September 28th, 2007: Chillens Feelings
I wanted to take the time to share some feelings.
I am extremely happy on how the ChillOut log has functioned and grown the past few months. I check to see who is online quite often, and I see alot of members viewing the log from time to time (even the ones invisible

The forum member interaction has been exceptional:
and I thank ALL OF YOU! I thank you from my heart.
There was a time, I felt alone and depressed but I pressed on despite it; many of you came out and posted your support in your own ways during this time in late August: (i.e CCR, NAE, Gooch, NBS-4LIFE, PB, Jackie11, Matt182,Sparrow, and Derwydonn) and I thank you very much. I will not forget that.
That meant alot to me, more than you know.
I especially want to thank the one member who has been with me since the beginning: Jon (PB)........He is one special young man.
I do miss FF posting in the log and his interaction.
Remember this from one of my log posts while back? (PB?) (lol)
Only a psycho can make these up (lol):
A Rhyme for the ChillOut Log:
The Chillout Log is like the African hunting Dog, it barks at the mentally Clogged, and releases the Fog so one can be a information Hog:
Chillen has the Will to cause a Shrill of Goodwill
Chillen does this from his heart and Freewill,
Chillen is dressed to Kill because he wants to Fulfill,
and give all forum members a Refill of the same pep Pill
which is called the Chill Pill so they can rev up their mental quartz Mill and become like a Internal stamped Mill of humbled Will and personally Chill.
And one more of my past Rhymes (LOL):
(this was posted to a teenage sex thread a few months back):
A Sad Dad Story:
There once was a Dad who had hair on his head that didnt Shed.
The Son armed with his personal machin Gun fertilized many eggs and the Sad Dad's head began to Shred.
Now all Dread the Sad Dad's Head
Moderation please..............
I again want to re-state the overall purpose and meaning of this Log:
(there has been many posts on this in the log)
July 15th, Post:
The inner being can make the outer being that much stronger. The mental and spirit WITHIN oneself.........drives the outside mechanics.
This by itself can make one reach inside and pullout more than they think they can achieve.
Some forum members need a friend sounding off in this area,
and I am going to be this person for them.
Beauty within beholds beauty on the outside, and this comes in many forms, and is not just limited to the illusional physical appearance.
If this thread can relate to just one, and this one person can pull a philosophical statement and/or statements from this thread as a mental tool to motivate and inspire to continue progression toward their goal.....when times get tough, then I accomplished my goal (s).
I plan to this every single day, unless the persons on the forum advise me otherwise.
If I can touch one person reading the forum that is having a bad day (even one reading as guests, and registered members not posting), and they stand up keep their diet, stay strong, stay the course and train, then I couldnt be more happier. THIS is what its about.
My heart is with all of you.....I will try to help you reach your goals........
I am very thankful for all of you!