The ChillOut Log

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Thanks again Chillen.

You inspire me to become a better person. Not just physically, but to be a kinder, more positve and thoughtfull person.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words, Wes. I haven't been posting as much (as compared to my rather vicious past history), with what currently have going on at home, but as soon as personal things settle down a bit, I will get back to my regular posting habits. :)

Off to do the Upper workout (RP-15/4), and super setting with the beautiful Renegade Rows (I love this exercise).

Then I have to do some personal things for grandma.

Best wishes

As I promised in the other post, I am going to show the "difference" dietary manipulation can do. Diet FLAT ROCKS, folks.

This pic which I shown a couple of months back, and its a tad dark, (carbohydrate cycle, low), I was dry, and retaining little water (of course no Creatine):

This is not during a pump, nor any exercise prior.

Take water out (very low carb, deficit dieting)


And, this pic is today (in same spot with same camera as before), after 3 days of carb UP, eating over MT-Line, and taking Creatine Mono (for more water retention)

Put water back in


Much more definition.

This is the very first time, I experienced Creatine bloat.

My shoulders which gave me so much trouble the first year, are paying me back now since I developed patience with them.

Best wishes,

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November 20th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)


1. Proper Education to Support Fitness Goals

A. Study applications of various dieting techniques.
B. Study application of various resistance training techniques, methods, and programs
C. Study methods to overcome weaknesses and improve strengths.

>>>On the mental side
>>>On the Physical side (how to prevent injury, work with injuries, and weak points, etc)

2. Proper Personalized Diet

A. Develop a Diet Journal
B. Carefully (and reasonably) watch your body's adaption process
C. Adapt to this Personal Feedback and Personal History--education based
D. Learn how to manipulate the calorie and macro nutrients
E. Understand "your glucose bucket" and how it works
F. Understand the importance of when to increase blood sugar and when not to (especially having a dieting lifestyle to lose quality tissue).
G. Pre/Post workout meals

3. Proper Weight Training/Fitness Routine

A. Develop a Weight Training Journal
B. "Aggressively assaulting" progression at every affordable and reasonable opportunity given on-the-fly IN the gym, and preparing for it OUT of the gym.
C. Carefully (and reasonably) watch your body's adaption process
D. Adapt to this Personal Feedback and Personal History--education based
E. Proper form and execution of exercises.

4. Proper Rest/Recuperation

A. Diet gives the biological base for growth and/or decrease in body fat. Weight training is the stimulation to give the opportunity for the biological base to function in a biologically expensive process, and this rebuilding and growth occurs at rest OUT of the gym.

5. Learn and Adapt from Mistakes Made from applying educated principles within your diet and weight training. Use your mind to create a remarkable and unparalleled ability to realize and use mental resourcefulness to master all personal difficulties to create personal opportunities to improve. Implement. Make a mistake? Adapt and overcome.

6. Master yourself. Master your life. Prioritize your fitness goals and create lifestyle habits.....that points to your fitness goals.

7. Motivation. Learn what motivates you to perform items 1 through 6.



A diet and fitness journal wasn't exclusively written for you.

You have to write it yourself.

And, update it as you make your walk.

Your Novel Finished and Available for Sale

"The Revealing Booklet-Finally-Furnished!"

Benefits: Award Winning Personal Features.

Availability: Inside Self
Type: Spine Tingling Hardback
Cost: Mastering Yourself.
Publisher/Seller: "Personal Sales Center"

The vigorous and unconditional "sales center":

The ability to sell the self that he can personally perform. "Master Personal Salesman"

Available absolutely Free:

The Personal Sales Kit: The mind-body connection and the personal ability to sell it when it resists.

Purpose: Route to Personal Riches

------------->Satisfaction is guaranteed

No Refunds Necessary!


Real Eyes, Realize the Prize is Inside.


Best wishes

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Thus far not too impressed.

Thus far I am not impressed with the effects of Creatine (with me)--in the gym. I haven't given it enough time yet, but I will keep you posted as I continue with this minor personal experiment. Those that have seen my posts on Creatine, should know I am not expecting a miracle worker, but a minor co-worker under my rather "keen observation", and thus far it simply isn't happenen'.

