The ChillOut Log

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You caught me, I'm a member of that 'getfat' forum!

Mreik just takes roidz to hope for abdominal hypertrophy.. or what it's called.. the side effect where roiders guts get hyooge. :p

Hope Chillen don't mind us littering up his journal with all this joking around :D
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Are the one who said they could eat 3 pizzas in a sitting!?
Hope Chillen don't mind us littering up his journal with all this joking around :D

Bring the thunder! Its all good. :) ;)

I am confident! Just like I am confident that I am very persistent and consistent in going to the gym the past 2 years and 8 months (or so)---without skipping a heart beat, baby! :) Inconsistency is the KILLER of diet and fitness goals.

Now for some truth and a brief explaination: If you noticed in all of the pics I have shown this passed year or so, I have taken them (by myself) with my M800 black cell phone camera (which is just a low quality 2 megapixel camera), and most in the bathroom or in my garage gym.

My mirrors in the house are all half mirrors. So, I am going to purchase a quality camera (where you can set a timer, and take still shots), and post the pics--soon. My wife will not do this for me, she is being somewhat stubborn with her opinion, so I am left to my own resources. But, I will post them to the COL, when I am ready, and they are on par, with my body weight and upper development.

I didnt get the upper development without doing the lower end (such as deads, varients of the squat, and other exercises). For what its worth, whenever, life hit me with time constraints and it effected the time or plan with training (in a serious fashion), I always threw out my upper body routine, and modified the lower end, and went with it instead as it had the "greater" overall bodily impact as compared to just doing the upper end.

For example, working 12 hours, and then having to get up in about 5 hours. Most wouldn't train (when they got up after 5 hours sleep), let alone get up and get kicked in the ass by some deads and squats, and then go to work and then work another 8 hours, and I am 47 years old. This is how serious I take the lower end of training as compared to directly training the upper end.

Bashing and trashing, and in the end I will be the one......thrashing....:):)

EDIT: Thank you for your comment, Mreik. Coming from you, it means alot. :)

Even though you are a big 200+ pound meanie ( I mean extremely nice guy!).....and have fake haooooooooge arms (;)------> :) ;) ), as tribal stated here:

Read page 3 forward.....


Best wishes,

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August 22, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

A rather interesting read (it is lengthy). Like anything we read, we have to view it at multiple angles of thought, and refrain from being one dimensional. There is always something to learn.

Charting our Health
(Diet, Nutrition, and Our Public Health)


What's in it:

I. Eat Sensibly and Drink Water

  • What Everyone Needs To Do For A Healthy Diet
  • Follow the US Dietary Guidelines
  • AVOID SUGAR. Added Sugar is Evil. It is The Enemy. Excess Dietary Sugar is an Anathema to All That Lives
  • Drink Water Instead of Sugary Drinks or Alcohol
  • Follow Your Mother's Advice: Eat More Vegetables
  • Replace Some Carbohydrates with a Variety of Proteins (more than just Red Meat)
  • Change Your Fat Intake to Vegetable and Fish Oils and Target a 55g / day Intake Overall
  • The Optimal Caloric Intake Profile is 53C:20P:25F:2A +- 10:10:5:2% for BMI 22
  • What To Do To Lose Fat
  • A Survey of the Confusion
  • From Chaos, Order
  • Overview of an Effective Fat Loss Approach
  • Preparation: Recon, Planning, Logistics, And Mobilization
  • Test your Liquid Mettle and Drink Water
  • Declare Open War on Sugar and All Fast Heavy Carbs
  • Get Off Your Fat Ass And Enjoy Life More
  • Exchange Carbohydrates for Filling Proteins
  • Trimmin' The Fat aka There Is No End

II. Nutrition

  • Preliminaries
  • Bio-Chemistry Made Easy
  • Secrets of our Metabolism Revealed!
  • Workin' The Numbers
  • The Straight Poop on Fat Loss
  • Snack-Time, Hunting the Food Coma Snark, and Hallelujah!
  • Expanding the Canonical Calorie Model
  • Postprandial Constitutionals: OR, My Brush with Diabetes
  • Breaking the Fat Myth
  • Understanding Blood Sugar
  • Understanding Blood Fat
  • The Essential Proposition
  • That's All She Wrote


Another interesting read:

Thermodynamics and Weight loss

(Dr. Michael R. Eades)

I know there are nearly endless opinions and research........


Rock on!

Best wishes,

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August 22, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (2)

Overfeeding and Metabolic Advantage (An "opinion" on it)

The PDF to the Swedish study is attached.

Was an interesting read, at least to me......he, he....

Best wishes,

August 23, 2008: "Thougts for the Day (1)

Its a wonderful morning! Yep it is! :)

Every day, I wake up and spring out of bed, I remember what brought me to reconsider my diet and fitness health over two years ago. I can get out of bed without any back pain, and I am extremely thankful for the work completed in diet and fitness for it. I am getting ready to train this morning, and I still get goose bumps before I go to train, believe it or not.

I view the weights as my enemy, and make them whimper and whine.

There pain stain is my gain, and they complain along my goal campaign.

I do not.

I give it all I've got.

I have not forgot.

I will continue to chill and fulfill

And, I always will.

Your Power To Choose
(By Chuck Danes)

Your power to choose is an unalienable right that each and every person on earth is given at birth, and has the ability to exercise.

Every minute of every day the worlds population is presented with certain choices that must be made. These choices range from the most obvious, all the way to the extremely complex. In each of these choices being made, there is a specific outcome created that is eventually realized, and which ultimately determines a specific event in any given situation.

These moment by moment choices that are made each day are taken for granted by many, and in many cases are not given much conscious thought as they are being made. These moment by moment choices are many times considered to have no impact on the results or outcomes that people experience, which are created based on those choices.

The most obvious choices made each day include things like what to wear, what we eat, where we work, when we go to bed, what time we wake up, who we associate with, etc. etc.

In these examples, the outcomes of those obvious choices are how we look, what kind of health we’ll experience, how much money we make, how we’ll feel the next morning, and who our friends become.

With each of these obvious choices made, we create a specific outcome based on those choices, and are personally responsible for the outcomes.

What many don’t realize is, just as they are responsible for the outcomes of these obvious day to day choices made, each is equally responsible for the bigger outcomes that happen in life, as a result of bigger more complex choices made. Put more simply, all results that occur in your life, occur, and are experienced as a direct result of the choices made.

Most aren’t even aware that many things that seem to just occur in life, do so not just by chance or fate, but actually happen because of previous choices that they have made. The masses believe that many outcomes experienced throughout life, happen due to circumstances that are beyond their ability to control.

With the exception of death, there is absolutely nothing that happens in your day to day existence that doesn’t happen based on a choice that was made. Even in the case of death, we are each given a choice as to how we choose to feel about it.

Sound ridiculous? It’s true.

I have had many throughout the years dispute this concept.

Many will say that they truly desire to create wealth, for example, but claim to be hopelessly stuck in an unfulfilling job that they dislike, because that is all their skill level will allow them to do. They choose to claim the role of victim of circumstance rather than accept the responsibility of their ability to choose to create a different circumstance.

Although the existing condition may be true in the present moment, it was created by choices made in the past, and they have the right and the power to choose to make different choices in the future which would create a different outcome. Although the choices that could change their current situation are many, an obvious choice would be to enhance their level of skill through education, which would enable them to do something else. They also have the power to choose to establish new beliefs that would allow them to do whatever they desire, rather than feel stuck in an occupation that they don’t want to do.

