The ChillOut Log

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He signs on often, just doesn't post anything. I'm sure he's enjoying the attention :p

Really? I haven't seen him online at all...on forums or messenger
He signs on often, just doesn't post anything. I'm sure he's enjoying the attention :p

is that true? tell me that again.

I was going to make a joke and say I finally BBQ'd him. BUT- I will be honest-- I missed him over a week ago, sent some messages and even called.

if you are telling me he has logged on, he has definately seen PM, and therefore-

YOU ARE STANDING BACK AND LOOKING AT ME- (FLYINFREE = TODD a real ff'in person) when I showed concern for you.

I'm not even going to allow myself to vent.

LOSER!!!! if it's true
hhhaaa my post is funny. who do I think i am, Mr. important! hahahah EGOmaniac!!

I'm just some guy on the internet.

but yer still a LOSER and a half if you are reading this and not responding---- BRO! ha!

but hey-- since you left i at least fvisited the chill log-- tim to cut a rug! sweet
I really doubt he's been logging in, even if he wanted to stay on the down low, he always would reply to my messaged on yahoo.
I have received a message, and all i can tell you is that there is a logical explanation as to why he is away and not posting. He is not craving for attention or anything. I wont disclose what the message contained, but you can take my word that there is a explanation and he will soon be back :)
Yes Der, please stop speculating that Chillen is "craving attention", there is a logical explanation to his absence and when he comes back he will explain. you'll see :)
Well, i have received permission from Chillen's wife to let yall know that Chillen is sick and running a fever, and has a upper.resp infection. Lets all wish Chillen good health and hope for him to get well soon and lets cut the drama because chillen wouldn't want us bickering over this

He knows that people are genuinely concerned for his welfare, and yet won't respond. You can all judge what that means to you.

Chillen has always craved attention like a crack addict. Have fun being his dealers.

You got that right !:)

Couldn't agree more.

Hey, guess what Jackasses, I got the same message.

This is Chillen's wife, Kathy. I am going against his wishes in responding to his log. It went against my own feelings, but he wanted to respond on his own when he got better.

I know how he feels about this log, and the negativity in this log has to go.

Wrangell Neg rep

Derwydonn Neg rep.

(EDIT: and I have more where that came from--dont dirty his log.)

Stating facts does not equate to being mean.

EDIT: Dont dirty my husbands log with speculation and---->your version of truth which are based from your own thoughtless lies and assumptive feelings. I cant allow your illness to infect the others on this forum. He doesnt crave attention but rather he has a will to assist others on the forum as much as he possibly can. He doesnt get paid to make this log, he doesnt get paid for the rather long posts I see him make to new members. The only satisifaction he obtains is seeing the others be happy in trying to fulfill their goals.

It is true, my husband should have allowed me to write something in his log to let someone one know, this I agree with. However, his history on this forum should be proof enough of his positive charactor and the type of human being he is.

In addition, stay out of his log from this day forward. I (or we should say) dont want you here in his log.

You should already know how important the integrity of his log is to him (I surely know). I stand by him.

EDIT: My husband has a upper respitory infection. In addition, he has a inner ear infection. He is running a high fever and is taking medication to deal with it and he will not be on untill he feels better. This is the first major illness in over 10 years and it came on sudden just prior to Thanksgiving.

EDIT: (Do not bring negativity in this log--this is a happy motivational place--take it somewhere else. Dont make me prove my point further)
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