The ChillOut Log

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We brought Grandma home last night, and she is doing well under the circumstances. We are having Hospice Care come in everyday to assist us with her care and support. This begins on Friday. We also setup a routine for her and a med schedule. Additionally, my wife is taking a month off from work to provide some direct care during the important first few weeks of recovery. Its been a tough period, but we are doing fairly well. And, we will continue to do well, because we have the power in the unit of two. Thus far the circumstances are good.

Best wishes

Hope she's all good Chillen. :)
Heya Chillen, hope you are well.

Im feeling a bit down, i cant stand my job and im not getting anyway with applying for others. sorry to moan lol. Im in need of some of your wonder words of wisdom haha

Jackie xxx

I apologize. I missed this post. I have been pretty busy lately taking care of some family medical issues. Can you give more detail on your problem? After you do, I will post some thoughts on it. Just acknowledging your post, and I am thinking about you.

Hope all is well.

Best regards,

I don't stop by here often, Chillen, so I am sorry I didn't know about your mother-in-law earlier. I am sorry to hear of her woes. I wish her, your wife and you the best.
I don't stop by here often, Chillen, so I am sorry I didn't know about your mother-in-law earlier. I am sorry to hear of her woes. I wish her, your wife and you the best.

Thank you Richard. We got her settled in at home today, and she is doing well under the circumstances. She is in bed sleeping, and my wife just went to bed a bit ago. I am off to train, then its off to bed for me too.

I will post updates as time passes.

Hope all is well with you and your family.

Keep strong and keep rocken on! :)

Best wishes

Just stopped by to say hi and let you know I'll be thinking of you and your situation. I'll keep you in my prayers. You seem to be a very caring person and put 100% into all you do. Your family commitment is incredible and admirable. Be strong and know we are thinking of you. Take care, Greg
Just stopped by to say hi and let you know I'll be thinking of you and your situation. I'll keep you in my prayers. You seem to be a very caring person and put 100% into all you do. Your family commitment is incredible and admirable. Be strong and know we are thinking of you. Take care, Greg

Thank you, GT.

We are managing and have things organized for her and are doing well. Its going to take a lot of personal care the next few weeks as she recovers from the wounds of the surgery. My wife is a rather uniquely strong person, but if she ever-ever.......needs a strong healthy shoulder to lean on once in a while, I am right here, always.

Again, thank you for your thoughts.

Best regards,

November 15th, 2008: "Thoughts for the day"

Some thoughts on Fat loss pills: (a post made in another thread)

They should take each over-the-counter so called fat burning pills, make them completely illegal and throw all of them in the friggen trash so it doesn't continually feed bull-sh#t and stink up the mind of the general public.

Over the counter fat loss products, are designed to manipulate the consumers personal senses; it goes to the very core in what the potential buyer is trying to manipulate. And, this sells products.

And, in the marketing sense, this works and is a powerful manipulative force to one that doesn’t look at these products through: Educated Eyes.

However, the general public has a disease. And, this disease is not getting "properly" educated and not seeing this bull-**** and allowing it to stink up their mind.

Some don't get physicals when they should. Some don't combine these physicals with a more thorough examination to eliminate any biological or hormonal complications.

Additionally, some don't take the time to thoroughly educate their selves in what they plan to participate in, and in the process don't self examine their selves through the view of education of their own body.

Throughout the day, the body juggles a "balancing act" according to its design. If this is "disrupted" or "abnormal" in some biological or hormonal fashion, then one "should" seek medical assistance if the body is proving to be inefficient in its traditional processes. Its simply a medical necessity.

Otherwise, all one needs is: Proper food, proper activity, water, and a properly connected and educated mind and body.

One should understand the "concepts" of energy balance; think of your body as a vehicle that operates 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. It never stops burning gas :)))--that is calories. ;)

You would never expect your car to get you from one place to the next without systematic refueling, just as you know there's no point in putting more gas in the tank than it's designed to hold. The hand/mind coordination is in control on whether one over fills the fuel tank, as the vehicle has no mind what so-ever.

The body is no different: Get over it.

If you over fill your vehicle's gas tank, it spills over on the concrete and gets on your exterior paint (fat storage/some muscle repair and rebuild, and other energy expensive operations).