When presented with this idea, they’ll then say something like, “I don’t have the time to do that”, which is also a choice.

Some will say that they have no control over the condition of their health, many times not realizing the resources available, or making the choice of not taking the time necessary to explore other possibilities which would allow them to develop the belief and awareness that the human body was created as a self healing mechanism, and that regardless of the situation, they do have the choice as well as the ability to correct even illness and disease.

"But the doctor said"....... What the doctor said has absolutely nothing to do with the situation, but only presents the choice to use your power to choose as to which beliefs are established, based on the information received. Many well intentioned doctors are the reason that so many spend years taking unnecessary and harmful pharmaceutical drugs and actually send many people to their graves based on their lack of awareness of the many other possibilities available. Even in this case the patient has the choice to accept or deny the news being shared as truth or not, as well as the power to choose to change the conditions.

It is not the responsibility of the doctor to determine if someone will live or not if he has in good faith done all that he has been trained to do.

There are thousands upon thousands of documented cases where the conventional medical community has diagnosed a condition as terminal and without hope, only to find that the patient, by choosing to not accept the news as belief, lived many years beyond what they were told, and completely reversed the illness or disease diagnosed!

One such case is a man named Lester Levenson who was sent home from the hospital at age 42, with the news that there was nothing further that could be done for him, and was sent home to die. He was diagnosed as having severe depression, an enlarged liver, kidney stones, spleen trouble, hyperacidity, and ulcers that had perforated his stomach and formed lesions, as well as just having suffered his second coronary.

Mr. Levenson, could have made the choice to believe what he had been told. Instead he made a conscious choice to not accept the bleak diagnosis that he had received. Although he did go home, he refused to accept the information given by someone else, which would have established the belief that would have ended his life. He refused to accept this news as fact and went home, not to die, but made a choice to figure out how to live. Lester Levenson made a conscious choice to research and discover other information that was available, which was contrary to the medical team that was caring for him, and as a result, through natural means, restored his body to total health in only 3 months and lived to enjoy an additional 52 years!

Since that time, this discover has been shared with, and has assisted well over 100,000 people from all over the world to overcome many seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

This seemingly miraculous and incredible discovery is now known worldwide as The Sedona Method .

Each of us has been granted the power to choose. We each possess the power to choose what to believe or not to believe. We each have an unalienable right and undeniable ability to make the choices that determine our lives. If your current beliefs aren’t supporting the type of life that you choose to live, you have the ability to form new beliefs that will.

If you choose to believe that you have no control over the things that happen in your life from day to day, your outcomes will continue to manifest exactly as they have, based on that belief. If the beliefs that you have established are based on what someone else has taught you, you have the power to choose to find new information which allows you to decide for yourself if that information is correct.

If you are not living the kind of life that you were intended and created to live, and have the right to enjoy, it is within your power to choose to change it.

You have the free will to choose a life of Abundance and Happiness.

Your day to day choices determine your outcomes in life. Whether or not you choose to believe it is also, your choice. Choose wisely.

Choose wisely.......Dieting and exercising for health is a choice, and this is the problem, folks.


Make the proper educated choices within your diet and fitness goals, brotha and sista's, you deserve it---------NOW GET WITH IT!

Best wishes

August 23, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (2)

Changing Your Beliefs: Overcoming your Limitations

(By Chuck Danes)

So many in the world today believe that in order to attain wealth that you must be smarter than the “average person”, be fortunate enough to be able to afford an education at some prestigious university, that you must “work harder and longer”, that you must “invest wisely”, or “just be plain lucky.”

These misconceptions run rampant in our societies today and are perceived to be truth by the majority. Many mistakenly perceive these falsely held beliefs to be the only logical means to attain such a state as true abundance and happiness, because that is what they have been led to believe to be true.

While it is true that a college education can be helpful in your life long endeavors, whole societies teach that a college education is essential and necessary to attain a good job unless you are one of the lucky few.

If this is true, what becomes of the multitudes who are not fortunate enough to attain a formal education? What becomes of the many who for whatever reason are unable to attend a college? Are they doomed to a life of mediocrity and struggle? Are they hopelessly bound to unfulfilling low paying jobs with no hope of ever realizing any sort of success and financial independence? Absolutely not!

Sadly, because of these widespread traditional misconceptions that have been taught for hundreds of years, and that the masses have accepted as truth, millions of people today do believe that they are hopelessly stuck in jobs that they dislike, that they must work long grueling hours, spend little to no time with their families, and get so caught up in making a living that they fail to make a life.

In looking at the world, it has become obvious that something isn’t working quite right. Although two income families are more prevalent than ever before, technology is far more advanced, and opportunity at an all time high, why is it, that so many seem to have to get by with so little?

If one were to look at the statistics of rising emotional and mental dysfunction, rising bankruptcy percentages, stress related dis-ease, staggering rates of divorce, and the ever increasing rates of homelessness, it would certainly raise questions as to why.

Could it be that that the harder people try to cure the deficient areas of their lives by following ill given advice, provided through a flawed educational process, that is actually the cause for these ever increasing and unfortunate situations? Is it possible that the majority have lost sight of the true means of where real and lasting abundance comes?

Is it possible that our educational system is severely flawed and not teaching the real life principles that would allow the majority to live lives of plenty rather than struggle?

Is it possible that there might be a simple answer to the rising numbers of poverty stricken families, ever increasing divorce rates, single parent homes, world hunger, etc. etc.

There is! It’s called education. I’m not talking about the kind of traditional type education that is received in the majority of our government controlled schools., or learning a new trade at the local Vo-tech.

I’m talking about an education that teaches people the truth about who and what they were really created to be, and taught correct principles concerning the kind of lives that they were really intended to live, that would teach each individual the unlimited potential that each is capable of attaining.

I’m talking about an education that helps people to understand that life doesn’t have to be a “I wonder what’s going to happen tomorrow” type of existence wondering if the electricity, phone, or water is going to be turned off because they didn’t have enough left over to pay the bill.

Why is this education not taught to the masses? It’s readily available to all who will take the time to find it and certainly provable if they will only take the time needed to discover, learn, and apply the simple principles that are required.

Many would have you believe that such talk is a bunch of nonsense, and that so many struggle in our societies because “that is just the way life is.” Many would have you believe that is just the nature of people and to some extent, I would have to agree. The reason that many people find themselves in these unpleasant and uncomfortable situations is because that is what they have been taught and come to believe to be the truth.

All any person or family needs to do is learn the true principles that control our entire universe and learn the simple, unwavering, and predictable laws that govern the entire cosmos. All any struggling single mother has to do is rewrite the nonsense subconscious programming that they have allowed to be absorbed through the education that they have received and learn to replace the self limiting teachings of the nay sayers that they have associated with and replace that false teaching with universal truth. All it would take is a slight shift in the thought processes that have been taught to them throughout their lives.

All that is required is developing an awareness of who they truly are as individuals and learn the real truth of what they were created to be and capable of becoming.

All it takes is a change in belief. Your beliefs are determining where you are at in your life right now. Your current beliefs are determining what kind of job you are capable of, the amount of money that you can make, and what type of home you live in.

If what you currently believe isn’t serving you, you have the power to learn new information and the free will to choose to establish new beliefs. You have the capability and the power within yourself, without any help from anyone, to accomplish your lifelong dreams and goals if only you will only acquire the right kind of education that will empower you to do so, and allow you to establish the real truth concerning who you truly are and what you are truly capable of becoming.

