The ChillOut Log

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August 11, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

Wake you inner being the heck up, people!!!!!!!!!!

Increasing Your Energy Levels

(by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.
and Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D.)

Our personal energy level affects our lives in multifaceted ways. Energy determines our capacity for elegant action in the world. Energy bounds the intensity with which we can express ourselves. It determines, for instance, our ability to speak powerfully -- with animation and impact. When our energy level is optimal, we become aroused and alerted to the world around us. Then, with a profound reciprocity, nature seems alerted to and connected to us. We experience energy as vigor and stamina -- the physical and mental strength that we can sustain and bring to bear upon any problem.

We all feel our energy in its potential and active forms. We sense our reserves as well as our immediate energy and use our assessment of both to determine which challenges we will take on and which we will decline. And one of our greatest sources for reserve energy is our spirit. Whether we recognize it or not, when we reach deeply within ourselves and tap into our spirit, that spirit gives us stamina, grit, scope, and energy that works regardless of everything happening around us.

Even though our energy level has multiple areas of expression and corresponding sources, most of us form habits and consistently draw our energy from a few favored yet unhealthy sources. Instead of drawing on the body-mind-spirit as a whole, we grab on to seemingly immediate solutions like food, drugs, emotional dramas, or excitement. But our design is subtler than that. Our sources are more diverse. We need to think more holistically about our energy level and its sources, for quick fixes like food and drugs actually take away more energy than they provide. Breath, on the other hand, works as an energy source. It is one we don't use enough. Huge reserves of energy lie buried in our musculature and in our glands, ready to be tapped and used -- by mastering our own breathing.

You see, the nervous system can actually contain and release energy. The part of your nervous system called the autonomic system can be developed in the same way that a muscle can be toned or shaped. And the energy stored or released in that system is directly affected by breathing, exercise, and your entire attitude. Your emotions, and all the electrical and chemical processes that change with them, are sources for energy.

Awareness itself is also a great source of energy, for your state of awareness directly changes the pattern of your brain activity. Good healthy nutrition and conscious eating are another source of energy and healing. Our ideal is to be vitalized by all these sources. We want to align our habits and activities to sources of energy that deliver us in the present and sustain us for the future.

But without some training and conscious introspection, most of us do not use all of these sources. Instead, once we sense our energy is running low, we let our search for more energy get directed by unconscious habits and emergency reflexes. We grasp whatever seems closest and takes the least attention or effort. Surrounded by junk food and instant everything, we often make poor choices and end up losing energy instead of gaining it. A drink or two to relax at the end of the day seems reasonable, but for many people it leads to depression, reckless driving, and emotional withdrawal.

Not knowing how to tap our core energy, some of us rely on stirring up an emotional storm within ourselves. The resulting emotional outburst releases energy but, like a bad storm, devastates everything in its path -- a short-term gain, but an enduring loss that actually depletes our energy. In order to get and stay vitalized and healthy for the long run, however, we need to cultivate effective energy regeneration strategies. Like a flowing stream, we need constant renewal to live well.


Personal mastery goes beyond competence and means approaching one's life as a creative work, living life from a creative as opposes to a reactive viewpoint.

(Peter Senge)

Personal power is not about controlling anyone or anything. It is the interaction of the various thought processes of your personality that allows your true self to shine through. Personal power is the willingness to make the choice of self discovery and choose which reality you wish to foster and activate in your life.


The Secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, nor to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.

"Present moment," because that is the only moment for us to live. If you miss the present moment, you miss your appointment with life. The Buddha said life is available only in the present moment. "Wonderful moment," that is life that you touch. Suddenly happiness becomes possible.

(Buddha 2-Thich Nhat Hanh)


You will have to do two things to achieve Soul contact: trust, and leap into the unknown. Both choices will be seen as desperate by the mind that clings to limiting belief. These old beliefs get their strength from the mind's powerful need to reinforce its ideas of reality...This is basic survivalist experience, and not a path to life. Are you wanting to break those chains? "

Trust must be earned through total honesty of expression and intention. It is a re-training of the way you think, and the way you respond to feelings... Why is it such a struggle? You all keep secrets from yourselves that need to be brought to light in order to heal. The reason you hide from yourselves is to avoid the pain of healing. Fear of grief causes you to bury emotion, and it is precisely this that creates the struggle! Despite what you may fear lies within you, there is no reason important enough to avoid total self-honesty. It truly is the path to freedom, health and prosperity. There is nothing to fear, but..."


