The ChillOut Log

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Keep the goodness coming Chillen, I am reading all of it :D

Btw - I will be working on something new this weekend. I want to overlook calorie expenditure day by day now, I don't want to use the long term method anymore. Especially after reading a few of the articles you've brought up. Any tips on that?

So, its October now, have you taken the leg pics?

^ :rofl:

Phate, haven't seen you on here for a bit. Did you go skydiving yet?
Keep the goodness coming Chillen, I am reading all of it :D

Btw - I will be working on something new this weekend. I want to overlook calorie expenditure day by day now, I don't want to use the long term method anymore. Especially after reading a few of the articles you've brought up. Any tips on that?

Eric.......take a crack at the "progression question" I had asked in the most recent response to Jackie. Try to answer it.....

I am on this progression trip...:) (I like this buzz, baby---->:))

What do you mean by the phrase: "I don't want to use the long term method anymore?

I may add: "I want to watch my calorie expenditure AND weight training progression (by writing down my numbers each workout)"---Eric L. :)

EDIT: Yes, I will give you tips on that.....>:)

Best regards,

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The kiss of death.........LOL. :) :action3:


My wife just sent this to me at work.

She is at the Doctor's office getting some blood tests done.......

Let me rephrase: Its the kiss of "strength" right there buddy!........

Her biological complications.......are in store for some.......rude awakenings!..

The awakening of-------->DEATH!.....Her internal deadly.

I love this woman.

Best wishes

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Eric.......take a crack at the "progression question" I had asked in the most recent response to Jackie. Try to answer it.....

I am on this progression trip... (I like this buzz, baby---->)

It's normal for the reps to lower.


The progression was increased in muscle development. The more weight you add the more muscle fibers it recruits and the more it makes it develop. 10-8-6 will have less muscle development then 8-5-3. That's why when you reach your 10-8-6 you should up the weight and start, again, from 8-5-3 and make the iron whimper until you completely kick it's ass until you bring it to 10-8-6.

How's that for a "crack at it"?

What do you mean by the phrase: "I don't want to use the long term method anymore?

I usually follow the Harris Benedict formula which tells me what to eat and I >assume< it suggests to eat this same amount each day, which I think is total BS. ^ That's what I mean by the long term method.

After a few seconds of thinking I am thinking of going 2200 cals on off days and 2600 cals on workout days.

I ALWAYS log my workouts. I should start giving my nutrition as much attention, I admit this is my flaw.
It's normal for the reps to lower.


The progression was increased in muscle development. The more weight you add the more muscle fibers it recruits and the more it makes it develop. 10-8-6 will have less muscle development then 8-5-3. That's why when you reach your 10-8-6 you should up the weight and start, again, from 8-5-3 and make the iron whimper until you completely kick it's ass until you bring it to 10-8-6.

How's that for a "crack at it"?

I am not going to address your answer, quite yet. But, it is a good answer. I am going to wait a bit longer and see if we get any more replies. Then I will address each answer specifically.

I usually follow the Harris Benedict formula which tells me what to eat and I >assume< it suggests to eat this same amount each day, which I think is total BS. ^ That's what I mean by the long term method.

Like I said before, the approximators do a good job in approximating calories, but the problem (at least IMO) it doesn't address the fluctuating activity level per day, instead it "blankets" them.

I think is fairly simple logic.

I mean if you are doing a full body workout, working (employment), and cardio, in one day and need 3,000 calories (MT range, EXAMPLE).

Then and on another day (none of the activities EXIST: day off from work, day off from your workout, day off from cardio), and eat 3,000........but since the activity went down (and in this EXAMPLE the calorie drop "could be" quite dramatic).

One could "theoretically" be "eating over" and not know it, and be a "potential" factor in weight loss stagnation, no?

Simple logic to me. And, its what I followed throughout my fat loss quest. This is not withstanding recoverability (which of course nutrition assist with) and being careful with your calories (and type of calories) when using this method.

A good starting point is to obtain a approximation of your calories (as you should know). Determine your Base Need of calories, and then your approximated calories with activities considered (Activity Need), and then between your approximated Base Need and your Activity Need, you operate the numeric slider in terms of an appropriate deficit according to your activity level, to solicit potential fat loss.

Now, what you do, is just use the same approximator, but you just use a "different multiplier according to your activity" (it simply isn't that complicated as it sounds), and adjust these numeric values--dependent on your bodily feed back.

What can be complicated, is adapting to your feed back--from these numeric calorie numbers, and deciding to go: up or down (while manipulating corresponding activity level-which is a sort of a different write).

Give me your personal particulars.....and lets do you "specifically" and see what we come up with.

DIET is King and PROGRESSION is the Queen. Forever united in love! ........LOL..........>:)

Best wishes

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Sounds good. Here are the particulars:

Weight: 197lbs
Height: 5' 11"
Age: 24

I always aim to do 3 FBW's per week followed by (in the same sessions) 20-45mins of cardio. I am guessing this workout burns about 600-700 calories but I need to take a closer look at this.

