How long do you train with what you have? How many days week (just what you have been doing). And during the week how many days off do you get, and also tell me in a typical week when your rest days are from training.
In other words I want this:
Days you work and train, mon to fri, i dont workout fri i dont have time
days you train but off work, most saturdays n sundays
and days you are off work and off typical week......non
I wait.........
wow...that was a whole lot of spunk today,chillen. great thughts though. brain is throbbing...
im getting ready to go to youth group soon. feeling good today; nothing to complain about at all!![]()
im feeling the thankfulness! its a great feeling to say the least.
you must be bored at your job lol...what do you do as a profession?
kool sound good, Chillen your the manOkay.......But I want to continue this, Jackie.
See my edit.......on the Benedict-------(for the forumla Female first part) I just added the orginal formula to show how it was done. i see now, yes that looks right
I am going to give you a specific plan........if necessary we can do this on yahoo to make this more efficient.......let me know........doing it this way is slow and inhibits conversation...........i see what you mean, i dont have yahoo but i could get it if you want
Let me know.......I will get you on track,,,,,,,trust me,,,,,,,,,