The ChillOut Log

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For you PB:

For your patience in trying to heal the lat injury:

“Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.”

“He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality, and will never, therefore, make any progress”

By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of the healing.”

“Rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing”

Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.
Tori Amos

Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope”
FF Wtf?

duplication is by far the greatest compliment

It's the "cookie" I guess a thousand words that apicture is worth aint enough for you...hahahahaha

Let em explain... hahahaha
that is a picture of a cookie, that you my "real diet friend" gave me the recipe to. You encouraged me thru these last 4 days of hell. and So I was showing you that I actually made the damn things and that I am actually eating them,,

and that is all true because of the respect I have for ryou,.,,

But- yer neediness for positive re-enforcement, we need to work on--hahahahaha

Lovin on ya bro!
It didnt look like it, one is suppose to spoon them on the tray, and flatten it with a fork, and as it cooks it flattens like a cookie. It looked more like a brownie. Thats why I didnt realise it was "the" cookie.

was it good or did it suck? fess up. (LOL, I will only thrust myself over a cliff, and bang down the sides, before I die!)

My positive reinforcement is entitling others. I am so glad you made it the past four days, FF. GREAT JOB! ROCK ON DUDE!
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thanks chillen!
i dunno where id be without this thread and your posts man. honestly, its really helping me along and giving me priceless knowledge for later in life.

but anyway about pouring water on hot metal: haha i got 'tempered' today doing squats. the beast really wanted to come out, so i let it out for squats. and it raged. but when i had to do rows and mil press, it had to go back in its cage :)
they are good. they are not nearly as sweet as i woudl hope for... but.. and this is a big but- With cutting sweets out, for even just 4 days, my taste buds are already changing... sweet is getting re-defined for me.

yes it did turn out more like a brownie.,,, I am a big fan of brownies, so i may just naturally attract them to me. hhaha.

anyhow,,, I should probably have not teased about the re-enforcement thing,,,

we are definately each a re-enforcement of the other. As iron sharpens iropn and all that.
FF we are rather Chillen, iaaaght! Nothing was taken the wrong way, snap out of it! But, if you dont mix and bake them cookies right, they can be rather bland, this is when you "modify" the ingedients, can add a bit more splenda, and if your really "freaky" about Peanut butter (Natural of course), add one serving, and watch the BUDS sore! and all ingredients are healthy for us health nuts, with the exception of the splenda arguement on other thread, which I am holding my own--against the DREADED and PLEASE REFRAIN from Refined sugar!.........FF
Okay, take a chillbite out of this:

For a year and a half, I have been using OneNote (which is like a notebook binder, and one can make tabs for sections, and small subtabs for dates, etc) to track things like:

1. how I felt on a particular day
2. How my training went a particular day
3. setting dietary limitations (referenced in excel)
4. what I ate.
5. weights when weighing myself on certain dates
6. use hyper links in onenote to open excel files, word files (I use a word calender to make my WO schedule), so all I have to do is open onenote to get all of my training and diet data from one program though I am using more than one.
7. Doing this sets a history base to use for a personal reference base in the event complications arise, and you can review data, in the attempt to overcome problems.
8. track progression in the weight room (which I print off for training)
9. many other things.

Care to discuss sometime?
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haha i count my cals and my protein when i get really serious about bulking or cutting.

regardless of whether or not i track them, i eat really clean all the time. i never even take a cheat meal because i never feel the urge. ever. i am usually bulking, so i just make sure to get enough calories at the end of the day.

i used to track my cals. i got used to knowing about how much i need to gain or lose. so i guess im learning about my body's limits.

but if i ever cut, i def. will track cals and macros.
End of Day: June 21, 2007

I finished my cardio about 30 minutes ago, feel great!

We are Chillen in the ChillBox with ATTITUDE toward our fitness goals tonight.
(we do not want chitting in the chillbox, now do we?)

First one is special for PB:

" You can pretend you like me and then talk about me behind my back. You think I can't see who I am and what you lack? I know I'm different, but that's what makes me unique. I'm my own person and I'll always be me. I won't let what you say change who I am." (this is reference to your acne thread) Rock on DUDE!

Do you have the correct ATTITUDE in what YOU seek?

"Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you thing about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are." Norman Vincent Peale

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."
Lou Holtz

On a gloomy, rainy morning, it came little eight-year-old Tommy's turn to say the blessing at breakfast. "We thank Thee for this beautiful day," he prayed.
His mother asked him why he said that when the day was anything but beautiful.

"Mother," said he, with rare wisdom, "never judge a day by its weather. " Anonymous

And you thought you knew the ABC's of Diet and Exercise:

"To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABC's"

Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Believe in yourself. Consider things from every angle. Don't give up and don't give in. Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come. Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches. Give more than you planned to.

Hang on to your dreams. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Just do it. Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier. Love yourself first and most. Make it happen. Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal. Open your eyes and see things as they really are. Practice makes perfect. Quitters never win and winners never quit. Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

Stop procrastinating. Take control of your own destiny. Understand yourself in order to better understand others. Visualize it. Want it more than anything. ‘Excellerate’ your efforts. You are unique of all God's creations, nothing can replace YOU. Zero in on your target and go for it!"
Wanda Hope Carter

There is no easy way to our goals it takes hard work:

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.

Time ripens all things, no man is born wise

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place

And a bit of opinion science on motivational thoughts:

Science has demonstrated the link between the influence of positive affect, its impact on human motivation, perceptions, and performance outcome. human motivation and improved human performance. Tap into the power of this proven science of psychology to get an edge in life and improve your mental game plan.

General scientific findings:

•science has demonstrated a solid link between positive affect and motivation positive affect influences cognitive processes which drive motivation

•positive affect increases ones own perceptions of expectancy
•lasting motivation requires cognitive processes ( thinking)
•daily positive reinforcement is required to transform behavioral changes
•motivation is the fuel that drives internal change / paradigm shifts

Psychology of Motivation - Scientific Journal Abstracts
Positive psychology: An introduction.
by Seligman, Martin E. P.; Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
from American Psychologist. 2000 Jan Vol 55(1) 5-14

We end the day rocken' into a GREAT attitude toward ourselves and our goals, we dont sweat what others percieve us to be becasue we are different, but rather they are different arent they! NOW get after it, get in gear, and ROCK ON!
lol hey thanks dr chill! awesome info. love that quote "quitters never win and winners never quit". very true.

and YEA motivation has a huge impact on succeeding. i mean even havin my bro in the gym with me even if he doesnt say anything motivates me to work hard.

and when did you find that thread :p
actually, my acne has been a lot better lately. school ended, i started swimming and i stopped thinking about it. it doesnt really bother me anymore :)
oh, well, my memory banks dont function that well sometimes. Excuse me, Im nearing 46, and forgot school is out, LOL.

Uh, this ought to improve things: breaking out the "ChillBox":


Thats better, thank you:

Additional end of day 2: June 21, 2007

I ran across these concerning weight loss in my time I give for educating myself and have to post them:

Weight Loss Quotes

We never repent of having eaten too little.
Thomas Jefferson

If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.
Henry Sambrooke Leigh

Skinny cooks can't be trusted.
American Saying

As I ramble through life, whatever be my goal, I will unfortunately always keep my eye upon the doughnut and not upon the whole.
Wendy Wasserstein

The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live.

Take twice as long to eat half as much.

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.
Peter De Vries

Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.
Arnold H. Glasgow

In eating, a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink and the rest left empty.

One way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.
Cyril Connolly

More die in the United States of too much food than too little.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat. For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully; for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else.
Samuel Johnson

And, I want to share a essay I wrote back in college (PHI 101)

Don Crews
PHI 101
What is the Relationship Between Philosophy and the Good Life? Why?

A consciously aided intellect of self-examination nurtures solid roots toward the good life; this prelude receives its origin from Socrates as written from Plato, which states, “An unexamined life is life not worth living”. These words from Socrates have isolated value to a person who is aware of how to approach this examination of life; and this is through the mechanics of Philosophy. This is the relationship between Philosophy and the good life.

In the truest sense of the acquisition of wisdom, a person who is able to provide a conscious partnership between, self-examination through consciously aided intellect and proper use of Philosophy, constructs pursuit of the good life. This state of consciousness has to have intellectual properties contained within the self-examination as well as within the practice of Philosophy. In other words, self-consciousness is the realization of self-examination and the intellectual property is consciously using Philosophy within the self-examination. Correct intellect and practice, makes the person half-dead—because this foundation leads to awareness of the separation of self and soul. Additionally, this foundation is why Philosophy and the good life are related.

