The ChillOut Log

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November 15th, 2007: Thoughts for the day! (1)

Today I spent some time making a sticky for the new forum members here at this link:

What I would like is constructive input on refining the contents and/or improving the overall layout, or other information we can add, that would be beneficial to new members with appropriate questions.

Your input would be most welcomed. I think it will assist the site and our new members a great deal. Several minds are better than one........COME ON!ROCK THIS THING!


Sculp your Brain!

The question should not be whether you are happy but what you can do to become happier and "every man or woman" can, if they desire, become the sculptor their own brain.

"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."

Dont create your own problems and complications. And, other problems and stresses in life don't have to rule you. Sculp your brain to handle them right before they handle you.

True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are united.

(Alexander von Humboldt)


Short one for today.........

Be MEAN and NASTY with your diet and training set yourself on FIRE!



Have a good night.........Off to train......

Later........Hope your day went well!

Best wishes to all of you!

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Today I spent some time making a sticky for the new forum members here at this link:

What I would like is constructive input on refining the contents and/or improving the overall layout, or other information we can add, that would be beneficial to new members with appropriate questions.

Your input would be most welcomed. I think it will assist the site and our new members a great deal. Several minds are better than one........COME ON!ROCK THIS THING!

On your CycleBack, CycleForward, and CycleFlipBack techniques, you talk about a 24 hour cycle period from 7AM to 7AM in which you also define ' work ' as being from 11PM to 7AM - going to the extent that you talk about eating at 3AM in the morning. Am I reading this ' time of day reference ' ( i.e ' work ' as being from 11PM to 7AM and eating at 3 AM ) you're giving correctly ?

Either way, since 99% of the readers are probably awake from 7 AM to 11 PM and asleep from 11PM to 7 AM I'm just wondering if your 7AM to 7AM techniques might be more meaningful to 99% of those reading if the time line is incorporated around the7 AM to 11 PM time segment most people are accustomed to ( i.e breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, pre-workout snack, post-workout snack etc. ).

Thoughts ?
Press ups and sit ups! Wow, that is a balanced fitness routine, you really know your stuff, I'm off to check out your website for idiots now
Best way to feel good i have found is to have balance. Of course you should throw some sit ups and push ups in 2 but body image is massively over rated compared to other areas of life. Having plenty of money makes life easier.


Build Wealth from P/C:jump1:

Spam Stinking my log.....:mad:

Dont invade my log with your fricken stink or I make your testicles shrink.

(Edit: LV took care of it)
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November 16th, 2007: Thoughts for the Day

Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished:

If you're alive, it isn't.​
(Richard Bach)

Do you have a "pulse"? Then it isnt over yet: GET YOURSELF ROCKEN!

There are two ways of meeting difficulties:

You alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them.

(Phyllis Bottome)

Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

(Ronald E. Osborn)

Our greatest battles are that with our own minds.

(Jameson Frank)

Yes, we can be a friend or foe. Which one are you?


The man or woman of character finds an especial attractiveness in difficulty since it is only by coming to grips with difficulty that he or she can realize the potentialities.

(Charles de Gaulle)(Modified by Chillen)


Triumphs without difficulties are empty. Indeed, it is difficulties that make the triumph. It is no feat to travel the smooth road.



Troubles, like babies, grow larger by nursing.

(Lady Holland)


Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will bluff you if they can. If they see you are afraid of them... they are liable to spring upon you; but if you look them squarely in the eye, they will slink out of sight.

(Orison Swett Marden)


The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is: that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.

(Henry Ward Beecher)

The will to persevere is often the difference between failure and success.

(David Sarnoff)


Try not to do too many things at once. Know what you want, the number one thing today and tomorrow. Persevere and get it done.

(George Allen)


You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.

(Margaret Thatcher)

A jug fills drop by drop.



How long should you try? Until.
(Jim Rohn)


To Jackie: (Glad things got better Girl)


To SP:

My gift to you: (Hope things continue to get better)



If you are strong and hang on there is always hope:

In times of trouble........HANG ON..........BE TOUGH YOU HAVE A CHANCE!



You can do anything you desire. You can do anything you want. You can do anything you are willing. ALL OF YOU CAN...........



Hope your day went well today. Wish all of you the best each and every day!


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Heya sorry i anit been on here much lately, oh it was just my mum coming round the house and upsetting me my bro n dad but its all good now, Thanks

Rock on

Jackie xx
Just concerned about cha'!

How is training coming along...........

How about a jackie Rhyme this fine morning!

I feel great! Did my Cardio Session at 5AM this morning (25 min) (im in the process of updating my other log.........Im gonna keep this updated from this point on)

Man! My body responds QUICK to a drop calories after a bulk. It amazes me with how old I am, that its responds this quick. :) BAH.....I dont give it a choice but to do something other than.........ROCK! Its the MIND-o-Meter BABY!

I like Cutting.........HEHEHEHE.....
hello there again kool kool good to hear

Yh ive hit a bit of a low with my training this week, but im picking it back up today, im gonna workout at about 4.00pm (my time)

Jackie xx
hello there again kool kool good to hear

Yh ive hit a bit of a low with my training this week, but im picking it back up today, im gonna workout at about 4.00pm (my time)

Jackie xx

Girl. PICK IT UP! Keep moving yourself!