Thoughts and emotions happen as a result of you interactions with the world based on your perception of past experiences. It is how you perceive this world of events that form our thought processes that become reactions and behaviors, unconsciously or consciously. Your thoughts create your feelings, emotions, behavior and what you attract and magnetize into your life." If we are aware of our emotions and aware of actions tied to those emotions we have an opportunity to transform our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us.

Body and Emotions

The body itself is a dynamic system that reflects our thoughts, emotions and feelings and can be correlated to physical discomforts, illnesses and diseases. Our emotions have a direct correlation to all of life's experiences. Starting as children we learn through experiences the various behaviors which program us with feelings and emotions. Psychologists have determined that early childhood is a pivotal time for emotional development and that we learn very early in our lives how to cope with our surroundings and adapt in some form the reactionary attitudes of our parents. These behaviors carry through childhood into adulthood. We shall analyze behaviors in the following Wisdoms.

Our emotions are one of the greatest sources of personal power and energy. Emotional states are based upon the stimuli that we perceive at any given moment. We react to others in ways we associate with previous emotional responses. If we can be aware of our emotions and understand how we came to feel that, we will understand more of our true selves and not an old out-dated perceived notion of who we think we are. We can take great strides in our spiritual development by understanding our emotions. But what of the body's reactions to these emotions?

The body remembers emotions and traumas even though we may not consciously be aware of it. We may develop subconscious and psychosomatic illnesses when specific situations arise. Perhaps one may harbor a deep emotional trauma that is connected to a shoulder, knee, or other body area and cause pain when the subconscious aspect is triggered. In some circumstances, the physical body may be suffering from past-life physical and emotional traumas harbored as a karmic ailment for various reasons. In other situations, the body reacts as a learned response as in blood pressure rising, head aches, becoming nauseous, fainting, rashes and hives.

Thoughts are truly amazing energy packets. If thoughts and emotions create illnesses, then thoughts and emotions can create wellness and harmony. One of the numerous and most notable study was conducted by Dr. Davidson who studied the effects of Buddhist practices and the brain. He found within the brain's neurological circuits in those that meditated were better equipped to handle emotions and behaviors to make them happier and calmer people



Life Dramas and Taker Types

There are people whose main source of power comes from the energy reactions of those around them. Upon further in depth analysis, some people have adapted dual traits to cope with an energy depletion of one drama style. Some "Takers" have learned that if one form doesn't work, another will. "Takers" continuously create reactions as outlined in the following Life Dramas.


Is one who gains control by using physical or verbal force thus obtaining energy by this means. For example: Typical of spousal abuse situations, work force tactics, positions of authority.

Makes one feel bullied, angry, fearful and disgusted.


Gains control by judging and questioning, a criticizing of actions, circumstances and people. For example: A friend, spouse, parent that criticizes your judgment, clothes, actions all the time.

One feels helpless, confused, disoriented, breeds lack of self-esteem, belittled.


Gains control by not speaking, avoiding the situation, coy. For example: A complaining friend that does not want to talk about it after bringing it up.
One feels exasperated in communicating, anger and hopelessness.


Gains control by wanting pity from others. The person likes to dwell in self-pity and has lack of self-esteem. Nothing is adequate in life. For example: Whining all the time about being sick, lack of money, family members never around etc. Wants things done or brings attention to something by complaining.

One feels pity for person, comforting, "poor thing" syndrome.


Gaining control through accolades in attempting to please everyone or someone. The person may be a perfectionist or domineering because they lack control in other areas of life. Constantly pleasing and doing for others such as: cooking, cleaning, tiptoeing for perfection to the point of self-harm
One feels a sense of duty and guilt by "owing" something to them for all they do.

The following dynamics appears to be prevalent in family relationship where habits, patterns and coping skills are learned from childhood. One can trace the life drama(s) backward to parents, grand parents and great grandparents. This dynamic will be explored more in the 6th Wisdom.

