The ChillOut Log

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Chillen, you've got a new avatar. You've got abs on abs! I've never seen anything like it on anybody.

These are my BF's abs:

Now look at your abs ... they're massive. Now I love my BF's abs a lot. But yours are so thick. How do you get your abs to look like that? They're freaking amazing.

I completely dig his chest development, ILM. You have much to mess with there, young lady, ;). My chest development isn't quite on this level, but its my weight holding me back, and I plan to rectify this situation this year, by being lean and mean in the 172-ish area.

Concerning my abs. I always have had very large abs. Before I began my diet and fitness quest, the last time I had seen them is when I was a teenager around 17-19 (around the time I met my wife). Even with all the core work I have done, I can honestly say, that the size of the ab core hasn't changed significantly as much as strength and endurance has. To get them to pop, all I have to do is lower BF to about 9%, and then if I want the deep vertical line (which can get to over 1 1/2 inch deep), all I have to do is lower carbohydrates to a pre-determined point for a trend period (and let water retention drop) and get near 8% BF, and then put a tad water back in (by increasing carbohydrates a tad for another short trend), and the vertical lines and deep setting of the ab core just stick out bad ass. In other words, its merely genetic--primarily.

Here is a picture, after dieting and fitness training 6 months. I had lost well over 25-ish pounds prior to this picture. Notice the lower ab fat in this picture, and the upper two abs are quite large. My point is, that the upper abs are the same now (in size) as in this picture, though I have trained them significantly and progressively more since this picture.

This picture is well over 2 years old. It has been my "personal experience" that abs just do not grow like the other muscles of the body (they will dependent on a person's level of development, but its still isn't the same as compared to the other muscles of the body). There is one exception. I learned rather early in my fitness quest, that my obliques, take a small amount of stimulation to grow, so I tend not to do direct oblique exercises. They just will develop and can be monstrous, and can make me look too wide. Therefore, for the most part they just get worked through indirect movement when they are recruited through other exercises.


Also notice the lack upper body development in this picture. Most people do not realize (even on all the posts I have made on how I approached my training and diet), that most of muscle growth came in the form of applying my own style of: Zig-zag dieting (deficits for a period, and small surpluses for a designated period, along with manipulating carbohydrates). This worked rather well, I was losing fat (very slowly), and gaining muscle as well (albeit slowly as well).

And, I have a rather bold statement to make. When I gain this 10 pounds of lean muscle (this upcoming year), I will not stray any further than 10-11% body fat, just using the power of of personal data, and just before the July 2009 deadline, I will change my diet a tad, and drop to about 8%, and viola!. Done. This 10 pounds should make me look around 180, and should make a drastic change in appearance. I look forward to it.

Thank you for your comments.

Best regards,

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Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, Chillen!

I agree ... the BF has some really good upper body development going on ...

Even though that pic is almost 3 years old, you look awesome. You put most people to shame. Your body/musculature is amazing. The will power you exercise with respect to your diet is amazing. You blow me away.

And I still can't believe your abs!!!. You're been blessed with master ab genes, that's for sure!!! Lucky devil ;)
I must say that your avatar (Chillen) is quite "unique". What program/routine are you doing? Jus trying to see what other people are doing (fitness-wise).
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I must say that your avatars (Chillen) is quite "unique". What program/routine are you doing? Jus trying to see what other people are doing (fitness-wise).

"unique" in the sense you are applying the definition?

Hey! Tribal........long time no see, dude! Good to hear from ya!

Best regards,

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This seems to be the thing everyone wants to know.

I will post my routines, I have already posted in the COL, when I get a bit more time. We are having a house nurse from the Special Cares unit coming to help us on Wednesday (and visiting 3 to 4 times weekly) with my wife's mother, and a physical therapist coming in this week on regular intervals starting Tuesday (and visiting 3 to 4 times weekly), which will eliminate a lot of the responsibilities I am having to do at the present time. So, things will slow down, and when they do, I will post the previous routines, and the one I am currently doing. She is sleeping at the present time, but I have to wake her up in about 30 minutes to take her to KC, for her Doctor appointment.

Have a great day all!

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Christ.....even 2+ years ago your abs were brutal. i_love_muscle, your BFs abs are crucial as abs are really suffering by comparison.:boxing_smiley:
Christ.....even 2+ years ago your abs were brutal. i_love_muscle, your BFs abs are crucial as abs are really suffering by comparison.:boxing_smiley:

The date on the other picture is incorrect; nonetheless it was over two years ago.

The first picture below was taken about a month after the other old one I had shown in the other post, notice how high I have the pants to cover the lower ab fat tissue. Though there is slight improvement over the previous picture in the lower ab region, overall development, and lower ab fat tissue, still needed a lot of work at this point in time. I was still trying to figure out my diet, weight training and such then. Likewise, I was also educating myself as I pushed on. Had a lot of work to do, really. 25+ pounds of fat loss though at this point in time.


And, here is a close view of the right triceps taken today:



And, the Left Triceps (the one in the avatar):


I have taken a lot of photos lately, because I will need them to gouge progress this up coming year. The Tri's have greatly improved over the last year, adding a few more pounds on my frame.

