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November 13th, 2007: Thoughts for the Day

One Brick at a Time

Are you closer to your goals and dreams today than you were yesterday?

Will you be closer to those goals and dreams when you wake up tomorrow morning?

It all depends on the action you take everyday towards achieving them.

Most people would agree that it is very important to be very clear and precise about the things that you desire in your life. Almost all success courses and seminars highly encourage you to write down your goals and dreams, and to be very specific. It is indeed a huge key.

After writing them down, you need to make time on to review them a regular basis. You may even need to do a little fine tuning and revamping from time to time.

Many also advocate the great value in reading these affirmations, or goal statements every day. Some teachers even suggest that you do this two or three times a day. Some people write out their goals and dreams every morning on paper.

These and other methods help you to stay clear and focused on your goals and desires. Nothing really ever changes on the outside until there is change on the inside. But, after endeavoring to do exercises like this on a consistent basis, then what? Just wait for things to happen?

The question you need to ask yourself every morning is, "What action am I taking today to reach my goals and dreams?" While the above mentioned methods and exercises are extremely beneficial, they in and of themselves will not bring your goals and dreams into reality. However, they ought to inspire, encourage and motivate you to take action!

What kind of action?

Find something that you can do today, that is directly related to your goals and dreams. If you do, you will be closer to your goals and dreams when you wake up tomorrow morning. It could be a phone call to gather information. It could be reading a new book in order to gain insight into your particular field. It could be visiting someone or some place. The point is, do something.

Before you go to sleep at night, take a few moments to figure out exactly what you are going to do tomorrow that is directly related to your goals and dreams. Decide on at least one thing that you can do.

Many times people have wonderful goals and dreams. They even get very clear and specific. They incorporate some daily affirmations, or, use other methods to help get these dreams and goals locked into their minds. That's all well and good. But then, they wait to take any action.

Oftentimes, people truly believe that they are already taking enough action. And somewhere in their thinking, they have decided that they will do something about their goals and dreams when the time is right, or when they have more time to really work on it.

Do you know why people get stuck into thinking that way? It is because big goals and big dreams seem big, and sometimes, too big. If you're going to build a ten story brick building, you can't just lay one or two bricks, can you? Well, why not?

Think about it. If you had all the bricks for that building right there next to you, how many bricks could you lay at a time? The building is built one brick at a time. Brick by brick, by brick, the building will be built.

Just because you don't have a whole day, or a week, or month to work on your goals and dreams, you can still lay one or two bricks today. Who knows, maybe tomorrow you'll have time to lay twenty or thirty. But, regardless of how busy you are, make time to lay at least one brick today!

If you do that, when you get up tomorrow morning, you will be closer to your goals and dreams than you are today. You will get there, one brick at a time.


EACH OF YOU set yourself FIRE!


Make cleare and concise goals!

Do something each day that will move you closer!


NLP – 8 techniques to overcome the beliefs that limit your ability and gain excellence in your task

By the time you read this NLP article completely, you will be amazed as there will not be any belief that would restrict your ability anymore. The NLP says that the beliefs that we hold give us both strength and empowerment. So, it becomes important to have the belief that can enhance your ability rather than restricting it.

NLP classifies the limiting beliefs into three categories as follows:

Desperation – Under this situation, the person thinks that he can never achieve his goal under any circumstances. He desperately tries to achieve his goal but fails because he works with half-heartedness.

Defenselessness - Under this, the person thinks that he can achieve his goal, but he rely more on luck and fate.

Worthlessness – Under this, the person think that he is unable to deserve to achieve the goal. He finds himself as incapable and not worth any thing.

To which category do you belong? NLP can surely help you to come out of the limiting belief. These are 8 NLP techniques that can help you overcome the belief that restricts your ability and gain excellence:

1. Hold the belief that gives you strength and empowerment: Research has shown that the people who think they are unhealthy and suffering from any disease die early than the persons who are actually suffering from any diseases. NLP states that your thinking affects your both mentally and physically. Hold the belief that bears a positive impact on you.

2. Ignore the beliefs that restrict your energy and confidence levels: When you tell your mind that you cannot do a particular thing or you are not capable of doing any thing, then you surely never do that thing. Such beliefs are restricting you to achieve any thing are called as the ‘limiting beliefs’ in NLP.

3. Limiting belief can be the consequence of any significant experience in your life – come out of that experience with NLP: NLP sates that most of the beliefs that we hold are because of any kind of significant experience that you must have been through in your life. Once a boy was so focused on his target to hit the ball with his bat that he hurted his brother who was coming towards him. His parents scolded him. Since then he made up his mind that if he will go after his target he will hurt someone. This belief affected him badly in this adult life.

Hence, the boy must have tried to overcome that bad experience and improved on it rather than allowing that experience to come with him all through his life. NLP calls this as framing the bad experience for well.

4. Make your self aware of the belief limits you: When you do not attempt to do any task or you fail in the task that you have done, the first thing that most of the people do is, they try to justify their failure rather than finding out the ways to improve them. This is most common attitude of people, proved by NLP. Instead of this, you must find out the reasons that are responsible for your failure.

Ask your self the following questions:

Why is the goal unattainable for me?
Why skills do I lack in to attain this?
Why do I think that I do not deserve to achieve this goal?

5. Work on your limiting beliefs: Once you uncover the beliefs that are restricting you, try to eliminate those beliefs that are not allowing you to achieve your goal. Work on limiting beliefs and try hard to make changes. NLP techniques mentioned below can help you to do that.

