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September 19th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (5)

-------->>>>>>>ROCKEN in "SPUNKY"!!!!


Susie May Isaacs, my great-grandmother, was a beautiful woman, both in person and in spirit. She lived through two World Wars and the Great Depression. She was born in a dugout in Western Oklahoma to a Cheyenne Indian father and white mother during a time of great upheaval for the Native Americans in the Oklahoma Territory. During the eleven yrs I knew her I received the gifts of witnessing determination, courage, faith, humility, love and perserverance.

Ma lost her leg when she was 83 due to poor circulation and was told she would be in a wheelchair the rest of her life. The doctors were astonished when she left the hospital using a cane and had named her new wooden leg 'Peggy'.

In 1982 Ma had a heart attack and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. During the weeks she was in ICU, the hospital did not allow children to visit. Ma became very upset and refused to eat until she was allowed to see her sixteen great-grandchildren.

We all had received bibles from her as babies which were filled with clippings of jokes and stories she kept in an old hatbox. When we saw Ma she gave us all $5. With the help of our parents we bought 16 new bibles for her to inscribe and fill with her clippings. Noone expected her to be able to sign them all before she passed away. But we all underestimated her courage and strength when she was released from her 'death bed' to go home and began her task of love. During her last month she inscribed all the bibles and gave them to us filled with clippings and hand written poems.

Many years before Ma's death she had told her friends she would die on a Sunday so she could meet her Lord when he wasn't so busy. She had a massive heart attack on Thursday afternoon. She endured eight heart attacks between then and Sunday morning at six when she went on to meet her Lord.

I believe the few short years I was blessed with the company of that wonderful woman have helped me to be strong during the rough times and perservere. The constant love, laughter and courage I saw that illuminated from Ma is what I remember most from a woman who met stife with a smile on her face and her head held high.

(Source: )
September 19th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (6)

What can "the Hand" teach us? Lets see:

“A heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute.”

Edward Gibbon

“Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.”

---------->This is so correct: Read it TWICE!..........


“I held a moment in my hand, brilliant as a star, fragile as a flower, a tiny sliver of one hour. I dripped it carelessly, Ah! I didn't know, I held opportunity.”

Hazel Lee


“God has put somrthing noble and good into every heart His hand created.”

Mark Twain

“On the other hand, you have different fingers.”

Stephen Wright


Never try to catch two frogs with one hand

Chinese Proverbs

Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.

Denis Waitley

“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”

Mother Teresa of Calcutta


May you NEVER view the HAND the same again..............

Best regards,

Chillen :)
September 19th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (7)

What can "the ARM" teach us? Lets see:

“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm”

Swedish Proverb


“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.”

Marcus Aurelius
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

James Madison

“Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.”

Audrey Hepburn

Young man, young man, your arm's too short to box with God.”

James Weldon Johnson

==========================================================She stripped it from her arm. I see her yet:

Her pretty action did outsell her gift,

And yet enriched it too.

William Shakespeare


“Interruptions can be viewed as sources of irritation or opportunities for service, as moments lost or experience gained, as time wasted or horizons widened. They can annoy us or enrich us, get under our skin or give us a shot in the arm. Monopolize our minutes or spice our schedules, depending on our attitude toward them.”

William Arthur Ward


“We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

(LOL.....that is too funny!)......but has meaning too, lol

“In golf as in life it is the follow through that makes the difference.”


“If you cut off your arm instead of going 'spurt, spurt, spurt' wouldn't it, like, go nuts? Or would it go with the beat of your heart?....”

Elijah Wood



Best wishes,

September 19th, 2007: Thoughts of the day (8)

What can "The Finger" (no not that one, lol) teach us? Let's see:

“Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.”

C.S. Lewis


“When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.”

Louis Nizer


“Clean your finger before you point at my spots”

Benjamin Franklin


“One finger in the throat and one in the rectum makes a good diagnostician.”

William Osler (Canadian Physician, 1849-1919)

(a very "Interesting" observation with alot of meaning, lol)

“It might be said of psychoanalysis that if you give it your little finger it will soon have your whole hand”

Sigmund Freud


With the use of my hand, I give training and dieting hassles the middle finger and they no longer linger


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September 19th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (9)

The "FIST":

“Let your actions always speak for you, but be forever on guard against the terrible traps of false pride and conceit that can halt your progress. The next time you are tempted to boast, just place your fist in a full pail of water, and when you remove it, the hole remaining will give you a correct measure of your importance.”

Og Mandino quotes


“My passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today; I knew it then as purpose.”

Bette Davis

“Give up; do not grasp in clenched fists. ”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba


Best wishes,

September 19th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (10)

“The difference between a helping hand and an outstretched palm is a twist of the wrist.”

Laurence Leamer

Reach out and help others on this forum----all of them. Especially the new comers seeking knowledge and assistance!........ROCK THEM........


“It is the nature of the strong heart, that like the palm tree it strives ever upwards when it is most burdened.”

Sir Philip Sidney


ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!>..........................


Best Wishes

Hope everyones day went well!

Hope you had a good day today. And you were able to combat all trials and tribulations in your path, and came out smiling...........:)

I wish all of you the best each and every day!

Best regards,

"Nothing is more attractive than happiness in the smile and well being in the heart"

Wow - i love this, this is exactly what i think

Jackie xx
Im at work at the moment......getting ready to drive home.......give me about 30 minutes..........(get paid while posting to a forum.........This is an interesting combination.........but when things go well, I have time......)

I will be on in about 30 minutes. I will be leaving in about 10......

Hope you are still on. I know there is a time difference.........

I do that from time to time when I am at work (invisibility mode). I will switch it.....sometimes I forget.......sorry about that, young lady.................

I will be back.......and we talk abit about your program and progress, etc
“Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.”

You would think that something so important is common sense, but it's not. I think this quote applies to everyone, but especially the people on this forum. You need to figure out your goals, make your sacrifices, and make things happen. Love it.
AMP, I have forgotten to post to your way.......Im just busy......I will post soon.........glad you liked the quote..........ROCK ON!
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1. You figured your MT line to be less then 1900c (correct?) what multiplyer did you use?

2. What type of work do you do?

3. What type of progress have you seen in the last couple of weeks? (tissue loss, etc......

We start with these questions.

I will look in your journal and see if you answered these already.........I havent looked yet
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1. You figured your MT line to be less then 1900c (correct?) what multiplyer did you use? my mt line is approx 1980 by some website i used a while a go, i cant remember which

2. What type of work do you do? i think ive told like twice now

3. What type of progress have you seen in the last couple of weeks? (tissue loss, etc......nothing i think

We start with these questions.

I answered all your questions earlier , i think in my journal

Jackie xx
I answered all your questions earlier , i think in my journal

Jackie xx

LOL......I just went to your journal. I see that, now.

You have seen progress at all in two weeks?

Then something is wrong---have you seen progress since the start of the diary, and if so, when, (about what date approximation)

How do you weigh yourself each day? I want you to weigh yourself twice a week in the morning, with roughly the same cloths, and at the same time. Do not weigh yourself in the afternoons or evenings. Say a Monday and Thursday (something like this).

I wait for response....
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