The ChillOut Log

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Those are still awesome. You look strong.
And yes, things are great. I had some sweets at work today, but still managed to stay under 2kcals for the day.

What is your base need, Miss Christi? And, what is your calorie need with activities included? And, what calorie approximator did you learn this from? By the way what is your first name, if mind me asking. I should know by now, and apologize I don't.

Best wishes,

#1 You need not apologize, the quality is fine :)

#2 Your back is a badass and a mean looking one.

#3 The symmetry you have is pretty damned awesome.
#1 You need not apologize, the quality is fine :)

#2 Your back is a badass and a mean looking one.

#3 The symmetry you have is pretty damned awesome.

Thanks Eric. I have been on a pic spree lately, as I have just started my new year (about the same time as last year), on putting on about 10 more pounds of muscle this year (by July 30 2009), and I need these pics to compare progress. This is the reason for the rash of new pics lately.

One of the goals (among many) last year was to build the Serratus Anterior muscle. And, if one were to look at last years pics, I didn't have any, LOL. Well, I changed that.

And the most recent pic (the one in my avatar), I was able to build this muscle a little bit. Its far better than it was before (it wasn't even present, lol.) I mainly performed the DB/BB Pull-Over to focus on this, though of course it works other muscle groups as well at the same time.

As far as the back is concerned. I need some width. It is seriously lacking, and this is on the top of the list for this coming year. I think I mentioned earlier I purchased a lat pull-down bar (which can double as a Tri-push down), and this should assist this. I have never performed the lat pull-down (or its variants before), so it will be a new stimulant, and I expect to respond well--over time (I mentioned which exercises I did specifically for the back, in the other post).

I have a strong developed back, but the lat spread (honestly) is lacking. This will improve without a shadow of any doubt. Its already done. Stick a fork in it.

My in-law is doing better and is out of ICU, and in a regular hospital room now (after quadruple bypass heart surgery). We hope to have her home soon (we are taking care of her at our home): Just an update, as I wrote about this in the Upper Back thread. So, recently things havent been exactly normal, but we are good.

Thank you for your comments.


Best wishes,

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I have noticed huge gains and a nice bulk from my lats after a few months of doing lat pull downs, mainly on the lower portion of my lats...if you put the same kind of hard work in those as you do in all your will get that rear wall of muscles wide as hell...

As for working the Serratus Anterior's, I don't think I've ever felt a burn or got them sore yet...I think I should try these pullovers and see if I can get them to cry a little... :D

My in-law is doing better and is out of ICU, and in a regular hospital room now (after quadruple bypass heart surgery). We hope to have her home soon (we are taking care of her at our home): Just an update, as I wrote about this in the Upper Back thread. So, recently things havent been exactly normal, but we are good.

I hope all is well with her and that things will work out, for everyone in your family, Chillen.

Take care...

This upper back pic is with shoulders pulled back, and shoulder blades pushed toward the spine:


Photo quality is bad; apologize in advance.

I "will" be adding 10 pounds this upcoming year, and we shall see what this brings worken' dat' ass: :)

How could I neglect my back, when its "the main problem" (when including my wife) was what brought me to diet and fitness? ;)
No way, baby. Not gonna happen.
I am not all abs, M-kay? :)

Best wishes to all of you,

You crack me up..M-kay got yo self some muscles, now don't ya...WHO ROCKS????? You do! T.
October 14th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day"

I have noticed huge gains and a nice bulk from my lats after a few months of doing lat pull downs, mainly on the lower portion of my lats...if you put the same kind of hard work in those as you do in all your will get that rear wall of muscles wide as hell...

As for working the Serratus Anterior's, I don't think I've ever felt a burn or got them sore yet...I think I should try these pullovers and see if I can get them to cry a little... :D

I hope all is well with her and that things will work out, for everyone in your family, Chillen.

Take care...

If its not too late, and you haven't worked on it yet, we can get back to the earlier posts, and get on this calorie issue and nutrition and discuss this. I will have some time hopefully 2morrow, and I will spend some time on a response post for you.

Remove the "think" out of the post, and put in "I will" or I pull the "Rock-it out of my pocket", and stick it so far up ya ass it will tingle your brain stem, put pressure on your brain, and your eyes will swell up and pop out of their sockets, roll on the floor jump up, and bat ya' in the face.

