The ChillOut Log

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Bad ass...don't know about all that. :eek: I'll post some before and after shots, and y'all can decide. :)

My pics aren't going to inspire nearly the level of awe of Chillen's, but then my goal at the onset was a bit more modest. My original goal was to strengthen and condition myself so that I could continue to do the things I enjoy doing...without the pain and misery I was feeling afterwards. Things like hiking, swimming, off roading, snorkeling/freediving, hefting band gear, rough housing with my 15 and 20 year old sons, etc... With the ass woopin' I put on my body this past weekend and having no ill effects, my original modest goal has all but been attained. Working out has become so much a part of my daily routine. I have that part of my life well in "balance", and I like the "direction" in which I'm headed. :)

Diet and fitness returns good fruits with dedication; feel the intensity of it, let it fuel your waking thoughts and actions, let it influence you and your family in all ways possible and let nothing get in the way of achieving the best for you and your family.

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.


Wojo you put the word diligent in the dictionary, buddy!

What we think, we become.

And, you are already there......:)

You just flat rock, Wojo. Good job!

Diet/nutrition is where I'm going next. I'm eating healthier than I have in years, but I'm not doing so with confidence in what I'm doing. I'm going to further educate myself, then apply that knowledge so that I can move forward more confidently.

If I can assist you in some fashion on diet and nutrition let me know.

Educating yourself on the logistics of diet/nutrition and applying it particularly to yourself, is wisdom. You will learn to master yourself in the development process.

Keep on rocken' my friend.

Best wishes

October 19th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day: A Humbling Experience"

My wife lost her Father in earlier this year in January, and her Mother (75) had quadruple bypass heart surgery as little as 9 days ago. The Doctor allowed her Mother to come home on Friday--a little earlier than anticipated. This has been a difficult year for my wife considering my wife's own medical complications.

We won't be able to get an in home nurse until next week, so I decided to take a week off of work, and tend to her. I will be cooking, washing her cloths, helping her in and out of bed (she is 5' 3" and 193 pounds), into the bath room, and dressing her. This will be a humbling experience, and one I embrace willingly.

We did have a slight problem today. She was in the bathroom a little longer than usual. And, I knocked on the door, and asked if she was okay. She, said, "no, I peed my panties. I managed to get them on the floor, but I don't think I will be able to put new ones on myself". I opened the door as she was sitting on the pot, and we stood and looked at each other for few moments (if felt much longer than a few seconds). We both felt the rather awkward moment. I told her not to be ashamed (and kissed her on the cheek), picked up her clothing from the floor, and put them in the cloths hamper. I walked back, and she was crying. I asked her what the problem was. Sobbing she says, "I am so sorry that I hated you all these years; I appreciate you putting up with me". I told her I loved her, and it doesn't ask to be returned. I then assisted her in putting on her cloths, and walked her to her recliner in the living room. She was still crying. She said she felt helpless. We then had a long conversation, and personally connected in ways we haven't in many years.

Take care of your family people. It makes a difference. Love them. Help them. Most importantly forgive them.

I forgive her.

Now I help her in her time of need.

I do not have conditions set on this forgiveness.

I am up late tonight, because I was so touched by our conversation, I couldn't sleep.

One day, I will be doing this very thing for my wife, and this humbled the passion in my heart on one of the reasons I made diet and fitness the cornerstone of my life.

I will not allow my health to interfere in taking care of my wife nor members of my family.

Best regards to all,

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Sorry if i keep bugging you, but this is an awesome log. Its going to take me a year to read, but this is exactly the kind of stuff i need to read. I often defeat myself mentally before ever trying something.

You're definately a cool dude, and i think i can learn a lot from you.

Is there somewhere on here where you post your workout routines???
Sorry if i keep bugging you, but this is an awesome log. Its going to take me a year to read, but this is exactly the kind of stuff i need to read. I often defeat myself mentally before ever trying something.

You're definately a cool dude, and i think i can learn a lot from you.

I appreciate you taking the time to write those kind words, Wesrman.

The inner being can make the outer being that much stronger. The mental and spirit WITHIN oneself.........drives the outside mechanics.

This by itself can make one reach inside and pullout more than they think they can achieve.

Some forum members need a friend sounding off in this area, and I am going to be this person for them.