Avoiders create Criticizers

Criticizers create Avoiders

Enforcers create Complainers

Complainers creates Complainers

Pleasers creates Pleasers/All Above

The first four Life Dramas are pretty straight forward however, the Pleasers are one of the more complex and mutable of the Life Dramas.

They become the submissive figure in a parental relationship and children typically take on the behavior and life drama of the other parent or if they become masters, become Pleasers themselves. Pleasers assure everything is done perfectly with an unhealthy doting of always doing for others at the risk of dis-ease of mental-emotional discomfort of themselves or others. They extend and overindulge others at the expense of themselves. Sometimes they rule their job, house, family in their self-imposed perfection which is inflicted upon others. Pleasers use their deeds and actions as pre-payment of anything that should arise to keep control over others. This drama style is to gain energy through excessive practice of getting others satisfaction and abnormal sense of self imposed perfection.


Part two next post.

Best regards,

August 11, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day", Continued (1)

Continuing from previous post

Examples would be:

"If I don't keep the house spotless, he/she will leave me."
"If the laundry isn't perfect, he/she will leave me."
"If I don't make more money, he/she will leave me."
"I've done everything for you, and you want to leave!"
"If I do all this for him/her, she'll owe me later"
"My house and everything in it is perfect in every way."

You may think on one level this drama style borders on obsessive-compulsive behaviors, however, the defining line is that Pleasers "choose" to do their actions rather than feel compelled to. For the most part medically speaking, there are no brain disorders or neurological or systemic abnormalities in Pleasers as with those diagnosed with OCD. There is an underlying motivation to their actions whether they are conscious of it or not.

Since pleasers over-indulge others due to their always giving attitude, they may be abused by an unequally energetic person who is more dominant which in turn they gain the energy they need by pleasing.

We should remember that "Takers" may operate on an sub-unconscious level and not know what they are doing, then there are those who do know what they are doing. The focus here is on being aware of the Life Dramas in our lives and own personal power in dealing with them.

The "Takers" get the energy they are needing from others to satisfy what they are lacking. By identifying what type of emotional energy the person is needing and recognizing the signs one can therefore enact a tactic to shift the energy. In this energy circle, one has to realize the attraction of falling into the categories listed above as well recognizing others' energy styles. Once this is realized then you can disengage and reevaluate your position and how You act and react. By understanding how this dynamic works you bring forth the conflict (s) to the conscious mind. Always be aware what is going on and what it is that hooks you into the drama and why you may hook others into yours.

Something to be aware as well, if you are in touch with your body, it will tell you by creating sensations that you are competing for energy. You may feel absolutely drained and tired after a conversation or encounter with a person. Your head or stomach may hurt. You may even be exhibiting some of the same emotions of that person as a "negativity bug". Also working in reverse, you may feel terrific after talking to someone. If this happens, it's not all inclusive of being a "Taker" but it is something to be aware of. The way out of it is to identify what is going on within you and identify your place between interactions.

When encountering those that drain you, it may help to say along the lines of "I feel stuck and confused as well" or "I love you but you keep criticizing me is there anything else that is bothering you?" I have found that when you ask, "what else bothers you?" it immediately diffuses the situation. By doing this you are giving them the attention they need but not giving into it. However, there are limits that one must gracefully exercise.


Learn yourself. Control yourself.

Empower the superpower within your skin

and, you win.

Rock on each day.

Be all you can be.

Do not let yourself down.

Best wishes

August 11, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (2)

Add some Motivation to your Fitness Plan!

If you’re like the majority of us, finding the motivation to start a workout is the hardest part. I’m not sure if it’s our natural resistance to change or our fear of slight discomfort, but we must start if we are to reach our goal. And if at first you don’t succeed: try, try again. It’s the parental mantra – live it, do it, keep your chin up, and your eyes on the goal.

Write Your Goals Down

To get started, write down your goal somewhere where you can see it often. It can be on the refrigerator, in a closet or locker, or even on a on a small note pad (ex: food log). This is a very effective method to stay focused and motivated, and motivation is the key to our success. Athletes often write their goals on the inside of their lockers as a constant reminder to keep pushing themselves to meet their goal.