Got that? :)

Boy.....that would be a friggen....weird experience. Well, least you would be able to take a VERY GOOD LOOK at who is the master in getting things done........oh....its the one with the knot and bruise on the skull :)

Oh....I forgot....Please put them back in: I want you to be able to see to train and eat. ;)

I'll pile on the good wishes for a speedy recovery. :)

It is good to hear from your Wojo. Thank you for your comments. She is recovering well and currently we expect a full recovery.

Again, thank you.

I like your tat Wojo.

I think I'm becoming a tattoo lover ...

You haven't seen anything yet.

Wojo is bad ass......and you just seen his tat'......

So if this is tingling you.......shiaaaaat......I wonder what happens when or if Wojo decides to grace us with update pics......then......something will pucker......:)......Oh.......:)

Wojo flat Rocks.......

You crack me up..M-kay got yo self some muscles, now don't ya...WHO ROCKS????? You do! T.

LOL......thanks Tish. I try....and this is the bottom line. I do not give my body any alternative it WILL produce,,,,,,,,Or "I Will" kick dat ass. :)


I made this post in Miss_Christi's Log today, I want someone to tell me, what I am trying to tell her:

I woke up one morning and felt the lower back muscles squeeze and fell to my knees.

The pain didn't ease. My body told me I needed to provide the keys to remove this lower back disease.

Right then and there, I learned that my aging body was no longer going to tolerate my eating and exercise habits that my youth handled with biological expertise.

I was awakened, and started a fire with this tiny spark.

I was humbled, and I would no longer be "dancing in the dark".


(A different twist to the meaning to an old favorite song, "Dancing in the Dark", by Bruce Springsteen):

This is Miss_Christi speaking:

"I get up in the evening and I ain't got nothing to say".

(Feel the smoldering spontaneous combustion.--wanting to start)

"I come home in the morning; I go to bed feeling the same way"

(Let it consume and purify your inner-being)

"I ain't nothing but tired; man I'm just tired and bored with myself. Hey there baby, I could use just a little help"

(Engage your tired mind to your irreplaceable spark and sparks fly from your hands and out of your mouth, and your heart becomes a flame-thrower no one can put out, not even yourself.)

"You can't start a fire; you can't start a fire without a spark. This gun's for hire---and I am no longer dancing in the dark"

(True friendship is this relationship caught on fire, realizing your mind can be a liar, and your hire your self desire)

"Message keeps getting clearer; radio's on and I'm moving 'round the place"

(You are trapped and locked "within" yourself, and "begin-to" realize you are the fire-hydrant to allow the spark to live or die out, and its beginning to move your soul)

"I check my look in the mirror, I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face; Man I ain't getting nowhere"

"I'm just living in a dump like this. There's something happening somewhere baby I just know that there is"

(The eyes can be a deviant thief, pale the mind, but the spark inside kindles fire, and she snatches the beauty from her inner sun, and this lights up her personal battlefield)

"You sit around getting older; there's a joke here somewhere and it's on me. I'll shake this world off my shoulders come on baby this laughs on me"

"Stay on the streets of this town and they'll be carving you up alright"

(Outside wind can sometimes attempt extinguish the inner candle, but it will only fan your fire)

"They say you gotta stay hungry; hey baby I'm just about starving tonight; I'm dying for some action"

(All you need is you)

"I'm sick of sitting 'round here trying to write this book; I need a love reaction; come on now baby gimme just one look"

(When the world seems to have ran out of lovers, the love and passion within you is so strong it is deep-burning and unquenchable, give it a look and write your book)

"You can't start a fire sitting 'round crying over a broken heart..."

(You have a quiet but mutual inner "understanding" and have little tolerance for your human weaknesses)

And, now a NEW Miss_Christi emerges

YOUR gun's are for hire......

And you will never again be dancing in the dark...........

You can't start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart....

Your INNER gun's are for hire.........

And you will NEVER..again be........dancing in the dark

You are awakened.........

And, you love yourself enough to do it.....

If your inner fire is ROCKEN' it will handle anything that comes KNOCKEN'

Got that?

