
Previous best pull, 245. Today after 6,1@275,6, 295!!! Next week Im going for 305 baby.

Deadlift by the way.
Nice going Tony! If I can get just some of the results that you've gotten from NROL, I'd be happy. (About to graduate from Break-In to Fat Loss I).
Did I mention BJJ is extremely fun. Havent been to gym since last week Monday. That was my D workout. Should go tomorrow and Saturday. Been a little confusing and tiresome since starting my new job and getting up at 0530 every day.
Pulled 300x1 deadlifting on two sets today. Failed on 315. Dont know how much my strength will improve on my new diet.
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Thursday I set a new PR on squats @ 245. Im saying goodbye to back squats for awhile and focusing on Front Squats.

I have 3 more workouts with Strength I. I was gonna go to S2 but with my new job and martial arts, I cant do a 4 workout plan like this one. So I think Im gonna go push/pull, with a low rep (1-3) and high rep (8-12) day.
If anyone reads Sparrows diary then they have probably seen my questions about triathalons. Well its official, August 22nd Im gonna partake in my first.

Ill be (actually) updating my blog with my preparation.
I bought a bike, and have hardly rode it since. I have in no way shape or form prepared myself for such an event as the triathalon. August 22 will come and go. Does this mean I wont attempt one? Hell no! But shooting for an event only one month away is like shooting myself in the foot.

On a side note, I bought some excellent material off of eBay this week. It should be here Wednesday I imagine. I am disappointed that the eBay store that posted it took so long to ship, considering I paid right after the auction closed Sunday night. Now its shipping tomorrow, 2 emails later.

If you're a member of jpfitness then you might've seen my post about considering the path of physical therapy. Its going to add about 4 1/2 years of school to my current situation. I could actually graduate with a BA in Psychology and a teachers certification in 2 but oh well.

Well here is a short article I just finished reading.
Article of the Day ~ TESTOSTERONE NATION - A Simple Method for Improving Hamstrings

Just a little tip about training those hammies.

My blog contains further info.
Since we are getting back into the swing of articles, here is another. I am currently running the Anabolic Diet and love it. Here is an article about it.

Bonus ~
No that was Strength I from NROL. For awhile I was doing some O lifting, bb snatch, power clean & press, overhead squats, etc. My gym closed on Aug 11 until Sep 4, so I am checking out some new modalities. I just ordered some products on band training and am going to start on Saturday. This allows me to workout at home whenever I need to. I am still training in BJJ twice a week.