Hello Red Beauties!!!
Mom, it's excellent that you track your food. Bikinibound challenges thought me to do so as well. I might not be able to do this every day in the future but now I am much more aware and actually I can quite well tell what sort of calories I have eaten every day even without the estimations. One has a running calculator in his head after some time.
Cinderelly, you have double my admirations because the BIGGEST challenge for me will be next week when I start attending my college course and not being concentrated in my weight loss 24/7. I admire people who work and have children and still manage to lose weight. Congratulations on your loss as well! Fantastic!
Pinketnies, I was like you last week frustrated by not losing weight. We all know that weight can be stubborn but when the scales don't respond to the efforts we do it is demotivating. No one said losing weight will be flowers after all! Eventually you will be the winner against the bloody pounds though! I am sure!
Pinketnies - a lot of people encounter difficulties on the weight loss side of things. My own weight loss is always skewed and difficult. Naturally we would all like to lose weight every week - but especially deep into a long term project (as I am) that doesnt always happen. I believe that this is one reason why exercise and bonuses are given a much higher weighting in such challenges compared to weight loss. We are rewarded for the work that we do to lose weight and not just weight loss.
AMEN!! That is why this challenge is SO GREAT, its all about effort! Then, if you see the results along the way you realize how much your effort can pay off. If we all get all our points in this week we will be sitting good!
Very wise words guys!!!!!!
Missblonde, I've never been blond and maybe I will never be... I only can imagine what is it to be blonde
Xorie, I am sorry for your horsy problems. I hope your mad horses get a bit more behaved and let you have a rest.
I don't know who can say such a horrible thing but certainly he/she has some serious issues himself. You will be at your goal in no time. Just stick with us!
I am doing comperatively well. I haven't eaten enough today because of a very silly reason. I ate some old, almost rotten watermelon for breakfast. I am obssessed by not throwing food. I can't do this. The melon seemed a bit not very normal but I ate it. Then I got stomach upset and I couldn't eat lunch. I have recovered till the evening and had my dinner. I am being a silly woman