I was popping in to see wot peepz woz up to. I also thought your avatar pic was your leg but its your tricep.
That's cool cuz' it was good to hear from ya'.
Even though I know body weight (and working the larger major muscle groups) are the major components in obtaining larger arms, I have always intensely worked my arms (bi's and tri's), as I did any other muscle group.
I view the arms as the weakest link in the chain (but also the facilitators of) the larger and stronger muscle groups (chest, back, etc), and keeping them strong through working the larger muscle groups----and arms directly, has served me rather well.
IMO, the arms fatigue first in "most" back development exercises, say for example, performing the T-Bar-Row. Which means the back muscle targeted isn't really getting fully exhausted like it should,
because the little bicep "can" fatigue first before the back muscle. Therefore, "properly constructing" some direct bicep work away from (lat pull downs, various rows, etc), "can be" important, in that it can build up other strength, and just provide the extra rep (or two) in bringing the back closer to optimal fatigue. Both the back and the Bi's are involved in most pulling movements, and its just logical that the bi is going to get stronger as you work the larger muscle groups (example back) to maintain "effective" balance.
Most think pounding the arms with exercises is the key to effectively increasing arm size--this is not the case; using the arms to build the larger and stronger muscle groups (such as chest, back, and overall body such as such as in the dead lift, and legs such as the squat), and gaining "proper weight" is the key to larger and thicker arms. Not pounding the arms with an "ungodly" amount of sets and reps.
Next to my abs and shoulders, the triceps are one of my better muscle groups for my weight size. I have good genetics (even at my advancing age of 47ish), and they have a nice horse shoe shape. The absolute weakest, is the width of my back. This has been a pain in my @ss. But, I purchases a Wide Lat pull down machine add-on to my own gym, and along with a few other changes in my routine, this problem will no longer exist. Count on it.
I just need to take this upcoming year, and add about 10 pounds, and this process has already started.
An update:
It is nice to have some personal time left and get paid while taking care of important personal business at home:

. I had a good day with grandma today. We went out shopping for a some more shower handles (I made her come with me to get some walking in (

), a different and wider shower chair, and a bed room potty. I learned she loves Salmon while shopping today, so I took her to Red Lobster for lunch. She ate two large Salmon fillets, and one baked potato, which is more food she has been able to take in for several days. So, we had a very good day.
In case some are wondering. This is my wife's mother. And, my wife cannot get time off, so I am picking up the slack and I am thundering my love for her by having her back.
This is what its about.
Making the quality of her (grandma's) life as special as possible, though she may or may not have much time left.......This ROCKS! Yep....nothing better.
Be back on later, ya' all! At the end of this week, we should be settled in a routine, with nurses and therapists coming regularly, and be rocken out normally. I go back to work on Monday.
I will be addressing each post when I return.
Best wishes to all of you!