The ChillOut Log

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Chillen, I'm sorry, but what do you mean by (+4) I'm confused :S
Thanks! So does that mean since you have around 100 rep that whoever you rep gets 4 points? Or am I understanding this wrong? I mean what decides whether a person gets 1 point versus 4?
September 28th, 2007: Chillens Feelings

I wanted to take the time to share some feelings.

I am extremely happy on how the ChillOut log has functioned and grown the past few months. I check to see who is online quite often, and I see alot of members viewing the log from time to time (even the ones invisible ;) ).

The forum member interaction has been exceptional: and I thank ALL OF YOU! I thank you from my heart.

There was a time, I felt alone and depressed but I pressed on despite it; many of you came out and posted your support in your own ways during this time in late August: (i.e CCR, NAE, Gooch, NBS-4LIFE, PB, Jackie11, Matt182,Sparrow, and Derwydonn) and I thank you very much. I will not forget that.

That meant alot to me, more than you know.

I especially want to thank the one member who has been with me since the beginning: Jon (PB)........He is one special young man.

I do miss FF posting in the log and his interaction.

Remember this from one of my log posts while back? (PB?) (lol)

Only a psycho can make these up (lol):

A Rhyme for the ChillOut Log:

The Chillout Log is like the African hunting Dog, it barks at the mentally Clogged, and releases the Fog so one can be a information Hog:

Chillen has the Will to cause a Shrill of Goodwill
Chillen does this from his heart and Freewill,
Chillen is dressed to Kill because he wants to Fulfill,
and give all forum members a Refill of the same pep Pill
which is called the Chill Pill so they can rev up their mental quartz Mill and become like a Internal stamped Mill of humbled Will and personally Chill.

And one more of my past Rhymes (LOL):

(this was posted to a teenage sex thread a few months back):

A Sad Dad Story:

There once was a Dad who had hair on his head that didnt Shed.

The Son armed with his personal machin Gun fertilized many eggs and the Sad Dad's head began to Shred.

Now all Dread the Sad Dad's Head


Moderation please..............

I again want to re-state the overall purpose and meaning of this Log:

(there has been many posts on this in the log)

July 15th, Post:

The inner being can make the outer being that much stronger. The mental and spirit WITHIN oneself.........drives the outside mechanics.

This by itself can make one reach inside and pullout more than they think they can achieve.

Some forum members need a friend sounding off in this area, and I am going to be this person for them.

Beauty within beholds beauty on the outside, and this comes in many forms, and is not just limited to the illusional physical appearance.

If this thread can relate to just one, and this one person can pull a philosophical statement and/or statements from this thread as a mental tool to motivate and inspire to continue progression toward their goal.....when times get tough, then I accomplished my goal (s).

I plan to this every single day, unless the persons on the forum advise me otherwise. If I can touch one person reading the forum that is having a bad day (even one reading as guests, and registered members not posting), and they stand up keep their diet, stay strong, stay the course and train, then I couldnt be more happier. THIS is what its about.



My heart is with all of you.....I will try to help you reach your goals........

I am very thankful for all of you!
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i very much remember the beginning of the chillog!
i remember when you used to make a seperate thread every day before the chillog even! LOL!

of course you achieved your goal with the really really helped me a how i have changed since the start of it.
but it wasnt the chillog that helped me more, it was the person behind the chillog.
and still, you help me day by day...whenever i lack encouragement from people other than myself(always), i remember don and press on.
I am very grateful to have met you chillman!
i very much remember the beginning of the chillog!
i remember when you used to make a seperate thread every day before the chillog even! LOL!

of course you achieved your goal with the really really helped me a how i have changed since the start of it.
but it wasnt the chillog that helped me more, it was the person behind the chillog.
and still, you help me day by day...whenever i lack encouragement from people other than myself(always), i remember don and press on.
I am very grateful to have met you chillman!

I just feel so gracious with the interaction recently, it humbles my heart.

You will have a special place as always. PB

Imagine the separate threads now......:yelrotflmao: lol.