Most of my posts on the forum have this premise behind it, and nothing more.

If I can touch one person reading the forum that is having a bad day (even one reading as guests, and registered members not posting), and they stand up keep their diet, stay strong, stay the course and train, then I couldn't be more happier. THIS is what its about.

I have been a little lax in the thoughts for the day, lately, but I will pick this up, once my wife's mother gets settled in our home.

If you take the time to go through the log you may find a topic or two that me be of value to you. If you want, I will write something up for you if you request it.

Is there somewhere on here where you post your workout routines???

I keep an extensive diet and training log at home (in Excel, Power Point, One Note, and Word), and generally do not post my diet and training routine on the forum unless its requested. However, in the log I have posted my training routine several times, and commented on my diet within other threads, and made a post on what I use to train with.

You stay tough and use wisdom within your diet and training, and keep correctly pushing yourself to be the best you can be.

Best regards,

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Ive been reading the log for what seems like for ever and havent come across your routine yet.

What kind of split/# of exercises/sets etc, do you recommend (for bulking/cutting). In the past ive done mostly 2 or 3 way splits hitting body parts twice a week or so. Usually push/pull or something like that, but im curious to hear what u use/recomend.

Thanks again.

EDIT: Just finished reading a couple of the more personal posts in this log and i have to say the more i read the more impressed i am. Im not sure i could deal with some of this nearly as good as you seem to, or if i would feel comfortable sharing so much of myself with people. Very touching stuff.

Also this is something i read in this log and is so true, but something i never thought about before: "We need people to convince us that we are not as bad as we think we are".
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My wife lost her Father in earlier this year in January, and her Mother (75) had quadruple bypass heart surgery as little as 9 days ago. The Doctor allowed her Mother to come home on Friday--a little earlier than anticipated. This has been a difficult year for my wife considering my wife's own medical complications.

We won't be able to get an in home nurse until next week, so I decided to take a week off of work, and tend to her. I will be cooking, washing her cloths, helping her in and out of bed (she is 5' 3" and 193 pounds), into the bath room, and dressing her. This will be a humbling experience, and one I embrace willingly.

We did have a slight problem today. She was in the bathroom a little longer than usual. And, I knocked on the door, and asked if she was okay. She, said, "no, I peed my panties. I managed to get them on the floor, but I don't think I will be able to put new ones on myself". I opened the door as she was sitting on the pot, and we stood and looked at each other for few moments (if felt much longer than a few seconds). We both felt the rather awkward moment. I told her not to be ashamed (and kissed her on the cheek), picked up her clothing from the floor, and put them in the cloths hamper. I walked back, and she was crying. I asked her what the problem was. Sobbing she says, "I am so sorry that I hated you all these years; I appreciate you putting up with me". I told her I loved her, and it doesn't ask to be returned. I then assisted her in putting on her cloths, and walked her to her recliner in the living room. She was still crying. She said she felt helpless. We then had a long conversation, and personally connected in ways we haven't in many years.

Take care of your family people. It makes a difference. Love them. Help them. Most importantly forgive them.

I forgive her.

Now I help her in her time of need.

I do not have conditions set on this forgiveness.

I am up late tonight, because I was so touched by our conversation, I couldn't sleep.

One day, I will be doing this very thing for my wife, and this humbled the passion in my heart on one of the reasons I made diet and fitness the cornerstone of my life.

I will not allow my health to interfere in taking care of my wife nor members of my family.

Best regards to all,


That just brought tears to my eyes, Chillen.

You're a far better person than I am. I'm not sure I would have done the same given those circumstances.
Ive been reading the log for what seems like for ever and havent come across your routine yet.

What kind of split/# of exercises/sets etc, do you recommend (for bulking/cutting). In the past ive done mostly 2 or 3 way splits hitting body parts twice a week or so. Usually push/pull or something like that, but im curious to hear what u use/recomend.

Thanks again.

EDIT: Just finished reading a couple of the more personal posts in this log and i have to say the more i read the more impressed i am. Im not sure i could deal with some of this nearly as good as you seem to, or if i would feel comfortable sharing so much of myself with people. Very touching stuff.

Also this is something i read in this log and is so true, but something i never thought about before: "We need people to convince us that we are not as bad as we think we are".