You also have the power to remain as you are. You possess the power to continue to make your life decisions based on what you have come to know as truth. You have the power to allow your previous teaching to control the rest of your life or you also have the power to discover for yourself what you are truly capable of doing, achieving, and becoming.

If you are able to develop your awareness of the true and limitless possibilities that are available to you and develop your consciousness to the point of conceiving a life of Abundance and Happiness for yourself, you are certainly able to achieve it, regardless of what you have been previously taught.

Now you have to decide if this is a bunch of nonsense, or if it is in fact possible that what is being shared might be true. There is plenty of credible information available to you to prove it for yourself. This proof comes in many forms. It can be found through scientific study. It can be found through correct teachings in the right spiritual circles which has been practiced, talked about, and understood for thousands of years.

The truth is readily available as well as the steps that it will take for you to live a life of purpose, joy, fulfillment, and inner peace.

Does it require some effort on your part? Absolutely! Does it take a specific amount of discipline to accomplish it? Definitely.

The truth is available to those that will seek it. The steps have been laid out for those that have a sincere desire to transform their lives in a dramatic and powerful way.

Now it only becomes a matter of choice. Your Choice. What do you choose?

Your life is limited only by your beliefs. Change your beliefs and you can change your world.


You have it within you to attain anything you desire, you just have to believe it yourself. No one will ever care more about your personal goals, than you.......

Best wishes

August 23, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (3)

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.”

(Malcolm S. Forbes)

The Saboteur Within

Why You Don’t Have What You Really Want

(By Dr. Robert Anthony)

Lets face it, most of us from time to time feel that life is just one big struggle with a series of never ending problems. Yet the truth is that life does not have to be that way. In fact, it can be just the opposite.

Life is not about struggle and overcoming problems. Life is about pursuing and creating what we truly desire in an easy, stress-free manner.

Is there something in your life that you want, but it seems to elude you?

Why is it such a struggle to create the things we want?

In short, if you don't have what you want (you name it) your subconscious holds some contradictory intentions for you.

To put it simply, you want something and it doesn’t.

For example you may say, "I want more money", but your dominant subconscious belief may be, "Earning the amount of money I want is very difficult.

Notice anything different about these two statements?

They are going in different directions. So after years of frustrating and contradictory messages you still don't have what you want.

What is really happening is that your conscious and subconscious are almost always in conflict. You consciously say, "I want more money" and then after listening, your subconscious says, "No matter what you do, it is too difficult to create that amount of money". As a result there is no agreement between your conscious and subconscious. When this happens they cancel each other out and give up on assisting you to create what you would like to have in your life.

What is critical to understand is the competition, conflicting agendas, and disharmony between your conscious and subconscious is keeping you from having what you desire.


Because when your conscious and subconscious are not in agreement they produce negative emotion. And it is that negative emotion or negative energy that attracts the things you don’t want.

Let me explain to you what is really happening.

Every thought is received by the brain, which is the organ of the conscious mind. It is here that it is subjected to our power of reasoning. When the conscious or objective mind has been satisfied that the thought is true, it is sent to the subconscious mind to be brought into the world of reality through quantum physics or the law of attraction.

It is no longer susceptible to any argument whatsoever. The subconscious mind cannot argue. It only acts. It accepts the conclusions of the conscious mind as final. This is the point at which the uncreated becomes the created, the universal becomes individualized, and the invisible becomes visible.

Put simply, every thought that you think has its own energetic vibrational frequency. That thought is impressed into your subconscious mind. Then, through the Law of Attraction it will energetically attract another person, place, thing or circumstance that has a vibrational match or is vibrating at the same frequency.

Your subconscious mind cooperates completely with your conscious mind when it understands and agrees with what you consciously want. In other words, when your conscious and subconscious are not in conflict.

Notice when you are feeling any negative emotion or conflict. That is your "inner guidance system" telling you that you are not in harmony with your desire. This is your first clue.

So, if you do nothing else, remember that you MUST correct and STOP the negative attraction IN THE MOMENT IT HAPPENS if you are serious about getting rid of the "Saboteur Within." That will clear the way for your conscious and subconscious to work in harmony to bring your desire.


Its not that people do not have the ability to accomplish the things they desire.

They sometimes just kill themselves on the inside.

You are what you think. And, you act more often then not, on how you think

You want your goal.....then dont Sabatoge yourself on the inside.


Best wishes,

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Bringing it back from the dead......FORUM TRIBUTES

Bump this forward: (I haven't forgotten, Brotha and Sista's)

EDIT: I am adding in the posts and links for convenience. I will eventually get all posts and links in. So please pardon the incompleteness for now, its not finished. All links are within the COL ONLY

I have to update some of the links since the COL pages have changed recently, I will do an update on this soon. Some are incorrect, though the post is nearby if you look.

I plan to make several more posts in tribute to:

1. Protein Boy (Jon)-Done

Tribute Poem: 1,319
Tribute Post: 1,036

Several more to Link
2. SpicyPumkin--Done Post: 1,556

Post 1,321
Also posted a "thoughts for the day" Post: 1,065

Several more to link

3. Beth-Done Post: 1,337, 1,338

Tribute Poem: 1,320

Several more to link
4. AMP-Done Post: 1,339

More to Link
5. The FFer-Done Post:1,340:1,341

I have done several posts for the FF'er and will locate and edit in the links.

He also stepped in and posted a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,470

6. Jackie-Done Post: 1365

Post 1,573

Several more to Link

7. Sparrow--Done Post: 1,367:

8.TYPHON--Wants another one ;) Post: 1,372

TYPHON also wrote a "thoughts for the day" Post 1,164:

Support for TYPHON:

Come on Brotha and Sista's let us show support for CCR!

9.Derwyddon (Sarah) Done Post 1,991

Derwyddon also stepped in and made a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,502

10.Phate-Done Post: 2,069

Several more to Link

11. Stingo

12. Nae82 DONE: Post: 1,383

13. Dallen
15. George
16. Lei
17. Phil
18. BSL

BSL also has taken time to post "thoughts for the day" Post 2,393

19. RWS (Refined Wisdom and Spirit)
20. EVO
21. Mreik
22. LV
23. TM
24. Malkore
25. Deschain
26. Smithmachine
27. Streamline
28. Def
29. G8R80
30. Kraken--is NEXT

31. Calorie Busten Furnace, GOOCH DONE Post 2,386

32. [Focus]
33. KittyHartman26
34. Lost
35. JokersWild
36. Shellsy21
37. Spartan300
38. NBS4Life

Post in support of NBS4life:

My World is crashing down

39. Wrangell :)

40. Woodt

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number One): 1,480

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number Two): 1,050

Various more to Link

41. GreenhornGal.
42. MrDevine.
44. BigTom
45. MarkMyWords
46. BigTom
47. Marko--DONE Post 2,592:

48. Wojo
49. Aiming4165

Support for Aiming:

Come on! Lets show our support for Aim!

Chillens Home Training Equipment:

The Equipment I use to Train With: Post: 1,773



And I will add others. If you want to be added, please let me know or if you want something specific, let me know too.

They will not be "necessarily" in the order listed.

The all powerful, all knowing, and unmistakable Kraken is next.

I apologize for being lax on this....but I am getting back to it.......

EDIT: I may have to update some of the links, since the page numbers changed in the past two weeks). Let me know if you find some of them incorrect. I have went through some of them already, and yes, some are off.....I will correct them as time moves on.

