Weight-Loss The Red Team Thread

Wheeeee...I managed to get my fiber in yesterday...and an hour of exercise. Today I went to the store and found Fiber One bran with raisins cereal...11g of fiber in 1 serving! @_@ It's awesome because I love cereal...this will definitely make things easier for the rest of the week. Unfortunately, it is "that time" for me now...and I have cramps. Dx They said exercising helps, y'know, to get oxygen to the muscles and stuff, but it's only gotten worse for me! ): That's ok, though. I gotta be a man!! *beats chest*
Hope you guys have a nice fiberful day. #1!!
Pinketnies - Thank you. Stay focused and you will soon be there.

All my exercise points for the week are already secured.
Omega-AWESOME JOB on excercising!

Beckie-good luck with the TOM-yucko.

xorie-I had no idea horse riding was such a good workout, is that your job?

Wulsk-did you put a new picture in? It looks really nice.

haven't counted up fiber today but I know I'm over so happy for that, and got in 1 hour workout +walking. Think I am calorie deficient today so good day, I at raw radishes and celery on way home from work to tide me over utnil dinner instead of my nromal 2-300 cal snack and had chicken and veggies for dinner.
xorie-I had no idea horse riding was such a good workout, is that your job?

Sorta, I work at 2 barns, and volunteer at the
and basically clean stalls, do waters, shavings, exercise horses, ride them, clean them...and so on a so forth. So, yeah, I guess that it's my job! :D And I love it!
Xorie-I envy you to be able to have such an active job, and working with animals. I always wanted to but I have terrible terrible allergies that would make it impossible (or just miserable LOL). I was wishing I worked with all animals and didnt have to talk (see below) yesterday.

Setback: Ladies I am so ashamed to say I have had perhaps a fatal (elmination) setback, this is very typical behavior for me in that I eat super healthy, I can eat organic, tofu, sprouts, whatever you name it all day long that most poeple dont like and ENJOY it but I have a HUGE sweet tooth AND in my adult years have become an emotional eater. I brought work home with me last night as last week and this have been the most stressing weeks of my career (in a relatively new position) I fully expected all of the data I was waiting to process ot be superb and basically it all took a nosedive and if I dont figure it out I coudl be costing my company hundreds of thousands of dollars within a weeks time. Even if I do figure it out I could be working long hours and or all weekend to get enough data to 'fix' it. So what did I do? Indulge in TWO weight watcher ice cream bars and few bites of hubbys 'real' ice cream. Why do I do this? This is a real question I am battling adn I need your help with. I then get so angry at myself and then do the whole self defeating thoughts and my splurges spiral out of control and next thing I know I am back to eating a mountain of ice cream and a candy bar during the day. I am an all or none 'treat' sort of girl and I just dont know why I cant find the ability to do portion control on my splurges. Please help.

ps still weighing in at +2 lbs this morning
I have the same problem.
My parents divorced when I was about 14 and thats when the weight started creeping on.
I'm an emotional eater.
I very often eat when I'm not hungry and I'll keep eating and eating till I can eat no more even though I wasn't hungry in the first place.
I ate to make myself happy. Chocolate, Ice cream,sweets. I also have a sweet tooth and my dad doesn't help much as he also has one so theres always chocoalte and other rubbish in the house.

I brought a book the other day Jason Vale 7lbs in 7 days. Even if your not looking to loose weight the way he writes it is inspiring and incredably motivating.
When I get home tonight I'll have a look for some of the quotes that really made me think and everytime I go to over eat now or eat rubbish I manage to stop myself.

I hope everything goes alright with your job and I'm so sorry to hear that. I always think everything happens for a reason no matter how bad it seems at the time.

With the food don't worry. It happens. Pick your self up and work out extra hard. Not only will you burn off the ice cream, you'll also gain your exercise points!
Just remember the way your feeling. Don't guilt yourself into not eating nice things, but think how awful you feel now, whether its mentally or physically.
Next time you go to eat rubbish just think about how your feeling now, How you want to loose the weight. Do you want to eat the ice cream or do you want to complete your weight loss? Thats a question you should ask yourself. I find that a good one to use!
The other question is to ask if you are physically or mentally hungry. If your physically hungry then your really hungry normally for real food. If your mentally hungry thats when you tend to eat chocolcate, crisps or whatever else or weakness might be.