Create Milestones

Sometimes our goals seem so abstract that we lose sight of where we are, in terms of attaining them. We need milestones and recurring assessments to stay focused. I’ve found the most motivating tool for me is to enter a running race. When I send away my $15 for a race, I feel committed. It can be a 1-mile fun run / walk, a 5k, or even a marathon. By entering a fitness event, like a race, you’re further demonstrating your commitment to reach your goal. Races are also wonderful social events where you can meet members of the community with goals similar to yours. It may also lead to a walking / running partner relationship, which are invaluable! If the race is your long-term goal, schedule a few ‘treats’ in the schedule. I usually pick something out like a running shirt, new shoes, going out to dinner, or another reward for meeting milestones.


It’s a natural tendency for us to want to streamline the processes and reach our goals as soon as we can. This can be overall detrimental to your fitness plan. Our bodies are wonderful biomechanical devices, fully equipped to adapt to our activity level and environment. But our bodies need rest after hard work. It’s in this rest that muscle rebuilds and energy stores are filled up again. When you plan your fitness program, schedule rest days. You may start with a 2-3 times a week workout plan, and increase this a few months later to a 3-4 workout per-week plan. Athletes that train every day often find themselves injured and taking months off. The body will get its rest one way or another.

Patience & Persistence

View your fitness program as a series of gradual steps. Steps will lead you to the top more effectively than climbing the face of a cliff. The reason that most exercise / fitness programs are short-lived is that we aggressively pursue our goal to the point where we exhaust ourselves in week 1 and lose the self motivation to continue. Give yourself time to reach your goal. If you’re exhausted, take an additional rest day. It’s better to lose a day here and there, than to stop the good habits that you’ve started. Your committed to the cause, take your time in getting there. Your fitness program should help enhance life’s enjoyment (although I have admit that there’s nothing I enjoy more than the end of a workout ;-).

(Fitness motivator)


Hope your days goes well today.

Best wishes,

August 11th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (3)

For a tree to become tall it must grow tough roots among the rocks.

The Power of Persistence

If you're going through hell, keep going.

(Winston Churchill)

Persistence may be the single most important tool that we can employ to our advantage in our fitness routine. For there is no perfect plan, and it’s highly unlikely that we won’t stumble along our journey, but if we pick ourselves back up and keep going we’ll keep making progress.

In the esteemed words of Winston Churchill, we need to keep going. We need to keep going even on those days when we feel a bit sluggish. We need to keep going even if the benefits of exercise are not apparent yet. And we need to keep going when we hit life’s inevitable stumbling blocks. I highly doubt that anyone’s health and fitness path in life is a straight path lined with nothing but success. Most our lives will meander through hills and valleys, successes and failures, like a roller coaster. It’s the highs that take us through the lows and the persistence to keep going that makes our journey a success. Look at your fitness routine like the Stock Market…it has ups and downs, but it keeps going up with a continuous improvement over the long-term. That’s what we want: continual improvements over the long-term...even if we must weather a bumpy road of highs and lows.

Abraham Lincoln was best known for his persistence and not his failures.

Despite a losing candidacy for president, his legacy is built on his triumphs not his failures. The perseverance of his dream to be President and his belief of human equality has forever shaped our nation and the modern world today. Had Walt Disney stopped at his lesser known animation, Oswald the Rabbit, the world would have never come to know Mickey Mouse. And had he stopped when he was turned down numerous times for funding, the most popular theme parks in the world would not exist. History is full of persistent people that have shaped our world, and while we only read about their successes, they have overcome many hurdles and failures that have defined their character and emboldened their drive to succeed.

We don’t have to be world leaders to harness the power of persistence…in fact, we can use it right now by just keeping at it in our fitness routine. If we’ve fallen off the wagon or taken a few days off from eating right or exercising, this is a critical juncture where we can really benefit from jumping back on our feet and trying again. This is not a failure that we should hang our head over, but rather a triumph of our spirit. It’s these moments of persistence that will define our character, inspire others, and give us a foundation of confidence to keep going in the future.

Thomas Edison once said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up”. Most of us continue to redefine success as we progress towards our goals. And we’re usually much tougher on ourselves than we are on others. Take a look back and see how you’ve gotten where you are today – chances are you’ll see a path of persistence, perseverance and progress. It doesn’t matter in the long-run if we have to take a step backward for every 2 steps that we take forward…it’s much better to keep going than it is to give up. Make the commitment to take a small step forward today…do a set of crunches…go for a walk…every step counts!