Once its full (glucose storage/excess calories), how this fuel is processed (and thus the mileage you obtain) will depend on the health and efficiency of the engine the vehicle is "powered" from and the other mechanical (biological) parts that are involved in the process of movement and motion.

The younger it is (or closer to new) the more it seems to "tolerate"; the more it advanced in age (and mileage it obtains) it tends to lose some power and efficiency (but it can be effectively dealt with).

Though out this process, the most important issue is: "Educated Maintenance".

"Proper" maintenance of your personal vehicle.

Like vehicles, some bodies can tolerate lack of maintenance or improper maintenance for long periods, while with others it cannot be tolerated. And, if you depend on this vehicle to get you to school/work, lack of maintenance or improper maintenance is going to catch up with you one day. And, if you "depend on your body's health to carry you through life" improper maintenance or lack of maintenance will likewise catch up with you.

The difference?

You can always get another vehicle. You only have one body to carry you through life; it is a one shot arrangement.

You muck it up, you just might not be able to fix it.

A lifestyle change, physical activity, correct and proper education, and calorie/macro nutrient manipulation are your thermogenic (or fat burner if you will).

The human body is designed to eat and perform physical activity; I think this is a rather safe and obvious fact.

How one manipulates these base facts, how one manipulates "choice" within their personal operating environment (life style), and react to the corresponding body reaction and adaption, will determine the quality of the results.

Let me give you "one example among many":

What is it about "strength training" that can create an "after burn or energy flux", if you will?

The most important factor is muscle repair/rebuild. A quality hour of throwing the iron around causes your muscle tissues to break down at a higher rate than normal. I say a higher rate than normal because the body is always repairing and rebuilding, however, progressive weight training taxes the system above the "norm".

The act of "progressive strength training" forces the body to perform biological processes "above homeostasis", and this can be a very biologically expensive process.

You have a "biological and energy expensive" process going on within the muscles (and some organ function) themselves just through muscle repair/rebuild. Protein/amino acid turn over can be energy expensive, and this occurs long after you have finished your workout. This muscle repair process effects the rest of the bodily system because other parts of the body have to be involved to complete the process.

If one does NOT workout (say at all), this process above norm isn't taking place, which means less energy (calories) and nutrition are being expended and/or used, logically.

In this EXAMPLE you have two stimulants impacting thermodynamics : 1. The hour of strength training, and 2. The biologically expensive muscle rebuilding/repair.

When one first begins a "program" this process (1 and 2) can be quite expensive to the body. Extraordinary gains/losses can happen---until the body "adapts and becomes more efficient"--to your external activities and feeding habits. Then it becomes less expensive as compared to the past, and its just a matter of time before the fitness person sees this materialize in one form or another on the outside.

But the logistics and items used to AGAIN gain a thermogenic advantage are the same. Since a lifestyle change has already occurred, you "may not" need to change specific items here; however, what may need changed are approaches on:

1. Amount of calories (how one is manipulating them, and using "types of food to your advantage"), 2. Possible manipulation of Macro-nutrients, 3. A decrease/increase in intensity/progression and type and timing of fitness activities (weight training and/or cardio), 4. And, making some hard and "sometimes difficult" choices supported by being educated in items 1 through 3, dependent on the fitness goal position (like trying to remove the last bit of lower ab fat, that I term the body's preventive starvation fat, and is one reason it "can be difficult to remove".

The Thermogenic is being educated in items 1 through 4.

It is not in a pill. You walk in your Fat Burner Pill: Your Body.

Do not be foolish and look to an over-the-counter fat loss pill.

Look to yourself…….and education for the absolute win.

This is all you will ever need.

Some seem to think obsession is a disease for the bad. I disagree. Look around to the successful Olympians, Body Builders, professional cyclists, and successful fitness individuals. They are all obsessed with dedication to be successful in their chosen path. The weak choose it as a disease and simply can't handle it.' done. :)

Now, start ROCKEN-OUT…….with education.

Best wishes

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Awesome post Chillen as usual.

Sorry to ask this here, but i thought you or someone else might know.
I saw something on here that calculated how many calories a person burns during a day based on age, weight, how hard/long they work, etc. Any clue where i can find this???

Awesome post Chillen as usual.

Sorry to ask this here, but i thought you or someone else might know.
I saw something on here that calculated how many calories a person burns during a day based on age, weight, how hard/long they work, etc. Any clue where i can find this???