Best regards,

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August 23rd, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (4)

Let's hope this day, finds your SHiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat together, brotha and sista's!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you Rocken!.......You better be.......he, he. Act like there is a bee up your butt......and friggen strut! :)


Don’t EVER Quit

(By Chuck Danes)

Each and every person on earth has within them a passion, a purpose to fulfill.

Born deep within you is an insatiable desire as well as the potential and limitless ability to fulfill the purpose for which you were sent here to fulfill. At one point in time this purpose, this passion, this thing that you so desire to accomplish was very clear to you.

So many in our world today, for any number of reasons allow this purpose to be buried, forgotten, to become lost, to be labeled as wishful or "irrational" thinking and as a result, fail to ever act upon it. They have allowed the deep inner passions of their soul, the very thing that would set them free and enable them to contribute to the world in a profoundly powerful way and experience a life of fulfillment and wholeness, to be snuffed out and forgotten due to a seemingly overwhelming host of external opinions, situations and circumstances.

This once known purpose that at one point in time burning within them like the August sun in Oklahoma, for so many in our world has been abandoned or reduced to a hopeless flicker due to the external pressures and false teachings of a disillusioned and uninformed world.

Unfounded and misguided beliefs and perceptions keep so many from ever attempting and achieving what they feel down deep in their hearts, continually ignoring the very passion that would enable them to experience heaven on earth.

So many fail to ever attempt fulfilling their most heartfelt dreams and desires due to flawed outside opinion and inner misguided perceptions and many more who after meeting with various challenges in an attempt to fulfill them, give up prematurely perceiving that "It must not have been meant to be." And so it is.

One thing is absolutely certain. You cannot win unless you play and you cannot fail unless and until you quit. Fall down if you must, rest for awhile if you wish, but get right back up, brush off the dust, re-chart your course and find the inner strength to go one more round.

Your passions and desires exist for a purpose. They are not just some whimsical illusion but rather exist as the guiding light that through persistence will enable you to reach and experience the wholeness and fulfillment that their accomplishment will surely provide.

Go within and find the strength and guidance that will allow you to take those additional steps that may very well prove to be the very steps that will lead and enable you to stumble upon and discover your pot of gold, whatever it might be.

Learn the importance of looking at each previously perceived setback as an essential and necessary process of growth designed to show and teach you that more information is needed. Develop the unshakable ability to express heartfelt gratitude for whatever may have come your way fully understanding that it is that gratitude that will enable you to discover that as a result of expressing just that, you will be provided with more of that which to be grateful for.

After every storm there is sunshine, for every ending there lies a new beginning. For every question there is an answer. For every heartache there is joy. For every sickness there is healing. After every perceived loss there is always something much greater to be gained and the hope and assurance to do better the next time abounds and is always available if you’ll only refuse to quit and "allow" it to be so.

For every perceived setback experienced there is a much greater lesson to be learned that will allow and empower you to go that much further the next time you decide to try IF you will only remain open to "allowing" that experience to teach you the intended lesson.

Our world was created purposefully and intentionally with polarity. Without polarity you would never be enabled to FULLY experience life. The Law of Polarity provides an immense gift once you fully understand it's purpose and function.

Develop a deep understanding what polarity is, how it serves rather than hinders you. Learn to express sincere and heartfelt gratitude for whatever end of the polarity spectrum that you experience fully knowing that "All things, regardless of how perceived, is intended and happens to benefit the "Greater Good", YOUR greater good and you will be miles ahead of the "unconscious creators" in our world.

PART TWO NEXT...........
August 23rd, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day"

PART TWO!..........of "NEVER QUIT!"

"I took action on my passion and I didn’t know when to quit."

  • What exactly is polarity?....
  • Where there is anger there is also understanding
  • Where there is fear there is courage
  • Where there is hatred there is Love
  • Where there is failure there is victory
  • Where there is confusion there is clarity
  • Where there is illness there is health
  • Where there is poverty there are riches
  • Where there is doubt there is assurance
  • Where there is rejection there is acceptance
  • Where there is turmoil there is peace
  • Where there is overwhelming pain there is comfort
  • Where there is heartache there is joy
  • Where there are broken dreams there is hope
  • Where there is fatigue there is energy
  • Where there is sadness there are smiles
  • Where there are tears there is laughter
  • Where there is shame there is forgiveness
  • Where there is hurt there is healing
  • Where there is lack there is abundance

Where do each of these "above" possibilities exist?

They lie Within you.

They exist only as a perception. Your perception. What you perceive to be true on the inside, what you choose to keep your predominant focus fixated upon will manifest and be experienced on the outside. Universal Law guarantees it without exception. You have the choice as to what experience you will create.

You have been provided the free will to choose which of these you will experience. That which you experience in the external world is determined only by what lies within you, what you choose to think about, focus on and "allow" to manifest. As within, so without. You are the sculptor of your external reality.

For each and every "perceived" negative there exists a positive, a solution which is well within your grasp and easily attainable if you'll only find that "inner place" and make the choice to "allow" it to be so.

Remain open to the intended lessons derived through your temporary "perceived" failures. Refocus and realign your efforts toward the desired end result with an assurance and renewed vigor, eliminating fear, regret, and anxious thoughts.

Develop a deep understanding as to how these day to day victories as well as challenges that you experience come into being and use the wisdom gained as well as your lessons learned through those previous experiences to carry you that much further the next time.

Don't place focus on past failures which only instill fear and regret and keep you from trying the next time, but allow them to carry you over the previously perceived hurdles which caused you to stumble and fall the first time around.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to fail unless you quit.

Forget about your past mistakes. Give no thought to that which made you slip and fall except to develop the awareness of the path not to take the next time. Keep your mind focused on the goal, focusing only on the end result of where you truly desire to be. Learn to recognize and remain open to the internal guidance that you receive along the way and plot your step by step plan based on it's unfailing direction, detaching from the how and when you are going to get there.

In the same way refuse to worry or become anxious about the future. Fear of future events, conditions and circumstances are only created due to thought processes now, today which are based on past undesirable experiences. What you place focus on today you will receive at some point in the future. Remain fixated on the now. Be successful now. Visualize and see yourself as successful now, achieving now, and your future will unfold precisely as you have envisioned.

Ignore those who might otherwise attempt to belittle or steal your dream. Consistently place your focus only on that which gives you strength. Eliminate that which weakens you. Consistently take action on that which you discover will carry you one step closer to your intended outcome. And before you know it you will have reached the pinnacle, where the view is so incredibly peaceful, serene and unlike anything that you have ever previously experienced before.

Develop the understanding that in an infinitely abundant Universe there exists no such thing as failure in ANY shape or form but only sweet lessons which provide deeper understanding and greater insight allowing you to grow and progress further the next time. Failure is an impossibility unless YOU choose it, allow it to be so and accept it as real.

Stay focused on your desired target giving no thought or attention to that which weakens you and continue to plant, nurture and nourish the seeds that will produce your desired harvest.

The plan has been laid. The answers already exist. That which you have the ability to conceive and believe can and will be experienced in your life if you will only allow them to be. Your most sought after dreams, visions, and desires exist within you for a very specific reason and are waiting for you to recognize, accept and open yourself up to them, allowing you to attract, manifest, experience and enjoy the seemingly miraculous outcomes that happen as a result of their fulfillment.

