The ChillOut Log

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Pb2-2, C2-4.........buwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jon, I want you to read my post to AMP if you havent already done so.......

Let me know if you read it.....its important to me.....Thanks
September 22, 2007; Thoughts for the day (2)



I WILL ALWAYS DO WHAT I CAN TO HELP YOU when your down or when you are up..........COUNT ON IT!

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!

I found some rather interesting things today:

Perseverance Quotient

Perseverance and failure cannot coexist. Failure happens when you quit. When all is said and done, perseverance, commonly referred to as "stick-to-itiveness," is the ultimate success insurance. Nothing can take its place.

Like the old adage of getting up just one more time than you have been knocked down, "Staying with it" applies to so much that is good and healthful in life! From learning to walk to riding a bicycle, our childhood teaches us that failure only occurs when we stop trying. It's a lesson many of us need to revisit in our adulthood. Then we need to consciously apply the techniques and principles that keep us on the "perseverance track."

For example, the world is full of those who "tried" to get a business going. After meeting with difficulty or rejections, they quit. They accepted failure, and faded back into the crowd never to be heard from again. The worst part is not that they quit their business, but that they quit themselves.

Why should succeeding at a business be easier than learning to ski or to play the piano? We are likely to stumble at first. It's part of the learning process. Ultimately, the people who persevere through the stumbling process learn enough to become successful. It's "staying with it" that separates the successful from the "wanes." Remember the words of Vince Lombardi, "We never lost a game, we just ran out of time."

Let's examine this valuable, yet elusive character trait, to see how we can enhance our own level of perseverance in life.

How are you currently equipped to persevere in pursuit of your dreams?

Give yourself the following quiz. On a scale of 1 -10, one being not all and 10 being perfect, rate your level on each of these factors that play a key role in your ability to persevere:

1. Self-confidence and self-image (Do you believe in you?)

2. Independence in thought and action (Can you go against the crowd when you know they're wrong?)

3. Clarity of purpose and intensity of passion (Do you really know what you want? How hot is your fire?)

4. Integrity (Do your actions align with your professed beliefs?)

5. Honesty with yourself (Are you willing to acknowledge and address areas about yourself with which you're dissatisfied?)

6. Ability to focus (Do you finish projects you start?)

7. Resilience (Can you bounce back quickly from disappointments?)

8. Adaptability to change in circumstances (Can you quickly adjust to surprises?)

9. Health (How is your stamina? Energy level?)

10. The supportiveness of your family, social and career environment (Do the people who surround you add to, or detract from, your willingness to do what's necessary to achieve your goals?)

Total Score

What Does Your Score Reveal:

Below 55
Take a complete inventory. Your positive assets first. Then your areas of opportunity (lowest scoring categories).

55 - 69
You're honest, and that's a good start! Which is what you should do---start!! Also, what can you do to bring up your lowest score?

70 - 84
You're in great shape to go. Maybe a little fine-tuning along the way

85 - 94
Excellent---just don't get too comfortable

95 - 100
You are a Perseverance Machine. Keep up the great work!

Whats your score?

September 22, 2007; Thoughts for the day (3)

11 Ways To Raise Your
Perseverance Quotient:

1. Be grown up, which means, be independent, take responsibility for yourself. When you step out, take risks, and succeed some people may be envious or fearful that they're "losing" the former you. This can cause them to be critical of your new aspirations and plans. They become "dream stealers." When you are overly concerned about what your family, friends and acquaintances might say, you might lose your drive to persevere and let your dreams fade away.

This may be a great time to develop new friends who support your goals and gladly celebrate your achievements. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to abandon the old ones. But let them know how you feel. Just give them a little room to catch up with the new you!

