Today I just wanted to deadlift so I thought I would do a 6x3. My 1rm was 305 so I thought I could probably hit 275+/-. Well I loaded 275 and knocked out 3 easy reps. I decided to go for 295 and it went up easy. I said what the hell and put 315 on. No problem. By this time I was thrilled and I told my gym buddy that I just 3 repped more then my previous 1rm. I said, "I want to put more on but Im not sure." He said, "Put on 320." Me:"I am thinking 335."
So I put on 335 and was able to pull it once, freaking awesome!! CCR watch out.
DL 3@275, 3@295, 3@315, 1@335, 2@315, 1@315
Tri set
Goodmorning 2x8@95, 1x8@115
Pullup 2x6, 1x5
Machine Curl 1x8@70, 1x6@70
PWO Meal ~ 6oz bison steak, mashed potatoes, and 1 canteloupe (eewww the inside)
Awesome freaking workout for sure.
Other news...
I was going through the cabinets and found Vit B, Magnesium, Calcium, Vit C, Move Free. I decided since noone was taking them, I would start taking the B and Move Free. So now my pills are: 10 fish oil, 2 zinc/calcium/magnesium, 1 multi, 1 B, 1 C, 1 Move Free. Wow!!