The ChillOut Log

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OKay, since you asked......HEHE

Jackie hired her mental GUNS to shape her BUNS; but she layed out in the SUN, and this was no PUN as it cooked her BUNS until they were OVERDONE, now she wished she had NONE!--------------HEHEHEHE---:)


Best wishes to you, Jackie

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Jackie is BACK and Chillen is still a Rhyme WHACK: ;)

Jackie does SNORE and its HARDCORE as it blows open the bedroom DOOR; I IMPLORE a better SNORE RAPPORT or you may end up on the FLOOR; So please EXPLORE medicine from the STORE


Chillen :)
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lol we probably have different time zones or soemthing, thats why we missed eachotehr eh?

100th page....amazing. great accomplishment keeping it going so long and helping so many people
lol we probably have different time zones or soemthing, thats why we missed eachotehr eh?

100th page....amazing. great accomplishment keeping it going so long and helping so many people

I have the post settings to display 25 per page, so it says 50 for me. :) Im so happy, with the way the log has turned out.......It wouldnt be this way if weren't for all of you sharing it with me.....THANK YOU.....!!!!! VERY MUCH!

I looked at the views the other day, its over 14,000 (14,684) (Since June 07, this is good), and just shy of 1,500 posts......(and no there not all mine :p )

Thank you guys for your support, it means so much!

Let me know on the talk tonight PB......thanks!

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November 03, 2007: Thoughts for the day (1)

I want to thank ALL of you who take the time to post comments to the log. This means more to me than you will ever know. I created this log for the members who may need a log like this, and it has grown more than I had imagined-----Thank you! All of you mean alot to me......and you are all the best........

On to todays.....THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY!



Lets say you have a given a great deal of mental and emotional tim to creating a passion. A passion for something like:

*building a leaneer, energized, unstoppable body

*Following your life's dream (the BIG ONE)

The passion you have developed is now aligned with the goals. At the very least, you are moving in that direction, more and more.

You can talk the talk all you want, but can you walk the walk?

Time to STOP TALKen' and START WALKen.......

The tough ACTen start REACTen

Time for ACTION....................>JUST DO IT!


I will do it later. Putting things off. In other words, Procrastination. The dont- go-after-(the BIG ONE/that Body)-but-kid-yourself-into-thinking-that-someday-you will-----way of thinking. BUH!.....STOP IT!

Think about this for a moment: Saying I will do it later/2morrow/next month/this year/etc, is that it can never----be proven FALSE. You can never be reproached for not doing something. If someone does get on your case, you can say.......I will do it later, its not later yet.........

Se the victious cycle? You can put it off indefinately. The only time we run out of "laters" is when we are "DEAD"........We know how many laters we have accumulated from the past. WE also know that we were probably never going to end up doing them.........DONT DO THIS!


If something CANT be done NOW, decide:

---If it really is going to GET DONE

If something doesnt get done, and you decide to still do it, SCHEDULE A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME TO DO IT! Put it on a daily planner. LOOK, if its not worth putting it in your planner NOW, it most likely will never get done "Later"

When you put off until LATER your DRAGGIN THE PAST INTO THE FUTURE!---WTF?!

Disapointment, anger, frustration, guilt for not doing something. Thats a heavy burdon and load......DONT WASTE YOUR TIME, ENERGY, and HEALTH WITH IT!.......ROCK THE HECK ON!

BE IN THE PRESENT.....Do what needs to be done NOW. Even just scheduling a task in your planner for an activity a month from now. Being in the present gives you an INNER FREEDOM for the next moment and next activity......>

------>>>Such as Building that FANTASTIC BODY.......


Remember the School of life....THis is how we learn.....Life is a difficult teacher; she gives us the test first AND THEN teaches us the lesson.......Then the next test will not be so hard......and it can get easier....

The trouble lies in the perfect syndrome. Most people run their lives this way---doing new things perfect the first time. While we strive to do out best, this can be irrational, impractical, and unworkable.......

