The ChillOut Log

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I am very humble by your words Jon. Its just who I truely am, no fakes, no lies, just me. Thank you for your words. This is my quest to uplift members of this forum as much as feasibly possible and be their undying support mechanism, and assist each in recognizing they CAN reach their personal goals they set for themselves. And, seeing them rise to their own recognition, in seeing that they in deed do have this inner and outer ability, truely makes me happy, and feeds me more energy for them.

I wanted to share this Rhyme I made for one of our traditional spammers before the thread gets deleted:

Some things do need the correct Herbs. And, I have the correct Herb for your consideration:

I have the vocal HERB and must post a BLURB as you DISTURB because your spam stinks like a TURD and I must throw this to the fricken CURB; isnt this SUBPERB!

I stand at the Curb at the BRINK of this STINK and THINK of flowers of PINK because I saw you SHRINK in STINK!

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and thankyou for helping me thruogh this too, chillen.

...just as we had discussed a while back in the chillog, kindness, sharing of wisdom, all in a loving manner has brought you reputation beyond repute. i think we all can thank you for something.

...this forum wasnt the same before it started to truly chill out

Very true. Chillen your a great role model for everybody. Your so selfless it's utterly awsome. Keep striving forward.

PB, rep+, it's great to hear somebody else viewing their lives differently in that way, I've been trying to do the same recently. It's great bro. :D
thankyou, woodt for your means more than you would expect
you guys are awesome
oh, and that rhyme totally owned that spammer lol

"And the Lord is chillen, watching man trust himself while we all sinnen"
song: Houston-We have a problem
artist: Tedashii
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Wow, some of those quotes you've had in this log are really amazing (along with your excellent and cheerful advice). I haven't read the whole thing - best to do that on a day-by-day basis so that there's something to look at - but I did add a few relevant quotes to my MSN thingy.
September 16th, 2007: Thoughts for the day

“Outside noisy, inside empty”


"Stained Glass"

(and we have had one classic example. One should be just as careful in choosing one's pleasures as in avoiding calamities: Some prefer carrots while others like cabbage.) :)

Vicious as a tigeress can be, she never eats her own cubs.
(But some Tigeress' just dont get it)

Chinese Proverb

Heaven has a road, but no one travels it; Hell has no gate but men will dig to get there.

(same Tigeress)

Who is not satisfied with himself will grow; who is not sure of his own correctness will learn many things.

Chinese Proverb

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.


“To talk much and arrive nowhere is the same as climbing a tree to catch a fish”

Chinese Proverb
Flies never visit an egg that has no crack.

Chinese Proverb

(And none of you can be "Cracked") (Well, maybe one draws flies) (I can assist in mending the crack)

Brotha’s and Sista’s open your mind and heart to view clearly. Don’t allow yourself to be "infected with the disease of blurred vision" brought forth through a closed mind and heart

Be consciously aware on how you are viewing things in life:

The eye sees what it brings the power to see.

You can change things in life just by how you mentally view them:

Things don’t change. You change your way of looking, that’s all.

Sometimes one thinks they see, when in fact they can't see that the problem is within theirself:

‘It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It is that they can’t see the problem.’

— Carlos Castaneda


Some people we encounter are: "Block heads" :

“A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood”
Chinese Proverbs

(Do NOT let this happen to you!)

If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.

Chinese Proverb

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

Chinese Proverb

To attract good fortune, spend a new coin on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend, and lift up the heart of a true friend by writing his name on the wings of a dragon.

Chinese Proverb


With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.

Chinese Proverb

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
(sometimes I do this with you, Jon.)

Chinese Proverb

Small ills are the fountains of most of our groans. Men trip not on mountains, they stumble on stones.

Chinese Proverb


A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.

Chinese Proverb

The greatest conquerer is he who overcomes the enemy without a blow.

Chinese Proverb

One step at a time is good walking.

Chinese Proverb


Patience is power; with time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes silk.
Topic: Patience

Chinese Proverb

Heaven lent you a soul Earth will lend a grave.

Chinese Proverb


A diamond with a flaw is better than a common stone that is perfect.
Topic: Fault

Chinese Proverb
Habits are cobwebs at first; cables at last.
Topic: Habits

Chinese Proverb

A thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom.
Topic: Harm

Chinese Proverb


How are everyone today!...........ROCK ON!...........Hope your training and dieting went well!

Best Regards,

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awesome post chillen. i really liked this one. im glad to have gotten my chill time today; thankyou! i liked the ones on patiance...i am lacking it right now :[
and my impatiance directly feeds my anger...not good.
thanks for the words of wisdom

anyway; how is it going chillen. what is new?
nothing new here...just itching to front squat! lol...
Are you impatient reference getting back to training? Or is it something else?

