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August 28th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day"

Life can sometimes present challenges that at times can seem insurmountable.

But is their appearance blocking and keeping you from receiving all that you were intended....................?

The Perfect Plan

(By Chuck Danes)

Do you sometimes feel that life’s unfair, that future hope is bleak?
Do your day to day experiences leave your spirit feeling weak?
Do you ever think the joys in life are reserved for just a few?
That your hopes and dreams you’ll never reach no matter what you do.

Have you ever thought how hard it is to get ahead these days?
That strain and strife are part of life and nothing you do pays?
If you do, take heart my friend, so many think this way.
But there is hope a brighter path that you can take today.

It will require a shift in thought, it may challenge your beliefs
But it will guide you to a life of joy, content, relief.
So listen closely and absorb this perfect plan I share
Implement these steps you’ll learn and soon you’ll be aware

Of a life that’s filled with joy beyond your wildest dreams
Regardless what "appears" to be no matter how life seems.
Focus your attention on what you soon will learn
The wisdom in it, if acted on will provide those things you yearn

The answers are available just seek and you will find
That all which you’ve experienced is a product of your mind
These troubles you encounter now that you feel get in your way
Are due to thoughts, emotions felt that you had yesterday.

For long ago the plan was made which allowed you to be free
From all these limitations that you now perceive to be
You have been given power which you’re not yet aware
It’s through misuse of this gift that’s created your despair

For in the plan there came a clause that remains within it still
That each and every soul on earth be entitled to free will
You chose to limit your results by absorbing false belief
The plan designed to bring you joy through your own choice brought you grief

For every thought, emotion felt consists of energy
And those that you allow to grow is what life comes to be
The life that you are living now is due to seeds you’ve sown
The thoughts, beliefs, emotions felt is precisely what has grown

You must undo the damage done and shatter old beliefs
And do away with those that harm instead of bring relief
You must rethink the choices made that brought you where you are
Rewrite the script of your own life which allows you to go far

There is a law that draws to you those things you’d like to see
Just use your free will properly and soon you will be free
To experience life’s beauty and all it can provide
Just follow closely what is shared and use it as your guide

First you must become aware of all you think and say
Discover and become aware of the powerful role they play
In attracting the experiences you come to see in life
Are they in harmony with joy, or lack and pain and strife?

For it is these that stir within emotions that you feel
Projected out attracting more what you perceive as real
The energy they emanate attracts more of the same
Be conscious of the signal sent and what it is you claim

Now ponder on your core beliefs, what you believe is true
Are those beliefs in harmony with what you want to do?
Examine closely one by one and discern if they are truth
Where they handed down to you and given you in youth?

Are they based on love and joy and possibility
Or struggle, strain, fear and strife, examine them and see
Determine which will serve you and which you need to shun
Analyze them carefully, each and every one.

Now replace them with only those that support you in your dream
With new beliefs of hope and faith which build your self esteem
Persevere and seek what’s true and in no time you will see
Those old beliefs that held you bound soon will cease to be.

You’ve made tremendous progress but there still is more to do
Don’t become discouraged though, the difficult is through
The next steps are enjoyable and will reshape your mind
Imprint it with desired scenes, that which you choose to find

Write out your desires each in great detail
Read them every chance you get and do it without fail
Describe each scene that you desire what do you see and feel
Summon all your senses write them like their real

Now take some time and just sit back relax a while and breathe
Clear your mind and leave behind the troubles you perceive
Now close your eyes and visualize what it is like to be
Living out each event that you desire to see

Clearly see and smell and touch those things that you desire
Envision deeply in your mind those things that you require
Immerse yourself in each event use taste and touch and sight
Experience it fully allowing emotions to ignite

Focus your attention on how it truly feels
To experience each goal you’ve set and how each seems so real
Savor every second experience each scene
Allow your mind to paint your life on your newfound movie screen

Create each scene in great detail and just as you conclude
Allow your mind to shift toward a sense of gratitude
Express your heartfelt thanks toward the Source that makes it real
For giving you the life you choose and how it makes you feel

Now go about your daily chores and deep within you know
With humble expectation that the seeds you’ve sown will grow
Those things that you desire most to experience and see
Will come into existence almost magically

Allow the Source to manifest those things you most desired
Give no thought to how and when, the Source knows what’s required
Surrender now your job is done you’ve done all you can do
You must allow the process of creation to work through

