butternut squash and spaghetti squash and some chicken tenders to make while I’m here.
This morning I’m up early. Hardly slept last night. I made scrambled eggs for breakfast with tea. I made it with water instead of oil. It came out even better. (I usually make it with the spray oil.)