I work in a small retail store and am in charge of purchasing/shipping/receiving/reception etc. It get's me to walk a good bit each day and when doing receiving I have to (sometimes) manipulate objects of 50+ pounds. Example: Get a 50# box of welding rods of a skid and place it on a shelf which is 2 feet above my head. All of the above are my daily activities outside of working out, on the exception of Wednesdays where I receive gas cylinders and roll them for about 1 hour. They weight anywhere between 30-200 pounds.

And in short, my nutrition as of late, is extremely horrible. I need to find someone to cook for me lol

So, I will break this down for clarity:

Monday - FBW+Cardio, work
Tuesday - Off, Work
Wednesday - FBW+Cardio, work (shipment of cylinders)
Thrusday - Off, Work
Friday - FBW+Cardio, work
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off

I need to find me a calories burnt/activity chart. :D
Yo Chillen i got a Q. Hope thats ok??

Anyway, say i eat at about a -300/400 deciet 6 days a week due to diet and training, and on a friday i eat at my maintence line(with exercise/work/activty included), will i still lose fat?

Jackie xx
Keep the goodness coming Chillen, I am reading all of it :D

Btw - I will be working on something new this weekend. I want to overlook calorie expenditure day by day now, I don't want to use the long term method anymore. Especially after reading a few of the articles you've brought up. Any tips on that?

^ :rofl:

Phate, haven't seen you on here for a bit. Did you go skydiving yet?

I'm broke.

All Chillen's gotta do is say he doesn't want to post leg pics or isn't comfortable with posting them, I just don't appreciate him saying he will post it and never do hoping we will forget after 2-3 months.

You broke my </3 Chillen.
Yo Chillen i got a Q. Hope thats ok??

Anyway, say i eat at about a -300/400 deciet 6 days a week due to diet and training, and on a friday i eat at my maintence line(with exercise/work/activty included), will i still lose fat?

Jackie xx

Keeping all biological factors, equal,......yes, this is absolutely possible, especially with what I know about you, Jackie. Remember the 90/10 Dr. Berardi Rule, and this can be modified to one's self (even differently than he had explained it), if perception is open.

In its "basic sense", lets look at the numerical data: 400c (theoretical deficit) X 6 (days) = 2400c in calorie deficit (approximate calories in fat = 3500c)

7th day = MT Line (hypothetically). Bare in mind to be "exactly" at MT line is virtually impossible (but one can get close).

Net numerical loss = less than a pound this week (2400c/3500c). Now, that are some potential influential factors that "may" need to be considered.

Let me give an example: One is "training with weights and is brand new", hypothetically speaking of course.

It is "possible" "some" muscle hypertrophy occurred, adding into the "equation" most "seem to forget about", which could effect the "number" on the scale, and---EVEN not seen (yet) by the naked eye in the mirror and this can "potentially" cancel out the loss, but yet loss did occur.

If one has a lot of fat tissue to lose (again as an example), one could possible not even "notice" a change occurred (they look at the scale and get discouraged). Especially when we are speaking under a lb of fat tissue, and the potential of a muscle increase: Breading ground of confusion and frustration, but need not be.....with an educated eyeball looking at it.

Some can get so entrenched in the fat loss side, they forget "other" influential factors.

Best wishes

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Sounds good. Here are the particulars:

Weight: 197lbs
Height: 5' 11"
Age: 24

I always aim to do 3 FBW's per week followed by (in the same sessions) 20-45mins of cardio. I am guessing this workout burns about 600-700 calories but I need to take a closer look at this.

I work in a small retail store and am in charge of purchasing/shipping/receiving/reception etc. It get's me to walk a good bit each day and when doing receiving I have to (sometimes) manipulate objects of 50+ pounds. Example: Get a 50# box of welding rods of a skid and place it on a shelf which is 2 feet above my head. All of the above are my daily activities outside of working out, on the exception of Wednesdays where I receive gas cylinders and roll them for about 1 hour. They weight anywhere between 30-200 pounds.

And in short, my nutrition as of late, is extremely horrible. I need to find someone to cook for me lol

So, I will break this down for clarity:

Monday - FBW+Cardio, work
Tuesday - Off, Work
Wednesday - FBW+Cardio, work (shipment of cylinders)
Thrusday - Off, Work
Friday - FBW+Cardio, work
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off

I need to find me a calories burnt/activity chart. :D

Acknowledging your post, Eric. And, I am going to re-review your journal with the Yeti. Can you list your personal goals "again" if you don't mind? Important first, and so on.

Let's see if we can worm something out of this for you, young man.

Best wishes


You draw your enemies close and examine with an open mind and untainted perception.

You draw "its" effects in your soul, and "then" when you "learn" what "it" does (and associated tendencies), you can learn how to conquer. This is with any type of enemy.

Point? If alcohol is a "potential" enemy in your goal dreams. Study it, learn it, and its effects on the body. When you do, and then apply what you have learned about diet and fitness, and make refined and educated adjustments....then....

The enemy........ becomes........a Conquered Motha-F^cker!