Best wishes



I saw this article the other day, and it was rather interesting. It doesn't have who wrote it, so I can't give proper and due credit.

How to Create Energy From Nothing

A lot of people feel "tired", and blame it on getting not enough sleep, or other external factors. Basically, the fact that they're tired is always "out of control."

What they don't know is that there's a reason for feeling "tired", and that there's a simple method to change "tired" to "energized" in a heartbeat....

Most of us feel tired during one of the four:

1) After waking up in the morning.
2) After intense physical activity, or long hours of work.
3) After sitting in one place for a long period of time.
4) During the evening, or in the late evening hours.

What do all four of those have in common? There's one very common process that happens in our bodies in all four cases. During all of these we all experience very similar"symptoms" of tiredness. These include yawning, rubbing our eyes, feeling sllooowww, and having the urge to just get into bed and sleep.

Why Do We Get These "symptoms?" Our bodies have a natural temperature rhythm. Our body temperature rises when we are awake, and promotes feelings of alertness. Our body temperature also falls when we're sleeping, and promotes feelings of drowsiness, and a desire to sleep.

The natural DROP of body temperature in our bodies is a CUE for our body to produce feelings of tiredness, drowsiness, and the strong urge to sleep. I call this the "natural sleep response". When we're exercising, or putting excessive physical demand on our body, our body temperature RISES rapidly, however when you END the physical activity, there is a RAPID body temperature DROP until your body temperature regulates sometime after. It's during this DROP that most of us think there's no other way out but to sleep, and we usually jump into bed and do just that.

The feeling of the body temperature drop after long hours of work is usually mistaken by us as a deep need for sleep. In reality, we don't need to sleep, we just need to "cool down". Allow me to give you a personal example:

As a kid I used to work at a FULL SERVE gas station for 8-9 hours in a row. This meant I had to be on my feet running around pumping gas for 8-9 hours with one 10 minute break. It was hell! Even when I had the early morning shift I would come home and feel TOTALLY DRAINED and TIRED, I usually fell asleep and slept till the evening.

However, as I began learning the inner science of our sleep system and the inner sleep clock, I tried a little experiment one day. Instead of going to sleep I came home and played fetch with my dog out in the yard for about 45 minutes instead. To my surprise, after just a few minutes of a little light activity (throwing a plastic chewed up Frisbee across the backyard), the feeling of tiredness faded and I was able to stay awake and alert WAY into the early morning hours.

How did this work?

I simply allowed my body temperature some time to return back to the normal pattern it proceeds. I gave it time to "come down." When it returned back to normal, I didn't feel tired and the intense pressure to sleep faded. This same body temperature drop happens after you sit in one place for a long time. Listen, you could take a person who is robust, athletic, and naturally energetic, but if you put them in front of a TV for 3 hours, THEY WILL GET TIRED! This is simply because our body temperature drops when we're NOT MOVING.

That's why the biggest antidote to feeling tired is exercise and movement, NOT SLEEP.

During the morning our body temperature is low too, which creates feelings of drowsiness and tiredness, however, most of us chose to mask this feeling by consuming large amounts of caffeine.

The other main temperature drops happen in the afternoon, and in the mid-evening.

In the Powerful Sleep system I describe the EXACT methods to gain a full understanding of your body temperature rhythm, so you can create a quick RISE of body temperature in the morning, and delay the body temperature drop in the evening. This allows you to stay awake and ALERT longer, have more energy and MORE TIME (time is a precious commodity!)


Best wishes to all of you.

Spread peace, love, and personal harmony to all.

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October 15th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day"

Calorie Density for Muscular Immensity

(Again, cannot give credit, no name given. Article was sent from a friend of mine)

This is for those trying to "gain good weight" (i.e. Spicy Pumkin, and a few others on our great forum)

The secret to packing on pounds of solid muscle mass is simple: For the most part, the types of foods you eat on a muscle-gaining program are the same ones you should eat all the time, whether you want to lose, gain or maintain - you just need to eat more of them.

"Just eat more" is easier said than done, however. It seems like you're constantly shopping, cooking and eating. Sometimes preparing food and eating it can seem like a full time job!

