Weight-Loss The Red Team Thread

My stats have been updated Kimberly.

Do I need to figure the points - or do you do that?

I could of sworn I read somewhere that you were doing it, and darned if I can find it now.
I don't know if I can do any exercise today...;o; I hurt my knee somehow! ): Hopefully, it'll be better later or by tomorrow. I guess I'll work on my fiber. I think this'll be harder for me than the no-junk. @,@ We'll see.

Hey guys!! How is everyone's Friday?? I'm so freakin nervous about eliminations! This contest has kept me so motivated it isn't funny. So, to be eliminated now would be a crusher. I think I'm still gonna follow it if I do get eliminated and do the weekly challenges just to keep me on track.

But anyways...I wanted to let you guys know that I went grocery shopping this morning to stock up on some FIBER RICH FOODS! I was gonna get the BeneFiber or Metamucil..but I'm too broke for all that. I did find these granola bars made by Fiber One - and they are pretty darn tasty! They also have 9 grams of fiber in them...and they aren't too high on calories. I got the Oat & Chocolate flavor.

So, just another idea to get fiber. I also stocked up on raisins, bananas, apples and whole-wheat bread. Triscuits have fiber in them too, so I got a box of the low fat. I'M PUMPED!

those fiber one bars are SOOOO tasty, I got a box once and later when I was craving sweets I ate the whole box--no kidding!

I so love granola but all of the 'good' kind is so high in fat I gave it up, do you know of any decent brands or kinds--maybe I just havent found the right one. I add wheat germ, flax seed, or almond slivers to my yogurt now instead.

Ok so who got their fiber in for today?? Sounding off?? I did, just tallying up now and I'm at 58.2 YEAH!!! does that mean I get double points, he he just kidding.
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Week 1 Results

Red Team
Wulsk 56
Omega 52.6
Blancita 52
Pinketnies 51.5
beautydiva 51.2
mom2 50
Missblonde4878 49.5
Xorie 47.6
Cinderelly 44.4
Beckie139 42.6
Kgirl 39
Hickgurltx 26.7
Pooreater 0

Black Total 662.3 Pts
Blue Total 634.8 Pts
Red Total 563.1 Pts

I'm sorry to say that the people whose names appear in red have been eliminated. There will be a separate thread for them to join if they wish. Just copy and paste your stat post there, and you can continue to play and update weekly. Also, please delete your stat post here once you do that. Just type "eliminated" in it, as there is a minimum number of characters that you need to leave. At the end of the challenge, I'll total up the pts in the eliminated thread, and the person with the most pts will win that. So you still have something to work for. Don't give your weight loss goals. You can reach them if you keep at it. :)
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Just to show you how close the teams really are, when I adjust the pts for the people who were eliminated, you can see that there are less than 12pts separating each team. The first number is this week's pts. The second number subtracts the eliminated people's pts for the Red and Blue teams, and averages the pts for the Black team.

Red Total 563.1 497.4
Blue Total 634.8 520.1
Black Total 662.3 509.46

Have a great Week 2!
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thats ok, keep going!

Lets step it up team! We can't afford to be the losers this week too! Lets get all the bonus points in, the exercise points in, and lets lose weight together! We can do it!
I was so freakin nervous signing on here this morning..lol. PHEW, I made it. :party:

It's sad losin team members..its all part of the contest though, I guess. :cry:

Well, I hit my fiber goal yesterday..but barely..26g. It was rough! For me anyways. I've never counted my fiber intake...and never realized how important it was. So, thanks for making that a bonus!

Kgirl and Hickgurltx, girls, please don't be upset. It is a harsh challenge and no one is safe here.
I am doing very well this week. All foods which give fiber are kind of my favourite so I eat them with pleasure. I had 25.9 g. of fiber yesterday. My only consern is that I have increased my calories thanks to all the nuts, raisins, fruits and bread which might lead to a gain for the next week :banghead: but I am definitelly getting the bonus points. :coolgleamA:
I want to wish Stacy and Kgirl good luck in the second chance contest.

Eventually almost all of us will be eliminated - and we will all be competing in that parallel contest.
bye Stacy & Kgirl-good luck and I hope you will do the other thread, as someone mentioned we will all be there sooner or later! Please dont get bummed.

For those of us left we have to work extra hard, it is soooo time to get going! I promise I will get FULL excercise points (barely scraped it in last week) and FULL challenge points. Lets go! Lets Go!
I want to wish Stacy and Kgirl good luck in the second chance contest.

me too!

Eventually almost all of us will be eliminated - and we will all be competing in that parallel contest.

thats true!!
well congrats everyone whomade it,keep it up guyz we are running behind :(

well today i went to body conditioning class.it was great fun and i m all sore now!!

and as far as bonus points concern , im having fruit n fibre cereal with weeta bix , lentils,wholemeal pitta,nuts and vegetables

and thanx mom2 to let me know how to update my stats ,i'll do this ina min
keep it up red team,we all can do this!!
I like this bonus challenge because it actually makes me get back into the habit of looking at what i eat before I do, and then that sparks the, "oh, i REALLY don't need this" thought :D
Xorie-I also love this challenge because it is getting us to look at the quality of food we are eating rather than just the calories/fat plus it is requiring me to journal my food for another week so perhaps I can get into the habit of doing this journaling thing, I have never made it more than 3 days before!

Hope you are all having a good weekend, did everyone get in their fiber??? I got in 37.64 grams by eating barley cereal, smoothie with flax wheat germ kefir, apple, 4 clementines, sweet potatoe, mushrooms and onions (on my delicious freshly butchered t-bone steak--we just bought 1/4 cow and oh my is it delicious!!!).