YOU ARE a magnificent and creative being, created in the image and likeness of the Source, limitless in your ability to attract WHATSOEVER YE DESIRE if you will only recognize and accept it as real. Discover it, accept it, and most importantly develop the unshakable belief in it and you will begin to experience the boundless and limitless blessings that are available to you as a result. A life of Joy, Fulfillment, Inner Peace, and Limitless Prosperity are your rewards.

Keep on keeping on and should you ever come to the barrier that appears to be blocking your path, just as you get to the point where you think that you just can't take one more step, where it appears that the world is conspiring to make you fall back remember this…….

Behind every magnificent success there is always someone standing there smiling and saying "I took action on my passion and I didn’t know when to quit."

(Chuck Danes)


You can never give up on your dreams. Never. You can never give up on attaining your goals. Never.

And you certainly can never give up on living life the way you have pictured it a million times in your mind. Never.

Instead of giving up and quitting whenever problems crop up, why not knuckle down and adopt a tougher-than-nails refuse to lose attitude?

Yea, yea, Let us ROCK.......We are bad ASS--brotha and sista's.......

JAM!.....JAM....JAM IT!...! UH!.......JAM it.....home.....Baby! I love the way cardio makes me feel.......opens me up...makes me come alive.........(I hate cardio.......he, he)........My passion is stronger........Let's ROCK!........

I feel so good today......Off to f@CK up some cardio......I hear the bike crying!...........Its running out of my garage!.......CRAP!..........At least I get a warm up catching it.....:)

Look at the from a middle aged man..........WIMP!......He, he.......:)

Best wishes,

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You know what ROCKS!

Its jammen with the sons while weight training with the old man!.........Yep......Sticken and a the weights.......

I had asked (months ago, lol), for them to train with me (together) doing a full-body with running about 3 miles after we are done.....(and they better hang......dang it.......I aint waiten' for no young asses......they can eat my smoke........)........

So, I put the Klipschhorns in the garage (neighbors on vacation, so I can crank da shiaat!).....set up some rocken tunes.....and we are goanna rip it about 7P......

Nice little shock for the old man (I have been doing a upper/lower split) we rock on.....this shock is going to rock!.....

We continue to show the boys an example.......what diet and fitness can do........THIS ROCKS MORE>>>>>>>>>:luxlove:

CRANKEN the volume......on the YOUNGENS!..............

There is no equal......

When all the smoke only care about the the "quality time" with their parents, not the money. And, the quality time given has a priceless price tag. There is no equal.

Best wishes

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Had a good session with the son's tonight (the old man is deaf! LOL! :)), but we had to cut it off short after the upper workout, and then we jogged three miles. We were like the three was a blast.....

Since I had scheduled the Lower workout with the upper today, I am off to have a FEAST on the is they who is going to need a PRIEST--Not I, when I am done..........

12AM!........So what........That means means crap! Its time to scrap! :)

Time to JAM>;)

Later, brotha and sista's.......

My son's arent into fitness as much as as I am......but this is okay, I would like them so exercise their brains while they are in the prime anyway....and I am the catylist to make sure their heart stays on fire!--------->this ROCKS!......

Best wishes

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August 24th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)


Let provide the personal Exam.

Procrastination is a Scam.

Unstick this Scam with Pam, and become the weight battering-Ram and friggen Jam!

Jam this Scam.........

There is no mental traffic Jam going the extra mile. Be versatile. Stay motivationaly hostile, it is all worthwhile..........

Now......Smile........and put Rock-On's in Style.......

Winners Persist. Persistence Always Wins. Be a Winner.

“Remember when you see a man at the top of a mountain, he didn't fall there.”

Persistence Always Wins

(By Chuck Danes)

Persistence: Any great accomplishment that has ever been achieved has been brought about and made possible by an all important trait called persistence.

Have you ever thought about how many things “might have been” in our world, that don’t currently exist simply because the person or persons that initially had an inspired idea, failed to act on it or gave up before seeing it through and making it a reality?

How many times have you had an idea that, at the time it was conceived, seemed somehow almost magically inspired by something outside of yourself and you knew somehow, somewhere down deep within, that it was the right thing to do and the best possible path for you to take at the time?

How many times have you truly believed that there was no possible way that it could fail to produce the results you first anticipated and visualized, only to find that after a short time, and after much outside opinion, human analysis, and “logical thinking”, you allowed doubt to creep in, and that initial feeling of certainty and assurance melted away, only to later rationalize that it "Must not have been meant to be" because you encountered some opinion or obstacle that seemed to hard to overcome?

How many times have you given up on an idea or project that you were certain about, and initially knew couldn’t fail, simply because people within your circle of influence convinced you that it just wasn’t feasible, and that those dreams and ideals you held fell outside of the boundaries of what’s logical?

How many times have you allowed the nay sayers to contaminate and effect that initial “knowing” and turn it in to doubt, which resulted in you giving up and never completing what you knew at one point was most definitely the right thing to do?

If you’re like most, it’s happened innumerable times.

So many great, inspired, and original ideas which would inevitably lead to incredible advancements in human evolution are lost daily, discarded and left floating out in a vast universal collectiveness of unfulfilled and wasted hopes, dreams, and ideals.

So many incredible possibilities derived through individual thought, abandoned due to self limiting and humanistic reasoning, or over-analysis, which drowned out what may have been known as the worlds next great discovery.

Think for a moment about some the greatest discoveries in human history. Many, I’m sure fail to think about and actually take for granted where so many of these incredible discoveries were derived from and the unshakable persistence that the inventors who made them possible must have possessed.

I can only imagine the conversations that must have taken place between Thomas Edison and those within his circle of influence prior to the discovery of electricity. It’s almost humorous to think about some of the snide and snickering comments that must have been aimed at the Wright Brothers before they achieved flight. I can only imagine the gossip that must have circulated concerning Alexander Graham Bell. I wonder how many, in the times of Christopher Columbus were absolutely convinced that he would never return, certain that he would meet his doom by sailing over the edge of a flat world?

Each of these great accomplishments, completed by mere men, began as an inspired thought or idea, combined with a deep inner knowing, and were only made possible due to a sincere desire, combined with an undying and relentless persistence.

These few examples are just a small portion of many that could be referred to. Look around at your environment and think about all of the awesome discoveries that exist within it. Try to fathom what the inventors of so many incredible accomplishments must have endured prior to realizing the actualization of each originally inspired thought, each of which changed the course of history in a huge way.

I can assure you, each and every one of them had the all important quality of unshakable persistence. You can bet they didn’t allow pessimism, laughter, snide comments of onlookers, ill given advice from well meaning friends and relatives, or outside negative influence of any sort to interfere, long term, with what they knew down deep was possible, and eventually, through persistence, turned in to reality.

You can be assured they didn’t allow negative self talk and over-analysis to deter them from what they recognized initially as possibility.

Do You Understand The Importance Of Persistence?

How about you? What dreams or ideas do you have or have you had in the past that were thwarted due to this type of outside influence?

What dreams or ideas do you currently hold? Do you have a dream of a currently non- existent product or service? Do you desire to become more healthy, lose weight, or have other fitness goals?

In Any Endeavor, Persistence Is A Key Element!

Regardless of what your dream may be, and no matter how big or small it is, if you had the ability to think it, you can most certainly and surely have the ability to accomplish it, if you’ll choose to persist.

You have within you the ability to bring even the most seemingly far fetched ideas and notions into physical existence if you will choose to persist, and combine that persistence with a few other essential ingredients.

What are these other Ingredients?