Thanks for the thoughts (and I state this in the event you missed it in todays's post: "There was an implied meaning" , hope you got that.)

Let me know.

You have to keep rocken Jon's BRAIN when there is a problem and you cannot TRAIN to remain SANE and bring no PAIN STAIN in Jon's VEINS.

So please Explain this Distain!
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yea; i just believe i deserve to be able to go back to my training already...iv suffered enugh and learned from it as well.
i just want to be a normal kid again and be able to fulfil my goals and im PISSED THAT THIS IS STILL HOLDING ME BACK! IV HAD ENOUGH OF IT!
..iv been unsatisfied for too long and have sat around 4months too many. i need this back..

not to mention that this injury gives me mood swings >:/

and yes i got the implied meaning :]
thanks for letting me vent chillen
yea; i just believe i deserve to be able to go back to my training already...iv suffered enugh and learned from it as well.
i just want to be a normal kid again and be able to fulfil my goals and im PISSED THAT THIS IS STILL HOLDING ME BACK! IV HAD ENOUGH OF IT!
..iv been unsatisfied for too long and have sat around 4months too many. i need this back..

not to mention that this injury gives me mood swings >:/

and yes i got the implied meaning :]
thanks for letting me vent chillen

You want to can use the chill log anytime you wish.....I will share it with you.........and walk in it with you.........and lend you a hand as much as I can young man. (EDIT: that rhymed and I wasnt trying.....LOL)............HEY BUT I MEAN IT WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!
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September 17th, 2007: Thoughts for the day (Lessons)

Jon, Jackie, and Beth: Please pay some attention to these my dear friends their may be something of value.

It is of course for everyone to read, I just want these regular viewers and consistant posters to be sure to read these.

(PDF Files are are at the far bottom)

1. Frog In Boiling Water:

If you drop a frog in boiling water (or so I've been told), it immediately jumps out. However, if you put a frog in a pot of room-temperature water and then bring the water to a boil very, very slowly, the frog will supposedly stay in the water until it dies. It's an odd experiment that I have no intention of testing in my kitchen, but it's an apt metaphor for how people sometimes deal with slowly deteriorating situations.

I have enclosed a PDF file on the lessons we can learn from this (see below)

2. Flipping a Coin

If you have a coin in your pocket, you're in possession of a powerful decision-making device. Flipping a coin is a vastly underrated method for making decisions. It works well most of the time, but not for the reason most people would imagine.

I have enclosed a PDF file on the lessons we can learn from this (see below)

3. I've Been Framed

Everyone has been framed in one way or another, whether they know it or not. What this refers to is decision framing. Decisions are framed by the choices offered to the decision-maker, and by how those choices are presented. There are several varieties of framing, and you can often direct someone's decision by how you frame it. But the same can be done to you, so watch out.

I have enclosed a PDF file on the lessons we can learn from this (see below)


4. Experience

Bad decisions build an invaluable experience base that helps improve future decisions. Of course, good decisions also build an experience base, but people tend to learn more from bad decisions. Bad decisions inflict costs - often very expensive and painful costs - and by learning from our bad decisions we can often recoup those costs in the future through making better decisions.

I have enclosed a PDF file on the lessons we can learn from this (see below)


5. Indecision

The lyrics of the 1980s song "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by the group Tears For Fears capture what may be the worst combination of decisional deficits: No goal or plan for the future, so no basis for deciding what to do next. Without a set of future goals to guide present decisions, who knows what we'll decide next? Does it even matter?

I have enclosed a PDF file on the lessons we can learn from this (see below)


6. Decisions Vary By Personality

All people approach decision making in different ways. It's not to say that one approach is better than the others, and often they arrive at the same results from very opposite mental processes. How does this happen? It's almost like a group of Spanish philosophers and a group of Swiss chemists collaborating to dig a transit tunnel. After a lot of very dis-analogous digging, from opposite directions, the two tunnels somehow meet up in near-perfect alignment.

I have enclosed a PDF file on the lessons we can learn from this (see below)


My wish for all of you:

I hope your day goes WELL and may your head SWELL and enflame each brain CELL and say FAREWELL to any hard time SPELL.

I want you to EXCEL and put a SPELL on your personal growth SHELL and IMPEL all HELL from your mental HOTEL.

I want all of you to be WELL.

Best wishes,

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Heya Chillen, i just wanted to ask you: how long did it take you from when you first set your goals, to you achieving them???

Jackie xxx

I started dieting around January 2006 (I was between 25 to 30 pounds over weight), though it was taxing on my patience I went for slow loss and just dealt my patience a fricken blow and dealt with it. Excluding the "Gainer dumb period" as I call it, about 8 months approximately, and then another couple of months to deal with the very difficult last bit of fat tissue.