Just stay alert and act upon the signs that come your way
They can appear so many ways and happen any day
Pay no mind to past or future just stay within the now
And you will see the way appear that leads you to the how

Just keep your mind from falling back stay focused on your dream
Regardless of appearances no matter how things seem
If you should slip and fall into your old destructive thought
Just quickly readjust your sights and do what you’ve been taught

Break focus from appearances and focus on the goal
Allow your inner light to shine and you will then control
The events, condition, circumstance that you most desire to see
Just hold fast and persevere and they will come to be

Remember that internally those emotions that you feel
Are what attracts into your life what you come to know as real
So guard your thoughts check your beliefs make certain they’re aligned
With your highest aspirations and your dreams your sure to find

Practice each and every day this wisdom gained today
Don’t allow the outside world to steal your dreams away
And soon you will discover the power you hold within
To live a life experience that most think they can’t win.

Now put to work this wisdom learned and put it to the test
And as your life takes on new form, enjoy a while and rest
But when you find this plan is real that what you’ve learned is true
Share this plan with those who seek and how it worked for you

For there are many in the world who go through their whole life
Not knowing of this perfect plan that takes away their strife
Now spread the word and do your part so all the world can know
That this perfect plan was designed by Love and meant to help them grow

Now go forth and be the light so everyone can see
That every soul that treads the earth was intended to be free
There is no need for pain and grief, worry, fear, and strife
For it’s by choice their own free will which molds and shapes their life

"Become a Possibilitarian"

No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities, always see them, for they're always there.

(Norman Vincent Peale)


You will come to know.......... that what appears today to be a sacrifice will...........prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.

Best regards,

August 28th, 2008: :"Thoughts for Day" (2)

Human potential is unlimited in scope--BELIEVE IT!

It's only limitation is our belief in whether or not we can accomplish a thing, whatever it might be.

We can only succeed as much as we believe our potential to be!

“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence -
is the key to unlocking our potential.”

(Liane Cordes)

“Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future.”

(Marilyn Ferguson)


“Most people live, whether physically, intellectually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make very small use of their possible consciousness, and of their soul's resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger.”

(William James)


"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!"

(Anne Frank)

The Kraken

What is big, red and prickly, has three eyes and eats rocks?

A big, red, prickly three eyed "ROCK-ON" eater named:


Probably no legendary human monster was as horrifying as the Kraken.

According to stories this huge, many armed, multiple eyed, and mentally strong creature, could reach as high as the top of a US Battleship, pop out his eyeballs and sling them around anything in its path and toss them like toothpicks, and then go on land rip down 300 story buildings!

A Kraken would attack a ship (or anything in its path) by wrapping its arms around the hull and capsizing it. Wholly CRAP! :luxlove:

The human "adversity" crew would drown or be eaten by the monster. This is why the Mighty Kraken masters DIET AND FITNESS! :)

What's amazing about the Kraken stories is that, of all the monster tales we have, we have the best evidence that this creature was based on something real.

Yes, we know the "Mighty Kraken" is real. We experience HIM everyday on our forum.........:)

There are no "dead ends" with Monsters like the mighty Kraken-----He "frightens" them that?

Best wishes to ALL!

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Been on vacation this entire week, and still have until this coming Monday!


Its my son's b-day today (he's 23 today).

So, we are going to spend a few hours with him tonight, and drive mom crazy and mentally hazy! YEP!....I may survive.......LOL.......>:)

See ya'll later!.........

Stay tough. Be all you can be......never sell yourself have it in you do all you want and cherish...........

Just love YOURSELF..........enough to get it done.....



Best wishes,

I posted this in a different thread, today.

In case anyone is wondering how I keep track of my diet, weight training, and other information, here is one peice of it I use in OneNote. The shot is the log from last year, when I posted the June 11, 2007, pics:

Dont pay attention to the face info.....LOL......I meant to delete that a long time ago.


If anyone is interested in this sort of logging system, let me know. It does work well.

Best wishes,

August 29th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)


“No man is free who is not master of himself.”


The Secret For Overcoming Procrastination (5th post on topic)

(By Dr Robert Anthony)

Do You Ever Wonder WHY You Procrastinate? Would You Like To Change It? Now You Will.............

Why do you procrastinate?

Why do you not do the very things you want to do?

Why do you have great dreams, but don’t take massive action to make them come true?

The answer lies in Newton's first law of physics: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”

Let me explain:

Let's say you want something, whatever that ‘something’ is. Let's call it ‘success’ to keep it simple.