However, just briefly explaining the reason why there is a relationship between Philosophy and the good life, doesn’t give it true meaning if one doesn’t briefly describe the importance of this relationship. The good life is not just related to our fleshly bodies or separation from mind and our bodies, but includes what may or may not await our deaths (like disconnection of body and soul). When properly and consciously using Philosophy to address self-examination, a person will realize the shortcomings of the body and how it affects the mind when confronting various stimuli within life. This self-recognition allows room for improved reasoning and logic. In addition, this will make the person more critical and/or analytical toward certain life environmental conditions. Moreover, the person has increased self-recognition in investigating the origin of existence and ask personal questions for its meaning. Though not exhaustive, these are a few attributes of why the relationship between Philosophy and the good life are important.

Donald D. Crews
Don Crews
PHI 101
Henry David Thoreau
What is the Relationship between Self and Wisdom?

Like methodically peeling an orange and exposing its interlining fruit; so should our eyes peer meticulously into our environment and its inhabitants to seek truth in its features. Likewise, let our sense of perception be untainted by slavery to one’s self and be open to breathe in the attributes of our immediate surroundings and one’s personal placement within it. The inhabitants within nature can be teachers to one’s self when the self is in recognition of the separation between one’s self–from the existence of certain virtues within the “Higher Law” , and the behavior of the inhabitants within society, and its governmental and/or business functions. This type of recognition of separation, brings self awareness to one’s self and contributes to our connection with nature (and its inhabitants), and provides the separation of the attributes of man and nature due to the freedom to evaluate the differences and similarities between them; this assists in the pursuit of wisdom due to learning about one’s self within the surrounding existence. This is how I perceive Thoreau and the relationship between the Self and Wisdom.

With Thoreau, simplicity seems to be the breading ground toward the acquisition of wisdom, and it appears that he believes that people who live a quite desperation to be within society lose the ability to pursue the acquisition of wisdom; however, Thoreau admits that one cannot disconnect from society without disgrace being associated with this disconnection. Additionally, this loss in the ability to pursue wisdom is due to the severe concentration on wanting to be, rather than looking inside the self for the truth and realizing within the self the self-separation as previously described. Thoreau had apparently read the writings of Plato, as he briefly mentions Plato within his essays. Within this in mind and when one correctly examines Thoreau, one can clearly see that Thoreau had expanded upon the philosophical statements of Socrates. The foundation for this expansion is in these statements by Socrates: “Knowing thyself”, and “An unexamined life is life not worth living”. Thoreau seemed to come to the same type conclusions only to expand upon the foundation of these conclusions.

It’s my belief, that in order to thoroughly appreciate Thoreau, one needs to look past Thoreau’s apparent arrogance, and examine his beliefs without any type of personal prejudice. For example, Thoreau’s remedy for quiet desperation to be is simplicity (and the means of wisdom) can be applied today within one’s self and the self’s associated existence, but maybe not in the context Thoreau had envisioned. Rather than focusing upon criticizing the literal meaning of Thoreau, maybe one’s self needs to expand on Thoreau’s beliefs as Thoreau did with Socrates—in our own pursuit of wisdom. I’m not saying to ignore Thoreau’s possible philosophical complications, but rather focus upon his individual conclusions and intellectually apply them to ourselves today. Focusing too much on the impracticality of Thoreau’s application for wisdom can be a hindrance to our acquisition of wisdom without including self-expansion of Thoreau’s application for wisdom. Thoreau’s beliefs can be applied today and to say they could not, a person could be missing the intellectual properties of Thoreau’s quest for wisdom.

Donald D. Crews

Now really think hard on these, how does these essay's apply to weight training and dieting? Chillen-out with Philosophy and applying this to weight training and dieting to meet our goals.

You can be what you want to be, and you can do what it takes to get there. Its all about managing the head games with yourself that is important, and JUST DO IT! GO FOR IT, GET AFTER IT!

FF: Go dude, Your doing well on lowering your sugar, keep it up, and ROCK ON!
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I'm saving this mornings entry 'till later as I think I have a pay review in the next hour or two and I have a feeling I'll need it!
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