Recipe For Success…

  • Develop a firm resolve to persist with your original inspired ideas, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Consistently go within and absorb the wisdom and knowledge that is available and necessary to see them through and bring them into fruition.
  • Develop a plan to put that newly attained knowledge into methodical and focused daily action.
  • Learn to become totally conscious of your moment by moment thoughts and only contemplate on and allow only those that would serve to advance your vision.
  • Associate with like minded people, and absorb yourself in information that possess and promote the same attitude of possibility, and stay away from those that would attempt to squash your dreams. Daily feed your mind with material of hope and possibility and refuse to absorb the negativity of the daily news, and other pessimistic views of the outside world.
  • Persist in thinking about, visualizing, and contemplating the end result in your minds eye and continually focus your attention on what is going right instead of what may appear to be going wrong. Develop the attitude that all things, no matter how they may appear based on your current human understanding are happening for a “greater good” and are happening only to assist you in your continued growth.
  • Learn to recognize the mistakes that you may make along the way as building blocks that bring you one step closer to your desired outcome.
  • Keep moving forward, seeing each small step as major progress and one step closer to your inevitable outcome of success. Express gratitude for those small successes.
  • Resolve to keep on keeping on regardless of external appearances and perceptions, and you will eventually enable yourself to taste the sweet fruit that is derived from your efforts.

There are so many that quit just prior to reaching and realizing their desired outcomes. Too many fail to persist in following through with an initial inspired thought which would have a major impact in transforming their lives and the lives of others. Don't allow yourself to be one of them. Persist and you will succeed.

Discover your passions. Explore and acknowledge your deepest desires. Identify your mountain, start climbing, and persist until you reach the pinnacle. The Rewards are Immeasurable and the View is Incredible.


Discover the "true source" and learn to go within yourself and take action on the inner guidance that follows, and your life will turn into a series of joyful, fulfilling and seemingly miraculous events.


And, make someone smile today.....make them believe they can reach what they desire most.

Remove the procastination ghosts and eat them like "wheat"...........toast.

Make them yell........Rock-Ons from coast to coast!

uh.....hit it!!!

Here your internal the heart......

Best regards,

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hey, sifu.
glad to see you are still on fire man...whats that smell...its that flame of youth in you still bringing people here.
i was just remenesing, looking through the good ol log a while back....this log is old!
i saw posts when i was in 10th grade i think, now being in 12th im much busier suprisingly. haha i have a busy snr year...3 APs, 2 honors,1 reg. But thats nothing. just ask azndave:]

but iv been learning more than just book smarts....because the Bible is more than a book to me lol
excuse me for assuming your interested in my personal life ;] just catchin up "chillman"
my lifting is back on track about as strong as 2 years ago again haha im at 160, however not lean enough. im guessing 13%, which leads me to a small request, if i may test your hospitality :]
specifically, how do you lift when cutting? lower volume? curcuits? low rest? heavy weights with high rest?
i ask because i am going to cut soon. i am pretty much set on diet...i understand deficits, macros/micros, water ect.
however if you have any quick tips, i would love to hear :D

im interested to hear whats new with you chillen! :D:D:D
August 25th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

An article on:

Caffiene and Exercise

Surveys show that approximately 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine daily. In fact, more than half of American adults ingest over 300 milligrams of caffeine every day (i.e., approximately two and a half cups of regular coffee).

Most people consume caffeine to give them a daytime boost or keep them awake longer at night.

How concerned should fitness professionals be regarding caffeine's influence on exercise?

This column will try to shed some light on that question.

More About Caffeine

Caffeine is not synonymous with coffee. It comes in various forms, including coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, medications, etc. According to the National Soft Drink Association, most 12-ounce cans of soda contain approximately 45 milligrams of caffeine. By comparison, a seven-ounce cup of coffee has approximately 100 milligrams of caffeine.

A cardiovascular stimulant, caffeine affects the heart directly by causing andrenergic nerve terminals in the heart and adrenal medulla to release more catecholamines. It has both positive inotropic (i.e., strength of contraction) and chronotropic (i.e., increased heart rate) effects. Caffeine is also a powerful central nervous system stimulant, acting particularly on the brain and skeletal muscles. It also delays fatigue and acts as a smooth muscle relaxant and vasodilator. Blood concentrations of caffeine peak within 15 to 45 minutes of ingestion. However, its metabolic effects may last over an hour. The liver metabolizes almost 100 percent of caffeine, but some residual may appear in the urine.

No solid evidence indicates moderate caffeine consumption is a risk factor for any type of cancer, cardiovascular disease or decreased fertility in women. In 1987, the FDA affirmed that moderate quantities of caffeine have no adverse effects. However, studies have shown caffeine can cause high blood pressure and increase heart rate. At least one study concluded that long-term coffee consumption decreased bone mineral density in women.
Probably the most important long-term health side-effect is caffeine's effect on sleep. Studies have shown that as little as one strong cup of coffee (150 to 200 milligrams of caffeine), consumed 30 to 60 minutes before sleeping, can cause restlessness, difficulty falling asleep, increased body movements, decreased quality of sleep and a tendency to be awakened by sudden noises. Ceasing caffeine consumption five to six hours prior to sleeping, thus allowing more time for the body to metabolize the caffeine, will lessen these side-effects.

Caffeine's Effect on Exercise (at least his opinion)

Numerous studies have researched the effect of caffeine ingestion on exercise performance. Most of them generally conclude that caffeine consumption prior to working out seems to extend endurance performance during moderately strenuous aerobic exercise. The main proposed mechanism for this improvement is the increased use of fat as fuel. However, there seems to be benefit discrepancies between habitual caffeine users and non-habitual users. Once a certain level of tolerance is reached, the ergogenic effect of caffeine may be reduced.

Another commonly reported benefit of caffeine ingestion prior to exercise is a decreased sense of overall exertion (i.e., reduced RPE), which may lead to improved enjoyment of exercise. However, since caffeine is often used as an appetite suppressant, some individuals may not consume the calories needed to sustain exercise. Keep in mind, caffeine's effects vary from person to person. Following caffeine ingestion, some might notice tremendous benefits during exercise, while others may not.


Caffeine ingestion prior to exercise seems to have metabolic, musculoskeletal and central nervous system stimulant effects. However, there is no consistent evidence on its ability to delay fatigue. Caffeine appears to offer ergogenic benefits during prolonged exercise, but not during short-burst, high-intensity activities.

However, caffeine ingestion in the range of 400 to 500 milligrams may cause nausea, abdominal discomfort and irritability. It elevates heart rate and blood pressure, which may affect the ability to accurately monitor training intensity. Withdrawal from regular caffeine ingestion also produces an array of negative side effects, including headaches, irritability and drowsiness.

Many people do not realize how much caffeine they ingest daily. Some people drink coffee in the morning, sodas throughout the day and a piece of chocolate here and there. It could take all day and part of the night for the body to rid its systems of caffeine. It is important to ask clients about their current caffeine habits to get an indication of their daily caffeine intake.

Exercise sessions may need to be modified for clients who consume too much caffeine prior to exercise and those withdrawing from caffeine. For example, a decrease in the intensity or duration of exercise may be necessary following changes in caffeine consumption patterns. If a client has consumed too much caffeine, the intensity and duration may need to be lowered for that day. If a client is withdrawing from caffeine use, his or her training heart rate should be re-evaluated and exercise duration modified since the client may not have the same level of energy or motivation as before. In addition, it is important to reevaluate resting heart rates prior to exercise to see if they have changed due to any changes in caffeine consumption.