A little persistence can go a long way. In the movie Forest Gump, Forest runs from Alabama to Maine and says to himself, “I got this far…I might as well keep going”. Success is nothing more than a series of steps and the will to keep going. Find the mantra that works best for you…”keep going”…”tomorrow’s a new day”…. And even if you skipped some workouts along the way, pack your clothes for tomorrow mornings walk or run. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been knocked down…it matters if you get back up again!

(Fitness Motivator)

Be the MASTER of getting back up!


When you become "tough" on yourself"

Becoming "tough" is much easier.

Best wishes,

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August 12th, 2008: "Thoughts for the day" (1)

Remember today:

For it is the beginning of always.

Today marks the start of a brave new future filled with all your dreams can hold.

Think truly to the future and make those dreams come true.

I sincerely hope that this day, brought all of you what you wanted.

I sincerely hope that this day, brought you much happiness.

I sincerely hope that this day, brought you much love.

I sincerely hope that this day, brought you much joy.

I sincerely hope that this day, brought you one day closer to your fitness goals.

I sincerely hope that this day, is the stepping stone for the rest of your life.

Spread peace, happiness, joy, understanding, and much love, to people you meet........we need more of it in this world.


The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment.

Think about this quote, for SEVERAL MOMENTS. It is the chief and ACTIVE KILLER of diets--connect the brain with the biological functions of the body-correctly!

This can be excessive alcohol consumption---and you KNOW you are breaking the known rules of fat loss.

This can be when you are hungry, and wanting that donut, knowing you are at your calorie limit for fat loss, but decide to eat 2 or 3 anyway, and feel like crap afterwards.

We live and breathe by the choices we make. And, if you use EDUCATION as your backbone, you limit mistakes.....and you have an "educational army" deal with the potential mistakes and your strengths and weaknesses.

You consciously "argue enough" for your limitations, and sure enough they will be certainly yours.

Your thoughts are powerful creators, and your words are even more powerful than your thoughts, but your actions are more powerful than your words or your thoughts.



If the word QUIT is part of your vocabulary, then the word FINISH is likely not


Brotha and Sista's the road to success is not a path you find but a trail you blaze.


Set your standards high

You deserve the best.

Try for what you want

And never settle for less.
Believe in yourself

No matter what who choose.

Keep a winning attitude
And you can never loose.

Think about your destination
But don't worry if your stray
Because the most important thing
...................Is that you've learned along the way.
Take all that you've become
To be all that you can be.

Soar above the clouds And let your dreams set you free.

(Jullian K. Hunt)


Stay the course, light a star,
Change the world where you are.

“Laugh often,
Dream big,
Reach for the stars!”


Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that. That's nonsense.

Never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible.


(second post)

4 Common denominators of Achievers:

1. Successful People Believe their own dreams and goals are valid--even if thats all they have to go on.

Belief in yourself is the KEY

Achievers know that we are not born with the same physical, mental, and environmental attributes. But they do know that everyone has the same potential and right to feel excitement and motivation in believing we deserve the very best in life.

2. Achievers have clearly defined goals and action plans

There is specific sense of direction based on the achievers desire (not designated by someone else). Successful people KNOW there they are going and how they are going to get there. Their plans have times frames of achievement.


Achievers give 110% effort, energy, and what ever time it takes to reach their goals, and they PERSEVERE!

4. Achievers are Flexible

You will survive and THRIVE when your flexible to change. When your comfort zone KICKS IN, its time to do some thinking.

Are you willing to use a different method to achieve your goal? Are you giving it your all. What are you doing that is getting you results? What are you doing thats NOT getting you results? ELIMINATE whats NOT working!

KEEP LEARNING ABOUT YOURSELF-----and what you can do to be at your BEST!

I wish all of you the best each day, everyday, day in day out.......ALL THE TIME!


And an old Dr. Suess Rhyme I made up:

I reintroduce Dr. Seuss as there is no reason to be obtuse with Dr. Suess as Chillen will Produce:

Dr. Seuss enjoys sipping pineapple juice while sitting under a Douglass spruce.