2. Intentionally select positive re-enforcement. When you purchase books and tapes, movies and other media for your entertainment, seek those with strong, uplifting themes. Select those which nurture your spirit. Avoid as much negative messaging as possible, including other outside influences that bring you down. For instance, why would you choose to read a magazine article or watch a news program that leaves you depressed or angry? For those times when negativity unavoidably invades your space, find something to learn from it or something humorous about it. When someone hands you the thorns, find the roses!

3. Live healthy. Energy and stamina are musts for perseverance. You need them for focus, resilience, optimism, self-confidence, clarity and intensity. You have seen from the above quiz how much each of these effects your Perseverance Quotient!

4. Ask, "What is true?" not "What do others think is true?" To make effective decisions, you must take the responsibility of perceiving reality as accurately as possible. Decision-making is not a popularity contest and there's definitely no guarantee that what the majority thinks or believes is compatible with the truth. This includes the people the majority regard as experts.

When you seek the truth, you're being true to yourself. When you're true to yourself, you nourish your will to persevere.

5. When getting advice, consider the source.

If you want to shorten the distance from perseverance to achievement, you want to learn from the mistakes of others, rather than repeating them yourself. And you want to use the methods that have brought others the success you seek.

If you're planning to climb Mt Everest, who will you look to for advice? The best source is someone else who has done it!!

If you want to pilot an airplane, would you listen to advice from Aunt Matilda who has never done anything in her life more demanding than entering a Bridge contest? Would you ask your accountant? Your best friend? Or would you seek advice from someone who is a successful pilot?

If you wanted to start a small business, would you seek advice from someone at work, your minister, a university professor, a corporate person, or from someone who is already successful in the business?

And here's a fascinating corollary: if you are looking for a way out, an excuse to quit, you need go no farther than Aunt Matilda, your accountant, the folks at work, etc. You'll get all the negative encouragement necessary to put your dream back on the shelf.

6. Avoid the "no action" alibi. We've all been guilty from time to time of using convenient alibis for not persevering.

Eric Hoffer, who had spent much of his life as a "simple" longshoreman, is a great example of someone who didn't let other people's stereotypes, which he could have used as no-action alibis, prevent him from becoming a best-selling philosopher-author.

And Eric Hoffer says it well: "There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement. For an achievement does not settle anything permanently. We still have to prove that we are as good today as we were yesterday.

"But when we have a valid alibi for not achieving anything, we are fixed, so to speak, for life. Moreover, when we have an alibi for not writing a book and not painting a picture and so on, we have an alibi for not writing the greatest book and not painting the greatest picture. Small wonder that the effort expended and the punishment endured in obtaining a good alibi often exceed the effort and grief requisite for the attainment of a most marked achievement."

The important thing is to be totally honest with ourselves; recognize the alibi for what it is and not make alibis a way of life.

7. Identify counterproductive habits or thoughts you would like to discontinue. Then dump them!

Being mentally or emotionally rigid means that you hang on to habits that no longer serve you, habits that can make you unproductive, frustrated, unfulfilled.

Examples of counterproductive habits that may reduce your will to persevere:

---Grousing about politics, work or the neighbors with friends
---Blowing small aggravations out of proportion
---Dwelling in the past
---Worrying about stuff that may not even happen, or that you cannot control
---Viewing yourself as a victim
---Worrying about what others are doing or what others have.

"Be true to yourself."

Focus on what you can do, not what you cannot do. When you focus on what you cannot do, you get more of it!

Keep YOUR pace. It's different from the pace of others. Forget the Jones's, and don't feel guilty about moving ahead of some of your contemporaries. Remember the story of "The Hare and the Tortoise." Live the life YOU want to live; earn what YOU want to earn; do what YOU want to do. Don't be too concerned about how others are living their lives.

8. Willingly forgive yourself and others. Do this for your own sake, your own peace of mind. Carrying around the emotions of grudges, disapproval, hatred, or disappointment is toxic to your spirit of perseverance. Whether the subject person is someone else or yourself, you are the one feeling the wound. You don't hurt others when you hold hatred toward them; you hurt yourself. And you can hurt yourself seriously by allowing hatred to fester in your consciousness. You can't experience anger and joy at the same time---so leave plenty of room for the joy!