Simple mate. Also check your Workout log another member has already shown you where to find this. I will post it here for you anyway:

Good Luck!

And Chillen how have you been? Hope everything has been okay on your side lately. I have to go, Hope to hear from ya soon man. Take care.
Awesome post Chillen as usual.

Sorry to ask this here, but i thought you or someone else might know.
I saw something on here that calculated how many calories a person burns during a day based on age, weight, how hard/long they work, etc. Any clue where i can find this???


First a personal note:

After my initial fat loss of 35 pounds, I have always cycled my carbohydrates and Calories in line with what I was doing that particular day and my "goals at the time" (which I have written about several times), and I have never used any type of supplements other than the ones I have repeated several times (flax and fish oil, and Whey Protein Powder).

I have always used various methods of education behind the diet.

I am saying this because, I have just come off of one of my low cycle periods (to get a pic of extreme lean prior to bulk), and have entered my bulking period, and for the first time (EVER), I allowed Creatine MONO (instead of CEE, because I wanted the water retention), and due to the fact my body was in "prime" condition for it, and to see how I would tolerate it within this environment.

After about 3 days, I blew up from 162 to 168 pounds (or gained about 6 pounds of water), and I am going to show a pic of what this extra water did with coming off of a cycle period, introducing increased carbohydrates (mainly Oatmeal and Brown Rice, and very little fructose), manipulating calories, and taking Creatine Mono while beginning with a base BF percentage of 8%.

I know most of it is water, and will taper off, but it puffed me up big time. Arms are sitting at 17", and my back and front flex is flat monstrous for my size and compact frame. I will show a pic on Thursday as a comparison. Upper back and front. Huge difference. However, I have not noticed any significant changes to progression, other than what I generally force. I plan to give it a couple of weeks to settle in the body and see what happens.

Off to train, after a rather busy day.

The iron weeps, as they know I am coming soon. :)

Keep telling me the truth, iron. You have never lied.....when I applied and tried.

And for you Wes:

Here is some information on: Carbs, Protein, Fats, and Fiber

The Human Brain - Carbohydrates

What are Carbohydrates?

What You Need to Know Before You Start a Low Carbohydrate Diet
(and other info)

(this one may be a tad over-kill for the average person)


Some info on Protein:

John Berardi - Protein Super Feature

Everything you need to know about protein

Protein: Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health


Some info on Fats:

What You Need to Know about Fat and Your Family's Diet - Family Articles -

Fats 101: How to tell Good Fats and Bad Fats

Fats, Fish Oil and Omega-3-Fatty Acids - Cholesterol Information Produced by Doctors For Patients Experiencing High Cholesterol Levels

(and other GOOD info)



Some info on Fiber:

Dietary Fiber

Difference between soluable and insoluable Fiber:

The difference is primary that soluable fiber can dissolve (but not entirely) in the bowel (and is the culprit for some people getting the "stinky gas" :)) when consumed, while insoluable fiber can absorb a lot of water and isnt broken down as easily.

A couple of links for additional info:

Fiber 101: Soluble Fiber vs Insoluble Fiber

High Fiber Diet


Various EXCELLENT John Berardi Nutrition Articles (a MUST READ):

John Berardi - Nutrition Articles


An Article on Diet and Cheating by John Berardi: - John Berardi - Damage Control: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat!


Solving the Pre and Post Workout Nutrition Puzzle, John Berardi: - John Berardi - Solving The Post Workout Puzzle - Part One! - John Berardi - Solving The Post Workout Puzzle: Part 2 - The Recovery Plan.


Within the Nutrition 101 thread you will find some valuable information. Or you can use the ready made input web page in the 2nd link.

What you to do is to post your Maintenance Line of calories and list the multiplier you used to configure your approximated Maintenance Line.

Go here and read on some basic and fundamental information:

Nutrition 101

Delaware Consumer Health Information Services (Originally Posted by Wrangell)

Weight Training Information:

Weight Training 101

Weight Training Technical Articles

Some Info on the ab core:

Abdominal Training

How to get abs guide


All of the links, plus additional links (Not Listed here) that you may be interested in are in this link below:


Change your eating habits (below are some suggestion examples)

The 3 Nutrients (Carbs, Good Fats, and Protein) are an essential factor in the diet; however, the Law of Energy Balance within the DIET, is the ultimate KING while the Nutrients can play in some key decisions made within the body.

