The ChillOut Log

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I dont know if some of you remember, but I had my Husky Cherry Tomatoes cut at the base of the stalk (by someone unknown) some time back and I had to go get new plants.

Now, I am swimming in the dang things! Cherry Tomato heavon, LOL. Got two 3 gallon buckets full of them. Natural salsa I see in my future, baby! Love these little cutie Ripe off the vine deliciousness. Great in salads and all sort of good shiaaaaat!

Watermelons are doing good as are the Cantelope. I love eating a cold watermelon after a workout. Better than water! :) It runs my water bill up watering the dang things though, lol. I am still a few weeks out from enjoying these yet. But there doing well.

Any hoot, thought I would give an update on the garden.

Best wishes

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^^ Take some pics for us chillen?
pix or it didnt happen

STFU!! :) And, another smiley! :) As I chew on a mouthful, you can think it all you wish, lol. :)

The plants are about 3 foot tall and bushy. We planted early in the season just after the last frost, only to have some F@ck head cut ALL OF THEM a few weeks in the season. Man I was mad throwing those lovely plants away. We happen to go by a green house that had some nice size plants (just a little shorter than what the F#CK head cut), and transplanted them into 5 gallon pots, and they took right off after a couple of months.

The watermelon and cantelope have a few weeks yet.

Best wishes

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I giggle at the thought of you putting your hands on these @sswipes.

Seriously, what would you do to someone f@cking around and cutting plants up in your garden Chillen?

Maybe I don't want to know? :p


You tempt me to buy watermelons now...I need to do groceries....hehe.



It's good to hear the new tomato plants are doing well. The neighbors gave us about 8 tomato plants, we planted them in the back and they all ended up being cherry tomatoes. It looks like a tomato jungle back there. Most of them are green, but once they're ripe, we'll have so many we won't know what to do with them all.
There is no doubt about it, SM. You will look better! I have seen your progress for over a year. And, if you haven't keenly observed your bodily response (and your genetic makeup), already, you KNOW when you get ready to cut its all going to fall together just the way you want. Its all there for you. Keep working hard in being consistent and persistent and it will all take place.

Best of luck to you, young man.

Best wishes


Yeah burning of the fat for me would be easy i think the hard thing is putting on the weight.
Once you clean all the crap out of your diet, your pipes stay cleaner and the water flow to the rest of the house is improved.

So if you use the right amount of TP and eat right...flush can grow that new home addition you've always wanted!


haha great analogy...and so true!
Yeah burning of the fat for me would be easy i think the hard thing is putting on the weight.

Well, in "general" losing good tissue isnt easy for most people, or more would be successful at it when educated on what to do. With me, (as long as body fat isnt too low) I can easily lose fat tissue, and easily pack it on.

It is very efficient either way, some of it good, some of it bad, dependent on how one looks at it. Going to battle with my body, I have learned in two years what works and what doesnt, and most of the time when to implement certain (diet manipulations), dependent on where I am in body fat.

Most don't realize that it took me several months (just to drop two percentage points in BF) because I am so concerned about maintaining the muscle I have worked so hard to build, and I was not going to lose it at the expense of a few fat percentage drops. Additionally, when I low carb it, I can drop below 161 (water weight), while attempting to lose just a tad more fat tissue, and then gain it back after I reasonably carb up. Meaning, I gain the water weight back, and still experience fat tissue loss.

So, I dont maintain 161 consistantly. For example, I dropped to 158, a couple of weeks ago (most water, in my personal observation in the mirror), did a DEXA scan at my beloved Doctors office, dropped under 8% BF, and then reasonably carbed up, and swelled to 162, but felt leaner, and had another DEXA scan done. I was under 8%, with just a few "fractional" percentage points increased (in other words not even noticable to the naked eye, lol).

I respond strong to carb manipulations. I dont know if its age related (because I have read that as we age, the aging cells can become more resistent to insulin and it take more insulin to complete the biological process needed to be completed), and if you remove sugars (carbs), less insulin is secreted, and if this trend continues, one can become insulin sensitive, and in this case, more receptive than before. And, if you are an old F@CK like me, (assuming this is true), you can use this to your advantage. Sometimes, I can eat over MT Line 800C, and feel and look leaner after low carbing it, and while I have done this before, it just amazes me seeing the biological processes at work--when you a certain degree what to expect. My body doesnt know WTF, I am going to do next, and this is the way I want it. And, for me, it works. And, works well.

I hope you dont experience any difficulties in gaining good weight, SM. You already have the knowledge to carry you through the difficulties and the knowledge to set your path right. If you can just stay away from posting the dang threads about "unnecessary" supplements, geesh.......SM! :) :)

If I can help in anyway, let me know.