9. Take reasonable risks. Without risk, there's no reward. Risk avoidance dampens the spirit, undermining the will to persist in the face of obstacles and reversals. The choice not to choose is probably one of the riskiest choices you can ever make, with zero upside potential!

10. Get support. You deserve to be around folks supportive of your aspirations. All good psychologists, counselors, coaches and teachers will tell you that you must have exposure to a positive environment. Napoleon Hill called it a Mastermind Group.

11. Don't quit.

When you feel yourself slipping, remember Sparky. School was all but impossible for Sparky. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. He flunked physics, Latin, algebra and English in high school. He didn't do much better in sports. Although he did manage to make the school golf team, he promptly lost the only important match of the year. There was a consolation match and he lost that, too.

Throughout his youth, Sparky was awkward socially. He was not actually disliked by the other students; he wasn't considered consequential enough for that! He was astonished if a classmate ever said "hello" to him outside school hours. He never found out how he would have fared as a "date." In high school, Sparky never once asked a girl out. He was too afraid of being rejected.

Sparky was a loser. He, his classmates, and everyone else knew it, so Sparky simply accepted it. But one thing was important to Sparky: drawing. He was proud of his own artwork. Of course, no one else appreciated it. In his senior year in high school, he submitted some cartoons to the editors of his yearbook. They were turned down. Despite this particularly painful rejection, Sparky had found his passion.

Upon graduating from high school, he wrote a letter to Walt Disney Studios. He was told to send some samples of his artwork, and the subject matter for a cartoon was suggested. Sparky drew the proposed cartoon. He spent a great deal of time on it and on the other drawings. Finally the reply from the Disney Studios came. He had been rejected once again. Another loss for the loser.

Sparky wrote his own autobiography in cartoons. He described his childhood self, a little-boy loser and chronic under achiever. He was the little cartoon boy whose kite would never fly, who never succeeded in kicking the football, and who became the most famous cartoon character of all, Charlie Brown!

Sparky, the boy who failed every subject in the eighth grade and whose work was rejected again and again, was Charles Schulz.

Charles Schulz persevered. He succeeded beyond his wildest imagination. He earned and deserved that success. He had failed at everything else he had tried. He endured rejection. It took a lot of trial and error to finally find out what it was that he was supposed to do. But he never quit. Because Charles Schulz persevered, the world is richer.

Perseverance is the insurance policy and common denominator for success. So powerful is perseverance that failure cannot exist in its presence. As Edison observed when after thousands of efforts to make the electric light bulb produced no illumination, "I haven't failed. I've identified 10,000 ways this doesn't work" By accurately viewing it as a learning experience, eventually Edison succeeded, leaving the critics and nay-sayers one of mankind¹s most important inventions.

Charles Schulz, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Colonel Sanders, Thomas Edison, Ayn Rand and the endless list of other persistent great achievers found that success inevitably arrives for every person who perseveres. Learn from the people who did it: Let perseverance keep your goals alive. And your dreams real.

Do what you love to do. Stand up for what you believe in. Make it a part of your life. Work toward it every day. Remember with every "No" you are that much closer to a "Yes" And by learning from each defeat and staying the course, success is inevitable.


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, we are back, thanks to ALLCDNBOY. We were not supposed to have been locked out of our accounts.

Yes, I put the post in the chillout log, but you can also go to amps journal (AMPing it up!)

Morning PB.......:)
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Little guys ROCK! A mere 158lbs....maxed bench this morning (just see the results of my dietary and weight program changes, and I went UP 15lbs from 330 to 345lbs.........IM doen' the fricken jig.....YES< Baby!........Full of the little guy syndrome........yep I have all of it..........LOL! ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!:)
Heya im on Yahoo if you wanna chat now

Jackie xx
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