The ChillOut Log

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I liked your inspirational quotes for the day. Congratulations on the 100 rep.

(I like your new avatar too):)
September 25th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (2)

Chillen's free thoughts:

We have to master our own thoughts; the brain can sometimes be like a court room: with a defense attorney, prosecution attorney, Jury, and Judge, all presiding in session.

What is at stake: Death by lethal injection, Life sentence, a prison term with a fine, or being set free.

This is interesting when one looks at this hypothetical brain set up analytically

Here is the hypothetical setup:

Issues on trial: All inner thoughts and emotions and outside stimulus brought to the court room (the brain).

The defense is the the one defending the action and/or inaction

The proscecutor is the one wanting to prosecute you for the action or inaction

The judge (like a counscious) is the one that determines if the defense or prosecution are full of Sh@t, and passes some decisions to keep the integrity flowing.

If a deal cannot be made between the defense and prosecutor it goes to the Jury for the decision, and this can lead to: guilty or not guilty, and then the judge decides the sentence if guilty, which can lead to: Death by lethal injection, Life sentence, a prison term.

If a deal is reached between the prosecutor and defense attorney, the disposition depends on the issue that was dealt which can lead to: Life sentence, a prison term, or being set free.

Without going further, how does this hypothetical set up apply to our lives within diet and training: when we dont want to train, thinking we dont have time to train, but not really making the time, and so on and so forth, cheat on our diets, have low self esteem, or self worth, or other types of issues?

When working this out.....all pieces of the court room have to be in play.
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A joke for the day:

The Pepsi Theory

Heres the setup: a divorced couple is fighting for the rights to their kids. The dad presents his own unique theory.
A man and his wife were getting a divorce at a local court.

But the custody of their children posed a problem.

The mother jumped to her feet and protested to the judge that since she had brought the children into this world, she should retain custody of them.

The man also wanted custody of his children.

The judge asked for his side of the story too. After a long moment of silence, the man rose from the chair and replied:

"Judge, when I put a dollar into a vending machine, and a Pepsi comes out, does the Pepsi belong to me or to the machine?"
Good Afternoon Forum Brotha and Sista's

I have an announcement.

I have asked another forum member to post in the ChillOut Log September 27th, 2007.

His undying enthusiasm, bright attitude, and postive outlook on life for a young man his age, is to be admired. In short, I respect this young man.

Im not gonna tell you who it is.......... :)
I would like one or two of you to tackle my court room hypothetical......


ROCK ON!...........Each and everyone one of you.

I care about all of you and whether you progress or regress in the personal goals you seek..........
September 26th, 2007: Thoughts for the day

Brotha and Sista's

YES!.............Do this......ROCK WITH THIS.........KNOW THIS!........BE THIS!

Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours.

============= ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!==========================

He who reigns within himself, and rules passions, desires, and fears, is more than a king


A man is the easiest animal to put on a leash and the hardest to keep leashed. Even when he chooses it himself.

-Robert Jordan The Dragon Reborn

Everything in my life has been gained at the cost of not saying what I really think and saying what they want me to say.

--Elizabeth Moon The Speed of Dark

'Normal' is a dryer setting.

--Elizabeth Moon The Speed of Dark

I hate the labels; they make me feel sticky, where they are stuck to me with professional glue I can't pry off.

--Elizabeth Moon The Speed of Dark

Having to struggle gave me the chance to demonstrate strength of character.

--Elizabeth Moon The Speed of Dark


We are all prisoners at one time or another in our lives, prisoners to ourselves or to the expectations of those around us. It is a burden that all people endure, that all people despise, and that few people ever learn to escape.

--R. A. Salvatore Exile


It is better, I think, to grab at the stars than to sit flustered because you know you cannot reach them...At least he who reaches will get a good stretch, a good view, and perhaps even a low-hanging apple for his efforts.

--R. A. Salvatore Sojourn


It occurred to me that the problem with doing nothing is not knowing when your finished.

-Nelson DeMille Plum Island

What we believe... shapes what we see.

--Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child Brimstone

"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."

Edward Stanley


"If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all."

Joey Adams


Martina Navratilova (1956-) U.S. (Czech born) tennis player

(About her healthy diet) "You really are what you put into your body. You can't run on fumes. You don't put a lousy gasoline in a top-quality car."