The techniques of NLP tries to eliminate the gap between you and your restricting beliefs.

6. Do not allow that belief take power over you: NLP advises you to work on your odd beliefs and get it out of your life as soon as possible before they gain power and superiority over you. Once they gain power over you, you will start loosing your one or the other power or ability.

7. Uncover the purpose of the belief: Ask yourself how does this belief affects or benefits you. Give your belief a thought and find out the answer. NLP techniques can help you uncover the true purpose of your belief in your life. If you hold the belief that all men are troublesome, think and mould your belief like ‘some characterless men are troublesome while all are not the same.

8. Proving a wrong belief as wrong: This is one of the most powerful NLP techniques, which help you eradicate the limiting beliefs in your life. You have to prove wrong the wrong beliefs. The only way of doing that is, when you think that you cannot do any thing just go for it. Attempt to achieve that thing. It is natural that you may be unsuccessful in the first attempt but once you do it your false belief that you cannot do it shatters away.
Belief change exercise:

Replace your negative belief with the positive one.

Analyze your dream and the circumstances in which you generated that belief.

Examine whether it bears a positive or negative impact on you.

If it is negative one, try out the most possible ways that you can find to replace it with the positive one.

This is most easy, simple yet powerful NLP technique that you can implement today for your benefit. It can help you eliminate the limiting beliefs and gain excellence in your task

Article by: Pradeep Aggarwal



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Thank you.

How are you doing?

Remember this:

Good morning all!

I have one thing to say this morning:


And, I have this friendly gesture for SpicyPumkin with the current problems she is experiencing:




Bump this forward:

I plan to make several more posts in tribute to:

1. Protein Boy (Jon)-Partially Done
2. SpicyPumkin--Done
3. Beth-Done
4. AMP-Done
5. The FFer-Done
6. Jackie-Done
7. Sparrow--Done
8.CCR-Another Pending
9.Derwydonn (Sara) :)) Working on now)
11. Phate
12. Stingo
13. Dallen
14. PriSm
15. Dav1d
16. Lei
17. Phil
18. Tony
19. Evo
20. Mreik
21. LV
22. Woodt
23. Merciless
24. Marko

25. Deschain
26. GT2003
27. Drex


Derwydonn is next....

Bump this forward........been busy....but I HAVE NOT forgotten......


(EDIT: I havent forgot these, I have had some personal issues to contend with lately. I plan to do CCR and Derwydonn today)
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Then we rock the heck on with another then!..........HEHEHEHE

How about another than in a few continue to brighten your day!

When something beats on the Spicy Health Hen it beats it back:


I will have another message for the Spiced UP Health Hen in a few minutes!


A Special Tribute to SP:

You have some very special Qualities SpicyPumkin, all you have to do is withdraw from them........and ROCK!

How Chillen sees the Woman behind the Spicy Health Hen:

You know where your going
You know what you want
You know what you have to offer
You are willing to give
You guide and inspire
You give gifts of thoughtfulness

(When I saw this poem, I thought of you)

(modified by Chillen)

...who knows where she's going
and will keep on until she gets there;
who knows not only what she wants from life
but what she has to offer in return...

who is loyal to family and friends,
who expects no more from others
than she is willing to give;

who guides and inspires
not by quoting others philosophies but by living her own good example;
who accepts both victories and disappointments with the same grace,
and who can rise above life's challenges and move on...

who gives the gifts of her thoughtfulness,
who shows her caring with a word of support,
her understanding with a smile;
a woman who brings joy to others
just by being herself...

(author is unknown, Modified by Chillen)

Strong Woman Vs. A Woman of Strength

A strong woman
works out every day to keep her body in shape...


A woman of strength

studies to keep her mind in shape... (modified by Chillen)

A strong woman
isn't afraid of anything...


A woman of strength
shows courage in the midst of her fear...

A strong woman
won't let anyone get the best of her...


A woman of strength
gives the best of her to everyone...

A strong woman
makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...

A woman of strength
realizes life's mistakes, counts her blessings, and capitalizes on them... (modified by Chillen)

A strong woman
walks sure footedly...


A woman of strength
but will catch herself when she falls... (modified by Chillen)

A strong woman
wears the look of confidence on her face...


A woman of strength
wears grace...

A strong woman
has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...


A woman of strength
has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong...

Luke Easter & Dee Cheeks (and Modified by Chillen)

Hold your young head High. Always get to "the Heart of the Matter" and ROCK your world, SP. Dont deny yourself EVER.

Your friend,

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So, Chillen, did you start your cut already? If so, what weight were you when you started it (I think u'r goal was 180). Can't wait to see the results. I know you always tell us to rock on, but......ROCK ON yourself my fine friend. Take care, Gret
So, Chillen, did you start your cut already? If so, what weight were you when you started it (I think u'r goal was 180). Can't wait to see the results. I know you always tell us to rock on, but......ROCK ON yourself my fine friend. Take care, Gret

I stopped at 176.8. And I am currently cutting back. Start weight (as in my pic in my avatar) 158. When Im done I will be posting new pics and my new weight.........
Heya im back, sorry i been away for a couple of days but things have been a bit unsetting my end, but im good now, and ready to rock some more, so hows you doing??

Jackie xxxx

ROCK ON !!!!!!!!
What happened?

Glad to hear things worked out......

Your welcome as always.....Jackie.

Your friend,

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