Who the HELL ever said we had to do it PERFECTLY!

Sometimes we are NOT taught to set our OWN GOALS and to achieve them. We had to achieve someone ELSES goal the "Right WAY" Reaching the goal wasnt --enough....the goal had to be attained the way someone else thought was the BEST WAY.....that is THEIR WAY.........


Dont worry about the right way. Dont worry about MY WAY.........JUST DO IT!

Dont misunderstand me: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RSEARCH.......doesnt get anything DONE.......So many little time.

Never got anthing I wanted to get done.

Reading and research as its PLACE of course! It can make you smarter about HOW TO DO IT, BUT IT DOES NOTHING.....TO SHAPE YOUR BODY!....UNLESS YOU JUST..................DO IT!

"Nothing would be done at all if a man waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault in it!"-----Cardinal Newman

Experience can be a good teacher, and is the way to approach things. Some call experience MISTAKES; Mistakes are AN EXCELLENT TEACHER!!

You are going to make mistakes----especially when trying something NEW. MAKE EM' EARLY AND OFTEN!

Did your last workout make you feel like something was missing? You didnt lose weight this week.....I have been there...........


"When in doubt....dont make a fool of yourself....There is a thin LINE between being brilliantly creative and acting like a gigantic idiot on earth.....SO........what the HELL.....LEAP!"......>Cynthia Heimel



We all have an idea of how we are going to reach our goals. Lets say you want to whip your body into shape. Your idea of how this is going to happen is to join a gym, health club, get a personal trainer, workout every day, and eat impeccably......

Then you may think...How can I afford this. You may get called to work unexepectedly (Crap..I have had that happen many times--didnt slow me down, BABY!). An unnecessary expense happens at home, etc. All of these things can-----DETRACT you from the smooth-sailing path you had planned on taking time to get into the best shape ever..........

But, this is HOW REACHING YOUR GOALS reach your goals...but sorry, you dont get to DICTATE EACH STEP along the way.....

YOU can of course refuse to an uncompfortable activity, even though it moves you closer to your goal:

When we know something MIGHT move us closer to out GOAL and we CHOOSE not to do it.....we are also choosing NOT to pursue our goal....SIMPLE AS THAT!

What Am I saying......? When you Quit.....your internal goal achieving mechanisms quit too

There are things you are going to have to reap the benefits.


Plan to be uncompfortable..Understand that is a necessary part of success.

Learn to be comfortable with DISCOMFORT

It may be rough at times.....but ITS A SMALL PRICE TO PAY for the:



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Hi chillen..just wanted to drop by and say thanks for posting the motivational threads..sometimes i am down..and when i read them they make me feel better.
Hi chillen..just wanted to drop by and say thanks for posting the motivational threads..sometimes i am down..and when i read them they make me feel better.

You are welcome.........

I always have the "chillBOOT" cocked and in the ready postion for my friend, Phate.......:)

Thank you Phate........

Wish you the best

Thought for the day 04 November 2007.

So ladies and gentlemen. Here we are commemorating Chillen's 100 pages of incredible advice. It must be said that this guy has a HUGE amount of patience and motivation to keep up what he is doing. I think we should all thank him for it.

And onto my thought for the day...

This year at school I have GCSEs. They are not the most important exams, nor the most difficult, in fact, they are the first real formal exams I am actually taking. But already, a lot of my year group are already saying 'I just can't be arsed anymore. I want to have fun.'
Then it's the same story for sports and working out etc. "I don't really care. I like my food."
These comments are coming from 15/16 year olds, mostly fairly well off, and at one of the top 50 schools in the country. Pretty alarming don't you think?

However it asks the question, why do some people strive to exceed normal expectations while other's sit around, watching tv, staying in mediocre shape and enjoying their food? Then they go out, drink alcohol, relax, etc etc. Repeat process.