You are only out the time to learn it. Once you do, its like riding a bike. You don't forget. It is truly time well spent.

got that?!.......................>:)

Best wishes

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Here are the particulars:

...I need to find me a calories burnt/activity chart. :D

^ What my little calculator spit out. Averaged physical activity out. Moderate cardio, rolling canisters, fbw, adds up to 1 hour/day, and exertion numbers (calories/lb/min) for all three activities are fairly similar. Assuming I made a good guess at your bodyfat, should be pretty accurate.
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My BF is probably much higher.

I don't know if that's why you are getting a whoopin' 4k cals of maintenance. hehe...I doubt it is my current maintenance I don't eat nearly as much as that, even on bad days.


My ultimate goal is fat loss. I want sub 10% BF.

That and making my body live up to my minds expectations.

My mind says: "You can BP 300#!!!"

My body says: "You can BP a tootsie roll!!!"


I am going to the gym now....

buh bye :boxing_smiley:
Wasn't it a couple of months ago that Chillen said he would post his leg pics? I would be disappointed if Chillen is one of those who does curls the whole time he is in the gym.

Stand to be disappointed.

My Gym: The Mind.

I exercise many biological "curls" and this reveals the "pearls" within diet and fitness.

And, for this: I ROCK-ON.

How are "your" goals coming along, young man? I sincerely hope there are progressing like you desire.

Remember: Fatigue is fired. Energized is hired.

Best wishes,

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I'm broke.

All Chillen's gotta do is say he doesn't want to post leg pics or isn't comfortable with posting them, I just don't appreciate him saying he will post it and never do hoping we will forget after 2-3 months.

You broke my </3 Chillen.

I work on my time table, of personal goals. I always have. I always will. Don't be unnecessarily disappointed. I will not disappoint. I will not defend a position, I know the "inner truth on". Persons can speculate all they want, lol. But, I promise, be prepared at the PC holding a spoon to shove it back in.

I have a time table in mind, and when this is complete, I will post them. But, not until then. I do not re-act on certain doubts, innuendos, and other speculative opinions. For the record, I am not afraid to post them. I am not ashamed in any way: I have always operated with "goals within" and do not stray from it. I am very bull-headed, and this has served me well with some modifications. Until, then be patient....a bit longer. I have not forgotten: I just run at my own time table not someone else's. Do not assume I am just waiting for people to forget....this is wrong. If it were true, I have no qualms in flat telling you that, I promise. I haven't forgotten, is the most important element.

Hope all is well with you, young man.

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You draw your enemies close and examine with an open mind and untainted perception.

You draw "its" effects in your soul, and "then" when you "learn" what "it" does (and associated tendencies), you can learn how to conquer. This is with any type of enemy.

Point? If alcohol is a "potential" enemy in your goal dreams. Study it, learn it, and its effects on the body. When you do, and then apply what you have learned about diet and fitness, and make refined and educated adjustments....then....

The enemy........ becomes........a Conquered Motha-F^cker!

You are only out the time to learn it. Once you do, its like riding a bike. You don't forget. It is truly time well spent.

got that?!.......................>:)

Best wishes


Ok i got it, today is friday and i planned out tonight yesterday, and i will act according to plan!! Im not gonna waste any more time. I want to and will move forward to reach my goals in life!

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!

Jackie xxx
October 3rd, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

Here is an interesting post for those of you with some unwanted abdominal fat, and a brief explanation on the:The Omentum.

If you look in the core area of this picture, you will see a "yellow" sack. This sack (so-to-speak) is called: The Omentum. Its "primary" purpose is to store fat as converted by the body.

Basically its somewhat quilted (as it were) into little pockets which are filled with fat; the Omentum is suspended from the stomach and the colon, and overhangs in front of the intestines, but behind the core (abdominal muscles)--------------> like an apron. One of its purposes is to provide protection to the internal vital organs. The "contents" of the Omentum can grow and shrink in size, but it does not disappear. And, other still smaller "Omenta" (that can also contain fat deposits), take residence in various crevices among the--------abdominal "inner" area.

Through these, when there is fatty material in the blood (say converted due to excess calories--just to "over simplify" this), a deposit is made in these convient places, from which is readily available again to be reabsorbed (into the body for energy, and other uses) in time of want (like deficit in calories, etc, etc).

Its close proximity to the liver, pancreas, spleen, colon, and intestines, is by design purpose.

Some persons with large so-called beer bellies, can (again, just keeping it to the body, and simplifying this), blame their Omentum.

This is a very "simple" explanation on purpose. Now, you know reasonably why we tend to store fat in the core area. It is basically by design, though it is stored all over the body (which is termed differently).

Best wishes

My omentum picks up momentum when I eat really dumb.

One day, Chillen ... I'll be as clever as you are :D


Well, I unmotivated........"da-F^cker!"

It can still serve its protection services.....without all the added crap in there, and my body can just.........STFU!......

Hanging inside some type of bad ass.....well.......there is only room for one.............

I served "it" the "EVICTION" notice........:)

ALL gather.........your eviction notices today!.........It flat ROCKS! :)

Hope you day is a happy one, ILM!

Best wishes

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