Weight-Loss The Red Team Thread

Wulsk, did I forget to tell you how pretty you look in your new avi?

Oh, come on guys... *blushing*... We are all pretty as we are the RED ladies. Thank you Blancita. I hope your shorter minutes of exercise will not be fatal and you will stay in the team! I keep my fingers crossed. :hug2: Good job on the fiber front!

Mom, you seem you have taken absolute control over the situation! Well done you! We are very proud of you! :hurray:

Beckie, Missblonde and Omega - you are iron as usual!

Cinderelly - where are you? I hope you are doing great.

My fiber for today was 37.8 g. which is very good. However I went over my calories but on the other hand I saw a little movement to the right direction on the scales; still not lower than the last week though. Also I discovered that the parsnips are packed with fiber. :biggrinjester:
mmmm fiber! I got in my 29g today! Am about go on a walk with my doggie! :D keep up the great work everyone!
just got back from a very very chilly 45 min walk with my doogie... :D it was nice. just me and her walking all over with no one to yatter at me! :D
Cinderelly & Beautydiva-where ya gals at??? HOpe all is well.

Keep up the good work RED!!!! Ok now we all need to get our points to carry us through and nto loose anyone!

Well I did really well today, even though work was a bit much and I had a horrid headache I did not indulge in candy (did I mention I have a huge bag xmas mm's in my desk a coworker gave me for xmas????--need to get rid of those things! then I think well if I DO want an indulgence I can have a small treat, well I dont do well with 'small treats'!). I must admit I even opened the wrapper of a candy someone put on my desk (guy at work likes to leave me candy --being nice and evil at same time) but I just smelled it and wrapped it back up!!!

I decided since my birthday is sunday if I am 'good' relatively until then I can do what I wish on that day. Today I focused on only eating when I was truly hungry and it took my consumption down a bit!

TOTAL FIBER=26.8 (whew! just barely)
*gym 45minutes: 10 stairmaster, 10 bike, 10 rowing + arms
*pedometer 13,864
Mom2 - the new bonus means that you can eat some food treats on Sunday for your birthday and not compromise bonus points. Result!
yeah! I was worried the bonus would be 'no sweets' or something like no eating out.

now too bad there isn't a cheesecake factory around here!

getting up was hard this morning but I am off to try and do my running as scheduled.
Think the challenge this week is going to boost us to the top spot!
Lets do this ladies and feel the burn! haha!
We won't be bottom team next week thats for sure!
Morning everyone! I'm very excited about the 3rd week challenge - we can all kick butt!! I have to get an hour and a half of exercise in today to meet the total number of points you can get for exercise this week...and I am determined!

I didn't get to exercise yesterday because I was running all day - helping the grandma with grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning house, the whole bit. So, I know I burned calories - just don't feel right counting it as exercise for points though.

Here's a little motivation for the last day before weigh-in:

Whether something is possible or impossible for you depends more on what you do about it than on any other factor. Your persistent, focused action is what brings possibilities to life.

Certainly there are obstacles that stand in your way. And you can choose to use those obstacles as excuses for not taking action.

Or, you can choose to get up, get motivated and get busy working your way toward the results you seek. Once you begin to take action, the obstacles lose their power to stop you and instead become steps along the pathway to achievement.

The actions necessary for success can often seem to be difficult, complicated, inconvenient, embarrassing, uncomfortable, tiresome or demeaning. Realize that those undesirable qualities are, for the most part, mere inventions of your mind, and your choice to take action will override them every time.

When you know what you must do, then go ahead and make it happen. Stop focusing on the excuses and start moving toward real, valuable achievement.

Your actions have the power to change your life and to change your world. Make full use of them, and fulfill your greatest dreams.

-- Ralph Marston

Have a FABULOUS day!!

GO RED!! :party:
Hey everyone - Im still here - still exercising and doing the challenege.Im just freakin busy...ha ha ha - I have a 24/7 on call job - a single mom of two one of which is really sick right now and my youngest and I are very active - she has preschool twice a week, We go to a Parent and Tot Yoga class once a week and she has Ballet once a week...When I actually have a few days off I am loaded down with errands and chores...I have been gettin in all my fiber:)
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Hello lovely ladies!

Omega, I so much enjoyed your story about walking, especially that I do have similar experience. The rain bothers me a lot, but what I really hate is the wind, especially when I try to do a brisk walk (a really intense one) and when the wind is blowing against me, it's really hard, I almost cried on one occassion. I had a couple of people greeting me as well :)

Xori, I can see that you are doing great and anjoying yourself as well. Good job!

Mom, I can't imagine you could resist those candies. I do not keep any of those near me. I can resist the temptation of any food except chocolates! I hope you are not too tired. I noticed you have to get up at 4.30 am. That's horrible. :ack2:

Pinketnies, I see you are so determined for the next week bonus. So am I! I need to crack this plateau and this will be the week to do it!

Missblonde, I hope you have reached the magical 300 min this week. Thanks for the motivation words. They really help me!

Cinderelly, I am so happy you are doing well. I understand it can be very difficult to you with so much things to do. Be strong!

Blancita, I hope you have nice time with your family and not being naughty girl! :Angel_anim:

Good luck to everyone with the Friday weigh in! I need a miracle to see any loss at all.