I'll dig out my Jason Vale book tonight and get some motivation for us.

Don't kick yourself too much about the ice cream! Its not worth it! You fell down, jump back up!!

WE can all do this!

Hope your feeling better this morning.

Ugh why the hell can't people just be supportive?
Just said no to Chocoalte and sweets and all I get is "GO on they taste lovley" "You know you want one" " They taste nice"
Well they don't taste as nice as I'll look when I'm thinner!!
Sorry just a bit of a rant!!

Hows everyone else doing today?
Setback: Ladies I am so ashamed to say I have had perhaps a fatal (elmination) setback, this is very typical behavior for me in that I eat super healthy, I can eat organic, tofu, sprouts, whatever you name it all day long that most poeple dont like and ENJOY it but I have a HUGE sweet tooth AND in my adult years have become an emotional eater. I brought work home with me last night as last week and this have been the most stressing weeks of my career (in a relatively new position) I fully expected all of the data I was waiting to process ot be superb and basically it all took a nosedive and if I dont figure it out I coudl be costing my company hundreds of thousands of dollars within a weeks time. Even if I do figure it out I could be working long hours and or all weekend to get enough data to 'fix' it. So what did I do? Indulge in TWO weight watcher ice cream bars and few bites of hubbys 'real' ice cream. Why do I do this? This is a real question I am battling adn I need your help with. I then get so angry at myself and then do the whole self defeating thoughts and my splurges spiral out of control and next thing I know I am back to eating a mountain of ice cream and a candy bar during the day. I am an all or none 'treat' sort of girl and I just dont know why I cant find the ability to do portion control on my splurges. Please help.

ps still weighing in at +2 lbs this morning

Mom, I cannot imagine the stress you're under with all this on your shoulders. I hope you figure out how to make this project work without driving yourself nuts.

Maybe the answer is to somehow practice/learn how to be a portion sized treat kinda girl rather than the all or nothing type. To me you exercised a huge amount of control by just having 2 portion controlled treats and a few BITES of ice cream. That is just fine. Sometimes its the all or nothing attitude that gets people into trouble because once you slip up, and we all do, it gives you license to go all out. Try not to be so hard on yourself for what I view as a brilliant job in the face of a lot of stress.
Ugh why the hell can't people just be supportive?
Just said no to Chocoalte and sweets and all I get is "GO on they taste lovley" "You know you want one" " They taste nice"
Well they don't taste as nice as I'll look when I'm thinner!!
Sorry just a bit of a rant!!

Hows everyone else doing today?

Well that is really quite unbelievable. You're a girl trying to get healthy and people should be behind that. These people probably aren't that into health themselves and try to avoid thinking of being overweight as a medical problem. It sounds like you actually need to have a serious talk with these people if they're close to you, like dad. Ya know, let them know you're very unhappy with yourself being overweight and you want to be healthier, maybe tell them some of the health effects of being overweight and overeating (its very hard on the liver, for one, to process a bombardment of sugar and other foods at once). Tell them you're taking this very seriously, and let them know how it makes you feel when they offer you treats (tempted for one!). Well hopefully they'll stop because one can only turn down yummy treats so many times before one can't help oneself any longer (me at least).
Setback: Ladies I am so ashamed to say I have had perhaps a fatal (elmination) setback, this is very typical behavior for me in that I eat super healthy, I can eat organic, tofu, sprouts, whatever you name it all day long that most poeple dont like and ENJOY it but I have a HUGE sweet tooth AND in my adult years have become an emotional eater. I brought work home with me last night as last week and this have been the most stressing weeks of my career (in a relatively new position) I fully expected all of the data I was waiting to process ot be superb and basically it all took a nosedive and if I dont figure it out I coudl be costing my company hundreds of thousands of dollars within a weeks time. Even if I do figure it out I could be working long hours and or all weekend to get enough data to 'fix' it. So what did I do? Indulge in TWO weight watcher ice cream bars and few bites of hubbys 'real' ice cream. Why do I do this? This is a real question I am battling adn I need your help with. I then get so angry at myself and then do the whole self defeating thoughts and my splurges spiral out of control and next thing I know I am back to eating a mountain of ice cream and a candy bar during the day. I am an all or none 'treat' sort of girl and I just dont know why I cant find the ability to do portion control on my splurges. Please help.

ps still weighing in at +2 lbs this morning

Mom - I know exactly where you are coming from. I worked at a very, and I mean VERY high stressed job for 10 years. Any attempt that I had to lose weight was always a struggle because I would do the same thing - turn to food when I was stressed. Sweets are also my weakness (and pizza! lol)...I can go without anything else - but sweets always haunt me.