One way to make gaining weight and forcing down all that food less of a chore is to choose foods (or supplements) with a HIGHER CALORIE DENSITY. By doing so, you can get more calories in the same amount of food. All proteins and all carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram and all fats have 9 calories per gram, but not all foods have the same number of calories per unit of volume. Let me explain:

Imagine for a moment, two measuring cups (the kind you have in your kitchen) and notice the amount of space in each container. Got it? Now visualize the two cups side by side; one filled with chopped cucumber and one filled with raisins. Each cup now contains exactly the same VOLUME of food, right? But did you know that the cup of raisins has 37 times more calories? That's right! The cup of cucumbers contains 14 calories, while the cup of raisins contains 520 calories.

If cucumbers and raisins both have four calories per gram, then how could this be? The answer has to do with calorie density. The cucumbers have a lower calorie density because they have a higher fiber and water content. The calories in the raisins are more "concentrated."

And that's the secret to getting enough calories to gain weight: choose calorie-concentrated foods.

If you learn which foods are nutrition dense and calorie dense, you can use this information to help you gain lean weight more easily than ever before. Fibrous carbohydrates and vegetables such as lettuce, asparagus, cucumber and broccoli have very low calorie densities because your body can't absorb the caloric content of fiber. That makes veggies an excellent choice when you want to lose body fat.

Before competitions, bodybuilders usually reduce or remove high calorie simple sugars and starches from their diets and replace them with fibrous carbohydrates. (Goodbye bagels and pasta, hello broccoli and asparagus!) On the other side of the coin, the low calorie density of most vegetables is the very reason that they don't help you gain weight. Think about it; you would have to eat a wheelbarrow full of lettuce, cucumbers or spinach before you consumed enough calories to make the scale budge at all!

It's wise to always include vegetables in your diet (because they're good for you), but you won't get enough calories to gain weight from veggies alone; you have to eat lots of high density foods or you'll be fighting an uphill battle.

So now let's look at some "calorie-dense" foods that can help you pack on the pounds:
Simple carbohydrates such as fruit have higher calorie densities than vegetables because simple carbs are more concentrated and have less fiber. Fruit juice is even more concentrated than the fruit itself. A medium sized orange contains about 60 calories. A glass of orange juice has about 160 calories. Fruit and fruit juice, therefore, make great additions to a weight-gaining program.

Taken to the extreme, concentrating and refining carbohydrates results in empty calorie products like white sugar and white bread. Although these are calorie dense foods, they have little or no nutritional value. Don't add nutritionally void foods to your diet just for the sake of more calories - it's the quality and nutritional value of the calories you want, not just the quantity. You should look for foods that are high in calories that are unrefined and as close to their natural form as possible (the way they came out of the ground).

Complex carbohydrates (starches) such as whole grains, pasta, cereals, beans, yams, potatoes and rice also have higher calorie densities than fibrous carbs. A typical restaurant sized serving of pasta contains 800-1000 calories. Obviously, pasta and other complex carbohydrates are great foods for gaining weight. Ok, now that you know what carbs to eat, let's talk about fat. Fat can also have a major impact on the calorie content of foods. Fats have more than twice as many calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein (9 calories per gram vs. 4 calories per gram), so foods that are 100% fat have the most calories per volume.

Olive oil, which is pure fat, contains 1920 calories per cup. Any food that has a lot of fat in it will have a high calorie density. Peanut butter, for example, has 1600 calories per cup; Cashews have 780 calories per cup. I'm not suggesting that you start devouring French fries, cheeseburgers and sausage every day for the sake of gaining weight - if you do, you'll gain weight all right - right on your belly or backside!

Your diet should always be low in fat (15-25% of your total calories), but not all fats are bad. It's the saturated fats like fried foods, butter and tropical oils that you should avoid. In small amounts, unsaturated, "healthy" fats are not only good for you, but they can help you gain weight more quickly than if you didn't eat any fat at all. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil and two tablespoons of peanut butter would add nearly 500 calories to your daily diet and you'd hardly notice that any extra food was added.

Protein foods that contain some fat will also be higher in calories. 4 oz of Chinook salmon has 262 calories and 15 grams of (good) fat; 4 oz of Haddock has 137 calories and only 1 gram of fat. Because of the higher calories and the essential fatty acids (good fats), cold water fish like Salmon are another great addition to a weight gain program.