So to answer your question specifically (excluding dumb period) just a tad over a year. Not including May 07 forward. Losing the fat weight the first few months was easy as compared to the last small bit (now that was difficult, my body just didnt want to let go of it, lol......I lost---bottom line: The more it resisted the more pissed off and determined I got.) My body has never seen a stubborn animal like me---it THOUGHT it was stubborn, but I crap it for breakfast and smile.......:)
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I have some "functional" but strange yet "effective" ways to deal with my weaknesses. I dont let them get the best of me, instead of then destroying me...I destroy them.......The body can fricken lie....."sometimes", and I am the "truth" mechanism.........Baby!.........ROCK THE HECK ON!

When it came down to the last portion this is how I viewed it: I observed it mentally as a boxing match. My body in one corner trying to stay the same and "thinking" it needed the last portion of fat deposit and being prepared to do what it took, and me in the other corner saying it is fricken coming off, "buddy" and was prepared for the battle; after a few rounds I knocked him the hell out, and let the blood from my nose drip on the fricken corpse.

What's the purpose of letting the blood drip on the corpse? Its this: You may have injuried me, but I am the one standing and your the one being counted the hell out, buddy.

The mental game is the most powerful factor in our battle in dieting and fitness and thus why I push my friends the way I do.

The body sometimes doesnt know whats good for it......and sometimes you have to knock it the hell out, and when it wakes up--then maybe it will think twice with messen' with ya again..........ROCK IT!

Uh, what the hell, I will give it some "smelling salt" to wake up and a helping hand to its long as it doent mess with me again! Who'd da boss! Who'd da boss............thats right..........who is the fricken BOSS!

If you want I can share these.
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yea; i just believe i deserve to be able to go back to my training already...iv suffered enugh and learned from it as well.
i just want to be a normal kid again and be able to fulfil my goals and im PISSED THAT THIS IS STILL HOLDING ME BACK! IV HAD ENOUGH OF IT!
..iv been unsatisfied for too long and have sat around 4months too many. i need this back..

not to mention that this injury gives me mood swings >:/

and yes i got the implied meaning :]
thanks for letting me vent chillen

Hey, Jon.........I want to talk to you today. Post in the log when you come on. (I have E-mail notification turned on) in the event I am not on I will know you posted. How about a Yahoo convo? I want to walk with you to keep you on the right path, my friend.

Hope school was good today. By the way,,,,,,,,how are the grades?
Hey Chillen !

Havent heard from u for a while

I uploaded some pictures on my thread was wundrin if u cud have a look


Hey Chillen !

Havent heard from u for a while

I uploaded some pictures on my thread was wundrin if u cud have a look



Sorry, I didnt do it on purpose. :( Sorry I missed ya! I will take a look!

Hey how has it been,,,,,hanging!...........Great I hope!


Rock on!
Thats a cool post chillen, i dont know about that frog thing though. Flipping a coin thats how I ended up doing a degree and not labouring in the forestry for the rest of my life, GO THE COIN

I read your journal last night (as you know), whats up with this diet, bro?

You surf right? Or make surf boards is this correct? One of the luckiest dudes on the planet.......near a beach.....uah....the scenery......LOL.....just kidding.

Put the fricken surf board in your diet:

NBS-4Life cannot be IGNORED because he has the extension CORD to get ABOARD the diet SURF BOARD and get personally RESTORED to earn is REWARD; so get fricken ABOARD and be ADORED


I have some "functional" but strange yet "effective" ways to deal with my weaknesses. I dont let them get the best of me, instead of then destroying me...I destroy them.......The body can fricken lie....."sometimes", and I am the "truth" mechanism.........Baby!.........ROCK THE HECK ON!

When it came down to the last portion this is how I viewed it: I observed it mentally as a boxing match. My body in one corner trying to stay the same and "thinking" it needed the last portion of fat deposit and being prepared to do what it took, and me in the other corner saying it is fricken coming off, "buddy" and was prepared for the battle; after a few rounds I knocked him the hell out, and let the blood from my nose drip on the fricken corpse.

What's the purpose of letting the blood drip on the corpse? Its this: You may have injuried me, but I am the one standing and your the one being counted the hell out, buddy.

The mental game is the most powerful factor in our battle in dieting and fitness and thus why I push my friends the way I do.

The body sometimes doesnt know whats good for it......and sometimes you have to knock it the hell out, and when it wakes up--then maybe it will think twice with messen' with ya again..........ROCK IT!

Uh, what the hell, I will give it some "smelling salt" to wake up and a helping hand to its long as it doent mess with me again! Who'd da boss! Who'd da boss............thats right..........who is the fricken BOSS!

If you want I can share these.

wow this is great, what a mind you have - Hope your keeping in chilled out in the freezer, to give it a breezer from all the hard work, everyone must think - "what a geezer"

hahaha - thats my attempt at a rhyme hahaha

Jackie xxx
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