The bottom line is this: if you want success, and you want it more than anything else in the world, you will get it.

However, if you want to run away from your fears to a safe place, a place you feel secure, then you want the security MORE than you want the success. This is why you don’t achieve those great dreams.

The excuses or ‘reasons’ will ultimately sound like:

  • “I’m not smart enough”
  • “I don’t have the money”
  • “I don’t deserve more than I already have.”
  • “I don’t have enough education”
  • “I don’t have the qualifications to do this”

All of these excuses are what keep us from our dreams. The way to discover what we are hiding from ourselves is to learn to ask the right questions.

We KNOW all the answers. The problem is that we don’t ask the right questions. Here are two questions you can use in almost any quandary:

"What is the BENEFIT of me not realizing my dreams?" "What am I getting out of it?"

Trust me, you ARE getting a benefit or a PAYOFF for not realizing your dreams. You must discover what it is in order to eliminate it.

One of the hidden benefits or payoffs is not having to leave our comfort zone. Even if we are unhappy where we are, we have convinced ourselves that going after what we want is more difficult and more painful and staying where we are. We may be miserable, but at least we are comfortable.

The second question is: "What am I afraid will happen if I ...................... (fill in the blank with the dream)

This encompasses the changes in lifestyle we will have to make in order to achieve our dreams. Also, what others will think.

In order to have the success you want and deserve, you must answer and resolve these two simple questions.

Okay, so what do you do?

First, turn off the phone, TV, stereo, and all other distractions. Then get a pen and paper and write at the top of the page:

"The benefits of NOT realizing my dream are:"

List a minimum of 20. If you can’t ‘think’ of any, then just ‘guess’ and write them down. About the time you reach 10-15, you subconscious mind will take over. Write anything that comes to mind, no matter how trivial or insignificant.

Just allow your mind to wander and go where it takes you. Get as specific as possible.

Very few get past this point before they have some very interesting answers come up.

Now ask yourself how your fear or procrastination has served you thus far. Realize the fear is there for a specific purpose. Find the purpose and ask yourself if it still serves you to have this fear. Perhaps it is time to let go of your fear and stop procrastinating once and for all.

When you have lost the need for the fear, you will just naturally let it go (if you are ready to do so).

And when you let it go, you will be free to move toward the thing you say you want----and you'll do it with ease and joy.

Are you ready to stop procrastinating or are you going to put if off a little longer? The choice is yours.

In life you can only have two things - Reasons or Results – and Reasons don’t count! You either have what you want, or you have ‘reasons’ why you don’t have it.

Procrastination is a disease. The cure is convincing yourself that it no longer serves you.


“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.”

(James Oppenheim)

"Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification."

(Martin Fischer)


Hope your day went well today........much happieness, peace, and joy.......your way...brotha and sista's....

August 29th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (2)

READ THIS........There are things to LEARN from a:

"The THUNDER of a Butterfly"

The Butterfly's Struggle

(By Tony Masiello)

What do butterflies have in common with the human spirit?

Meet Maggie, a middle aged wife and mother who was about to find out.

Maggie wasn’t rich like a millionaire or poor in a manner of being homeless. She was living an average comfortable life. It was made even better when a beautiful baby girl came her way. She and her husband made sure their daughter had her needs met and they were still able to take a yearly vacation by the beach.

Maggie was a partner in her husband’s business. They both had a different set of duties which kept everything in balance. One day a devastating blow came to her husband’s business, and over a three year period the business dropped out of site. Her husband had to totally reinvent himself and was yearning to fulfill a dream with a new vocation. She was happy for him and supported him fully, but still the money was not coming in.

Maggie began to feel guilty that she wasn’t contributing with any kind of income. It had been a long time since she had worked outside the home and had to work for someone else. Needless to say she was scared but still had faith that everything would be okay. She began job hunting and found filling out applications somewhat difficult, especially the part asking for job references. Keep in mind that she was self-employed with her husband for almost 20 years. It felt as though that didn’t count for anything as she was never called for an interview.

At the time she was job hunting her mom became more ill than she had been and ended up in the hospital for a week. Once Maggie’s mom returned home she became her mom’s helper one day a week. She did the shopping, changed sheets, vacuumed and did other things that her mother was not able to do anymore. Of course her mom would pay her for her time and labor but she still felt she needed to find another source of income.

