The ChillOut Log

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I thoroughly appreciate all the time you had taken to make such insightful post, to the COL.

It is a very refreshing perspective, Sara. Thank you very much. :)

Have a good day today and get to feeling better, girl!

Again, thank you!

Great post der. Good quotes too.
Great post Der, very nice words

Sorry i havent been around much Chillen, its hard fitting things into my life atm with full time work and working out, etc, i dont know how you do it, lol, so whats up with you man???

Jackie xx
Great post Der, very nice words

Sorry i havent been around much Chillen, its hard fitting things into my life atm with full time work and working out, etc, i dont know how you do it, lol, so whats up with you man???

Jackie xx
Great post Der, very nice words

Sorry i havent been around much Chillen, its hard fitting things into my life atm with full time work and working out, etc, i dont know how you do it, lol, so whats up with you man???

Jackie xx

You must of really liked Der's post, you double posted! :D

My "type" of work is different then yours. I run a network infrastructure, and have 5 employees on my staff, and have a dream job (its more mental than physically demanding)........

Do what you can with what you have. Keep working at it!

Are you still working at the same place? Same amount of hours?

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"Thoughts for the day", Guest Poster

I spoke to Dallen, and he has accepted to do a "thoughts for the day" post this week.

Be looking for this cool dude's intelligent post!

I will make several "thoughts for the day" posts in the log 2morrow. And, continue my "tribute posts" to forum members.............

Everyone FLAT ROCKS..........and you know it!

(Dallen has since changed his mind)

Wish all of you the best,

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You must of really liked Der's post, you double posted! :D
oh yeah haha

My "type" of work is different then yours. I run a network infrastructure, and have 5 employees on my staff, and have a dream job (its more mental than physically demanding)........

Do what you can with what you have. Keep working at it!ok i hear you, i think i need some help with hoe many calories to eat, could ya help me with this please

Are you still working at the same place? Same amount of hours?
yes but from tomorrow to friday im gonna be doing 1.5 hours overtime each day.

yeah i will, and you man! Jackie xx
Of course I will help you!

Its TRUE there is power in TWO

Do not feel BLUE ; I am here to help; to BREW and STEW the new YOU.

Best wishes to my friend, Jackie
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thanks chillen, you know my stats, so how many calories should i be eating? i want to create a calorie defienct within my diet, and then my training will take out more on top of that, i dunno if you get that lol

Jackie xx
Has your weight changed any? Since we talked last? What is the current weight?

Lets start with that.

Yes, I understand what you are saying.

If you have time, can you get on yahoo now?
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November 7th, 2007: Thoughts for the Day


Obstacles tend to be unexpected but should be expected.

They can come at the most inconvient times-----when is the right time? :)

The CENTRAL KEY to dealing with them is ATTITUDE. When you see a detour sign on the way to work, do you say, "oh, well", shrug your shoulders and go home?..........LOL.........of course not.

Obstacles are to be faced and overcome.

1. Realize that what may be an obstacle for you may be nothing for another person and vice versa: Is this really an obstacle or are you choosing to look at this way?

2. Look at who and whats in your corner with you.

Just like a boxer has his trainer, coach, and manager in the corner to keep him going every round, so should you have your own team in your corner.

Determine what kind of support and help you NEED, then ASK THEM.


Remain COOL and objective.

4. What you would you tell a friend if they were faced with the same problem?

Sometimes its easier to tell a someone else how to approach an obstacle and how to get around it


5. See yourself conquring the Obstacle. Then work your way back.

Visualize having achieved your desired end result. Then work backwards to determine what you need to do, what kind of person you need to be, and to achieve that result. Hindsight...........20/20?

6. DONT BE SHY! Ask for it!

A direct request for help and support is all that is sometines necessary to get what you need to conquer the obstacle.

7. Determine how you CAN DO IT!

If you think you CANT conquer an obstacle, there are reasons why you can.

Use this: (from an article I read today)

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two columns. Title one column--HOW I CAN and the other HOW I CANT.

Draw a big X to fill the entire HOW I CANT column--because that doesnt matter

You are not concerned with how you cant conquer an obstacle

You are concerned with HOW YOU CAN

THink of creative ways you can conquer an obstacle; for every cant you think of, just write down in the CAN column the direct opposite solution.