However, I am carrying more water than normal, and this can "prove to be beneficial at the right time in my goal process".

I liked the extra water-push (as I like to call it), when my body was "primed" with a low-carb period prior to the current consumption.

I believe this low period, made my body more receptive of carbohydrates, water, insulin, and thus assisted Creatine intake into the muscle. Personally, I believe that if I had taken Creatine under a MT-Line surplus, and my personal normal carbohydrates, I believe the results (in water retention and intake) would have been different (with me).

This is a rather "rough" review (thus far), but I will post a more in depth personal view from my personal log as I move along in my bulk period.

Having some trouble sleeping this morning. Have a lot on my mind. I am going to get on the bike and let my body "vent" a little bit. And, yes...I do cardio in a bulk (compensate in diet).

Best wishes to all of you,

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Heya Chillen how you doing? im just passing through haha

Jackie xx

Did you see my other post? Are you going to answer some of the questions I asked, young lady?

How are you? Are you hanging in there?..........Don't tempt me to bring out the Chill-strap.....:):)

Thinking about you.

Best wishes

I never liked creatine at all because it did very little for me. Ive read that some people are non responders, maybe thats me. :(

Its only been about 5 days. I am going to give it 60 days. Its way to early to make a accurate assessment. Thus far its been primarily water retention, which I expected.

I never "personally experimented with Creatine before, but have read a lot of material on it.

I will keep posting on my experience as I move along.

Best wishes,

How long have you been taking the creatine?

I appreciate your post, Evo.

Its only been about 5 days.

Currently I am introducing about 20 grams per day (real wgt: 162, not counting water): Once when I get up, before and after a workout, and before I go to bed. After this 5 days, I plan to drop the gram dose and just maintenance it around my pre and post workout periods.

I plan to give it adequate time. Meaning about 6 to 8 weeks to make a more accurate assessment.

You think the gram dose is correct for my weight and size--when first starting?

Your opinion?

Best wishes

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Its only been about 5 days. I am going to give it 60 days. Its way to early to make a accurate assessment. Thus far its been primarily water retention, which I expected.

I never "personally experimented with Creatine before, but have read a lot of material on it.

I will keep posting on my experience as I move along.

Best wishes,


This might sound like an unusual question, but do you have enough water retention for your clothes to feel tight?

I'm just wondering how much water retention you've actually got going on with the creatine.
This might sound like an unusual question, but do you have enough water retention for your clothes to feel tight?

I'm just wondering how much water retention you've actually got going on with the creatine.

After coming off a low-carb diet, my body is VERY "tolerant" of extra calories (which was about 400c surplus), and carbohydrates (primarily due to my "Glucose bucket" being low or empty, and as long as I do not over do the Fructose types), and I usually will gain about 4 pounds (of water, and definition is brought out from a base of being dry), and this is without Creatine. It usually takes 48 hours to show up.

With Creatine the net is +2 pounds of water (or a total of 6 pounds), to clarify, and this is the reason, I put Creatine Bloat under the second pic, I just didn't go into detail, because I keep a private detail history here at home. I have a personal history (journal) that some would term as obsessive, I call it..........Get R' Done, and what ev'. ;)

Therefore to answer your question, it is really 2 "extra" pounds from my previous personal experience.

Trust me, my body cannot withstand its own evil eye looking at it.

Let me explain something. I am VERY meticulous with diet and tracking its history, and know body weight fluctuates normally (heck, feces in the colon can increase it 2 pounds, ILM :)), and WHY it "can" fluctuate, and the variables involved in why it fluctuates.

I weigh myself under the same circumstances--when I weigh myself.

Meaning this: I know when my last meal was, how many hours its been (because I weigh myself in the mornings when I first get up on an empty stomach), know when my last dump was :))), and use "same" clothing, when I weigh myself. I try to stabilize my weighing environment as much feasibly possible.

