Weight-Loss The Red Team Thread

Hey Mom2 - Happy Birthday!!!

With the tags - well Im not sure abt the tags but you can subscribe to threads and you can also search for someone...put their screen name in where it says search and search by threads not posts to find a diary...I think if you hit permalink it will subscribe you to the thread or the places you visit regularly with just be saved in your user cp
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If you want to find the diaries of everyone on the red team
- go to a posting of theirs - e.g. we all have postings in this thread.
- click on their name in the heading line
- click on view public profile
- in forum info - click on "find all threads started by ...."
- the forum colum will say "weight loss diary" for that persons diaries and the last post column will indicate which is the current one if there is more than one.
First off,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM2 !!!!!!!!! :hurray:
I hope this will be the year when you will reach all your goals! :hurray:

Blancita, you have been very honest and yes, we all have those moments when we just don't feel to exercise. After all life is not only weight loss, dieting and exercising! Having said that I keep my fingers crossed you get motivated again! :hurray:

Mom, how was the birthday meal? Have you been a good girl? :hat: As for the dieries I do not have one as I am really not good in writing especially when English is not my native language. I don't know about Fitday but in sparkpeople.com you can add any food with all the details about calories, carbs, protein etc.

Omega, you must be about the only person in the world to lose weight on Christmas. I gained something like 6 pounds in the Christmas week.

Missblonde, it was such a lovely birthday video. I saved it in my favourites.

I have a success - I finally registered a new lowest weight this morning. I was sooo happy! I am really careful with the food.
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I have a success - I finally registered a new lowest weight this morning. I was sooo happy! I am really careful with the food.

A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! Congratulations girlie!! :hurray:

I have a little bit of a success story myself - which I'll be repeating myself because I'll probably write all about it in my diary - but yesterday I fit into a pair of jeans COMFORTABLY that are two sizes smaller than I was in the beginning of November...VERY, VERY EXCITING FOR ME!! :jump:

I got in 75 minutes of exercise yesterday - so far for the week I have 195 minutes...let's kick some butt girls!!
Congratulations Mom!!
That is really really brilliant!!
Well done!
I'm so proud of all of us.
Number one this week I think!
We all need to get 300 minutes of exercise this week. I completed mine on Saturday and entered it on page 1 in case of computer problems later this week. I am sure that the other teams will be becoming more focused since both other teams have now lost members. If we do not all maximise points - I fear that we will lose more people.

Under no circumstances should the people currently in the top four places rest on their laurels. Many of us are only seperated by the point value of a good week of weight loss - so the positions can easily change. Be warned that if we were to lose team members this week we would still risk losing three more members next week. Although this scenario is unlikely - we would be foolish to ignore it and not all maximise our points.

Omega, you must be about the only person in the world to lose weight on Christmas.
I actually had a brilliant Christmas and passed the milestone that brought me into the 160s and the one where I moved from obese to overweight between Christmas and New Year. My weight loss success was my best Christmas present.
Wulsk and Missblonde-yahoo for reaching a new low/goal!!!

Omega-you are so excellent, all your 5 hours in by saturday!!!

OK ladies I am also working very hard and have good success to report. friday I was 151 sat & sun 150.5 and today rang in at 149--twice I double checked! Though I know it may fluctuate back up a bit I know I am down that far now!!! and THAT was after birthday dinner. Plus I am starting to 'see' results from my increasingly vigorous workouts in way of muscle tone--yeah! Improved fitness and helath is what I am really after.

Hubby called me down in a hurry over something only to find him smiling iwht a chocolate birthday cake and candles which was very sweet so I did have cake, perhaps a bit too mcuh (so I skipped the planned margarita)and restricted myself to 1/2c ice cream, we stayed home and had some more delicious steaks and sweet potato but I had a MUCH smaller steak and for our movie time I stayed with a 100cal popcorn bag. All in all I did very well and we are going out today but I plan to stay reasonably well with the eating.
Mom2 Congratulations on the weight loss after the birthday celebrations. It is amazing how much you can celebrate and lose weight. All that you need is focus and consistency.
Hello lovely ladies,

Missblonde, I am so happy for you... oh, the jeans, they never lie, aren't they? One of the best feelings a girl can have! REALLY GOOD JOB!!! :hurray:
Is this you on your avatar? You look so cute! At first glance I thought it's the main lady in "Sex and the City" (forgot her name).