Dr. Seuss explains he is against substance abuse to the Canadian goose.

Dr. Seuss explains to the brown recluse that the value of context use within the flag of truce.

Dr. Seuss explains that since he drank the pineapple juice, is digestive juice is on the loose and he must now get on the caboose, and let his hose loose.<-----------That's pathetic.............LOL...........



The mind can be a friend and/or a foe, in either case you are in control of variances in the equation.

If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it. (This is ALL OF YOU ON THIS FORUM!)

“I am, indeed, a King/Queen, because I know how to rule myself.”​

You are in deed the KING OR QUEEN, and your right, your weight gain or weight loss does not control you!

Get with the damn program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes,

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Brotha and Sista's the road to success is not a path you find but a trail you blaze.


I love it!!!!!!!!!! Just stopping to light the fire under my feet, then gonna blaze my way through this crazy world! HAHA!!!!

Chillen your still the best, and you know it!!

KEEP ON ROCKIN, as the master says, hehe

Jackie xxx
Thanks for stopping by my journal... I started reading through some of this thread... but man, there's a lot of good material here. I think I'll leave it more as a "lookup" area for motivation if I need it rather than try to play catch up! Anyways, thanks again, and looks like you have a pleasant nook over here with a warm fire by which to get pumped about life.

Here's a good quote I try to live by...

"Take arrows in your forehead, but never in your back." - Samurai maxim
Thanks for stopping by my journal..

You are welcome, my friend.

I am glad you decided to join this site. It seems you have a great internal spirit, and are attempting to get yourself fit in a well-rounded manner. I love your journal title. It speaks for itself. I wish you much luck with your goals, and if I can help in any fashion let me know.

Again, thank you, and I wish you much luck.

I started reading through some of this thread... but man, there's a lot of good material here. I think I'll leave it more as a "lookup" area for motivation if I need it rather than try to play catch up! Anyways, thanks again, and looks like you have a pleasant nook over here with a warm fire by which to get pumped about life.

Here's a good quote I try to live by...

"Take arrows in your forehead, but never in your back." - Samurai maxim

I've been pumped about life since my youth (post 18 years old), nothing has changed other than diet and fitness enhancing what was already inside from the beginning, and making me realize that my aging body isnt done amazing me with its tremendous feedback; I just simply give it all I got--then some more.

I give to my local community as much as I can. This evening I spent several hours at the local youth center, and gave a speech on drugs and alcohol. Its a place where teenagers gather with their parents who have had a criminal history involving drugs and/or alcohol. As with the COL, if I can reach one within this youth center (out of the 50 that were there) than I accomplished "something". I am always asked why I do it, and what I get from it. Its simple really, I get much joy affecting someone's life--in a positive manner, and atleast "attempting" to point them in a direction, where they can find the correct path "for them" that works. Its nothing more than this. I do a lot of DARE work in the local schools, and since I am certified by the State of Kansas as a Police Officer, I do ride with one of the KC Detective Units twice per month (at least my wife is opening up a little on this, but she will not allow me on patrol, :bncry:).

Thank you for you comments.

Keep Rocken!

Best wishes

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An I Pod? Pffft, much better devices than that. On perhaps one of those remote data back up companies ... Carbonite is one that comes to mind.
You could quite possibly be the most motivated person I have ever met, you do good things, keep up the positive attitude!

Thank you, Sniped.

Sniped Griped.

Sniped became mentally Piped.

Sniped became Hyped.

His goal was Sniped.

Live up to your name, brotha!:

You are the personal fitness sniper.

You are the lover of educational cover ;
and uncover and discover the self-mastery scope.
You create your own hope.

You put the mental cross hairs on your fitness quest;
and are up to the test, because you are the best.

You are calm but anxious. You pull the trigger, and your motivation was hyped as your goal was sniped.

Welcome to the forum, Sniped.

I wish you the best in your fitness goals. Though you may have went a different way (yes, I have read your journal), you are back now, and stonger and smarter than ever.

And, thank you for your service to the greatest country in the world!

Thank you for your comments!

Rock-On, my friend.

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Hey Chillen, Whats your opinion on Dell brand wireless-N cards compared to intels?

