The ChillOut Log

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Ah I see. So she's one of those "eww muscles are gross" women

Yes, actually she is. LOL. I know your messin, but, if I were to fall dead 2morrow, and she picked up with her life, and started looking around, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see her dating the Michelin Man as long as the heart was good, spirited internally, and solid personality construction. This is how far (or how near dependent on how you look at it) she places physical appearance in the scheme of a relationship. It is very low. It plays a role, but it isnt the major player.

Best wishes to ALL on the forum!

ROCK the f@CK ON! he, he,

I care, and this is what ONLY matters. I am no different than others who have personal goals on this forum.

I train the entire body and want "entire body fitness which includes cardiovascular health" at this stage of my life, and the developed core just come along for the ride aided with a diet to reveal them.

I dont train for other people's judgement.

I dont train for other peoples respect.

I train only for my judgement and respect.

Concerning vanity. We all diet and train with a "certain amount" of vanity. However, this too is reserved for my own respect and personal judgement.

So, I say to myself, dude if you are 161lbs, and back squat over 360 pounds, dude you are not weak in the legs for a man nearing 50

Additionally, I say to myself, dude if you can front squat over 250 pounds, dude you are not weak in the legs for a man nearing 50.

Additionally, I say to myself, dude if you use 165 pounds (more than you weigh) in the Bent Arm Pull Over, dude you are not weak in the back or upper body.

In addition, I say to myself, dude if you can Bench Press over 345 pounds, dude you are not a weak man at nearing 50.

Furthermore, I say to myself, dude if you can deadlift 400lbs, dude you are not a weak man for nearing 50.

I say to myself, that a man that is 5' 7" and 161 pounds, is a little man even compared to the average male adults. Yes, this true I repeat. But, I carry a big stick.

I say to myself, dude, you are old. Yes I am an old F@CKER, but I use the aging process to my advantage and use it smart. I say to myself, I can actually train less....frequently, as my younger counter parts, and get good results. Less is more, but I do not limit myself to this thought process.

How much do I not care about what people think about my goals? For example, my wife doesnt like that I am ripped. I do not care, and she has always felt this way. Believe me she is the closest thing to my heart and if she cant penetrate it, no other can. I am doing this for myself and other personal reasons. Call me bullheaded. But this bullheadedness has carried me along way to my goal, and is a welcome friend.

I have no interest in satisfying external critics. I am only interested in satisfying my personally intense...personal critic...within myself. And, this has proven to be a powerful educated foe. So, if they are shown it will be because, I want to, not from being called upon.

I say to this to myself. Because its true. I could care less what respect this brings or judgement this brings. I am in diet and training for myself. If I cared so much about what others felt about my appearance and abilities I wouldn't get anywhere. I would be lying and denying myself.

I only try to master myself. I may never get there. But I will try until the day I am put to rest in a casket, where I have no choice and can do no more.

I am sure there will be those that will twist the writers intent to their own opinion on what the writer meant by this post. I dont care. Twist all day, and twice each day of the week, and it still wont take from the original meaning.

My goals are my goals and not subject to opinion, unless I allow it within.

Have a nice day!

Best wishes

Jeez, you totally took my post the wrong way :rofl:
All I was doing was explaining why I wanted to see leg pics, I wasn't criticizing your training methods or goals
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Jeez, you totally took my post the wrong way :rofl:
All I was doing was explaining why I wanted to see leg pics, I wasn't criticizing your training methods or goals

I didnt think any differently.

And, it wouldnt matter if you did.

How is your day, CCR?


All kidding aside.

It takes hard work, dedication, persistence, and an educated level of "deprivation" (a sacrifice for the benefit of something else)to earn a goal one seeks. You are required to pay the toll to see your goal. There is no other way. If you fully accept this as truth, this is a major accomplishment toward establishing your goal.

As a prerequisite (of the updated pic for July 21, 2008 that I just posted) and the ones forthcoming) I am going to post all the pics I have shown on the forum at 154lbs as compared to 161 lbs. Bare in mind my goals were met "prior" to joining the forum and mentioned in my intro thread.

The most recent pic as of July 21, 2008 at 161 pounds:

A "relaxed" (this is important to remember) quick pic as of July 21 (retake from the other day):



These are the pics at 154 pounds:

Around May-June 2007:

Front View: Showing my balding head (LOL, Surprised the pic even came out with the reflection from the friggen head lamp)


Side view:


One afternoon when I took a quick pic of my left triceps:


Just after training.