One of the first applications she had filled out finally came through. She passed the interview with flying colors and was told she was “exactly” what they were looking for. Although it was only part time it was exactly what she wanted. It was important for her to be home when her daughter arrived home from school. She was told they would be in touch when the schedule was ready. Knowing she had the job made her feel contented and productive again.

Within a few weeks though, she received an e-mail saying that the company had changed the job into a full time position and she was not qualified. Maggie was devastated. She felt betrayed and felt she had been lied to. That evening she was alone as her husband and daughter had gone out for the night. She welcomed the aloneness and wanted to drown her sorrows in a hot tub of bubbles.

As she knew she would, she began to cry, softly at first just from the sheer pain of being rejected. Three long years of struggle had finally caught up with her. Then she became angry; angry at everything from the circumstances that got her there, to God himself. She cried harder and yelled, “What do you want me to do?” She really felt that God had abandoned her.

When she was able to cry no more, she became exhausted and gave up. It was at that moment that a silent idea came to her to offer other elderly people home care assistance.

Using another talent for computers she printed off some flyers and cards and distributed them to her church, grocery stores and even placed a small ad in the newspaper. Within a week she had procured two new clients.

Now, even though she’s not a CEO of a major company or a power player she feels happy and productive again. So, had God really abandoned her? Let’s look at nature for the lessons and the answer.

Before a butterfly can emerge out of it’s chrysalis it has to go through a lot of struggling. Yes, struggling. Each time it lunges out to escape, acids are being removed from its wings. If someone were to come along and break the chrysalis open for it then the butterfly would die from those acids. In essence the struggle is necessary for the butterfly to survive. Then in the stillness, when the struggle is over, the butterfly can come out and share its beauty with the world.

We as humans are not any different. There are times that we need to struggle, to rid ourselves of the acids that make up sadness, fear, and anger. It is only at this time when we are exhausted and still that we begin to hear the Universe whisper to us.


Best wishes,

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August 29th, 2008:"Thoughts for the Day (3)

THUNDERING..........what you want.....BABY!....................>:)

Here's The Secret of Having
Everything You Want

(By Guy Finley)

Everyone wonders whether or not there is one great secret for truly successful living. There is. And it is not a secret. It has been quietly, steadily telling itself right in front of us all along. We just couldn't hear it over the clatter and chatter of our own secret demands. Listen quietly for a moment. Everything can change right now. Learning to hear this supreme secret is no more difficult than choosing whether to swim against a current or to let it carry you safely to the shore. Let it speak its wisdom to that secret part of you that can not only hear what it is saying but that is, in reality, its very voice. Listen to it now. It is saying, "Want What Life Wants." Think about it. Locked within these four simple words is the secret of an uncompromising power for effortless living; a new kind of power that never fails to place you on the winning side of any situation. Why? Because when you want what Life wants, your wish is for Life itself.

"What if I don't like what life brings to me?"

"Try to see that it is not what life has brought to you that you don't like. It is your reactions that turn the gift of life into the resentment of it."

"I don't want to sound ungrateful, but speaking plainly, I'm tired of being unhappy. What difference does it make why I feel this way?"

"Because these unhappy feelings are born out of life failing to conform to your ideas of what you need to be happy. This shows you, if you will see it, that Life itself isn't denying you happiness. It is your ideas about life that have failed you. Give up these wrong ideas instead of giving up on life. Be increasingly willing to see they are nothing but a constant source of conflict. Your false nature will tell you that you must have these self-protecting ideas; that you can't live without them or you will lose something valuable. What you must do, in spite of any such protest to the contrary, is to see that you can't live with them. All you will lose is your unhappiness."

Here are two lists that will not only make these life-healing ideas more personal for you, but they will help you to help yourself make a higher choice when it comes to what you really want from life. It would be valuable to study then compare the lists to each other. You may wish to add to either list some of your own insights, which I highly encourage you to do.

Let's look at what happens "When You Want What YOU Want:

1. You are often nervous and anxious because life may not cooperate with your plans.

2. You are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to get what you want, and this may include your integrity.