Omega, I love your extremely serious attitude towards the challenge. You really keep us motivated. At least myself! You are the new British Iron Lady. :)

Mom, I so much enjoyed reading about your birthday. You did the best thing to eat some of those cake. After all if we can't eat cakes on our birthdays why we are alive at all? Also I am delighted you don't feel guilty or something! As long as those sugary things are treats and not part of our daily menus, we are safe.

Pinketnies, Xorie, Cinderelly - I keep my fingers crossed you are all well and motivated.

I am doing great. Exercises are just as planned. I had a bit larger meal for dinner tonight but I do not regret it. I think I will have a loss from 1 to 2 pounds possibly this week.
just popping in to see how everyone is doing, I know the weekends can be such a challenge--at least for me. I am logging my food for the week into fitday (the lunch I cooked for the week and breakfast etc since I eat same all week nromally) I plan to count calories tuesday and wednesday just to get an idea where I am at.
Pinketnies, Xorie, Cinderelly - I keep my fingers crossed you are all well and motivated.

Your a sweety - thanx:) Im doing ok - we are almost over our sickness over here...Im telling ya man oh man...Im a busy lady but I actively do alot - exercise is my strong suit!!!
Hello birdies,
Well I am trying to get my hours in.
I will get my 5 hours in thats for sure!
Don't worry about me.
Just a bit worried about the weight loss side of things!
can't see the scale going down too much but I am walking and toning everyday.
Lets all get our hours in!
The weather here is just starting to brighten up, mornings and evenings are also getting lighter so I'll be able to get even more walking in!
Also my mums dog is coming to stay for 3 weeks on MOnday so even more walking!! haha!!
Hope everyone is well and motivated!!
Pinketnies - a lot of people encounter difficulties on the weight loss side of things. My own weight loss is always skewed and difficult. Naturally we would all like to lose weight every week - but especially deep into a long term project (as I am) that doesnt always happen. I believe that this is one reason why exercise and bonuses are given a much higher weighting in such challenges compared to weight loss. We are rewarded for the work that we do to lose weight and not just weight loss.
Pinketnies - a lot of people encounter difficulties on the weight loss side of things. My own weight loss is always skewed and difficult. Naturally we would all like to lose weight every week - but especially deep into a long term project (as I am) that doesnt always happen. I believe that this is one reason why exercise and bonuses are given a much higher weighting in such challenges compared to weight loss. We are rewarded for the work that we do to lose weight and not just weight loss.

AMEN!! That is why this challenge is SO GREAT, its all about effort! :party: Then, if you see the results along the way you realize how much your effort can pay off. If we all get all our points in this week we will be sitting good!

Ok off to get what I *think* is my last excercise points, need to count them up though.

happy eating!
Is this you on your avatar? You look so cute! At first glance I thought it's the main lady in "Sex and the City" (forgot her name).

Yeah, that's me!! Thanks so much for the compliment - its back when I was blonde :( I miss being totally blonde. I have highlights now instead of just the dark hair, but one day - when I'm working again, I'll be back to blonde. :)


Hope you guys are all doing well! I got another 70 min in of exercise yesterday..the scale hasn't been moving to much for me either..so I'm glad we get bonus points.

Have a great day guys!
I'm still here! sorry, but it's been slightly hectic for the last few days. One of our ponies passed on Saturday, and that caused some big changes. burial, a "send off" (sort of a saying good bye for those who really needed it) and then getting everyone back. Then, there were a couple of other problems, angry horses, crazy horses, kicking horses...me almost faceplanting it off of a horse... :D :D

And then, it's just been "run here" "go there" "do this" "do that" ...blah blah blah.. basically, i've been super busy.

I'll get better though! I'll pop in here more often!

Anyway, I've been getting in my exercise, but not doing so hot on the food... oh well, will do better. got called a fat cow today..that made me feel good, but then again, if I had been called that a year ago, I probably would have had to leave the room to cry a little because of how low my self esteem was. Not this time. I came close, but then thought about how far I've come, and how I'm still going, and thought about my horse...and poof, his a**holey comment could bother me much. Yeah it still does a little, but not really, or not nearly as much as it would have. I give much of the credit to this forum and all the help that it's given me! keep up the good work everyone! Let's be on top this week!
:hug2:Xorie:hug2: - Im sorry to hear about one of your ponies passin:hug2:

Well ladies - last Friday I weighted in at 234.0 as of his morning Im weighin in at 231.2 and I plan on gettin down a bit more...