Dolly Parton (1946-) U.S. singer, songwriter and actress

"Do I lift weights? Sure. Every time I stand up."

(ROTFL!!! :) )


Joe Namath:

Until I was thirteen, I thought my name was "shut up."



Nathaniel Emmons:

Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.


Napoleon Hill:

You are searching for the magic key that will unlock the door to the source of power; and yet you have the key in your own hands, and you may use it the moment you learn to control your thoughts.


Les Brown:

When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.


Frederick Langbridge:

Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars


Les Brown

If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness.


It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.



Few cases of eye strain have been developed by looking on the bright side of things



Touch your chest with your hand. You feel your heart beating? Then there is always hope, my dear friends.

Can you still see with your eyes? Then you can see what you have to do.

Touch your hand to your other arm. Do you feel this? Then you can still feel what you have to do.

Do you have ears to hear with? Then you can still hear yourself telling you what you need to do.

Do you have a sense of Smell? Then you can weed out what stinks and what smells good and what will rock you ON!


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish all of you the best........every day

I really about all of you.........

Best regards

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hey chillen!!!
thanks for the chillpill in the thread about breast implants...that was funny.
i have a lot of work to do school wise...i am failing pre calc! :[
and my APUSH grade is little to be admired.
since when, in my persuit of wisdom did i become so dumb?

i find school very trivial, yet i do understand its importance and how it is a learning experiance...learn how to learn...


w/e...i have been feeling awesome since that chat with you...its pretty amazing actually. the back is feeling a lot stronger suddenly...power in prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey chillen!!!
thanks for the chillpill in the thread about breast implants...that was funny.
i have a lot of work to do school wise...i am failing pre calc! :[
and my APUSH grade is little to be admired.
since when, in my persuit of wisdom did i become so dumb?

i find school very trivial, yet i do understand its importance and how it is a learning experiance...learn how to learn...


w/e...i have been feeling awesome since that chat with you...its pretty amazing actually. the back is feeling a lot stronger suddenly...power in prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finding school trivial.......what sources inside hoarde "triviality" and if hidden and unrecognized play out in ones personal application of wisdom? Or is this self limiting wisdom.......

I feel great about it too......It got cut short because my PC decided it want to break for a, and then when I returned you were off.
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Regular bulk

I have been thinking on doing a "regular bulk", and bulk up to about 175 (5"7"), and then reverting back to the point my abs are as defined as they are now, for about a net of 10 lbs. Winter is coming and this would be a good time. 10lbs would make nearly a monster (and defined to boot) on my small height.

any thoughts? PB, FF, CCR, Phil, Der, AMP, Karky, Dave, Will, and others?
27th September

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I was delighted to have been asked if I could post something on Chillen's famous log today, and naturally I accepted, so here I am...

When thinking about what to write today, I realised that I didn't have one set idea, or at least one which Chillen hadn't already written about, so I've decided to go with the flow. Who knows? I may even decide to include this in my post :)

Something I think everybody has a problem with in their lives at some point is... believing in themselves. When you walk along a road, sit on a train, or are in a school/working environment you can sometimes start to look at other peoples definitive qualities and wish that you had them. You could stand there for 10 minutes, watching and deep down thinking 'How could I be like them'. I used to get this sometimes when I was younger. It wasn't really jealousy, no... It was something else. Envy? Maybe.. But one things for sure, 99% of the time it doesn't get you anywhere, except maybe, a shallow, twisted view of how you wish to be.

So looking further into detail, why is this bad? Why shouldn't you do this?
Well, firstly I would like to make this very clear - There is a huge difference between admiring a person, and being jealous of a person.

Lets start by looking at the definition of each word according to thefreedictionary(dot)com:

To admire is to: have a high opinion of; esteem or respect.
To be jealous is to: Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness

The reasons for low self esteem can be quite simple, it could just be some comments some people have made to you, or just comments they haven't. It could also be something bigger, such as deep depression for whatever reason, or just general lack of self belief in anything you do.