Obstacles can be so overwhelming that you end up doing nothing about it, except take it every single day. Break it down to sub-conquers if necessary, and set it up in steps......for the ULTIMATE CONQUER! This way you are doing something about it--------rather than looking for some magic wand, or magic PILL or magician to show up.


9. Forge ahead with unyielding determination

By doing this you will gain energy and momentum needed to knock down what gets in your way. Sometimes just working THROUGH works in overcoming obstacles.



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November 8th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (1)

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.


Hello, everyone! I hope this day finds you well.

I hope you are personally content, happy, and you have no bad things happen to you.

Self-Limiting Beliefs: The Inner Enemies of Progress

By Oma Edoja (and modified by Chillen)

What are they?

Self-limiting beliefs are those things you believe about yourself that place limitations on your abilities. They may be conscious or unconscious. They may be founded or unfounded.

Some examples:

I am fat so no one will marry me, or

I am not lucky; I won’t get the job.

That you are fat may well be true. That no one will marry you as a result definitely isn’t. Some people prefer fat partners, and it’s the person inside that really matters. And luck isn’t the criterion for getting a job. You get jobs based on merit.

Limitations are actually a thing of the mind. In reality we have none. You can do anything if you make up your mind to do it. Determination always finds a way around obstacles. Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can…. or if you think you can’t…you’re right!” It all depends on what you believe about yourself.

How do they work?

Our thoughts and beliefs colour our vision and perception of the world. They determine our actions or inactions. Thoughts affect feelings. Feelings affect behaviour. Behaviour produces results (or the lack of them). It all begins with our thoughts, since we have to accept a thought for it to become a belief.

It’s been said that whatever you believe becomes your reality. You do not believe what you see; rather you see what you already believe. For this reason, two people facing the same situation may interpret it differently, act according to their different beliefs and experience different outcomes.

Self-limiting beliefs act like brakes on our progress. They leave us acting forward, but believing backward. They have been described as a malicious thermostat; you can take all the action you want, and in the right direction too. But anytime you make progress, the thermostat pulls you back to conform to your inner negative programming.

Attempting to move forward when you have backward programming is like expecting a photocopy to be different from the original. You’ve got to work on the original copy first, change the blue print, modify the DNA.

Your thoughts and beliefs are your programming. You cannot move beyond them. To get out of the vicious cycle of acting forward but believing backward you’ve got to identify these malicious thermostats, and eliminate them, consciously and continuously. Sometimes it’s a lifelong battle, but one that you can win each time.

What can I do about them?

Fortunately, you can get rid of self-limiting beliefs. But first you have to identify them. They could be lurking in the recesses of our minds without our awareness. Talking with a friend or consulting with a coach could give you more objective feedback as to their existence.

Once you have identified them, these limiting beliefs must be challenged every time they rear their heads. You must consciously reject any thought or suggestion that you are limited in any way. There is nothing you cannot do. You simply need to find the way and follow it to conclusion.

When self-limiting thoughts are starved of attention, they wither and die. Whatever you give attention to magnifies: whatever you do not attend to shrivels up and dies. Jim Rohn says it aptly: “You cannot take the mild approach to the weeds in your mental garden. You have got to hate weeds enough to kill them. Weeds are not something you handle; weeds are something you devastate.”

No one is better than you are. If others do better, it is simply because they have had more practise, more experience, and/or they know something that you don’t. And all this can be remedied. God made us equal. It’s what we build upon His initial investment that makes the difference.

What others say about some of our beliefs:

• Belief always precedes action. -James Allen
(We won’t even attempt something unless we first believe we can accomplish it. No belief, no action, i.e. procrastination.)

• Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs. -Maxwell Maltz

• Once your thoughts reflect what you genuinely want to be, the appropriate emotions and the consequent behaviour will flow automatically. Believe it and you will see it. -Wayne Dyer

In a nut shell, you must control the thoughts that play around in your mind. Admit and nurture only those that enhance your positive programming and move you to your goals.