I know how environmental factors can effect your "personal" motivation and desire.

One of the KEY things I did when I first started was I kept telling myself that no matter what happens, I will pursue and keep "the aspects of my goal" in line and continue.

One has to MAKE IT A PART OF ONES LIFE and allow themselves to work with it as they would when problems and complications come up.

If work interferred and I absolutely had no choice not to train, then I kept my diet tip top (because this, in my opinion, is over half the battle), and I was still moving forward, though I lacked the training through no fault of my own, but rather to---living facts of life. This in itself can be motivating.

In other words, if the things in life bother you keep the apsects of training in line and do the ones you have control over, and try not to fall off "totally".

Have a plan of action. Most importantly, blend diet and fitness within your life as you would other important values, and you will win more than you lose.

Keep that picture of Jackie in View at ALL TIME when things develop.....and learn to take IT and work this in WITH your problems:


Here Smile for just a while:


Best wishes to you my friend,

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Im off to train I am getting to excited about it. So I go about 45 minutes earlier then planned..........LATER! BRB in about an hour or so :)

I have updated my journal Main page. I am going to add my training routine to the main page when I am done. I dont mess around brotha and sista's, with my goal, and the holidays will not get in the way either--as the title page specifies. One has to work WITH and THROUGH these things WITH their goal in mind......all the time........when the want it bad enough........LETS ROCK!

The journal will ne updated regularily from here on out...........

Im goal is already done......STICK A FORK IN IT..........There IS NO DOUBT.

EDIT: When I return I also plan to make todays Thoughts for the day post to the COL!






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Heya Chillen, yeah i have all that drummed into brain already so thats kool, for me eating bad stuff means i will get ill like straight away lol, so i never do hardly, maybe sometimes very rarely(in truth), So you know i will always be rocking on, thanks for sharing your knowledge with me, i feel very special indeed lol

ROCK ON CHILLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jackie xxx

Thankyou so much, this forum would be nothing without you!
November 18th, 2007: Thoughts for the Day (1)

Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow

The way you "think" about things can shape you!

“The most vital thing in a man's life is his mental attitude.”


Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.

(Norman Vincent Peale)


Get truely Aquanted with who you really are, know your strengths and weaknesses, and have the intellect to adapt and overcome.

One of the greatest moments in anybody's developing experience is when he no longer tries to hide from himself but determines to get acquainted with himself as he really is.

(Norman Vincent Peale)



Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.

(Norman Vincent Peale)


Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate. So practice happy thinking every day. Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit, and life will become a continual feast.

(Norman Vincent Peale)


COME ALIVE! Be enthusiastic on your ability to overcome obstacles!

Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds significance to all you do

(Norman Vincent Peale)


Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles, they toughen and make strong

(Norman Vincent Peale)


Does life BLOW? Fire it UP!

Life's blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm

(Norman Vincent Peale)


What is YOUR automatic reflex hwen some obstacle is in the path of your goals?

Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.

(Norman Vincent Peale)

You are the Maker of your own Happiness!

Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude

(Dale Carnegie)

We are what we think, We do what is the dominate thought......

ROCK ON! With thoughts that will benefit your fitness goals you seek!

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

(Henry David Thoreau)


A positive outlook can change many things in your life:

The obstacles you face are... mental barriers which can be broken by adopting a more positive approach.

(Clarence Blasier)


Do you really KNOW the REAL YOU?

I have often thought the best way to define a man's character would be to seek out the particular mental or moral attitude in which, when it comes upon him, he felt himself most deeply and intensely active and alive. At such moments there is a voice inside which speaks and says: ''This is the real me!''.

(William James)


Are your Physical and Mental capabilities united?

When every physical and mental resources is focused, one's power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.

(Norman Vincent Peale)


Are you a HOW thinker?

The 'how' thinker gets problems solved effectively because he wastes no time with futile 'ifs'.

(Norman Vincent Peale)



Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don't have any problems, you don't get any seeds.

(Norman Vincent Peale)


YEP, what choice do you have?

It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship.

(Norman Vincent Peale)


Change your thoughts, and you change your world


Watch the diet and try to cut out the CRAP!




I care about ALL OF YOU!

I wish you the best every day!

I want you to reach your personal goals and prosper

You can do it.

You know you can.

Best wishes to all of you,

Your friend,

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hey! loooooooong time huh? hope your doing well...iv been thinkin about you still(prayers). sorry for the lack of communication...iv been busy doing tons of stuff...and when i have free time, i rarely come on this site any more :[

tell me about how things are going if you have the time?

im just going through life learning from God...typical teenager huh?
Heya Chillen, i just read your "throw your heart over the fence n the rest will follow" post, and every word inspires me, things have been a bit rough lately, but i will get through cause i know myself and i know im strong enough to

Thanks Chillen

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!

Jacxkie xx
Chillen, what's been going on? I've been thinking about posting here, but honestly, I have been fairly depressed and having trouble with my diet. Until I can get that solved, I don't plan on putting encouraging messages when I failed to encourage myself with the very same lessons.
Yeh where u at Chillen? What date is thanksgiving??

Jackie xx
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