The ChillOut Log

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What's your badge number?

The fact remains that you were approached by someone who wanted advice on drug counseling and you refused him. You're every bit the force of good you think yourself to be.

What's my badge number? LOL.:) Come on, Lei. LOL. :) Really, I am not your enemy. You are choosing this path, not me.

I dont have to explain nothing to you unless I choose.

How is your training coming along? I hope it is well and I wish you good luck with it, young man.

I will not comment further on this topic.

Have a very nice day, Lei.

Best wishes to ALL on the forum,

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I forgot to post this pic on July 21, 2008

This is flex pose, showing primarily the shoulders and traps.

I am not all abs, okay? LOL. :)

Remember I am only 161 pounds, and 47 years old on August 25th.

An additional pic I meant to show on July 21, 2008:


DIET........Baby!!!!!!! YES..........BRING IT!

Fitness has changed my life! Made an old man NEW!......Yeppers.........!!!!!!!!

The 7 pounds I gained from the mini bulk, was put on well.....took a friggen long time....but, accomplished.

I will continue to make the fire fly from hands, baby!!!

ROCK ON!!!!!! :)

(Edit: This was also "after" two days of carbUPing, and allowing water in when I wanted it)........Carbs ROCK.

Best wishes,

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Lean as a motherf**ker ;) Looking good Chillen.

Thanks, Big-T. :)

As soon as I get my wife to take the pics for me, I will do the legs, and full body front and back, as well. I just forgot to post the Front Flex pic mainly showing shoulders, etc.

Best wishes,

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Have to agree, quite fit. If at 46-47 I'm that in shape.... I won't be able to complain lol... but that's a solid 20 years down the road. I've barely stayed in shape for a year straight yet, so that's a good place to start!
Come on Chillen, are you trying to gain extra mass or definition in your legs and is that why you are stalling?

if you are 8%, your legs will look great. Just post them up. Its been almost a month since we've asked.
So, Donald, I like how you took the time out to scan all your certs for just this occasion. When it appears to be difficult to get wheel or back shots.

Tell me, when did you move from Hutchinson? Did you commute everyday one and a half hours from Hutchinson to Great bend for the interview and interrogation course?
So, Donald, I like how you took the time out to scan all your certs for just this occasion. When it appears to be difficult to get wheel or back shots.

Tell me, when did you move from Hutchinson? Did you commute everyday one and a half hours from Hutchinson to Great bend for the interview and interrogation course?

If you actually took the time to read the post I made, it specifies they came from a DVD, which means generally: "they have been scanned already". Which, logically, reduces time to post them on the forum. :) "Pulling the chain brings strain on the brain" of the person attempting it. So, I suggest "one" to stop to prevent a head pop. :) ;)

And, I will elect to answer the other question. Law enforcement academy at the time was 10 weeks. I communited to Hutchinson on a sunday night, and stayed at the dorm at the LEO academy until Friday night, and then communited home. The vehicle was provided by the PD. Pretty simple,eh? Additionally, the certificates I posted (likewise the others I have) were completed on my days off, and paid by the PD, and likewise I communited, and if it required an overnight stay (example a hotel), this was provided by the PD. Additionally, once hired by the PD (and a rookie), the PD pays for the 10 weeks at the academy. I was only out the time to drive and attend. Some of the courses were required by the chief and the department, and most of the time all costs were paid by the employer.

Pretty simple logic. Additionally, I am done with answering your series of questions along these lines, as I suspect your motives. Question all day, everyday, and twice per day, TRUTH doesnt change.

I already specified my thoughts of posting the leg pics, and they will come at my own speed and time, and not before. And, they will impress. And this isnt a conceited statement.

By the way, I have asked a few times about your training. Are you electing to not answer? How current is your journal? How consistent are you in training. Can I assist you in some fashion? (I am being serious do not take this negatively).

Have very nice and happy day, Lei. I wish you the "ultimate best" in all that you set out to do in life and within fitness. Rock-On!

Best wishes,

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Cool, I was just trying to get an idea of your life.

My training is okay. I've been sick and busy enough to not train much this past week. I get what I need to get done fine, it just hasn't been top priority like it was in the past. That might change soon, but we will see.
August 19th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

We continue from August 18th's Thoughts for the day (which was a good post on various types of good food articles), with various articles on: Toning Myths, Weight training, and Dieting.

The first few are on Toning Myths:

Muscle Toning - Chris Goulet - The Myth Of TONING!

Body and Muscle Toning Myths - What really works? - The Secret Recipe Forum

Toning Your Abs - Common Exercising Myths - Exercise

Fitness myth busters, abs, weightloss, toning, weight training, cardio high reps

Myths About Your Abs - Learn about toning the abs and how to get six-pack abs in these ab myths


Various supplement and weight training articles:

Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press, & Bodybuilding Articles


Diet, Weight Loss, and Weight Gain Articles:

Diet Articles: Thought-provoking Articles about Diet, Weight Loss, and Weight Gain


Quote of the day:

The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death!

What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school.

You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating...

...and you finish off as an orgasm.”

(George Carlin)


Tough times never last, but tough people do..........

Continue to ROCK and move forward brotha and sista's.

Its worth it........prize yourself, and give yourself what you deserve.


Best wishes,

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Chillen, I will make you snap. Mark my words.

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