The best proteins for gaining muscle are the lean ones like chicken, lean beef, egg whites, turkey and fish. Lean cuts of red meat like round or flank steak are excellent for gaining weight. Avoid fatty cuts of beef, as well as pork, sausage, bacon and whole milk products because they contain large amounts of artery-clogging, unhealthy saturated fat.

I'm a huge believer in always choosing whole foods over supplements whenever possible. However, it's not easy to eat whole foods 5 or 6 times per day if you have a busy schedule. If you have a hard time getting enough calories from food, then you should consider using a weight gain or meal replacement product because drinking your calories is a lot easier than eating them.

Meal replacements are usually powdered products that you mix with water, milk or juice. You can also increase the calories further by adding peanut butter, flax oil, fruit or your other favorite ingredient and mixing up the whole concoction in a blender. Don't just blindly follow the instructions on the container.

One thing that most people don't realize is that you need to customize your supplement intake to your exact calorie needs. Just because the package says there are "1000 calories per serving" doesn't mean that's how many you need. Adjust the serving size to fit your own diet. For example, if you need 3000 calories to gain weight, that breaks down into five 600-calorie meals or six 500-calorie meals. There's no need to shovel down 1000 calories at a time just because the label says so - that's only going to make you fat.

Some products were designed as meal replacements for fat loss programs. These usually come in individual serving packets, they have about 280-300 calories per serving and they contain more protein than carbohydrates; this way, they fit into the guidelines of a low carbohydrate, high protein, fat burning diet. These products are not as cost-effective when you're trying to gain weight. 300 calories is not enough for mass-building meal. If you decide to use this type of product for weight gain, you'll need to mix it with a calorie containing liquid like juice or skim milk to bring the calories up to 500-700 (or whatever your diet calls for).

When you want to gain muscle, you'd be better off choosing a product that was specifically designed for that purpose. These "weight gainers" are much more concentrated in calories and contain more carbohydrates. Using mostly carbs (sugars) and skimping on the protein is a dirty trick that supplement companies use to make a product cheap to manufacture. Read the labels carefully and avoid any product that is mostly sugar with very little protein. A good product will have approximately one part protein for every two parts of carbohydrates and small amounts of fat.

For example, a drink mix with 40 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fat would provide almost 500 calories. If you wanted even more calories, you could mix the powder in skim milk or juice instead of water. So, let's summarize your strategy for quickly and easily adding more calories to your diet:

1. Continue to eat the same healthy foods you always eat, but simply eat more of them.

2. Choose foods with a higher calorie density. You could eat broccoli and salad until your face hurts from chewing so much, but you still won't get enough calories.

3. Eat plenty of starchy carbohydrates including whole grains & cereals, pasta, potatoes, yams, beans, rice and oatmeal.

4. Don't be afraid of adding a little bit of fat. Keep your diet low in fat overall, but add in some of the healthy "good" fats (such as flax oil, olive oil, or a couple tablespoons of peanut butter) and you'll gain weight more quickly.

5. Just because you're trying to gain weight doesn't mean you have a license to eat anything you want. Go for nutritional value as well as calorie density; avoid saturated fats, sugar and processed junk foods.

6. If you can't seem to get enough calories from food, then a meal replacement or weight gainer supplement can make your life a lot easier. Adjust the serving size to fit your calorie needs and make sure the product has a good protein to carb ratio.

7. Don't be afraid to drink a lot of your calories in the form of low fat/skim milk, juice or supplements/shakes.

Well, that's it! Follow these strategies diligently and you'll gain pounds solid muscular weight more easily than you ever have before without having to chain yourself to the refrigerator!


Best regards,

I like your tat Wojo.

I think I'm becoming a tattoo lover ...

Thanks much. The combination of the yin yang and the compass rose stand for balance and direction. Something I don't always have, but continually work to achieve and maintain. :)
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You haven't seen anything yet.

Wojo is bad ass......and you just seen his tat'......

So if this is tingling you.......shiaaaaat......I wonder what happens when or if Wojo decides to grace us with update pics......then......something will pucker......:)......Oh.......:)

Wojo flat Rocks.......