Also, have you ever tried those sprint mobile national broadband wireless cards?
August 18th, 2008: "Thoughts for the day" (1)

We "Chill-Out" in food opinions for todays: "Thoughts for the Day"

Various Food Opinions​

An opinion on the top 10 foods to consume:

10 Superfoods That Should Be in Your Daily Diet - MSN Health & Fitness - Nutrition

When good foods can be bad foods:

Good Food Gone Bad | LiveScience
The Top 10 Foods to Beware

Mayo-Clinic's top 10 good foods:

10 great health foods for eating well -

Yet another opinion on the top 10 good foods:


Another top 10 bad food list:

The Top Ten Bad Foods

The foods that "tend" to be the highest in pesticides that should be eaten organically:

Top 10 Foods to Eat Organically | Healthy and Green Living

The top ten things food companies don't want you to know :

The top ten things food companies don't want you to know

A persons "opinion" on the top 10 protein foods:

Foods High in Protein: Top 10 Healthy Choices |'s Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog

Top 10 foods to "prevent bad breathe": :) :)

The Top 5 Foods to Prevent Bad Breath

Top ten super foods, top ten foods with hidden bad fat, top ten with hidden salt, top 10 good foods, and the best foods for winter:

Health 24 - Top 10 foods

Top ten food mistakes:

Make Better Healthy Eating Choices -

Top ten foods with "trans fats" (Web-MD):

Top 10 Foods With Trans Fats

Top ten "cholesterol" fighting foods:

Top 10 Cholesterol-Fighting Foods - - 1Cholesterol - MSN Health & Fitness

Some food myths:

Top 10 food myths revealed

Top 100 foods to improve productivity (according to this opinion):

Top 100 Foods to Improve Your Productivity | Bootstrapper

Another top ten worst foods:

What Are The Top 10 Worst Of The Worst Foods? [Magic Of The Rain Forest]

Top ten foods athletes should love (or foods for energy):

Top 10 Energy Foods: Carbs Athletes Should Love »

Top Carbohydrate foods:

Eat Carbs To Get Lean - Top 10 Carbohydrate Foods For A Healthy Diet

Top ten carbohydrate and protein foods:

Top 10 Carb and Protein Foods

Top ten recovery foods:

Recovery foods -

Top ten antiflammitory foods:

The Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods - Low Carb Friends

Top ten dieting myths:

The Top 10 Diet Myths | LBC

The Top 10 Nutra-Smart Foods

Top 10 Nutra-Smart Foods


(Tom Venuto's, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, Top food list)

My 10 top natural starchy carb and whole grains

1. Oatmeal (old fashioned)
2. Yams
3. Brown rice (a favorite is basmati, a long grain aromatic rice)
4. Sweet potatoes (almost same as yams)
5. Multi grain hot cereal (mix or barley, oats, rye. titricale and a few others)
6. White potatoes
7. 100% whole wheat bread
8. 100% whole wheat pasta
9. Beans (great for healthy chili recipes)
10. Cream of rice hot cereal

My Top 10 top vegetables

1. Broccoli
2. Asparagus
3. Spinach
4. Salad greens
5. Tomatoes
6. Peppers (green, red or yellow)
7. Onions
8. Mushrooms
9. Cucumbers
10. Zucchini

My top 10 lean proteins

1. Egg whites (whole eggs in limited quantities)
2. Whey or Casein protein (protein powder supplements)
3. Chicken Breast
4. Salmon (wild Alaskan)
5. Turkey Breast
6. Top round steak (grass fed beef)
7. Flank Steak (grass fed beef)
8. Lean Ground Turkey
9. Bison/Buffalo
10. Trout

My top 10 fruits

1. Grapefruit (One bad MOFO....Yep,,,we get stoned together ;))
2. Apples
3. Blueberries
4. Canteloupe
5. Oranges
6. Bananas
7. Peaches
8. Grapes
9. Strawberries
10. Pineapple

He also includes healthy fats: such as walnuts, almonds, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil (supplement - not to cook with), avocado and a few others.

CRAP! He left out....Natural Peanut Butter.......this is DEATH....Death I tell ya!.............>:)

I wouldnt not have survived my VERY LONG dieting periods without had kept my sanity.......well......ya know......he, he :)


Here's a list from Shapefit article about the top 10 healthy fats for the diet.