(Nancy Clark, Phd)
(American Fitness)

Yea.........overheat your mind........set it on fire......and passion does not retire......hire the fire!

Best wishes,

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August 25th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (2)

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

You are what you "Think"

What do you think about when you exercise? Are your thoughts positive ("dang, I feel good!") or negative ("why can't I lose more weight?")? Noticing your thoughts may be important when it comes to exercise, since negative thoughts can actually keep you from a consistent exercise program. You don't necessarily have to become a walking smile, but figuring out distorted thinking patterns can make exercising easier and, yes, even more fun.

Perfectionism - Also known as unrealistic expectations. If you berate yourself for losing only five pounds instead of ten, you may be guilty of this kind of distorted thinking. Why not give yourself credit for your successes? If you've started exercising, that alone is cause for celebration and, if you're seeing some results, that's even better. Everything you do that makes you healthier is a success. Focus on that and take some time to make sure your goal is realistic.

The Blame Game - Are you having trouble exercising because your gym is too far away? Or because the weather's bad? Blaming external factors makes it easier to avoid taking responsibility for your own choices. If you're not working out, it's up to you to figure out why you're not sticking to your program. Maybe you don't like going to a gym or maybe your workouts are too hard. Once you figure out the problem, you can take steps to rectify the situation. Explore your reasons for not exercising so you can change your approach.

I'm a Loser - Many of us equate self-worth with success. Losing weight means we're good, failing to lose weight means we're bad. If you feel like a failure all the time, it's almost inevitable that you will fail. Remember: what you look like is just one aspect of who you are. Learning to focus on who you are and not just what your body looks like takes practice. You can start by exploring your body image and learn ways to improve it.

I Have the Wrong Body - Have you ever looked at someone and wondered, "Why can't I look like that person?" Mat Luebbers, About's Swimming Guide, offers some excellent advice in his article, Self-Esteem and Confidence: "[y]our abilities are unique (as are those of every human being)...and cannot truly be compared to others." We all have a certain body shape and that shape may not conform to the current definition of "perfect." Instead of tearing yourself down, boost your own ego by focusing on your strengths and on the things you love about your body.

I Hate My Hip/Buns/Belly/Thighs - If you've ever looked in the mirror and picked apart every visible flaw with the precision of a brain surgeon, take a step back from the mirror and see yourself as a whole. We all have a body part we love to hate, but remember that your body allows you to walk, run, squat, and jump. That belly that seems to attract every calorie you eat serves to protect your spine when you move, sit or stand. Your body works as a whole, so try to appreciate all you can do in a day because of your thighs, hips, and belly (regardless of how they look).

The Antidote to Negative Self-Talk​

It sounds simplistic, but beating negative thinking involves noticing your thoughts and changing them to something more positive. Try this activity recommended by Daniel R. Ball, in his article, "Cognitive Strategies:" Carry around a pocketful of paper clips. Every time you have a negative thought about yourself, hook the paper clips together in a chain. As Mr. Ball states, "[o]ften clients become motivated to change because they are surprised at the length of the chain at the end of the day."

At first, just noticing the negative thoughts may be difficult, they happen so fast. But, as you practice, you'll be able to feel them coming on and stop them before they take hold. Instead of thinking, "I'll never finish this workout," try, "All I have to do is try my best." You can even take out your paperclip chain and take one away for every good thought you least until your office manager sends out an email asking who stole all the paperclips.

(Ball, Daniel R. "Cognitive Strategies." IDEA Personal Trainer Journal, Nov/Dec 2001, 1-4.)

Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice.

(Bill Watterson)


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a group...a government.. a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.

(Charles R. Swindoll)


See the things you want as already yours. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.

(Robert Collier)

Excellence can be obtained if you: more than others think is wise;

...risk more than others think is safe;

...dream more than others think is practical;

...expect more than others think is possible.”


Hope you day was great! :)

Best wishes to all of you!

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August 26th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

“When a Heart is on Fire, Sparks always Fly out of the Mouth.”

No one ever finds life worth living - one has to make it worth living

To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.


My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn't pay the bill he gave me six months more.

(Walter Matthau)

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.


To be successful in diet and fitness you MUST be a:

Human Spontaneous Combustion!​

Success is the result of spontaneous combustion. You CAN provide this spark at anytime, and at will, and even when you least expect it: Set yourself on fire! DO IT NOW.......ROAST ya' @ss! Got that?

(Fred Shero)

You must feed yourself the fuel to spark the fire. You get in your car, turn the key, and the engine starts. You drive to the gas station and put gas in the vehicle. You do this because you KNOW that if it runs out of fuel it will quit working.

Your motivation for fitness is just like that.

You must do the same thing to be successful in diet and fitness.


You are like giant boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it, there is no limit to the power it can generate.

(Modified Winston Churchill, by Chillen)


In the name of the best within you:

Do not sacrifice this world to those who are its worst.

In the name of the values that keep you alive:

Do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title.

Do not lose your knowledge that man's proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads.

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.

Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach.

Check your road and the nature of your battle.

The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it's yours.

(Ayn Rand)


There is nothing more powerful than a human soul on fire!

We all live in a house on fire, no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it

Catch this fire.....

(Tennessee Williams)


Abraham Lincoln:

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.


Anais Nin:

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.



Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Verities and Realities of your Existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!
Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!


Modified Peter Senge by Chillen:

New insights fail to get put into practice because they conflict with deeply held internal images of how one works in the inside ...

Images inside us limit ways of thinking and prevent acting to change.

That is why the discipline of managing our mental model, our internal pictures, and how these work on the inside -- promises to be a major breakthrough for learning and progress that cannot fail when properly managed.


W.E.B. Du Bois (Modified by Chillen):

One of the most important things to remember is this:

To be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you might become.

As you go down the road in diet and fitness. You will find out what you are made of. Either you have it or you dont.

Do you have it? What are YOU willing to reasonably sacrafice to reach your goal.

To reach your GOAL, you MUST pay the TOLL. This will not change. Until you get over this, you will not reach your goal. You will be running in place going no where.

Elizabeth Gilbert:

To sit patiently with a yearning that has not yet been fulfilled, and to trust that, that fulfillment will come, is quite possibly one of the most powerful "magic skills" that human beings are capable of. It has been noted by almost every ancient wisdom tradition.


Haitian proverb:

Beyond the mountains there are mountains again.

Are you suprised that you have to jump hurdles? Geesh. These hurdles may hack at the branches but they do not reach.........the root. GOT THAT?


Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

Best wishes,

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August 27th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)


Lets say you have a given a great deal of mental and emotional tim to creating a passion.

A passion for something like:

  • building a leaneer, energized, unstoppable body
  • Following your life's dream (the BIG ONE)

The passion you have developed is now aligned with the goals.

At the very least, you are moving in that direction, more and more.

You can talk the talk all you want, but can you walk the walk?

Time to STOP TALKen' and START WALKen.......

The tough ACTen start REACTen

Time for ACTION....................>JUST DO IT!


I will do it later.

Putting things off.

In other words, Procrastination.

The dont-go-after-(the BIG ONE/that Body)-but-kid-yourself-into-thinking-that-someday-you will-----way of thinking.


Think about this for a moment:

Saying I will do it later/2morrow/next month/this year/etc, is that it can never----be proven FALSE.

You can never be reproached for not doing something.

If someone does get on your case, you can say.......I will do it later, its not later yet.........

Se the victious cycle? You can put it off indefinately. The only time we run out of "laters" is when we are "DEAD"........We know how many laters we have accumulated from the past. WE also know that we were probably never going to end up doing them.........DONT DO THIS!