Possible sources

Limiting beliefs could come from the things people said to us and about us while we grew up. Now is the time to devastate these weeds. They could also come from listening to negative people, watching/listening to negative TV and radio programs, reading negative books and magazines, and repeatedly hearing negative song lyrics. Always be on the look-out for possible sources, not fearfully, but with the view to detect and devastate them.

A proactive approach

A better way to deal with self-limiting thoughts is to prevent them in the first place. Examining the list of sources above will give you an idea of where their opposites (self-empowering beliefs) can be found – in the opposite directions! If you spend time with wholesome people and material, this will build healthy, wholesome thought patterns. A mind that is girded with strong, empowering thoughts is in fit enough condition to resist invasion by these malicious, illegal aliens.

Invest in inspirational books, seminars, CDs etc. Engage in positive self-talk or affirmations. And just in case self-limiting thoughts slip through unnoticed, perform periodic “mind-sanitation exercises” where you do some self-evaluation. Sometimes a seminar attendance or listening to an audio program is what will alert you of this incursion.

I wish you all the best as you build a strong and healthy mind. Go forward and do all the things you thought you could not do, because now you know that you can.

Everything you deisre in health and fitness can be yours,

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November 8th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (2)

People STOP looking for easy PILLS........there ISNT ONE.

I made these posts in some threads today:

There is NO SUCH THING as an over-the-counter fat burner........they dont exist. Stop looking for an easy way out---there isnt one.


Correct Diet + Exercise


Adjustments and/or Corrections in DIET on bodily CHANGES and FEEDBACK + Adjustments and/or Corrections in Training + Adaptive PATIENCE

Fat didnt accumulate over night and THUS will not come off overnight and this FACT results in: YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT IT.......Therefore......

You have operate IN:

THE ULTIMATE FAT BURNER ZONE (as described above)




May you not look at a WASHER and DRYER the same: :)

(This symbolizes path ways in attempting to solve an addiction/problem)

WASH AND DRY (by Chillen)
You can throw an addiction in the WASHER: (The BRAIN)

Let it Spin and Agitate: (Brain Storming Ideas to Solve it)

Spin it Dry: (Picking an Idea in an Attempt to Solve it to see if it will work)

Rinse (Select idea? Yes?, No?) (Yes, back to spin, then Dryer)

Repeat Cycle
(If No, start over to find solution)

Dryer: (Solution Pathway Used)

Throw it in the dryer along with a dryer sheet to make it smell better (Your on the right path, and looking and feeling good--SHAPEN' AND BAKEN' BABY!)

Open DRYER Door......Addiction solved.

If you fall off path and get dirty AGAIN.......WASH AND DRY.

Again, this symbolizes path ways in attempting to solve an addiction, but in the END of things.....


Its just that the pathways for some.....are different than others to reach that point........however.......

The result is the same for the one that accomplishes it......


May you have to ONLY WASH AND DRY ONCE------------------> :)


Best wishes to all of you!

November 8th, Thoughts for the day(3)

I also made this post in a thread in the event you didnt see it:

read some recent articles lately, and I am going to post some thoughts based on memory of these articles, as I think its relevent to the OP's thread topic:

Sometimes we stuff our faces or drink things we know we shouldn't, and then beat ourselves up later. Blame this on your internal P.I.G.

"Problem with Immediate Gratification"

When you crave something, stop and ask yourself: Is it me that is hungry? Do I really need this, or is it my PIG?

If its your PIG you dont have to listen to it; you can distract it.

Take your PIG for a walk, feed it healthier food to satisfy the craving (like drinking several glasses of water--that should cure may not want the soda or water for a few hours----> :) )

In other words have somthing in place (like have preached many times on this forum) to counter act weakness ponts. I have some ideas that you can decide to use if you want them.

Because if you keep feeding your PIG everytime its OINKS (LOL), pretty soon you gett a bigger PIG.........

The bigger the PIG the harder it is to FENCE IN.

The major part of the body that has to be intune with your cravings is your brain and using IT to combat physcial complications with cravings.

There is really no other alternative.....accept it because you simply dont have a choice if you want to stay within the framework of the goal you seek.