Going to pick up Grandma's son so he can visit with her for a back later, take care all!

Best regards,

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Christ.....even 2+ years ago your abs were brutal. i_love_muscle, your BFs abs are crucial as abs are really suffering by comparison.:boxing_smiley:

He's an ex-gymnast and he's cut to the max in that photo. That's as good as it gets! :) His pecs, delts and biceps are quite large.

I wish I could cut like he can ... I think I still look too "soft" :(

I am my own worst enemy because I'm always comparing myself to what I used to look like when I was 18. It's unrealistic ... I suppose we're never quite satisfied with what we've got because we always seem to want something different :cool:
Chillen, your triceps look like legs. I actually thought it was a mutant leg until you told me what it really was :D

I can't believe that's a tricep ... it's freaking huge.

You're a machine, Chillen ;) A really nice machine :)
You're officially one of my heros Chillen. Right up there with Bruce Lee, Eric Clapton, Doug Gilmour and Roy Jones Jr.

Keep up the good work, its clearly working.
"unique" in the sense you are applying the definition?

Hey! Tribal........long time no see, dude! Good to hear from ya!

Best regards,


I was popping in to see wot peepz woz up to. I also thought your avatar pic was your leg but its your tricep. :rofl:
chillen is my homeboy because my homeboy is chillen

Also, my chest is bigger than yours, but can barely press a sandwich, let alone ~350 lbs. 'Sup wit dat. XD
I was popping in to see wot peepz woz up to. I also thought your avatar pic was your leg but its your tricep. :rofl:

That's cool cuz' it was good to hear from ya'. :)

Even though I know body weight (and working the larger major muscle groups) are the major components in obtaining larger arms, I have always intensely worked my arms (bi's and tri's), as I did any other muscle group.

I view the arms as the weakest link in the chain (but also the facilitators of) the larger and stronger muscle groups (chest, back, etc), and keeping them strong through working the larger muscle groups----and arms directly, has served me rather well.

IMO, the arms fatigue first in "most" back development exercises, say for example, performing the T-Bar-Row. Which means the back muscle targeted isn't really getting fully exhausted like it should, because the little bicep "can" fatigue first before the back muscle. Therefore, "properly constructing" some direct bicep work away from (lat pull downs, various rows, etc), "can be" important, in that it can build up other strength, and just provide the extra rep (or two) in bringing the back closer to optimal fatigue. Both the back and the Bi's are involved in most pulling movements, and its just logical that the bi is going to get stronger as you work the larger muscle groups (example back) to maintain "effective" balance.

Most think pounding the arms with exercises is the key to effectively increasing arm size--this is not the case; using the arms to build the larger and stronger muscle groups (such as chest, back, and overall body such as such as in the dead lift, and legs such as the squat), and gaining "proper weight" is the key to larger and thicker arms. Not pounding the arms with an "ungodly" amount of sets and reps.

Next to my abs and shoulders, the triceps are one of my better muscle groups for my weight size. I have good genetics (even at my advancing age of 47ish), and they have a nice horse shoe shape. The absolute weakest, is the width of my back. This has been a pain in my @ss. But, I purchases a Wide Lat pull down machine add-on to my own gym, and along with a few other changes in my routine, this problem will no longer exist. Count on it.

I just need to take this upcoming year, and add about 10 pounds, and this process has already started.

An update:

It is nice to have some personal time left and get paid while taking care of important personal business at home: :). I had a good day with grandma today. We went out shopping for a some more shower handles (I made her come with me to get some walking in (;)), a different and wider shower chair, and a bed room potty. I learned she loves Salmon while shopping today, so I took her to Red Lobster for lunch. She ate two large Salmon fillets, and one baked potato, which is more food she has been able to take in for several days. So, we had a very good day.

In case some are wondering. This is my wife's mother. And, my wife cannot get time off, so I am picking up the slack and I am thundering my love for her by having her back.

This is what its about.

Making the quality of her (grandma's) life as special as possible, though she may or may not have much time left.......This ROCKS! Yep....nothing better.

Be back on later, ya' all! At the end of this week, we should be settled in a routine, with nurses and therapists coming regularly, and be rocken out normally. I go back to work on Monday.

I will be addressing each post when I return.

Best wishes to all of you!

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Heya Chillen, hope you are well.

Im feeling a bit down, i cant stand my job and im not getting anyway with applying for others. sorry to moan lol. Im in need of some of your wonder words of wisdom haha

Jackie xxx
Grandma had a problem with her circulation in one of her legs, and a new heart condition developed, and had to go back into surgery last week; my wife though handling it well, is very depressed, and I am spending some time by her side, and helping with the needs of her mother.

In addition, Grandma has seen some cognitive function decline, but is expected to be out of the hospital at the end of this week.

I sincerely appreciate your thoughts and kind words. They mean a lot to me. It's been a tough year for my wife, she lost her father earlier in the year, and now her mother is having some serious medical issues.

I have family needs to tend to, and when they improve, I will be on the forum more often. I plan on keeping my love promise without conditions.

Hope all is well with you.

Stay tough, and continue to ROCK! :)

Best regards,

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Just wanted to say hi. :)
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