Today when my little one goes to preschool I plan on going to the gym - she goes to preschool for 2 hrs - im gonna ride the bike and read:)

Tomorrow I m going to the gym at 6am to work out for 1.5hrs and then I have Yoga for 45 mns with my yongest and I will be attending water areobics in the evening - that is the plan...I might skip the water areobics just depends on how im feeling...

Thursday I will attend water areobics in the evening and I will probually go to the gym again when my little one is in prechool oh and I will know for sure today but if there is still space available bth my girls and i will be attending Family Yoga together Thursday evening:)

Friday will be the gym in the am agian and water areobics but that doesnt count for this week...
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Hello Red Beauties!!!

Mom, it's excellent that you track your food. Bikinibound challenges thought me to do so as well. I might not be able to do this every day in the future but now I am much more aware and actually I can quite well tell what sort of calories I have eaten every day even without the estimations. One has a running calculator in his head after some time.

Cinderelly, you have double my admirations because the BIGGEST challenge for me will be next week when I start attending my college course and not being concentrated in my weight loss 24/7. I admire people who work and have children and still manage to lose weight. Congratulations on your loss as well! Fantastic!

Pinketnies, I was like you last week frustrated by not losing weight. We all know that weight can be stubborn but when the scales don't respond to the efforts we do it is demotivating. No one said losing weight will be flowers after all! Eventually you will be the winner against the bloody pounds though! I am sure! :)

Pinketnies - a lot of people encounter difficulties on the weight loss side of things. My own weight loss is always skewed and difficult. Naturally we would all like to lose weight every week - but especially deep into a long term project (as I am) that doesnt always happen. I believe that this is one reason why exercise and bonuses are given a much higher weighting in such challenges compared to weight loss. We are rewarded for the work that we do to lose weight and not just weight loss.

AMEN!! That is why this challenge is SO GREAT, its all about effort! Then, if you see the results along the way you realize how much your effort can pay off. If we all get all our points in this week we will be sitting good!

:iagree::iagree::iagree: Very wise words guys!!!!!!

Missblonde, I've never been blond and maybe I will never be... I only can imagine what is it to be blonde :D

Xorie, I am sorry for your horsy problems. I hope your mad horses get a bit more behaved and let you have a rest. :) I don't know who can say such a horrible thing but certainly he/she has some serious issues himself. You will be at your goal in no time. Just stick with us!

I am doing comperatively well. I haven't eaten enough today because of a very silly reason. I ate some old, almost rotten watermelon for breakfast. I am obssessed by not throwing food. I can't do this. The melon seemed a bit not very normal but I ate it. Then I got stomach upset and I couldn't eat lunch. I have recovered till the evening and had my dinner. I am being a silly woman :)
wulsk-you remind me of one of my friends, she wouldnt throw away food and didnt want anyone to so if we went to lunch we woudl bring her leftoversLOL and she was a poor college kid so she always wanted them anyway! I do hope you are feeling better!

Missblonde&Cinderelly-great job on excercise!

Cinderelly-I don tknow how you make time for everything!

Missblonde-cute pic!

Xorie-what a horrible thing to say, whomever that was you shoudl go to great lengths to avoid and remove compeltely from your life--how horrible, what a vile person. I am sorry about the horse too, I cant imagine how hard that is.

well I dont know how anyone coutns calories, I have never done it and its just not for me! I tried today, planned ahead but then we had an inservice luncheon at work and so they provided lunch and I had brought curry--too stinky to bring in the room so I had one 4'' sandwich then went adn got my own cottage cheese and orange, then tonight I am too tried to cook and hubby didnt want to eat so he and I both had leftover birthday cake for dinner :-( Near as I can tell I am getting around 2000 calories a day, a bit much perhaps but as long as I am loosing I think its about right since I am also still nursing that is supposed to be an extra 3-500 calories a day but sicne I have cut back maybe only 150-250. I will worry more about cutting calories if I hit a plateau for now I am just worried about the healht content of the food. That being said I AM going to try counting again tomorrow just to get an idea.
Cinderelly-I don tknow how you make time for everything!

ha - sometimes I dont either - I just go go go and when I need to talk about my schedule or look at th9ings written then aI just shake my head - lol...

Today - I went on a 30 min 2 mile walk and did an hour of ball exercises and yoga:) - so another 90 mins for today!