August 8th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1), and Eric L, response
I bet Chillen has twigs for legs and is ashamed to show them.
I'm just trying to provoke you to post them sooner.
Good day to you Chillen.
My ab
EGGS grew because I pegged a lot of squats with my
My body grew stronger than a steel
KEGS because I followed the Full Body Routine
I will post them, when I am personally ready, and not any sooner. But, I will post them. Many.....he, he, will be eating some words for lunch, and I promise they look better than persons much bigger than I.
Was flexing in the mirror in the garage today. I was laughing as I popped the traps up, there quite impressive for a 161 pounder: Medium "thunder" steaks!
The First Wealth is Health!
If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end.
The worst thing one can do is not to try.
To be aware of what one wants and not give in to it.
To spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - and never knowing.
Do not let this be you.
Do we understand one another?
I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed: and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying.
Trying the way we do every time we look in a mirror to figure out exactly who that person is.
(Michellee Chuck Palahniuk)
Have you figured out who you are? Do you like what you see in the mirror. Do you like yourself?
Let me say something. 2 years ago, I looked like an aging old man of 44 years old in the mirror. Now, I have the ultimate personal satisfaction in knowing I am a middle aged man with a body that is better than persons of the same age-->AND, persons half my age. I have "earned" this personal satisfaction, and no one can ever take this from me, but myself. It is untouchable from any one on the outside. I get great personal satisfaction knowing I am the one in complete control of my bodily destiny.
Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
(William Faulkner)
To swear off mistakes is very easy. All you have to do is swear off having ideas.”
Chillen in some thought processes:
A well-lived life is not for the timid. The world was never meant to be approached with extra caution and fear of making mistakes.
Kids know that you have to jump in feet first and be willing to take some lumps on the head if you're going to have any fun at all.
When did we stop trying new things?
Why did we stop taking risks?
In large part, we're afraid of screwing up.
We've settled into our comfort zones and don't want to look like a fool, to ourselves or others.
What's the price we pay for our pursuit of perfection?
No growth, no sense of discovery, few real experiences.--[U]This sacrifice isn't worth it. [/U]
Are there points in your life that you wish you could have back because you didn't pursue an idea or a new interest?
Those chances are gone forever -- but you'll have more in the future to take full advantage of.
The past is the teacher of the present.
It's been said that most people don't learn much that's new past their 20's. That's an awful long time to stay stagnant. The only mistake you should be afraid to make is not trying. I have proved this wrong. And, anyone over 40 can prove it wrong too---you just have to stop the: Boo Hoo...:bncry:
“Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.”
Chillen in some additional thought processes:
Focus. See nothing else. Hear nothing else. It’s only you and the goal you are about to achieve.
You have the heart, your have the brain, you have the ability. Use all of it, and then pull something out that you thought you didnt have.
Personal adversity is your learning
PLACE; beat it up without a
TRACE then
EMBRACE your goal with your
Lastly for a smile:
The English Language is messed up:
Poets think it's sublime when the words they write rhyme,
But to Teachers and Students, they're trouble.
Is it right to write white or is it rite to right wight,
And when do those consonants double?
Is it 'i' before 'e' except after 'c',
Or is it 'e' before 'i' as in weird and seize,
But then what do you say
When they sound like 'A'
As in neighbor and weight and sleigh?
We're told 'oo' sounds like 'u' as in shoot and cartoon,
But then blood, door and floor sing a different tune.
It's driving me mad, all those sayings and rules
To help us make sense (cents?) of it all.
Give someone some warm thoughts of confidence today. Make then realize they can achieve anything they want when the hire their internal desire.
It makes our small internet space a better place.
From my heart to yours,