I care, and this is what ONLY matters. I am no different than others who have personal goals on this forum.
I train the entire body and want "entire body fitness which includes cardiovascular health" at this stage of my life, and the developed core just come along for the ride aided with a diet to reveal them.
I dont train for other people's judgement.
I dont train for other peoples respect.
I train only for my judgement and respect.
Concerning vanity. We all diet and train with a "certain amount" of vanity. However, this too is reserved for my own respect and personal judgement.
So, I say to myself, dude if you are 161lbs, and back squat over 360 pounds, dude you are not weak in the legs for a man nearing 50
Additionally, I say to myself, dude if you can front squat over 250 pounds, dude you are not weak in the legs for a man nearing 50.
Additionally, I say to myself, dude if you use 165 pounds (more than you weigh) in the Bent Arm Pull Over, dude you are not weak in the back or upper body.
In addition, I say to myself, dude if you can Bench Press over 345 pounds, dude you are not a weak man at nearing 50.
Furthermore, I say to myself, dude if you can deadlift 400lbs, dude you are not a weak man for nearing 50.
I say to myself, that a man that is 5' 7" and 161 pounds, is a little man even compared to the average male adults. Yes, this true I repeat. But, I carry a big stick.
I say to myself, dude, you are old. Yes I am an old F@CKER, but I use the aging process to my advantage and use it smart. I say to myself, I can actually train less....frequently, as my younger counter parts, and get good results. Less is more, but I do not limit myself to this thought process.
How much do I not care about what people think about my goals? For example, my wife doesnt like that I am ripped. I do not care, and she has always felt this way. Believe me she is the closest thing to my heart and if she cant penetrate it, no other can. I am doing this for myself and other personal reasons. Call me bullheaded. But this bullheadedness has carried me along way to my goal, and is a welcome friend.
I have no interest in satisfying external critics. I am only interested in satisfying my personally intense...personal critic...within myself. And, this has proven to be a powerful educated foe. So, if they are shown it will be because, I want to, not from being called upon.
I say to this to myself. Because its true. I could care less what respect this brings or judgement this brings. I am in diet and training for myself. If I cared so much about what others felt about my appearance and abilities I wouldn't get anywhere. I would be lying and denying myself.
I only try to master myself. I may never get there. But I will try until the day I am put to rest in a casket, where I have no choice and can do no more.
I am sure there will be those that will twist the writers intent to their own opinion on what the writer meant by this post. I dont care. Twist all day, and twice each day of the week, and it still wont take from the original meaning.
My goals are my goals and not subject to opinion, unless I allow it within.
Have a nice day!
Best wishes