I have to come with some new stuff!.........HEHEHE........AND I have an arsonel.....coming just wait...........This has just been a beginning.........Brotha and Sista's..........
again, i say:
i cannot imagine the day i will stop following the chillog at least weekly
perhaps one day i can visit when i am older; we can have a glass of cofee, talk, train

i am curious as to what is coming up in the chillog..i hope to contribute to it when i get a mental surge
I plan to take a trip to Florida around July of next about a MILKMAN visit.......

That would be too cool........

I have the thoughts mapped out for next week's posts......

I plan to continue the Guest posters (getting another opinion from one that understands the "integrity" of the log is a good)


What did you think of the "Fragged" thread (Video)?

Remember, there are EXCEPTIONS to the: thou shall not kill--biblically.
yea... i was curious about that.
it says in exodus somewhere that if a child strikes his mother, then the child must be put to death.
what does this mean?

i thought that video was violent and the cop shouldnt have killed the guy...why'd he do that?
I dont have the total circumference of the circumstances (there are other dash videos of the other patrol cars). I have read the newspaper article posted the next day though. They are saying that the reason the police officer was on the hood of the car was due to the driver trying to run the officer over (I didnt see this in the video though) and use it as a weapon, and he had to hop up on the hood..........On the "surface" my tentative feelings are that the shooting isnt justified......but this feeling is flawed by not knowing alot of the circumstances.....I dont like forming an opinion unless I know the facts cant be prevented.........

The driver was not armed with a weapon. They are claiming he was trying to use the vehicle as a weapon and kill one of the officers.
If this is true, the video......did NOT show that fact.
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Hey, yeah I saw the video. If the guy in the car wasn't trying to kill the officer, then the officer shouldn't have shot at him. An if he was trying to kill the officer, they could have used some other type of force to contain him. There were two cars there, it's not like their lives were in complete danger. The two cops could have held him down or something if he were being that defiant. I didn't really get that from the video though. It just looked like the guy was trying to escape.

Police brutality has been a big issue in the bay area lately.
Good night ALL. I hope your day went well.

Wish all of you the best. I hope you had no troubles in diet or training today.

Peace to all of you.

Be Proud of yourselves!.........

See you 2morrow!

ROCK ON!......................

Good Afternoon.......! Brotha and Sista's!!!!!!!!!

Whats Happenen'?

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!..........Get Spunky with it!.........

No excuses...........Kick know and take NAMES!

The ChillOut forth Coming......regular post.....

Then I have one coming for the two Brotha's FoRenSiC and ARC........

Brotha's......I am thinking about you......ROCK ON!.......COME........ON!

Drive yourself CRAZY........with doing it RIGHT!

BUH!........Cant be spot on.......that's CRAP-OLA,,,,,,,

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I have been thinking on doing a "regular bulk", and bulk up to about 175 (5"7"), and then reverting back to the point my abs are as defined as they are now, for about a net of 10 lbs. Winter is coming and this would be a good time. 10lbs would make nearly a monster (and defined to boot) on my small height.

any thoughts? PB, FF, CCR, Phil, Der, AMP, Karky, Dave, Will, and others?

Coooooool! Totally, do it! We need more of us old guys bulking ;) But seriously for me it's more fun than cutting - never being very hungry, getting to really focus on the weights, not doing all that cardio, adding to yourself rather than taking away. I love the feeling of all those nutrients flying around in my body!

On the other hand, losing that lean look is a little depressing. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think damn. I just try to think forward to when I've got more muscle and I know it'll be pretty easy to cut off that extra fat when I finish the cal surplus.

Are you an endomorph, meso, or ecto, Chillen? I just did some reaidng on bulking for endo's (I'm endo/meso leaning more towards endo though) and got some interesting info, there are some links in my log. A lot of the guys on the forum sound like ecto's and plus are a lot younger than us with fast-ass metabolisms, so they don't have to worry as much. In an attempt to minimize fat gains, I'm going to try a moderate carb/high protein intake (30c/30f/40p) intake for a couple weeks and see what the results are.

In my opinion, cutting is easier and than bulking, especially for us oldsters, but who wants easy?! Go for the challenge and show us how it's done Chillen!!
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