Now, when you stop, and look at a person, say some tall, dark haired, handsome fella, with great teeth and a trophy girlfriend, and think to yourself 'why can't I be like that', you have to remember something very big... You have NO idea of how he feels inside, heck quite often you don't even know anything about the guy or girl. For all you know that girl with him could be his sister, he could have no toes, or worse ;) and could generally be on the borderline of depression. The person could also have an IQ of a dead fly, the personality of a door frame and a pile of debts to go with it. Basically you have no idea about anything but their LOOKS. Time and time again girls at school get upset about how they look, or how other people have better lives than them. If you look behind the scenes you can see the bigger picture.

Some people are generally happy, but some people have taught themselves through past lessons and experiences to accept who they are, and work on their own qualities, gaining confidence and inspiration from other people. Not looking at Miss USA and thinking 'OMG she is so hot', because quite frankly everybody is different, and everybody has their own qualities, we are unique. And anybody of any age, size or race should know this. You can't get anything out of looking at a person, don't think about it, be about it. Good qualities are established by people who have grown them from tiny seeds in the ground, not from picking off another persons tree. If somebody wants to say you have a fault, let them. Because so do they, and if you try to become them, then you'll just create more faults in your own person.

And on that note I would like to say again, thank you to Chillen for giving me the honour of writing this, and also thank you all for reading it. Some quotes are written below...

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away. ~Raymond Hull

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. ~Judy Garland

Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. ~Homer

If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise. ~Johann von Goethe

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth. ~Benjamin Disraeli

There is just one life for each of us: our own. ~Euripides

Thank you all.
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Those are great words Woodt, thankyou.......Heya Chillen hows it going???....... sorry i missed you again the other day, i think it was the day before yestaday, i did another 45 min workout today, hope your proud, haha

Anyway i hope everybodies day was good

Jackie xxxxx
Those are great words Woodt, thankyou.......Heya Chillen hows it going???....... sorry i missed you again the other day, i think it was the day before yestaday, i did another 45 min workout today, hope your proud, haha

Anyway i hope everybodies day was good

Jackie xxxxx

WE need to get together, LOL. I cant get on yahoo until about 5 my time today.......(I can post on a forum at work, but not on yahoo......:rolleyes: )

we need to finish up :cool:

YES PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just need to refine things for you in diet and calories........before it gets much longer......Mabe I do it in have e-mail........Let me know---then we rock some more.....

Best regards, Chillen
27th September

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I was delighted to have been asked if I could post something on Chillen's famous log today, and naturally I accepted, so here I am...

When thinking about what to write today, I realised that I didn't have one set idea, or at least one which Chillen hadn't already written about, so I've decided to go with the flow. Who knows? I may even decide to include this in my post :)

Something I think everybody has a problem with in their lives at some point is... believing in themselves. When you walk along a road, sit on a train, or are in a school/working environment you can sometimes start to look at other peoples definitive qualities and wish that you had them. You could stand there for 10 minutes, watching and deep down thinking 'How could I be like them'. I used to get this sometimes when I was younger. It wasn't really jealousy, no... It was something else. Envy? Maybe.. But one things for sure, 99% of the time it doesn't get you anywhere, except maybe, a shallow, twisted view of how you wish to be.

So looking further into detail, why is this bad? Why shouldn't you do this?
Well, firstly I would like to make this very clear - There is a huge difference between admiring a person, and being jealous of a person.

Lets start by looking at the definition of each word according to thefreedictionary(dot)com:

To admire is to: have a high opinion of; esteem or respect.
To be jealous is to: Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness

The reasons for low self esteem can be quite simple, it could just be some comments some people have made to you, or just comments they haven't. It could also be something bigger, such as deep depression for whatever reason, or just general lack of self belief in anything you do.

Now, when you stop, and look at a person, say some tall, dark haired, handsome fella, with great teeth and a trophy girlfriend, and think to yourself 'why can't I be like that', you have to remember something very big... You have NO idea of how he feels inside, heck quite often you don't even know anything about the guy or girl. For all you know that girl with him could be his sister, he could have no toes, or worse ;) and could generally be on the borderline of depression. The person could also have an IQ of a dead fly, the personality of a door frame and a pile of debts to go with it. Basically you have no idea about anything but their LOOKS. Time and time again girls at school get upset about how they look, or how other people have better lives than them. If you look behind the scenes you can see the bigger picture.