If something CANT be done NOW, decide:

---If it really is going to GET DONE

If something doesnt get done, and you decide to still do it, SCHEDULE A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME TO DO IT! Put it on a daily planner.

LOOK, if its not worth putting it in your planner NOW, it most likely will never get done "Later"

When you put off until LATER your DRAGGIN THE PAST INTO THE FUTURE!---WTF?!

Disapointment, anger, frustration, guilt for not doing something. Thats a heavy burdon and load......DONT WASTE YOUR TIME, ENERGY, and HEALTH WITH IT!.......ROCK THE HECK ON!

BE IN THE PRESENT.....Do what needs to be done NOW.

Even just scheduling a task in your planner for an activity a month from now. Being in the present gives you an INNER FREEDOM for the next moment and next activity......>

------>>>Such as Building that FANTASTIC BODY.......


Remember the School of life....THis is how we learn.....Life is a difficult teacher; she gives us the test first AND THEN teaches us the lesson.......Then the next test will not be so hard......and it can get easier....

The trouble lies in the perfect syndrome. Most people run their lives this way---doing new things perfect the first time. While we strive to do out best, this can be irrational, impractical, and unworkable.......

Who the HELL ever said we had to do it PERFECTLY!

Sometimes we are NOT taught to set our OWN GOALS and to achieve them. We had to achieve someone ELSES goal the "Right WAY" Reaching the goal wasnt --enough....the goal had to be attained the way someone else thought was the BEST WAY.....that is THEIR WAY.........


Dont worry about the right way. Dont worry about MY WAY.........JUST DO IT!

Dont misunderstand me: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RSEARCH.......doesnt get anything DONE.......So many little time.

Never got anthing I wanted to get done.

Reading and research as its PLACE of course! It can make you smarter about HOW TO DO IT, BUT IT DOES NOTHING.....TO SHAPE YOUR BODY!....UNLESS YOU JUST..................DO IT!

"Nothing would be done at all if a man waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault in it!"-----Cardinal Newman

Experience can be a good teacher, and is the way to approach things. Some call experience MISTAKES; Mistakes are AN EXCELLENT TEACHER!!

You are going to make mistakes----especially when trying something NEW. MAKE EM' EARLY AND OFTEN!

Did your last workout make you feel like something was missing? You didnt lose weight this week.....I have been there...........


"When in doubt....dont make a fool of yourself....There is a thin LINE between being brilliantly creative and acting like a gigantic idiot on earth.....SO........what the HELL.....LEAP!"......>Cynthia Heimel



We all have an idea of how we are going to reach our goals. Lets say you want to whip your body into shape. Your idea of how this is going to happen is to join a gym, health club, get a personal trainer, workout every day, and eat impeccably......

Then you may think...How can I afford this. You may get called to work unexepectedly (Crap..I have had that happen many times--didnt slow me down, BABY!). An unnecessary expense happens at home, etc. All of these things can-----DETRACT you from the smooth-sailing path you had planned on taking time to get into the best shape ever..........

But, this is HOW REACHING YOUR GOALS reach your goals...but sorry, you dont get to DICTATE EACH STEP along the way.....

YOU can of course refuse to an uncompfortable activity, even though it moves you closer to your goal:

When we know something MIGHT move us closer to out GOAL and we CHOOSE not to do it.....we are also choosing NOT to pursue our goal....SIMPLE AS THAT!

What Am I saying......? When you Quit.....your internal goal achieving mechanisms quit too

There are things you are going to have to reap the benefits.


Plan to be uncompfortable..Understand that is a necessary part of success.

Learn to be comfortable with DISCOMFORT

It may be rough at times.....but ITS A SMALL PRICE TO PAY for the:



Best wishes,

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I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

You are what you "Think"

What do you think about when you exercise? Are your thoughts positive ("dang, I feel good!") or negative ("why can't I lose more weight?")? Noticing your thoughts may be important when it comes to exercise, since negative thoughts can actually keep you from a consistent exercise program. You don't necessarily have to become a walking smile, but figuring out distorted thinking patterns can make exercising easier and, yes, even more fun.

Perfectionism - Also known as unrealistic expectations. If you berate yourself for losing only five pounds instead of ten, you may be guilty of this kind of distorted thinking. Why not give yourself credit for your successes? If you've started exercising, that alone is cause for celebration and, if you're seeing some results, that's even better. Everything you do that makes you healthier is a success. Focus on that and take some time to make sure your goal is realistic.

The Blame Game - Are you having trouble exercising because your gym is too far away? Or because the weather's bad? Blaming external factors makes it easier to avoid taking responsibility for your own choices. If you're not working out, it's up to you to figure out why you're not sticking to your program. Maybe you don't like going to a gym or maybe your workouts are too hard. Once you figure out the problem, you can take steps to rectify the situation. Explore your reasons for not exercising so you can change your approach.

I'm a Loser - Many of us equate self-worth with success. Losing weight means we're good, failing to lose weight means we're bad. If you feel like a failure all the time, it's almost inevitable that you will fail. Remember: what you look like is just one aspect of who you are. Learning to focus on who you are and not just what your body looks like takes practice. You can start by exploring your body image and learn ways to improve it.

I Have the Wrong Body - Have you ever looked at someone and wondered, "Why can't I look like that person?" Mat Luebbers, About's Swimming Guide, offers some excellent advice in his article, Self-Esteem and Confidence: "[y]our abilities are unique (as are those of every human being)...and cannot truly be compared to others." We all have a certain body shape and that shape may not conform to the current definition of "perfect." Instead of tearing yourself down, boost your own ego by focusing on your strengths and on the things you love about your body.

I Hate My Hip/Buns/Belly/Thighs - If you've ever looked in the mirror and picked apart every visible flaw with the precision of a brain surgeon, take a step back from the mirror and see yourself as a whole. We all have a body part we love to hate, but remember that your body allows you to walk, run, squat, and jump. That belly that seems to attract every calorie you eat serves to protect your spine when you move, sit or stand. Your body works as a whole, so try to appreciate all you can do in a day because of your thighs, hips, and belly (regardless of how they look).

The Antidote to Negative Self-Talk​

It sounds simplistic, but beating negative thinking involves noticing your thoughts and changing them to something more positive. Try this activity recommended by Daniel R. Ball, in his article, "Cognitive Strategies:" Carry around a pocketful of paper clips. Every time you have a negative thought about yourself, hook the paper clips together in a chain. As Mr. Ball states, "[o]ften clients become motivated to change because they are surprised at the length of the chain at the end of the day."

At first, just noticing the negative thoughts may be difficult, they happen so fast. But, as you practice, you'll be able to feel them coming on and stop them before they take hold. Instead of thinking, "I'll never finish this workout," try, "All I have to do is try my best." You can even take out your paperclip chain and take one away for every good thought you least until your office manager sends out an email asking who stole all the paperclips.

(Ball, Daniel R. "Cognitive Strategies." IDEA Personal Trainer Journal, Nov/Dec 2001, 1-4.)

Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice.

(Bill Watterson)


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a group...a government.. a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.

(Charles R. Swindoll)


See the things you want as already yours. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.

(Robert Collier)

Excellence can be obtained if you: more than others think is wise;

...risk more than others think is safe;

...dream more than others think is practical;

...expect more than others think is possible.”


Hope you day was great! :)

Best wishes to all of you!


That was just superb! :)
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