Thank ALL OF YOU for the time you have taken to post your thoughts!
I appreciate them ALL! THANK YOU!
As for your employer; how important are you to the company and how much do you need that job? I wouldn't let anyone stop me from going to something so important.
CCR, thank you, brotha.
I have a wife at home that has a debilitating disease; we are currently taking care of her aging parents (to prevent them from going to a nursing home), and I am the main income bringer, and these important elements in my life have to supersede the emotion connection and the importance of attending the funeral; I had to view the possible impact my decision would have on my family. I had planned not to attend, until:
My normally "down to earth", humble, and "even tempered", wife took matters in her own hand (without telling me before hand), and went to see him. My
idol in toughness (5'6" 110 lbs of pure rough and tough I will kick your @ss attitude) stood toe to toe with the him and gave him a piece of her mind.
I went in to work the day after, he came to my office and said I could take the funeral leave. I asked him what changed his mind. He said a "a short female fire cracker that went off", and started laughing. He didn’t have to say anymore, I knew who it was, lol. But, he did recap watch she said (in a nice way, first person):
Every time my boss (who also owns the company) needed anything I was there for him and made several sacrifices in my personal life to ensure his needs were met (i.e. I ran the hotel plus the Network infrastructure while he went to India for ONE MONTH to be by his dad's side while he was dying, and again for another month when his mother died and he had to go back again).
Furthermore, a close friend of his was involved a traffic accident about a year ago, and he took two weeks off, and I took over operations again. I developed a charity program within the hotel (with employees and customers) which was very successful and raised $7,000 to aid is friend in expenses insurance wasn't going to cover.
I have missed one day of work (flu) in 6 years; and my mother was dysfunctional in many ways, and my aunt had practically raised me from birth.
I guest she said he can be too cold and callused and this fogged his mind (LOL!) (I could say that too, if I didnt care about my job, lol)
Before I learned about my Aunt, I was up all night (as I am now) with taking care of my Father-in-law (wetting the bed, changing his sheets, putting him back on the oxygen machine-so my wife could sleep), and then went to work, and had lots of server and customer service issues to contend with. One server went down, and we had to buy another, and use the back up system. The back up system then wasnt running properly and some of the data base files (customer files) had become corrupted. And, on and on the day went like that. I was upset and so was my boss. It was a very stressful day and I was just beat tired from work and lack of sleep. I get home and decided to go to bed, and about an hour into laying down (approx), I get the call about my Aunt.
I was already thinking about retreating back to cutting day prior, its just all of the stress at work, my Aunt dying, and my boss saying I couldnt go (which was more stress related and induced he said later)---it just sort of overwhelmed me at first. But, usually I can chug to one side and think things over and pull out the "chill strap" on myself and rock on......which I have done. I had planned to go speak with him after about 24 hours (let the days activities at work die down) but my wife got to him first.
My Wife......ROCKS..........She is my idol.
Best wishes to all of you.
Again Thank ALL OF YOU!