The ChillOut Log

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Okay My name is Chillpill_cis (who would "Thunk" that?, lol)........add me as your buddy.........see you there.......Im invisible at the moment,,,,,,,,,,,,,

and you would be,,,,,,,,,,uh......Invincible.butterfly.......Uh........well..............uh............good fricken name............Jackie!
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Back from talking with let you know PB......I see you, lol
the youth group was pretty good. my friends are in the band, so i support them especially b/c they sing amazing praise songs that truly touch me.

but i see a weakness in Surge(name of the youth group). the kids there seem to be there more for friends, instead of God.
I plan on asking pastor Rob if i can lead a sermon one day, or make an addition, and light a fire under this youth group and get them to realize the reality and seriousness of christianity.
i feel that not enough kids are truly magnifying God during worship.
most of the kids(me2) are near the stage during the "up beat" rock/gospel songs, dancing and clapping and stuff, which is great, but i feel they are just not worshipping God, but they are treating it more like a social meeting with friends.
Some kids during worship are getting on other guy's shoulders, getting picked up, touching and grabbing other kids...ect.
And when the "grown up worship songs" come on, nobody lifts up their hands to bring praise to God but me and Joe..which is not right.
over all, i have a deep feeling that a lot of the kids need a REAL Revolutionary Relationship with Christ.
Bottom line:
This is not a place to come and be with friends. It is a place to be with the Lord.

i feel a calling to "pump up" this youth group with the holy spirit...
the youth group was pretty good. my friends are in the band, so i support them especially b/c they sing amazing praise songs that truly touch me.

but i see a weakness in Surge(name of the youth group). the kids there seem to be there more for friends, instead of God.

I plan on asking pastor Rob if i can lead a sermon one day, or make an addition, and light a fire under this youth group and get them to realize the reality and seriousness of christianity.

i feel that not enough kids are truly magnifying God during worship.
most of the kids(me2) are near the stage during the "up beat" rock/gospel songs, dancing and clapping and stuff, which is great, but i feel they are just not worshipping God, but they are treating it more like a social meeting with friends.

Some kids during worship are getting on other guy's shoulders, getting picked up, touching and grabbing other kids...ect.
And when the "grown up worship songs" come on, nobody lifts up their hands to bring praise to God but me and Joe..which is not right.
over all, i have a deep feeling that a lot of the kids need a REAL Revolutionary Relationship with Christ.
Bottom line:
This is not a place to come and be with friends. It is a place to be with the Lord.

i feel a calling to "pump up" this youth group with the holy spirit...

What kind of person is the pastor? With the right approach and topic one from the same age bracket could bring a "buzz" to the group. First, I think you need to ascertain if the Pastor is aware of your "same distinction" and then has simuliar feelings as you do. Sitting the pastor down one on one and having a meeting of the minds is a good idea to see what surfaces. Kids you age bracket have a whirl wind of interests side tracking them---but at least they are there....which is a big its a matter of proper construction to hone in their attention......and then....maybe with proper attention, this could change internal behavior......have a meeting to see what develops..........I cetainly commend your thoughts and foresight youngman.
the pastor is a real good guy. his sermons are good, but i dont think they focus much on real life situations that teens might be facing or doing.

the vibe i feel in the pastor's sermons is this:
I want you to learn, but i dont want to scare you off with a sermon that will POWERFULLY target YOUR sin and YOUR mistakes and bring the heavy weight of holy conviction upon your sinful body to bring you to true repentance and realization of his undying mercy so God can forgive you and make you white as snow.

i want completely ROCK these kids with the holy ghost and give them a sermon that will change their lives and make them never want to go back to where they were, basking in sin.

...i want to continue to grow in God and learn all of his teachings so i can share with them what i have experianced. i have undergone a HUGE spiritual REVOLUTION.
i see kids who i percieve as my past self...not ROCKING WITH THE HOLY GHOST, not loving God with everthing they have and in everything they do..they go to church and i see them the next day at school swearing and acting mean to siblings...
i am going to engrave these scriptures in my heart in order to lead my life and spread this rebellion against sin to everyone.

i would appreciate your prayer, don. We are strong in Christ together.
Im off to train. I will be on in just a tad over an hour.

I will post to the ChillOut log when I return.....(Unless PB is rambunctious and posts something relevent, if he does, I will subsequently post another on top of his too)

See in about an hour or so.......Off to train this old butt...........:cool:

Hope everyone had a good day today.........How was everyones day? Care to share?...........Post it up........

See ya in a bit

Good afternoon ALL!!!!!!!!!


Post forthcoming..........

Hope all is well with each and everyone of you (and I said everyone!) :)


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes

I will post when they reactivate my account after making the title change.............LOL...........AMP.............I havent forgot ya bro.......:)
I see you spicy..........peaking in here..........Im off to train.......yes this late......cause I can.........LOL. Off this weekend too........:)
Can anyone bring a smile before I take off :) and train?----------->NEWB training........remember though.....I graduated from being JoeBlow
Heya Chillen hows it going? how come you had to change your name??

ROCK ON !!!!!!!!!!!

Jackie xx

oh yeah i went out for a 15 run like you said last night, and i will do again today
Hey Chillen. How's it going? Came over just to check out your log again. It's awsome as always :)

Anyway, I've just noticed how my post count has literally collapsed recently. I believe I hit 1,000 posts back around 15th July and since then I think I've posted around... 60!? I think it's time I become a regular user again.

Have good day.
No we didnt get banned, lol. There changing are titles under our name, and I guess they have to "shut off" our account to do so.....I think we are not alone. I think probably anyone with 2,000+ posts, who hasnt had their title changed in the same boat as us..........

I patient.....with nice mods and admins....been nearly 24 hours......(at least working on it) (see below)

(HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!)

lol :)
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chillen2 has 2 rep power!
im so jelous!
man i wish i wasnt a joe blow
>< this is degrading :]
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