I used to be a big time emotional eater - and it sucks, I know what you're feeling. You can't be that hard on yourself. You're human. You're going to have days where you splurge and then feel like crap afterwards - but it doesn't mean that you have to give up.

You have to figure out an alternative that works for you. What I started off doing a long time ago was giving myself one day during the week where I could have whatever I wanted. That way, when the day came that I was craving a "bad food", I knew that I could have it on my "treat day". By the time my treat day came, I usually wasn't craving it anymore.

On days when I absolutely couldn't resist - I would get what I wanted, and eat half of it. I didn't count a specific amount of calories - I just split whatever I was eating in half.

Another thing you could try is writing down other things that make you happy. When you're stressed and need a treat - do something that doesn't involve food. Take ten minutes and walk away from the situation - go for a walk, call a friend, do anything else besides food that will relieve your stress.

If you spend a lot of time thinking about what you can't have when its right in front of you, it will make you want it even more. At least that's how I am.

Another trick I used to do was keep a picture of myself that I thought I looked good in. I kept it in my wallet and any time that I was tempted, I would pull out a picture to remind myself of the goal I wanted to achieve.

What I've done this time is find healthier alternatives to the sweets I like. If you're trying to substitute the sweets you really like with something that you don't like so much, it won't work. I really really like chocolate. I got those Quaker Minis drizzled with chocolate - and any time I'm craving sweets - I grab a bag of those and it takes away the sweet tooth. They're really good - and they're only 90 calories.

Make sure that you take healthy treats with you to work. It makes it harder to give in to temptation when you have a treat planned for the day.

It's okay if you indulge every once in awhile - it doesn't mean that you have failed or that you'll never be able to control your portions. When you feel deprived, it increases your chances of overeating - and then stress on top of that makes you want to just say "screw it" because you're not in the right frame of mind to fight the temptation. I know, I've been there.

Start off by trying the "non-food" alternative and see if that helps. It's all about finding what works for you - but I didn't figure it out until tried a bunch of different stuff.

Hope I helped a little.

Hang in there! You can do this!
Hello lovely red ladies! I think that red is a very fashionable colour this season and I even thought about buying high heel red shoes!

Blancita, thanks for your support with my worries. I hope you find a way to break your long term plateau and it's actually amazing that you don't give up. As I often said I admire consistent people more than anything else. Good job!!!

Xorie, I am very enthusiastic that riding burns calories. I thought that my sport routine is extremely boring and I have to find a sport which I will actually enjoy and will become my long term hobby when I reach a point when I need to maintain my weight. I will consider horse riding but of course not sure yet.

Beckie and Omega, you are doing really well. I am very impressed!

Mom, you won't be suprised to hear that I am also "one or none" treat girl and that I also have sweet tooth and the situation which you presented is so familiar. I think Missblonde gave very, very good tips. I personally use some of them and going to steal the rest of them as well :biggrinjester: Thank you Missblonde! The most important thing to know is that one bad day will not harm your long-term project of losing weight. So what is important here is to heal your emotions because you feel disappointed or guilty. Shake your head and let those bad feelings go away. You are fine and all is ok.
By the way thank you for your compliment on my new pic. Very flattered!

Pinkitnes, I hate these people who say "I know you want one". I think it is their nasty game against you. You have to laugh at them and say "Don't bother to tempt me, I am not interested" and walk away.

I am doing ok. Exersices - done, fiber yesterday - 30.3 g., weight - the same. Alas.
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hi ladies--thanks very much for your support, you all really helped me. To update you my work situation is getting better but I am still craving sweets. I had a fairly low cal day today we shall see. I wanted another ice cream bar tonight but I had clementine's instead.
Hey, thanks, guys. ^^

Guh, my eating has been fine, now it's just getting the exercise in. I don't know if I'll get 300+ mins, but I'll definitely try!!!