Best wishes,

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lol i am not that knowledgeable and especially about cutting. When the time comes tho i will look into it :) I ma trying cell tech atm and have put on like 5 lbs in 5 days so far. Its basically just a fast acting creatine.
lol i am not that knowledgeable and especially about cutting. When the time comes tho i will look into it :) I ma trying cell tech atm and have put on like 5 lbs in 5 days so far. Its basically just a fast acting creatine.

Dont cut yourself mentally short--EVER! :argue:

Understand something, the more knowledge you obtain one both sides of the fence (cutting/bulking) the more you will understand what to do with the various negative and positive bodily feedback you get from dieting and fitness training.

The body can be a complicated machine, but its worth figuring out your own personal puzzle, and there is only one way to do it: WORK.....and being persistent. Giving in solves nothing toward your goal, but you will hear yourself wimper in this nothingness. Educate, Evaluate, Adapt, and Overcome. This is the real deal.

5 pounds in 5 days!?

How much of this is water/normal fluctuation in weight versus real tissue in your opinion young man? Building muscle is a biologically expensive (IMO), and you are NOT going to gain 5 pounds of muscle in 5 days (naturally), IMO. What has your diet been like out of curiosity? Have you posted your training in your (body builder thread?). I havent checked (yet), so I am not sure.

Creatine is fine. Additionally, I was just joking about the supplement threads you have made. Its good that you ask the members opinion before purchasing so you can get some educated opinions prior to purchasing or given advice not to purchase.

Hope your day went well, young man.

Best wishes to you.

July 25th, 2008: Thoughts for the day (1)

Mental Skills- Adapt and Overcome

We have all heard the phrase adapt and overcome but when faced with a situation that challenges us it takes skill, practice, and discipline to implement this strategy.

To adapt requires flexibility; to overcome- resolve.

These skills are not necessarily innate, but can be learned and practiced.

A key mental skill of successful athletes is the ability to push on, even excel, despite obstacles, setbacks, and failures.

A good example is Craig Walton, winner of Saint Anthony's International triathlon. Craig entered his swim to bike transition only to find he had left his cycling shoes at home. Instead of giving up on the race he excelled. Cycling in his running shoes he caught the pack, passed them, and won the race.

Here are a few ways you can learn to adapt and overcome:

1.First identify exactly what you want and need out of a situation, and what is most important to you. Many athletes walk back to transition after having a flat that could have been changed in a few minutes and got them back into the race.

2. Do not get mired in the problem, look for solutions.Try to come up with several solutions to a given situation and then choose the best one. Focus on the solution and how to implement it; not the problem. What are the consequences of each decision?

3.Try to take emotion out of your decision making. It is easy to get frustrated, angry, and emotional but this really does not get you anywhere. Again, it causes you to focus on the problem and not find a solution or it may keep you from making the best decision. It also makes you look like you are not in control. I recently observed a racer screaming at an official to tell him where to turn (as he took the wrong one). If this person had just slowed down and listened he would have heard the official tell him left.

4. Know your opponent (YOURSELF)I encourage my age groupers to look at their opponents splits from last year to determine how well they paced themselves. This can help you determine when to attack and when to hold back. Sometimes minutes can be made up over your opponent simply by practicing transitions. Knowing how your opponent reacts to certain situations can work to your advantage as well. Usually when someone reacts emotionally instead of logically it will work to your advantage.

Your opponent does not have to be a person it can be a race course or even yourself. The athletes that know and practice on the course they will race on have a clear advantage.

5.Show uncommon resolve. You have to believe that no matter what you will not give up or tire. Once you know this about yourself you will be more confident in your ability to adapt and overcome.

6.Don't be afraid to make concessions. You may need to pull in the flats where you are stronger so that you do not get dropped in the mountains where you are weaker. You have to give in order to take. Try to give that which is least desirable in order to take what is most important to you.

There are many instances in which these skills will serve you as an athlete and in life. The next time you are faced with a difficult situation try using some of them. Often, just choosing and implementing a course of action will help you mentally as you begin moving through the problem.

(Article by Matt Russ)


You got a problem?! Take friggggggggggen action! ;)

Work with it.

To adapt means “to adjust or conform; to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation”.

Do you have what it takes to adapt and overcome?

If you do.......

You will..........

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Best wishes to all on the forum!

Chillen I wanted to send you a PM so as not to seem like I am trying to suck up or anything. But I can't PM you :(

I wanted to say: This COL should be printed and distributed to everyone on the planet.

If everyone would take the time and effort to read, understand and beleive what is told here...the world would change for the better.