I posted "some of my routine" a few pages back from this one when I put myself through a self made mini-bot camp to celebrate my diet and fitness anniversary, a couple of weeks ago.

Go here: (Page 204)

I plan to post the current one in a few days, because I reconstructed several items as compared to recent history.

If there is anything I can do for you let me know.

Best regards,

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That just brought tears to my eyes, Chillen.

You're a far better person than I am. I'm not sure I would have done the same given those circumstances.

To be honest, I had some major battles "mentally" I had to settle within me before she returned from the hospital. If one had the memories (the passed 25 years) with this woman, and knew her personality, how grossly selfish this woman is, and comments made at her husbands death and at his funeral, one would have a better understanding of my internal plight.

It was a major battle between my emotions and my intellect of my mind. Seriously.

I had some major resentment toward her that was pretty intense. But, I beat it down, stomped on it, picked it back up, ate it, and shook the earth as I thundered it out my @ss. And, it stunk to high heaven......let me tell ya. :)

I felt so much better.

And, now we can grow and be better persons as a result.

No one will really understand what I am getting at with this woman, unless I write a piece on it. I plan to do it because it may help another person who may be in a like circumstance with another family member.

Thank you for you comments , ILM.

Best wishes

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I started a log, and id appreciate it if you could give me your thoughts. (i realize that you're prolly busy and dont know me, so if you dont want to ill understand)
Either way, thanks. :)

Of course I will take a look at your journal, young man.

I have to run a few errands for my mother-in-law here in a few moments. I have to get a step stool for her bed, and some shower handles for the bathroom.

When I return, I will take a look see, and see if we can ROCK THE HECK OUT and get you on track, young man!

Keep fighting!

This rocks!

Best regards,

Makes me feel good to be called young man for a Im 30, and feel so old when i talk to all the young kids at work. :p

No rush on that either. When ever you get a chance is good with me.

I have nothing but time.
Makes me feel good to be called young man for a Im 30, and feel so old when i talk to all the young kids at work. :p

No rush on that either. When ever you get a chance is good with me.

I have nothing but time.

Good! Because that is what you are!

Its number dude! Don't be rude and crude look good in the nude! Be happy with ya self.......and ROCK-OUT!

Education in diet and fitness will lead you right there, baby!

Though I have went through Army Boot Camp, Officer Candidate School in the Army, Law Enforcement Academy twice, I look physically better and I am twice as healthy as compared to my prime time. Believe me, if you apply "enough of you" diet and fitness it can make a huge and positive impact on your health, and well-being. Looking good "physically" does not equal being healthy.

We all have vanity to some degree; however, its my opinion, the vanity level should never exceed the level of one's health. In your journey, its my opinion, to keep these as mutually exclusive terms, because in the end, when all the smoke dies out, health is where all the wealth is.

Best wishes to you.

I will take a look in a few.

Best regards,

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Im replying to your pm here cuz i cant pm until ive been here for 5 days.

Im in no rush for you to reply. Take your time and do what you need to do. Like i said before, i have nothing but time.

Good luck with everything.
Chillen, you've got a new avatar. You've got abs on abs! I've never seen anything like it on anybody.

These are my BF's abs:

Now look at your abs ... they're massive. Now I love my BF's abs a lot. But yours are so thick. How do you get your abs to look like that? They're freaking amazing.
Chillen, you've got a new avatar. You've got abs on abs! I've never seen anything like it on anybody.

These are my BF's abs:

Now look at your abs ... they're massive. Now I love my BF's abs a lot. But yours are so thick. How do you get your abs to look like that? They're freaking amazing.

Yes, Ive noticed your new display picture chillen!
Looking ripped mate.

Remember don't forget me remember! Just incase...
Heya Chillen. I still keep up to date with this log! And wow i just had to say Your Abs are frecking awesome man!!!!!!!!!

U really do know how to ROCK ON!!!!!!!!! HAHA

Jackie xxx
Here is a front view of the right leg: (next are the little baddy calves)


Its been a trying period with grandma the passed couple of days. I apologize for not updating.

I will respond to all of you when I get more time to write a thoughtful response. Thank you for your responses. I will be responding soon, again thank you.

Off to get her prescriptions.

Have a great day all.

Best wishes to each you!

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Hi Chillen,

Hope every goes okay for you.
And im looking forward to more updates!

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