3. You are usually scheming in some way to win your next victory.

4. You are either in a battle or recovering from one.

5. You are unable to rest quietly when you need to.

6. You are easily angered when someone or something gets in your way.

7. You are forever driven to want something else.

8. You are against anyone else who also wants what you want.

9. You are certain that what you have is who you are.

10. You are always trying to convince yourself that you got what you want.

Now carefully consider the following. "When You Want What LIFE Wants:

1. You are never disappointed with what happens.

2. You are always in the right place at the right time.

3. You are quietly confident no matter what the circumstances.

4. You are out of the reach of anger and anxiety.

5. You are awake and sensitive to your surroundings.

6. You are free of ever feeling as though you've missed out.

7. You are never thrown for a loss.

8. You are in total command of events.

9. You are mentally quiet.

10. You are eternally grateful.

"Is there a simple guideline to follow when it comes to distinguishing between what Life wants and what I want? How can I easily tell which is which?"

"Always remember the following. If any want is the source of anxiety or sorrow, that want is yours and not Life's. If the want has pain, it is in vain. To let real Life flood in, pull yourself out of the flood of self-wants that promise a future pleasure but only deliver a present pain."

"How do I pull myself out of the flood of my own wants?"

"See that you are being washed away by them and you will grow tired of being bounced along. Here is a key. Never accept the presence of any mental or emotional suffering as necessary, no matter how much importance these impostors lend to a particularly pressing want. By refusing their dark presence, you make space for the present moment to give you its indefinable presence. This is where the Life that you want -- and that wants you -- is waiting."

"All of what you have said makes good sense. To tell the truth, I would like to let go and let Life lead, but I'm afraid. What will happen to me if I give up my demands? Won't I lose control of my life?"

"You cannot lose control of something you never had control over in the first place. No human being controls life -- his or hers or anyone else's. If it weren't for higher cosmic energies coming down, filling and animating your body right now, you couldn't be holding this book in your hands or reading its words. If you want to measure the level of an individual's stress, measure his insistence that life does as he wants. The only thing you will lose by learning to want what life wants is your fear of not being in control -- which was never real control in the first place but only the sensation of it born out of living with its painful opposite."

Here is the most important point of all. No human being needs control over life because, in reality, no one is apart from it. Who you really are, your True Nature, is not separate from life.

Let Life bring you itself. Welcome it. At each instant, it is new, full -- untouched and undiminished by any moment before it. To enter into this full relationship with Life is to give yourself to your Self. Fulfilling the true purpose of Life is fulfilling yourself. Here are five special key lessons to help you want what Life wants.

1. Nothing can be released and resisted at the same time, which means that any attempt to reject some weakness detected in us is the same as protecting it.

2. True nobility is not a question of birth right or social rank; it is the native estate of each soul that, upon awakening to its divine inheritance, knows the strength of these twin truths without having to think about them: justice and mercy are one, as are love and fearlessness.

3. Nothing judges you; it is what you love -- and that love alone -- that either persecutes you, or stands by you in your hour of need.

4. Whoever serves what he or she fears has failed to see that all they win for their service is to become more fearful.

5. We can spend our time struggling, in vain, to make others into what we want them to be, or we can see the inherent flaw in thinking this way and -- rather than trying to change others to suit our needs -- see through the false idea that someone else is responsible for our fulfillment


STAY TOUGH!.............Passion WINS!

Best regards,

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August 29th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (4)

DUDE!.........This little charactor......"Curious George".......Just may teach us something.........that little.........devil.....>:)

What can: "Curious George" Teach Us?

(By Barry Goss)

Collectively, several of these manifesting coaches and mentors have helped me figuratively 'put my finger on' the pulse of a key element to manifesting - an element that you, like me, may have been unconsciously programmed to shy away from:

Curious, heartfelt QUESTIONS !

Remember the childhood book series about Curious George - the original 'monkey see, monkey do' chimp who always seemed to be getting into some form of trouble by being overly-curious. And, the man with the yellow hat getting him out of it?

You consciously saw George as a spunky, fun-loving, and inquisitive little primate.

And, even though the way we learn about the world around us as a child parallels the way George learns some of life's lessons through his adventures, have you stopped to think what beliefs you NOW have about 'being too curious' or what 'mischief' may come out of asking too many questions?

Uhmmmmmm ... well, another detailed topic (maybe for a trained behavioral psychologist) for another time; however, I still bring up the point that you may in fact be SHOCKED to find out that your unconscious beliefs are running your life.

And, even more to the point, you might even be stupefied to find out just how, and when, you adopted some of these hidden, below-the-surface beliefs.

Anyway, like I said, something that can be discussed later. Or, if you like, immediately by logging in to our Online / Desktop Manifestation Portal.