I promised myself to read the whole COL. I am at page the last two days I took what was told, used it and did stuff in the last 2 days that have completely made every aspect of my existence better.

Since I came to this forum I have learned the following (mostly because of you):

-Procrastination is the biggest flaw of all time, we have one life - don't put things off for later, do them now before you realize you are 3 seconds away from death.

-Being 100% accurate with fitness advice is totaly necessary if I am ever to become a PROPER trainer. For this reason I am backing off from advising new members (and old ones for that matter)...I have done a few slip ups and beleive I need to be 100% confident in my ability to properly assist others in their fitness goals, which isn't the case at the moment.

-I need to let go of what others think of me, oddly enough, people seem to respect you more when you don't give a flying f@ck about what they think. If I know what I am doing, I should do it and not let anyone persuade me to do otherwise. THIS IS MY BIGGEST PROBLEM. hehe Always so concerned with my reputation...what the f@ck am I waiting for?

-I need to wake the f@ke up before I realize life is ending, before I realize I failed to reach me dreams and before I realize success and glory are simply and utterly found within the grap of my mind.

-In order to be able to reach any goals or dreams I have, my mind and my body must be in 110% condition.

Chillen, you are kool man! Your wife and sons are a fortunate bunch!

Thank you.

...and I am sure a lot of others agree on this...hehe.

HOOOAHHHH! to the Chillmeister! And to the greatness which is found in the philosophy of this COL.

July 26, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (1)

Good afternoon, my beloved forum. :)

I hope this day finds you well. I truly hope you have a great day, and you find the strength and passion within you today and each day to do the things necessary to take several steps closer to your fitness goals you desire.

I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames.

We continue: Adapt and Overcome.

“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to the pitcher”

(We can learn from experience if we are ready to adapt that experience to changed conditions)

I think we all truly know, deep down in our hearts, that's the disaster that's really going to wreak havoc on us.

(John Quinlan)

Chillen in interpretation:

One of greatest enemies to our fitness goals, is the inappropriate ability to handle ourselves: Our strengths and weaknesses. We are our greatest adversary, greatest competition, and greatest opponent, that we must overcome.


Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent.

(Nolan Ryan)


We must cut our coat according to our cloth, and adapt ourselves to changing circumstances

(W. R. Inge)


The ability to play the clarinet is the ability to overcome the imperfections of the instrument. There's no such thing as a perfect clarinet, never was and never will be.

(Jack Brymer)


Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.


For Eric:

I don't know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'well, if I'd known better I'd have done better,' that's all. So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.' If we all hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror because we have the mistake between our faces and the mirror; we can't see what we're capable of being. You can ask forgiveness of others, but in the end the real forgiveness is in one's own self. I think that young men and women are so caught by the way they see themselves. Now mind you. When a larger society sees them as unattractive, as threats, as too black or too white or too poor or too fat or too thin or too sexual or too asexual, that's rough. But you can overcome that. The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. If we don't have that we never grow, we never learn, and sure as hell we should never teach.

(Maya Angelou)


One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.

(Albert Schweitzer)


The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.

(Helen Keller)


A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them

(Carl Gustav Jung)


Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life... as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.

(Booker T. Washington)


I believe if we human beings keep our self-confidence and determination and use wisdom properly, I think we have the ability to overcome problems.

(Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama quotes (Dalai Lama, b.1935)


Don't be afraid:

The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid

(Claudia Lady Bird Johnson)


Today can be a healthy unusual day for you -- and for others -- if you take time to give someone a smile . . .

to express a word of kindness . . . to lend a helping hand to someone in need . . .

to write a note of gratitude . . . to give a word of someone who is temporarily overcome with problems . . .

Do it today......its all worth it.......:)

Best wishes to all

So when exactly did you start your cut, and how many bf% have you lost since you started. It seems relatively quick, but I'm trying to judge it off of what I use to compete.

On a side note, I'd be curious to see a FB pic. Legs included ;)
So, I say to myself, dude if you are 161lbs, and back squat over 360 pounds, dude you are not weak in the legs for a man nearing 50

Furthermore, I say to myself, dude if you can deadlift 400lbs, dude you are not a weak man for nearing 50.

Congrats on adding adding 100lbs to your Deadlift in 14 days, that's pretty shiit hot progress

For some reason people heavier equat being light as weak. For example, I am 161lbs, I max bench over 340 lbs, can squat over 300lbs, deadlift 300lbs and "some" in the 200lb weight range and half my age cant do that.
whats 100 pounds in kg? sounds impressive for such a small ammount of time.

Roughly 45kg, something like 45.4 I think (2.2lbs per kg)
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