○ Try eating 5 to 6 smaller meals during the day

○ Balance your meals out during the day so in one day you have a mix of Protein, Carbohydrate and good Fats

○ Drink lots of water during the day and before, during and after exercise

Simple Carb Examples: (Various fruit) Grapefruit, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Oranges, Apples, Pineapple, etc

Complex Carb Examples: Whole Wheat Pita Bread, Oatmeal, Long Grain Brown Rice, Brown Pasta, Malto-Meal (Plain, whole wheat),etc

Good Protein Examples: White or Dark Tuna, Chicken Breast, Lean Turkey, Lean Ham, Very lean Beef, Quality Whey Protein Powder, etc

Good Fats Examples: Natural Peanut Butter, Various Nuts, Flax Seed, Fish Oils.

Dietary Fiber: Whole Grains (Bran), Some fruits (like Apples), and vegetables, nuts and seeds

Dietary Fiber

ROOT VEGETABLES: beets, sweat potatoes, yams

GREEN VEGETABLES: asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cucumber, field greens, mixed salad greens, green beans, romaine lettuce, snap peas, and spinach

OTHER VEGETABLES: bell peppers, carrots, celery, eggplant, mushrooms, soybeans, squash, tomatoes, organic (low sodium) vegetable soup (be careful in the selection).


Suggestions on various cereals:

1. Steel Cut Oats, Old Fashioned Cut Oats, and Regular Cut Oats (quick cook type), in large containers.

2. Various types of Go Lean Kashi cereals. (Some dont like them, but I dont share this opinion).

3. Fiber-One. (60 calories per 1/2 Cup, and source of fiber)

4. Grape Nuts



Its devoid of any "added in" sugars, and from what I have read on Lecithin, this is used in many bread products for various reasons, and isnt a bad ingredient.

5. Shredded Wheat and Shredded Wheat and Bran: (NOT SUGAR TOPPED)



TO PRESERVE THE NATURAL WHEAT FLAVOR, BHT IS ADDED TO THE PACKAGING MATERIAL--If you dont like perservatives, dont select this one

Post Shredded Wheat and Bran


TO PRESERVE THE NATURAL WHEAT FLAVOR, BHT IS ADDED TO THE PACKAGING MATERIAL. If you dont like perservatives, dont select this one

Both are devoid of any "added in" sugars.

Alpen No Sugar Added Cereal

Serving size: 2/3 cup servings per container:7

total fat:3g
potassium: 250mg
total carbohydrate:40g
sugars:7g (mostly from raisins)

Ingredients: rolled oats, whole wheat, raisins, pearled barley, roasted hazelnuts, skim milk powder, whey powder, sliced almonds, malt extract. 14 ounce box

Alpen No Sugar Added Cereal


I hope you had a great day and made it over any and all obstacles in your personal goal path. I wish you the best each day......I wish you no troubles or hardships in while pursueing your goal.......


Best wishes to you.

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Here is an idea of what I am talking about in my last post.

Bathroom light is a tad bright, and quality is bad (as always, lol).

My delt sticks out like a small melon, I just noticed that, lol. ;)


(Note: 168 lbs, Creatine Bloat)

Best regards,

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That's the way they're supposed to look, Chillen! :)

Nice ...

Thanks, ILM.

I'm just currently bloated with water (from Mono), but I am as tight as a rock, though I lost a tad definition, which is fine, I am in my bulk period now until early next year. I swelled well over an inch on the chest, back, and a 1/2 inch on the arms. I expect it to subside in a few days. After some long thought, I am giving Mono a shot, and see if it does anything (in the gym). The water isn't nothing real or tangible, just swelled the tissue up, which I expected. I gained nearly 6 pounds of water in 3 days, lol, coming off a low carb, depleting the glucose bucket period (for reasons I stated in the previous post, and just knowing me and how I respond to dietary manipulations).

Any hoot.........time to rock out and enjoy some friggen food, and bulk the heck up!

Best wishes,

Thanks again Chillen.

You inspire me to become a better person. Not just physically, but to be a kinder, more positve and thoughtfull person.
Thanks again Chillen.

You inspire me to become a better person. Not just physically, but to be a kinder, more positve and thoughtfull person.

Yep. It's the power of Chillen. He's contagious :)
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