Some people are generally happy, but some people have taught themselves through past lessons and experiences to accept who they are, and work on their own qualities, gaining confidence and inspiration from other people. Not looking at Miss USA and thinking 'OMG she is so hot', because quite frankly everybody is different, and everybody has their own qualities, we are unique. And anybody of any age, size or race should know this. You can't get anything out of looking at a person, don't think about it, be about it. Good qualities are established by people who have grown them from tiny seeds in the ground, not from picking off another persons tree. If somebody wants to say you have a fault, let them. Because so do they, and if you try to become them, then you'll just create more faults in your own person.

And on that note I would like to say again, thank you to Chillen for giving me the honour of writing this, and also thank you all for reading it. Some quotes are written below...

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away. ~Raymond Hull

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. ~Judy Garland

Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. ~Homer

If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise. ~Johann von Goethe

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth. ~Benjamin Disraeli

There is just one life for each of us: our own. ~Euripides

Thank you all.

WOODT........Thank you my friend; For the time and effort you had put in this post.

I have read it and it is some fantastic thoughts for all of us, to heed and remember, as we live out our lives.

My favorite quotes from YOU:

The person could also have an IQ of a dead fly, the personality of a door frame LOL!...........>ROTFL!!!! VERY TRUE!

Again, thank you..........It meant alot!

+rep (+4)

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I had posed some questions I would like you to answer in my previous posts in the log.

I didnt know if you had saw them. :)

How was you day today?
I will check to see if you are on later.......Have to run....

Be back later.........ALL.............


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


best wishes

heyyyy woodt..nice post my friend. i enjoyed it greatly.
very sweet and packed with insight.
nice bro! +rep for the wise post

heyyy chillen! today was great! i feel good today because i think i did good on my math test(i need to bring my grade up at all costs) and i have tomorrow off school.
everything is flowing very smoothly and leisurely.

except my mom is really mad at me for my progress report.
it says F for pre calc, D for gym(teacher is screwing me over...i have no idea why its so low), and she is mad for me getting a C in APUSH(college class)

i havent been slacking off at all...i am being unfairly misgraded in gym, and i am proud of my C in APUSH.
math...i just am doing terrible in because of several "unlucky" occurances, plus the fact that i am terrible at math.

but i assured her that i am doing my best to improve my grades. the thing is, she doesnt believe me and she has grounded me for the week.
i have gotten excellent grades every past year so i dont know why she distrusts me when i said im going to bring up grades.
grounding me for the week wont make my grades go up, so i dont understand her punishment.
i dont have any homework...i did it
i am already doing my best to bring my grades up despite her punishment(she told me today)
so i couldnt go to homecoming football game or my friends house tomorrow...
she is just being...i will conceal my anger.

i am thinking of getting ajob so i can work a couple hours a week and earn some money and use time wisely.

when can we get on yahoo?
heyyyy woodt..nice post my friend. i enjoyed it greatly.
very sweet and packed with insight.
nice bro! +rep for the wise post

heyyy chillen! today was great! i feel good today because i think i did good on my math test(i need to bring my grade up at all costs) and i have tomorrow off school.
everything is flowing very smoothly and leisurely.

except my mom is really mad at me for my progress report.
it says F for pre calc, D for gym(teacher is screwing me over...i have no idea why its so low), and she is mad for me getting a C in APUSH(college class)

i havent been slacking off at all...i am being unfairly misgraded in gym, and i am proud of my C in APUSH.
math...i just am doing terrible in because of several "unlucky" occurances, plus the fact that i am terrible at math.

but i assured her that i am doing my best to improve my grades. the thing is, she doesnt believe me and she has grounded me for the week.
i have gotten excellent grades every past year so i dont know why she distrusts me when i said im going to bring up grades.
grounding me for the week wont make my grades go up, so i dont understand her punishment.
i dont have any homework...i did it
i am already doing my best to bring my grades up despite her punishment(she told me today)
so i couldnt go to homecoming football game or my friends house tomorrow...
she is just being...i will conceal my anger.

i am thinking of getting ajob so i can work a couple hours a week and earn some money and use time wisely.

when can we get on yahoo?

I will talk to you about about most of these issues you posted when we talk on yahoo. But, I STILL want some answers to some questions I asked young the previous posts when you get a chance :) .
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