1. Neptune Krill Oil
2. Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil
3. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
4. Wild Salmon
5. Raw Nuts and Nut Butters
6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
7. Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil
8. Natural Peanut Butter
9. Olives
10. Unpasteurized Butter and Cream

Eat Fat To Get Lean - Top 10 List of Good Fats For A Healthy Diet

Fresh or frozen:

What's better for you — fresh or frozen food?

Top Ten Cooking Tips:

Top 10 Healthy Cooking Tips

Learn About Healthy Fats to Include in Your Diet:

Learn about good fats in your diet

Good MOOD foods:

The Top Ten Good Mood Foods: Eat These to Lift Your Spirits and Your Energy Levels

Each of us---soar on one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.

WE ROCK when we unite as one and work together for the common good.

Best wishes,

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I love it!!!!!!!!!! Just stopping to light the fire under my feet, then gonna blaze my way through this crazy world! HAHA!!!!

Chillen your still the best, and you know it!!

KEEP ON ROCKIN, as the master says, hehe

Jackie xxx

How are you doing Jackie?

I have been reading your journal daily, and it seems you are getting back on track again with your cals, and fitness training. GOOD JOB! :)

I hope things continue to go well.

You know Jackie, its been over a year since your presented your goal. Where are you now, and what are your thoughts on where you should be?

Best wishes,

Can you outline what you say involving your dare programs? I have quite an extensive history with drugs and rehab so I wouldnt mind hearing your views over there compared to here.

Also have we had leg pics yet?

Currently, I dont have interest in posting details of the presentation nor presenting my viewpoints on the forum. This may change later, but at the present, I decline. Read no more than what this states.

Thanks for asking.

As for the full body pics, they are forthcoming, at-my-own-speed. Some may take the opinion I am hiding something. I dont care. When I post them, it WILL remove all doubt, I assure you. :)

Best wishes,

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Nbs asked for counsel on to supplement his rehab knowledge. If you are a DARE officer it's your job to provide some. You are a phony. Read no more than what this states.
Nbs asked for counsel on to supplement his rehab knowledge. If you are a DARE officer it's your job to provide some. You are a phony. Read no more than what this states.

I dont care what your opinion is. It has no "effect" on "truth", and it changes "nothing". Therefore the "reason" I do not care. And, this is in reference to what I have highlighted in your quote.

And, hence, why I do not respond to you and your little "tribe" of "harassers" most of the time. Once in a while, I have to swat you (like in this post), other than that, no skin off the nose, lol.

I will be me, and always have been. Nothing more, nothing on to "deciding" to provide proof.

I know what I am, who I am, and what I have done. I filter out opinions I dont want pretty well. And, that ISNT given in a negative tone, but I expect you probably will take it that way.

Some opinions based on warped perceptions and a dislike for a person, sometimes is a disease, when "truth" is right in front of them:

For sake of arguement, young man, let me provide some proof I was a police officer,
just like I have always stated on this forum.

I wouldn't be at all suprised if you would say I altered them in some fashion, so I will say in advance this is not the case.

I took the liberty of uploading some copies of my certificates I have on DVD. Most of the others are on file with the PD:



And, I got recertified in 2007. After being out more than 5 years.





Likewise, I have many, many more training certificates, and degrees. But, I am not going to take the additional time to post them. Its rather frutile, IMO.

I have NEVER, NEVER.......lied on this forum.....some people just try to smear or twist what I say.

Call me a "phony" if this makes you feel better. LOL :).

But I do have a rather lengthy resume'. I worked for each one of them. BECAUSE I AM A TOUGH-MOTOR-RAMMER baby!...........No cry baby execuses.....Just rock with working hard and getting things friggen done..........: THIS ROCKS! :)

I can provide proof of everything pertaining to myself. However-------->I "elect" when this happens.

And, the legs WILL BE NO EXCEPTION......

Best wishes,

Last edited: opinions are gravel in a gravel pit?

What's your badge number?

The fact remains that you were approached by someone who wanted advice on drug counseling and you refused him. You're every bit the force of good you think yourself to be.
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