The truth is, I don't think people really want to be doing that. I think everybody wants to suceed but most stop short when they run into a small spot of failure. Some quotes I have support this to an extent, however I have not written down the sources (damn). Shame.

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win"

"A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough."

Both quotes speak truth. For example, your average Joe will not want to work through pain. Basic human instinct stops when things get tough, it's a way of saying to ones self "this isn't good. Stop"
In the long run even if it is beneficial, for some reason basic logic reasons that we should be having fun and happiness all the time. Now I'm not going to go off on a rant as to why this is the case. Probably because a humans s.e.x drive is better when they are happy or something. But meh.

So what takes a person through this barrier of telling yourself you can't succeed? I believe this to be a few things:

1) the feeling of success prior to going through the struggle - If you have had previous success you know the feeling of it, and you crave it again.
2 success becoming a habit "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" - that quote sums it up.

So if we take a guy who has been 200lbs of fat, 5ft 2 and has extrememly low confidence for example. This person sees that he must do something about his weight. So he starts dieting. Then one day at 180lbs, some lady says "wow, you look really good," an immediate confidence boost will occur, and this guy will keep going. Providing he has no -tive feedback, he would probably have en ough motivation to keep improving, a snowball effect as it were.

So then for the sake of debate, if we took a 6ft 180lb, well built, lean man, with everything going for him including a stable relationship with a hot wife, kids, 2 houses, the works, who one day wakes up and thinks "what's the point in training, who have I got left to impress?" Overtime say he loses 10 lbs of muscle and it is replaced by fat, and the guy he plays golf with on a sunday notices, and his mates start digging in, slowly he will most likely get paranoid, and if he does not have the mental toughness to get back to where he was, a 'fall from grace' effect would occur. Thus causing a negative snowball effect.

Before somebody can be motivated to a level in which they will keep going, no matter how little or much they have, they need to be rock solid. They need to be able to laugh off anything anybody says to them, and they need to be able to bounce back whenever they can. Just think to yourself "I am the best. I will not let myself underachieve, and whenever some muppet starts slagging you off, or expressing their opinion, just remember, for every person who wants to do that, there will be two that will back you up. Unless your Britney Spears.

Thank you all.
However it asks the question, why do some people strive to exceed normal expectations while other's sit around, watching tv, staying in mediocre shape and enjoying their food? Then they go out, drink alcohol, relax, etc etc. Repeat process. The truth is, I don't think people really want to be doing that.

I think the simple answer to that , is, that people have different goals. Many people simply have no desire whatsoever to care about what they eat, drink or whether they exercise or not. So, in a nutshell ( and as sad as it is to say ) some actually do " want to be doing that ".

That said, it also doesn't mean these people are ' bad ' people necessarily - they simply make different choices than the rest of us. Life is about choices.

I think everybody wants to suceed but most stop short when they run into a small spot of failure. Some quotes I have support this to an extent, however I have not written down the sources (damn). Shame.

Well said.

It's all on how you ' view ' obstacles / challenges isn't it. :) Some people view as obstacles / failures as stepping stones yet others view them as stumbling blocks. In my view,

" We only see obstacles when we take our eyes off our goals "​

Both quotes speak truth. For example, your average Joe will not want to work through pain. Basic human instinct stops when things get tough, it's a way of saying to ones self "this isn't good. Stop" In the long run even if it is beneficial, for some reason basic logic reasons that we should be having fun and happiness all the time.

Well said.

Most beginners who try and get back in shape get conned that it is an ' easy ' thing to do - it isn't. It takes hard work.

Trouble is, it isn't the case that all hard work is something to be avoided because it's too unpleasant or difficult. Hard work and effort can actually be a tremendous source of satisfaction and accomplishment and anything but unpleasant. For example, I'm a parent - I have 4 teens. Raising 4 teens is hard work, but it's anything but unpleasant - it's a joy and a blessing.

