The ChillOut Log

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Well ive been working harder these past 2 days, so if i keep doing this then i will see if there is a change.

And ive only been calorie counting again since the 13th

I havent weighed myself for a while, i dont want to lose weight, i will blow away in the wind haha

Jackie xx
Okay, I am going to figure your cals in Benedict (with activity and work-since I know that now, and see what I come up with)

We are going to get jackie back on track.........BABY! :)

The trick with work is to come to a moderate "in-between" variable since it varies (sitting at PC, and then up moving around).......Just a sec

We get on you on track......girl.
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Give me your present wgt and your hgt (age is 18 correct?......your just a pup!.........LOL........ROCK IT!)

Benedict is a formula that approximates calories needed in a day........I want to see this for myself
Since this is THE essential factor, I working on this first........give me a few enter the data in excel.....

Just a few......hang on......:)
Okay, 18, 130, 5-5, and Female.

•Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

Benedict Formula: Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x 130) + (4.7 x 65) - (4.7 x 18 )

655+(565.5)+(305.50)-(84.18): 1,526.00c (BASE: No activity included)

1.33 (moderate activity) multiplyer: 2029.58c MTapproximation.

Difference from base (1526) and 2029.58 (act) is about 503.58c

Absorb this for a minute............

Just a sec.......
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How long do you train with what you have? How many days week (just what you have been doing). And during the week how many days off do you get, and also tell me in a typical week when your rest days are from training.

In other words I want this: Days you work and train, days you train but off work, and days you are off work and off typical week......

I wait.........
How long do you train with what you have? How many days week (just what you have been doing). And during the week how many days off do you get, and also tell me in a typical week when your rest days are from training.

In other words I want this:
Days you work and train, mon to fri, i dont workout fri i dont have time
days you train but off work, most saturdays n sundays
and days you are off work and off typical week......non

I wait.........

Here ya go Jackie xx
Okay.......But I want to continue this, Jackie.

See my edit.......on the Benedict-------(for the forumla Female first part) I just added the orginal formula to show how it was done.

I am going to give you a specific plan........if necessary we can do this on yahoo to make this more efficient.......let me know........doing it this way is slow and inhibits conversation...........

Let me know.......I will get you on track,,,,,,,trust me,,,,,,,,,
wow...that was a whole lot of spunk today,chillen. great thughts though. brain is throbbing...
im getting ready to go to youth group soon. feeling good today; nothing to complain about at all! :D

im feeling the thankfulness! its a great feeling to say the least.
you must be bored at your job lol...what do you do as a profession?
Currently I manage the network a major hospitality hotel, and extended my two week notice (going back to police work) at their request (their having a hard time finding the right person), and then I am switching back to my former career. At that time, my posts will be lower and I wont be on as much and will be spotty.....but consistant.........

glad to hear your doing well

Have a good time with your youth group. :)
wow...that was a whole lot of spunk today,chillen. great thughts though. brain is throbbing...
im getting ready to go to youth group soon. feeling good today; nothing to complain about at all! :D

im feeling the thankfulness! its a great feeling to say the least.
you must be bored at your job lol...what do you do as a profession?

Keep the feeling good UP..........ROCK ON! PB!.........GOOD FOR YOU!

Let me know how your youth group goes, would love to hear the topic (if they have discussions--this I dont know)............what does your youth group entail?
Okay.......But I want to continue this, Jackie.

See my edit.......on the Benedict-------(for the forumla Female first part) I just added the orginal formula to show how it was done. i see now, yes that looks right

I am going to give you a specific plan........if necessary we can do this on yahoo to make this more efficient.......let me know........doing it this way is slow and inhibits conversation...........i see what you mean, i dont have yahoo but i could get it if you want

Let me know.......I will get you on track,,,,,,,trust me,,,,,,,,,
kool sound good, Chillen your the man

Thanks man your the best

Jackie xx
There is just something about a large bowl of Old Fashioned Oats blended with Raisins, cinnamon, and one serve of natty PB, that just makes one want to bust out the fricken weights......I feel "spunky" again today.........LOL.........I have session this evening in trainging.......and fricken energized.........I walk in and just look at then iron plates.........they fricken melt........HOT DAMN!.........Thats right.......get out of the way
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Heya im on, i got yahoo now too so i can talk 2 ya on there

Jackie xx
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