One afternoon showing another view of the right triceps: (photo quality is bad)


And, when I was at work messen' around taken some bi pics one day:



With clothes on now (actually a few weeks ago), as one can see no skinny dude:


And the only distant pic (that really doesn't do justice to my beginning bodily position). Here I already lost 10 to 15 pounds, and have about 10 to 15 to go. Look at lower ab area a lot of fat there yet in this pic. The date in this pic is wrong.


The reason I posted these, is to have a comparison to when I post the most recent pics of: Full Upper Body (including back), Legs, and calves.

I may have posted other pics, and if I can find them I will post them.

Best wishes

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Jesus....that's VERY impressive. I have a full understanding of sacrifice, but damn that's just crazy. That's an inspiration to see that somebody who puts in some dedication can be RIPPED like that at any age, and there truly are no excuses as to why you can't be. And it's not a "meat head" big, but it's like a nice middle ground....very nice middle ground.

Do you have a non relaxed pic of your core?

You all make me lol.

I was just trying to have a little chat with chilling. The only reason there's "drama" is cause everyone backing up chilling insinuated that. I was just responding to what chilling was saying to me. I've been civil with everyone. Phate assumes I "neg repped" and thus struck the first blow. That isn't true. But that's between me and chilling, not you all.

Hey stop grillen the chillen, cause he might be willen to leaven... Give Chillen a break, I should be the only one giving him a hard time. :yelrotflmao:
Hey stop grillen the chillen, cause he might be willen to leaven... Give Chillen a break, I should be the only one giving him a hard time. :yelrotflmao:

Who the hell ****ed up and let you back on here? I thought forum cancer was in remission.

Tom we must have offended someone with our posting so they sent this dog back after us. Rather than have the balls to confront someone via PM we take this approach. How pathetic.
Who the hell ****ed up and let you back on here? I thought forum cancer was in remission.

Tom we must have offended someone with our posting so they sent this dog back after us. Rather than have the balls to confront someone via PM we take this approach. How pathetic.
Hey what's with tha attitude? I only said that BTW had made a good comment in your log. What is wrong with that?
Hey what's with tha attitude? I only said that BTW had made a good comment in your log. What is wrong with that?

Don't post in my journal. Period.

you got a problem with me you have the balls to PM me. Otherwise back the **** off.

I know why you are here.
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Gotta hand it to you Chillen, you certainly seem to know your stuff, and are proof of what happens when you put that knowledge into practice.

I was particularly interested to read about shifitng your daily MT line and throwing in a low carb phase so that your body never gets used to the same nutritional routine. That makes a lot of sense to me. I suppose if you go to the gym and always do 3x8 of the same weight you will soon stop making gains, there's no reason to think the body wont react exactly the same way to food intake. I suppose this is a big part of the reason why people plateau after 8 weeks+ of dieting, especially if they're sticking to a regimental eating plan that advocates the same daily calorie intake day afer day, week after week. Seeing how the body isnt stupid, its no wonder it 'learns' to turn that predictable daily energetic deficit against you and start clinging onto precious energy reserves and lowering your BMR to cope.

I've always thought about weight loss and gain in terms of an equilibrium. if you imagine a finite scale running from 'Losing Weight' to 'Gaining Weight', and lets say you are neither gaining or losing weight - you are at equilibrium (somewhere in the middle). But if you create an energetic deficit (through diet or exercise or both), you shift the balance away from the equilibrium towards the 'Losing Weight' end of the continuum. But the body, clever as it is, has many mechanisms by which it can shift its equlibrium towards the point you are currently sitting at with your energetic deficit. When this shift occurs, you no longer lose weight and hit the dreaded plateau because it compensates for the shortfall in Calorie intake. The key to this dilemma is clearly to keep your body guessing enough that the equlibrium never manages to catch up to you, because you've stayed one step ahead and have already moved away from that point on the continuum. Changing your daily MT line is effectively this - outsmarting your body and making sure you're never trapped in the equilibrium of no-loss/no-gain.