So if we take a guy who has been 200lbs of fat, 5ft 2 and has extrememly low confidence for example. This person sees that he must do something about his weight. So he starts dieting. Then one day at 180lbs, some lady says "wow, you look really good," an immediate confidence boost will occur, and this guy will keep going. Providing he has no -tive feedback, he would probably have en ough motivation to keep improving, a snowball effect as it were.

You're probably right...but sadly, that form of motivation isn't sustainable IMO.

So then for the sake of debate, if we took a 6ft 180lb, well built, lean man, with everything going for him including a stable relationship with a hot wife, kids, 2 houses, the works, who one day wakes up and thinks "what's the point in training, who have I got left to impress?" Overtime say he loses 10 lbs of muscle and it is replaced by fat, and the guy he plays golf with on a sunday notices, and his mates start digging in, slowly he will most likely get paranoid, and if he does not have the mental toughness to get back to where he was, a 'fall from grace' effect would occur. Thus causing a negative snowball effect.

Again, he may have different priorities as he gets older.

Before somebody can be motivated to a level in which they will keep going, no matter how little or much they have, they need to be rock solid. They need to be able to laugh off anything anybody says to them, and they need to be able to bounce back whenever they can. Just think to yourself "I am the best. I will not let myself underachieve, and whenever some muppet starts slagging you off, or expressing their opinion, just remember, for every person who wants to do that, there will be two that will back you up. Unless your Britney Spears. Thank you all.

I think people simply need to realize that their goals should not be " perfection " and that one needn't be the biggest or the best at anything.

Life simply requires that we try.:)
"Thoughts for the day" Guest Posters

I am thoroughly gracious that Philsaigon, and Derwyddon, have accepted to write a post for the "Thoughts for the day" as a guests to the ChillOut Log, that will fit within the inspiration and motivational spirit of the log.

Derwyddon's "Thought for the day" on Monday.

Philsaigon's "Thoughts for the day" after November 19th. He is going to be on vacation in the States visiting friends and family between now and the 19th of November. I hope he enjoys his time, he deserves it; he is a good man.

Thank you, Philsaigon, and Derwyddon, in advance for the time and effort to make a post in the log; your thoughts and input within the inspiration and/or motivational spirit is much appreciated by me, and I know the others that read the log, will likewise appreciate your time and effort.........THANK YOU!


Best wishes to you!

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So what takes a person through this barrier of telling yourself you can't succeed? I believe this to be a few things:

1) the feeling of success prior to going through the struggle - If you have had previous success you know the feeling of it, and you crave it again.
2 success becoming a habit "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit" - that quote sums it up.


Woodt thank you for taking the time to post within the spirit of the ChillOut Log.

Since I have joined I have always had an special interest in your posts because of your refreshing young perspective and your rather lively and brilliant attitude you have toward life and your immediate environment.

I am delighted that we have young men and women in this world like you,

Your mental income WILL NOT be a "Limited Edition" with the path you have chosen, young man.

You look into life as a "revealing booklet" and you prospect your thoughts, and this brings you enrichment and growth.
(+rep for your incredible post, Woodt)

Thank you for the time and thoughts. I appreciate them more than you may know, and the others who read the log, do to........


ROCK ON! Everybody!

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The Weight Loss Forum

I had a thought run across my mind ;).

I am thinking of bridging the ChillOut Log to the Weight Loss Forum. I have some ideas. However, in order to do this efficiently and more effectively, I need a "partner friend" that would assist me on a regular basis. (doing the one here and the one over on the other forum)

Any volunteers?

I will go on my own, but it will be easier with a friend at my side who shares the same motivational and inspirational spirit I do---toward other members.

Let me know.
(shoot me a PM or post here, I dont care which)(I will hold off for few days in case someone wants to help me. If not, will do it on my own)

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Good night ALL!

Good night ALL!

Hope your day went well!

As a reminder: Derwyddon is posting in the log on monday......Be looking for it.

Best regards,

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Nice post Der!
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