187 taint bad. Soon you'll be benching like the Mighty Kraken.
And "taint" ain't bad either...
My bench sucks. Before my surgery, the best I could hoist up was 195#, now it's like 178#, which is 20# less than my body weight which makes me a pu$$y. But, I plan on breaking out and hitting 225 by the end of this year.
Big Tom, ya'up for a BP challenge from a 49yo heart patient? Who is the first to hit: 200, 210 and 225.
I'll even have my crazy friend, Flyinfree, be my witness!
FF: ya' know I luv you, right?
Now thats the strength of a Yeti
3x10 on pushups?
fanny boy! LOL
Do 25 normal and 25 more on your knuckles. No sense shorting yourself on the best exercise there is.