Because I want to: For you BETH
This is for YOU BETH:
Recognize Your Self Worth, Improve Your Self Image
It is no coincidence that, when we begin to feel better about ourselves, we begin to feel better about the world and people around us as well.
Our image of what is around us very much mirrors our image of ourselves. When we have poor self esteem, everything else seems rotten.
Recognize and appreciate your worth as a person. You are special, you are valuable, you are worthy.
If you need help improving your self image and self esteem, then seek it. It is an important prerequisite to a happy and fulfilling life.
"The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom."
Henry Ward Beecher
Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.”
Marion C. Garretty
Daddy's Footsteps
~Author Unknown~
“Walk a little slower, Daddy”,
Said a little child so small.
“I’m following in your footsteps,
And I don’t want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they’re hard to see;
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For you are leading me.
Someday when I’m all grown up,
You’re what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Who’ll want to follow me.
And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So, walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you.”
First Day Of Kindergarten School Poem
~Author Unknown~
She started school this morning,
And she seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside her
In the Kindergarten hall.
And as she took her place beside
the others in the class,
I realized how all too soon
Those first few years can pass.
Remembering, I saw her as
She first learned how to walk.
The words that we alone made out
When she began to talk.
This little girl so much absorbed
In learning how to write.
It seems as though she must have grown
To girlhood overnight.
My eyes were blurred by hastily
I brushed the tears away
Lest by some word or sign of mine
I mar her first big day.
Oh how I longed to stay with her
And keep her by the hand
To lead her through the places
That she couldn't understand.
And something closely kin to fear
Was mingled with my pride.
I knew she would no longer be
A baby by my side.
But she must have her chance to live,
To work her problems out,
The privilege to grow and learn
What life is all about.
And I must share my little girl
With friends and work and play;
She's not a baby anymore --
She's in Kindergarten today.
As I Grow
~Author Unknown~
Please understand I am growing up and changing very fast.
It must be difficult to keep pace with me, but please try.
Please reward me for telling the truth.
Then I am not frightened into lying.
Please tell me when you make mistakes and what you learned from them.
Then I can accept that I am okay, even when I blunder.
Please pay attention to me and spend time with me.
Then I can believe that I am important and worthwhile.
Please help me explore my unique interests, talents and potential.
In order for me to be happy, I need to be me.
Please do the things you want me to do.
Then I have a good, positive model.
Please tell me by your words and actions that you love me.
Then I will feel loveable and will be able to love myself and others
I thought this applicable today for you Beth: A GOOD MOTHER.
ROCK ON! Being a good Mother and role model!
Best wishes,