Chillen...thanks for that. :D

I'll see what I can do about posting some pics. Work has me all over the place right now, and my son is in marching band with the competition season in full swing. The wife and I are active with the boosters and are on the pit crew...basically marching band roadies, so we're traveling with the band and lugging gear in our "down time". :D When I can I'll dig up some "before" pics and then take some current shots.

About the pit crew, I had something cool happen yesterday. I was up at the high school picking up my son and several dads were talking and complaining how sore they were after all the gear lugging over the weekend. We were at a competition in Ypsilanti, MI. In their defense, we move some significantly massive stuff...including 3 tarps weighing 500 pounds apiece. The cool thing that happened was when it hit me that I wasn't sore at all. In fact, I had worked out yesterday and Monday morning and had no ill effects from the weekend. Just six months ago, after a Saturday of lugging band gear, I would have spent all day Sunday soaking in the tub and downing Ibuprofen just so I could make it to work on Monday. Even with that, a muscle spasm or two in my upper back might take me down throughout the week. There just ain't no going back to that.

Oh...and the kids took 2nd place out of 30 marching bands...very proud. :cool:
So at the end of the day, you really are bad ass :D

I really did like that tattoo. The yin/yang symbol inside the compass was very appealing to me because it struck a chord inside me somewhere.

Now that I know it stands for balance and direction, it all makes sense :)

Thanks for explaining.

And congrats on your son's band taking 2nd place :)

I'm looking forward to seeing your pics.
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Bad ass...don't know about all that. :eek: I'll post some before and after shots, and y'all can decide. :)

My pics aren't going to inspire nearly the level of awe of Chillen's, but then my goal at the onset was a bit more modest. My original goal was to strengthen and condition myself so that I could continue to do the things I enjoy doing...without the pain and misery I was feeling afterwards. Things like hiking, swimming, off roading, snorkeling/freediving, hefting band gear, rough housing with my 15 and 20 year old sons, etc... With the ass woopin' I put on my body this past weekend and having no ill effects, my original modest goal has all but been attained. Working out has become so much a part of my daily routine. I have that part of my life well in "balance", and I like the "direction" in which I'm headed. :)

Diet/nutrition is where I'm going next. I'm eating healthier than I have in years, but I'm not doing so with confidence in what I'm doing. I'm going to further educate myself, then apply that knowledge so that I can move forward more confidently.
Hey Wojo, I do have a request ... I really like your tat, so if you could make sure it's showing in one of your pics, that would be great :)

Hope your wife doesn't mind me ogling your tat ...
Chillen...thanks for that. :D

You are welcome. Apologize for the delay in responding, I have been spending a lot of time at the hospital with my wife and her mother. She came home on Friday night, and was released earlier than we anticipated; she is recovering well for being 75 years old.

I'll see what I can do about posting some pics. Work has me all over the place right now, and my son is in marching band with the competition season in full swing. The wife and I are active with the boosters and are on the pit crew...basically marching band roadies, so we're traveling with the band and lugging gear in our "down time". :D When I can I'll dig up some "before" pics and then take some current shots.

That is the coolest thing.......ever! Rocken-out with the kiddo's! And, the old man.,,,,,,,,,,just worken' it. Priceless combination!

About the pit crew, I had something cool happen yesterday. I was up at the high school picking up my son and several dads were talking and complaining how sore they were after all the gear lugging over the weekend. We were at a competition in Ypsilanti, MI. In their defense, we move some significantly massive stuff...including 3 tarps weighing 500 pounds apiece. The cool thing that happened was when it hit me that I wasn't sore at all. In fact, I had worked out yesterday and Monday morning and had no ill effects from the weekend. Just six months ago, after a Saturday of lugging band gear, I would have spent all day Sunday soaking in the tub and downing Ibuprofen just so I could make it to work on Monday. Even with that, a muscle spasm or two in my upper back might take me down throughout the week. There just ain't no going back to that.

Oh...and the kids took 2nd place out of 30 marching bands...very proud. :cool:

This is what its all about! Hard work pays off. I thank my body everyday, for a painless back! mind too....he, he. :)

Get those pics, posted young man! Its been a few months, show your 40+ year old bad ass self.

Congrats on the 2nd place! Much to be proud of. And, a father like you behind your kids, they are going to be something to deal with in life!

Best wishes

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