I dont eat the same amount every day, but that's more to do with craving variety in my sub-MT diet rather than through discipline. Also if I've had a particularly active day through going to the gym, going for a sea-swim and a run then I naturally eat more protein etc. because I know muscles dont run on air, and I want to make sure they're ready for the next bit of punishment I have coming their way (but I keep it a secret from them, otherwise they might object and 'refuse' to co-operate.

Much respect for what you've achieved Chillen.

All the best for your training.


P.S. Thought I'd jump on the bandwagon - where are those leg pics!?
Looking good chillen :) if i wanted to do a cut i would look similar to what you do now i think.

There is no doubt about it, SM. You will look better! I have seen your progress for over a year. And, if you haven't keenly observed your bodily response (and your genetic makeup), already, you KNOW when you get ready to cut its all going to fall together just the way you want. Its all there for you. Keep working hard in being consistent and persistent and it will all take place.

Best of luck to you, young man.

Best wishes

Gotta hand it to you Chillen, you certainly seem to know your stuff, and are proof of what happens when you put that knowledge into practice.

I was particularly interested to read about shifitng your daily MT line and throwing in a low carb phase so that your body never gets used to the same nutritional routine. That makes a lot of sense to me. I suppose if you go to the gym and always do 3x8 of the same weight you will soon stop making gains, there's no reason to think the body wont react exactly the same way to food intake. I suppose this is a big part of the reason why people plateau after 8 weeks+ of dieting, especially if they're sticking to a regimental eating plan that advocates the same daily calorie intake day afer day, week after week. Seeing how the body isnt stupid, its no wonder it 'learns' to turn that predictable daily energetic deficit against you and start clinging onto precious energy reserves and lowering your BMR to cope.

I've always thought about weight loss and gain in terms of an equilibrium. if you imagine a finite scale running from 'Losing Weight' to 'Gaining Weight', and lets say you are neither gaining or losing weight - you are at equilibrium (somewhere in the middle). But if you create an energetic deficit (through diet or exercise or both), you shift the balance away from the equilibrium towards the 'Losing Weight' end of the continuum. But the body, clever as it is, has many mechanisms by which it can shift its equlibrium towards the point you are currently sitting at with your energetic deficit. When this shift occurs, you no longer lose weight and hit the dreaded plateau because it compensates for the shortfall in Calorie intake. The key to this dilemma is clearly to keep your body guessing enough that the equlibrium never manages to catch up to you, because you've stayed one step ahead and have already moved away from that point on the continuum. Changing your daily MT line is effectively this - outsmarting your body and making sure you're never trapped in the equilibrium of no-loss/no-gain.

I dont eat the same amount every day, but that's more to do with craving variety in my sub-MT diet rather than through discipline. Also if I've had a particularly active day through going to the gym, going for a sea-swim and a run then I naturally eat more protein etc. because I know muscles dont run on air, and I want to make sure they're ready for the next bit of punishment I have coming their way (but I keep it a secret from them, otherwise they might object and 'refuse' to co-operate.

Much respect for what you've achieved Chillen.

All the best for your training.


P.S. Thought I'd jump on the bandwagon - where are those leg pics!?

I wish I had a beginning pic other than the one where I had already lost 15 pounds of unwanted fat tissue and had about 15 left to do. As you can see from the pics, calorie shifting (or zig-zagging, or applying my cycleforward, cycle-flip-back, and cycle back) agrees with me.

I never lost an appreciable amount of muscle, in fact I gained a lot in the process. In other words, I did in fact gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Additionally, cutting carbs and increasing protein and fats (while maintaining a deficit and shifting calories) agrees with me when the fat tissue became stubborn (the lower portion) when my body fat began to get low.

However, for the first 15 or so pounds, I didnt have to manipulate calories much. I did, but not to the extent post the first 15 pounds. I ran pretty much straight calorie deficits (on the high end, for example a strict 300 to 400 deficit), even ate carbs at night (and sometimes right before bed) with no problems.

I am not carb sensitive, but I react very strong when cutting carbs. I can feel the tightness from the water dropping off when carbs are low, and get an energy rush after the "switch" occurs. I have to keep carbs below 30 grams or I tend not to feel the symptoms. Its sort of funny I hate the symptoms but need the symptoms to whats up, at the same time, LOL. If you understand what I am saying. I have learned over time that my body has a very efficient metabolism. Yes, it has slowed due to age, but it will take off the fat as well as pile it the heck on if I am not careful.

Diet is KING.

Dont forget it.


Best wishes

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