If you cannot act on a whim (in other words you know cravings are going to occur, and have the will and plan of action in place or strong will power) to combat these cravings, then you have to seek other alternatives until you find one that works for you. I dont want to here I tried have tried the one the fricken works--yet.

Dont go for second BEST BABY!.........EXPRESS YOURSELF!​

For nearly every I CANT there is an opposite: I CAN......FIND IT!

1. You cordinate your calories evenly divided throughout the day (Multiple meals).

2. You are going to have to make more of an investment in the I CAN combat these cravings, than investment of succumbing to them.

You develop a plan to combat these cravings, you get a pen a paper and starting "brain storming ideas" and you dont stop until ones you develop work.

Write down your strengths and weaknesses. Carry over the strengths that are applicable to combat these weaknesses.

I dont care how small they are, small steps (or temporary fixes) can lead to larger more developed fixes, and cover your entire problem in the end.

A. Yes, I recommend drinking LOTS of water, and though it may be a "temporary fix" it can temporarily fix your problem, and make you retreat to your brain, and give the break you need to re-evaluate, and allow your will power to kick in and allow you to take over the situation. I dont care if this is Crystal Lite, or another low calorie (not cola's, I dont recommend this, however) beverage.

B. Select a VERY LOW calorie item and eat the hell out of it. For example, when I hit a craving in my deficit dieting, I have been known to eat a WHOLE HEAD OF LETTUCE in one sitting with non-calorie dressing.....A whole head of lettuce has VERY LITTLE calories, and is BIG and leafy.....and will fill you up quick: This is an example, you can eat a half or what ever it takes. Believe me you wont feel like eating afterwards......LOL. :)

Get some other VEGGIES around the house, that are low calorie and carry alot of BULK--that you can tolerate and eat, and drink your water and/or crystal lite with it---ALLOW YOURSELF TIME TO MENTALLY RETREAT......while maintaining your focus and path on your goal.

C. Usa COMBO of A and B, and rid yourself from the situation: GO for a walk, go play a video game, go do some cardio (like on bike or other like equipment), and get your blood moving and pumped up.......affix yourself toward your goal path.....

You can choose to be your own enemy or your best friend.....its about choices we make whether the enemy is produced or the friend is produced.

3. Identify the things that "KILL" your appetite. If you dont know what they are-----create it. UH! What do I mean by this one? MANY things can kill an appetite quick.....we all have them---trust me.

4. Establish your personal boundaries with your people you associate with.

Let them know how important your goals are to you. Assist yourself and having them assist you through support during times of personal crisis or bumps in the road that develop.

This is a brief synopisis.

Hey chillen, hows it going?

I just wanted to respond to your posts about the "magic pill" to lose weight. I completley agree with what your saying, and that people should not look for an easy way out. However, I would put money down to bet that within the next 10 to 20 years, scientists will figure out all the hormones and gene structures involved in fat and obesity, and some kind of "magic pill" will be created. Big Pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Pfizer have this as one of their main goals because the profits some such a drug would be unimaginable. Just putting that out there. Things will be interesting when this day comes.
November 08, Thoughts for the day (4)

The law of momentum in physics says that a body in motion tends to remain in motion until an outside/inside force acts upon it.

November 8th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (5)

Also read this article....or CHILL STRAP......TIME! :)

7 Tips For Unstoppable Motivation And Enduring Success

ROCK IT-------BROTHA's and SISTA's.......

I'm sharpening my mental abilities..........HEHEHEHE


Because I have my new FAN:


and I apply my:



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Hey chillen, hows it going?

I just wanted to respond to your posts about the "magic pill" to lose weight. I completley agree with what your saying, and that people should not look for an easy way out. However, I would put money down to bet that within the next 10 to 20 years, scientists will figure out all the hormones and gene structures involved in fat and obesity, and some kind of "magic pill" will be created. Big Pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Pfizer have this as one of their main goals because the profits some such a drug would be unimaginable. Just putting that out there. Things will be interesting when this day comes.

I agree it will probably materialize one day.
Read, digested, implemented!!!! NO CHILL STRAP FOR ME!

Thanks for the continued motivation bro. Off to the BLAST FURNACE:SaiyanSmilie_anim::SaiyanSmilie_anim:
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