I've been randomly looking at the scale and I've been getting 203, 202, 202.6... @_@ I wonder if it's the fiber. :0
Off I go to eat and exercise. Good luck, all!
Hey girls! How's everyone doing today? I've done really good with the fiber challenge - I thought that it would be much harder than what it turned out to be...and I've formed some new habits because of it!

I wanted to take my dogs for a walk today on top of exercising, but it is absolutely freezing in Pittsburgh today! Maybe I'll pull out the long underwear..lol.

Well, just wanted to stop in and say hello! Two more solid days before our next weigh-in! We can do it!

Morning Team!

I've been doing well with the bonus challenge this week, getting anywhere from 25 grams (yup, yesterday I just hit it on the nose phew) to 42 grams a day.

On the exercise front, I've only done 2 hours this week, so I still have 1.5 hours just to get to the minimum 3.5 hours. I plan to go to the gym for an hour today and do another 30 min tomorrow morning on the elliptical. I'll be traveling to FL tomorrow afternoon so that'll be it for my exercise for the week.

The weight is at 140 but its liable to fluctuate up by tomorrow. It'll be an added incentive NOT to overeat today since I must weigh in tomorrow as I will not have access to a scale on Fri. Perish the thought :rolleyes:.

Let's get that exercise and fiber in ladies!! Have a good one :).
hello ladies

Doing well here also. Have been getting in plenty of fiber and also doing really well on excercise may have all my points on a day early. I have committed to waking up 15 minutes earlier (no big deal you may think but that makes it 4:30am!) to get to the gym a bit earlier and trying to run 3x a week.

The scale was my friend today and told me I am down 1 lbs to 150.5, let's see if that holds true--boy that would be nice but it was saying 153.5 the 2 days prior so I dont believe it yet--I think its toying with me LOL!

Doing much better today, thanks for all the tips (ps work is smoothign out too).
Mom2 - I am pleased that things are going better for you. Exercise often helps you deal with stress. I am pleased that the scale was your friend.

Blancita - Good luck at the scales on Thursday.

Kimberly has confirmed that we may all use Thursday or Friday's weight - so do what I do (my weight wiggles about a lot) - weigh on both days and choose the best one. Remember to drink lots of water the day before too as that helps our weight be a little lower.
Oh yes Omega, I figured that out too! Unfortunately my skinny sister, whom I'm visiting, doesn't have a scale so I'll have to take tomorrow's weigh in. Thanks for reminding me to be good the rest of the evening.

I've really screwed up on my exercise. I didn't make it to the gym today, I honestly just didn't feel like it. How many points do I get for 2 hours? I hope to squeeze in at least another 30 minutes. Shameful!

Omega, where do you do most of your walking. Do you have somewhere nice to go?

Well I might be the one to go this week for being so lazy :mad:.
Blancita - I thought that you would be water aware - but I thought it worth a mention as some other team members may not think about such matters. If you missed out on exercise - is there any chance of getting a fast walk en route (around the airport for example) or when you get there?

Life with skinny relatives can be difficult - especially those that can eat what they like and never gain a pound. I am related to a lot of thin people too.

I very much doubt that you will be eliminated yet - but the nature of the challenge is such that all of us but the winner will be before the end. I think of it more as a transfer from one aspect to another aspect of the same challenge.

In good weather my walking routes are quite pleasant which is good as I am out walking quite a lot really. Unfortunately the next 5 days are forecast to be solid heavy rain - lovely! I then do my world famous impression of a drowned rat (like I did all day Tuesday)!

My route takes me around the suburb to the west of London where I live. I go along a stretch of the Thames and in nice weather it is all quite pleasant. On three days I stop off at my exercise classes. I think that I have acquired a bit of a reputation as a local eccentric as a lot of people see me out walking and say hello.

I have to do a lot of walking to have any chance of getting rid of this weight. Losing weight is a bit of a struggle for me. I measure my walking on an "every step of the day" basis - but rest assured that I do a lot of walking and it isnt just the normal stuff. So far this year I have walked over 186 miles, over 155 miles since the start of the challenge.

Best wishes