I normally fluctuate about 1-3 pounds give or take per day (dependent on diet "trend" and what I am doing in "manipulating it": calories ingested, and type of carbohydrates). This can be (lower or higher) or a loss or a gain.

I have been at this long enough, I can usually look in the mirror, and extremely accurate with an approximation, before I step on the scale.

When one puts on "a little" muscle and has low BF, it is quite clear one can look in the mirror and see.....the results of diet manipulation, and a person who is careful.........just knows.........ya know.

I don't know how to really explain that.

However, I go off primarily how I look, and have looked at my ugly @ss enough these past 3 years, to know whats going on, lol.

ILM, at 162, I was "very" loose in my 30" inch Wrangler jeans, at 7.8% BF.

They are still as loose as ever, and I have "lost" a little ab definition from tissue swell (and not fat gain), but gained a lot of definition in the legs and upper body. It will take a lot more water retention to make them feel tight, trust me. The pant part of the jeans are VERY tight in the thigh. During this bulk (and when I lean down), I will have to look at different type pants that have a small waist but allow bigger thigh/quad room.

My t-shirts, and other upper clothing I wear are a different story. I can "feel" the difference in the clothing, additionally (as the pic shows in the other post), there is an "obvious" difference.

Understand this isn't the first time (in three years), I have experimented with manipulating my diet. This is why I have been successful. I just know what to expect now after many, many trials and experiments. Not with supplements, mind you. Creatine is the first I have ever taken other than Fish oil, Flax oil, and Whey protein powder. Just simply manipulating diet and exercise together as one unit.

For example, If I want to eat more, but not add in a extra activity to compensate, I low-carb it for about 3 days (lower glucose stores), and viola I can eat over MT and consume extraordinary carbohydrates the 4th day, and feel leaner than the previous 3, and the water doesn't materialize--until the 5th day. It usually takes 48 hours (as a over-simplifying example).

This answer your question. :)

Best wishes

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You bet it does :) Everything you said makes sense to me! You are really in tune with your body.

Thanks, Chillen!

I just thought it best, to prepare or prime my body for the Creatine, in order to improve Creatine Mono (sometimes) poor intake into the muscle. This is why I entered a brief low-carb period, and lowered my glucose stores a tad. The personal experience being that my cells will be more acceptive to insulin and water, and Creatine will likewise follow and intake could/should improve, knowing that absorption still will be limited.

Your welcome, lovely young lady.

Oh....I do get gas occasionally....and my wife is complaining.....:)

Have a great day.

Best regards,

I just thought it best, to prepare or prime my body for the Creatine, in order to improve Creatine Mono (sometimes) poor intake into the muscle. This is why I entered a brief low-carb period, and lowered my glucose stores a tad. The personal experience being that my cells will be more acceptive to insulin and water, and Creatine will likewise follow and intake could/should improve, knowing that absorption still will be limited.

Your welcome, lovely young lady.

Oh....I do get gas occasionally....and my wife is complaining.....:)

Have a great day.

Best regards,


The trials and tribulations of married life :D
The trials and tribulations of married life :D

We were walking in a small grocery store yesterday side by side, and she walked down the aisle to look at something, and I let out the loudest butt bark known to man, and it radiated to the opposite wall of the store and even echoed. And, I said, "Damn Hon!" "You could have been more discreet about it!". And, hurriedly went into the next aisle, and people starting looking at her, lol........he, he, he :)

We both laughed over this rather simple thing. Fortunately she was in a good mood or it was "death". LOL

Best wishes

We were walking in a small grocery store yesterday side by side, and she walked down the aisle to look at something, and I let out the loudest butt bark known to man, and it radiated to the opposite wall of the store and even echoed. And, I said, "Damn Hon!" "You could have been more discreet about it!". And, hurriedly went into the next aisle, and people starting looking at her, lol........he, he, he :)

We both laughed over this rather simple thing. Fortunately she was in a good mood or it was "death". LOL

Best wishes


Yeah, I've had BF's do that to me, too :D

It's the farts that have really long hang time that you have to run away from ... unfortunately when running, you tend to carry some of the toxic fumes with you. Tough to talk your way out of those ones ;)
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