I had full 300 min and today's fiber is 39.3 g.
Jeebus, I'm so nervous for tomorrow...I looked at the scale today and it said 201.8. LOL I mean, any loss is fine with me, but I just found that funny. We'll see what tomorrow says. I still need to cram in an hour and 20 minutes' worth of exercise to get to 300. I hope I can, we'll see.

Good luck, everyone! I'm sure all your hard work will amount to something. High hopes! ;D
Not sure that I have any weight loss this week but I'm ok, would like to see 1/2lb, I have 'seen' 151 2x on the scale this week so I am confident I am making progress. TOTAL FIBER=28.4 *Gym:50minutes jog 2.25miles, walk, abs. I need 40 minutes tomorrow to get full points, that shouldnt be a problem even if I just walk at work. I did indulge in ice cream again tonight but it wasnt out of stress more desire than anything and I think I kept my calories a bit too low today, overall under 300 cal treat so I am not going to freak out like last time! PS NOT NOT NOT buying myself ice cream to keep in teh house anymore LOL I thought I could do it but I was wrong and they are gone now so no worries!

I heard a good saying on Oprah that helped me, "It's not the one day indulgences or incidents that determine your weight it is your day to day lifestyle" I like that and think its soo true and reminds me that one day of 'falling off the bandwagon' doesnt mean its all over!

Go Beckie Go, I know you can squeeze that excercise in!

Wulsk-normally I could never keep that in my desk! Too bad I dont know anyone from teh black team I would plant it in their house LOL!

Cinderelly-my my you are a busy lady!!!! I am sure life can get crazy but keep up the good work and dont forget to put mom first, otherwise you cant take care of everyone else as good anyway!

ok all well good luck in the morning!!!!

Morning everyone! I'm very excited about the 3rd week challenge - we can all kick butt!! I have to get an hour and a half of exercise in today to meet the total number of points you can get for exercise this week...and I am determined!

I didn't get to exercise yesterday because I was running all day - helping the grandma with grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning house, the whole bit. So, I know I burned calories - just don't feel right counting it as exercise for points though.

Here's a little motivation for the last day before weigh-in:

Whether something is possible or impossible for you depends more on what you do about it than on any other factor. Your persistent, focused action is what brings possibilities to life.

Certainly there are obstacles that stand in your way. And you can choose to use those obstacles as excuses for not taking action.

Or, you can choose to get up, get motivated and get busy working your way toward the results you seek. Once you begin to take action, the obstacles lose their power to stop you and instead become steps along the pathway to achievement.

The actions necessary for success can often seem to be difficult, complicated, inconvenient, embarrassing, uncomfortable, tiresome or demeaning. Realize that those undesirable qualities are, for the most part, mere inventions of your mind, and your choice to take action will override them every time.

When you know what you must do, then go ahead and make it happen. Stop focusing on the excuses and start moving toward real, valuable achievement.

Your actions have the power to change your life and to change your world. Make full use of them, and fulfill your greatest dreams.

-- Ralph Marston

Have a FABULOUS day!!

GO RED!! :party:

I love this! This is exactly what I've been thinking about the couple of days.
Im unsure abt the bonus points...i have had my fiber all 7 days...how many bonus points is it ?

Im sorry but i think ive gained im sure i did - im sick...wah wah wah...
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missblonde-I see you did it and got in all your excercise!!! Yeah!!!! Go YOU thanks for a wonderful team contribution, thats no easy feat during the week!

Omega-NICE weightloss, 2lbs is so super.

Pinketnies-wow wow wow, almost 4lbs!

CInderelly-keep on plugging along you got your fiber and excercise in so keep up good work! I believe 7days = 21 pts, this challenge wasnt worth quiet as much being not as intense.

So I am very pleased to report a 0.5lb loss! yeah and I should have full fiber and bonus points in at the end of today--yeah! I must admit when I hopped on scale this morning it said 149.0 and I about fainted, man that was ncie to see a 149 but I never believe my scale 1st time as its a bit flakey and the next 2 times said 151 so that is what I am going with BUT it enouraged me to work extra hard next week so perhaps I really CAN see that # LOL!!!

fyi I changed my ticker to reflect my 1/1/08 weight so I could see my true accomplishment since my challenge weights are all posted anyway, that way I can see my efforts and I am trying for the 7lb Jan challenge so that way that is apparent too.

GO RED~!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks mom.
Actually thought that I might be up this week due to the amount I've been eating to get in my fibre!
But obviously not!
Lets all hope for good results next week with all the gyming we'll all be doing!!
Bonus this week is definatly do able!!
Fresh air in the lungs and all!
I love this! This is exactly what I've been thinking about the couple of days.

I'm so glad you liked it! I love Ralph Marston - you can always count on him to have good stuff!

mom2 - I'm so glad I got all my exercise in - I had to be creative yesterday. I did a 65 minute Firm Workout - and then I did 13 minutes of Pilates and took the dogs for a 20 minute walk. My knees are mad at me today...lol.
Mom2 - Thanks! I had a 2 pound loss bringing me to a new low on Thursday so I filled in the form since I normally go up after a new low. The news from the scales was good today (Friday) and I got another new low. I have just been and changed the form to show the 2.6 pound loss that I now have.