It's 12:00 am here in California and officially the 28th. I was asked to contribute to the Chillout log today:
I feel so honored that I was asked to post in the Chillout log today.
The first person that came to mind when I though “Inspirational” was a familiar TV personality. I admit that I do enjoy watching talk shows a lot, maybe even too much. One of my favorite shows is Dr. Phil, hosted by the Dr. Phil McGraw himself. His witty sayings and endearing Texas drawl make him a lovable TV personality, yet he is not afraid to tell his guests what they need to hear even if they don’t really want to hear it. He isn’t afraid to tell the truth and that truth resonates through his sayings. I have decided to include a few of my favorite Dr. Phil quotes along with a short story of mine and how it has affected the way I see things and the way I live my life.
Dr. Phil Quote #1: “Life is not a dress rehearsal.”
This is a very important thing that I often forget. The only things I regret in life are the things I never did. If we keep waiting for life to get better and not doing anything to make it better, we will have wasted all of that time just waiting. The truth is, your perfect life is not waiting for you. Your life won’t be better in a year or two years if you aren’t proactive about changing it, and you don’t get a second chance. Because we only have one shot, live like you’ve always wanted to live NOW. Do what you’ve always wanted to do NOW. Don’t wait until you think things will be better. Start making it better NOW. If we sit and wait, our life will pass us by and there’s getting it back. I always thought that once I graduated from high school, my life would come together and I would know what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. The truth is that once that diploma was handed to me, nothing changed. I was the same person. I was still confused about my future and what I wanted to do. That event in my life didn’t define me. It took my own conscious effort for me to realize what I wanted to do. I was basically waiting and expecting my life to change at that moment. I realized that I missed out on a lot of planning and a lot of fun because I was waiting until I was a high school graduate because I thought I would be a different person. First it was, “I’ll do that once I graduate” then after I graduated it became, “I’ll do that once I turn 18” and then “I’ll do that once I move out”. I was putting obstacles in my way that didn’t need to be there. I was procrastinating at a grand scale. I finally snapped out of it just a few months ago. I started doing things for fun. I started doing things because I wanted to do them and I didn’t put any obstacles in my way. I realized that life was not a dress rehearsal so I’d better take the chance while I could.
Dr. Phil Quote #2: “How’s that working for you?”
If you get caught in an endless pit of depression, maladaptive behavior and are just plain discouraged, you can fall back on this quote. We often times forget that our life is a reflection on our actions and our actions alone. Sure, outside influences can make a big impact on our lives, but it’s how we react to what happens that really defines us. If you’re depressed about being overweight but sit around all day and eat, then it’s not working for you. You have to do something different, and that responsibility is all on you. If your behavior is not getting the desired result, you have to change the behavior yourself. You need to ask yourself what’s working for you and what isn’t. You then have to change whatever isn’t working until it starts working. It’s a very obvious concept, yet we often times forget it and blame others for what’s wrong with our lives. Blaming others gets us nowhere. Realizing that we can do something differently is what it takes to make a real change in our lives.
Dr. Phil Quote #3: “I promise you that at this precise moment next year, your life will be better or worse than it is right now. It will not be the same; the choice to improve it or let it decay is wholly and undeniably yours.”
This is probably my favorite Dr. Phil quote of all time. I first heard it February 28th, 2006 when I saw Dr. Phil speak live in San Francisco. My mother and I had front row seats to see him give a one hour speech. I remember seeing his wife, Robin, just a few feet away from where we sat. She can be seen at the end of every episode of Dr. Phil’s show walking off the set with him holding his hand. So, he said that quote, and at that moment in my life, I was not happy. I was in a relationship with a young man with a drug addiction and I didn’t have the self confidence to get out of it. I thought it was the best I could get. I didn’t think I deserved better. So anyway, I tried to fix him like many young girls will do (I was only 16 at the time). I tried to get him to stop, but it got to the point where he would rather get high than spend time with me. I still didn’t give up, but he ended up breaking up with me. I’m embarrassed to say that I was devastated at the time. I thought I’d never get another shot because I didn’t have the self worth to realize that I would. It took a lot of work on my part to realize that I DID deserve better and that I DID deserve someone who treated me right. I made the conscious decision to improve my life and to improve myself. I did not let my life decay. Sure enough, I remember February 28th, 2007. My life was better than the year before. Although I still wasn’t perfect, I was a lot more self confident and a lot more sure of myself. I was proactive and I didn’t let my life decay. I could have fallen into a pit of depression, but I didn’t. It was that year that I first started weight training. I learned so much about myself and about my body. Improving my physical health and improving my emotional health went hand in hand. I realized that the same determination used to improve my body could be used to improve my whole life. I use the same thought process in the gym that I do in life to accomplish new goals. My guess is that next year, in February, my life will be even better off than it was this year. If you start off each day with one small, positive and achievable goal and reach that goal by the end of the day, in one year, you will have achieved 365 small things that add up to one huge positive change. If you just sit there and wait for life to get better, it won’t.
So that’s that.
I hope I was able to reach some people with these quotes and stories. I try to live by them every day.
And thanks so much Chillen, for letting me contribute to your log.
And now, in the words of Chillen himself, “ROCK ON!”