But, for now, ask yourself this: "How do I feel when I get super-inquisitive about my own personal growth?" or "Do I have fun, and experience positive results, when I step out of my mental comfort zone to explore, discover and learn about life's most seemingly mysterious topics?"

On page 11 of "The Manifesting Mindset", I talk about how asking yourself the "right questions" can accelerate your life by helping you HAVE whatever it is you want.

The chapter is titled "Why Ask 'Why?'"

However, recently, I came across an old audio tape from inspirational speaker, Jerry Clark. He beautifully sums up the answer to my chapter title.

"Questions direct your thoughts and 'directed thoughts' are what we call FOCUS. Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions. Your actions direct your results. And your results direct your destiny. This means you can design and create your destiny by designing and directing your questions. I believe one of the biggest reasons people fail is because they ask themselves disempowering questions - questions that limit their effectiveness and their ability to become successful."

If you truly want to start tapping into and utilizing the hidden genie inside you, you absolutely - without question - must start BEING "clear" about what is it you want or what you feel you can do, be, or have for yourself.

I know somebody who has been wanting to take his home-business on the road for a long time (i.e., travel around, with his laptop, visiting places and people he knows); yet, he keeps making excuses saying he needs to stay close to his home office.aningful, deeply-connected, intimate / romantic relationship; yet, she can't figure out what drives her to overwork herself as an executive in a highly-competitive, fast-moving industry.

In both examples, each person KNOWS their current activity - their mental comfort zone - is what keeps them from HAVING what it is they "say" they want.

Want a bonafide, almost-immediate, way to ensure what you want is actually congruent with what you're DOING?

It all starts with FEELINGS ... and the most powerful one-two combination of questions I've ever seen, for KNOWING that you're "clear" about your desire for something, are these:

Self-directed Manifesting Question #1): Does what I'm doing (name what that is) feel good to me ... and ... am I doing it to accomplish something or avoid something?

If your body screams "no, it doesn't feel good, right, or on target" or your intuition is telling you that you're doing something to avoid something else, just ask yourself: "Regarding, _____, what do I want to feel? What is it that I'm trying to avoid and why?"

However, if what you're currently doing (in any area of your life) feels good to you and you know you're doing it to accomplish something else (a stepping stone), proceed to ...

Self-directed Manifesting Question #2): When I have what I imagine - which I will since focused 'feel good' thoughts eventually become things - will I experience more everyday joy with my newly manifested desire?

Folks, the best personal adventures grow out of a little curiosity. Yes, just a little is all it takes. And, as you now know, when you're curious enough about yourself - why you do what you do or don't have what you say you want - empowering questions must come.

And, understand this simple FACT: you WILL - you must - receive the answers to any questions you ask because you have trillions and trillions of cells who are listening to you and are waiting to respond to your desires, wants, and dreams!

As Mr. Clark said above: "Your focus directs your feelings. Your feelings direct your actions."

If you really want to start being "clear" about what you're doing, start asking yourself the right questions - I promise the Curious George within will go to work for you to search, learn, and understand EXACTLY what it is you're after and what it'll take for you to get their faster and better than you've ever imagined.


Curious flat stoned...........:D :luxlove:

Best wishes,

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August 29th, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (5)

Teen: Job search tips, and other "breif information"

Several other links inside this link:

Various topics:


Best regards,

August 30, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

“Zig Zag” Your Way to Success!"

(By T Harv Eker)

“You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon.
To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions.”

Although we'd prefer everything go perfectly straight from beginning to end, our journey to success seldom turns out that way.

In fact the "straight" route is completely unnatural. Did you know there are no perfectly straight lines in the universe? Everything is energy. Energy travels in waves. Therefore "straight" doesn't even exist. Yet, notice how when things go a little off course, most people get frustrated, get down, and want to give up.

So why do we get upset when things don't go the way we'd like them to go? Because we have an "expectation" that is virtually impossible to meet.

The simple truth is that the journey to success is full of twists, turns, ups, downs, stops and reverses. By fully understanding this fact, you can now begin or continue your journey knowing that you, like everyone else on this planet, will have to "zig zag" your way to success!

The beauty of this knowledge is that you won't be deluded into having unrealistic expectations of the "straight line to the top" syndrome. Without these expectations chances are you won't get as upset or even give up, when things aren't going your way, because you know being off track is normal and therefore "perfect".

A good example of what I'm talking about is man's mission to the moon in 1969. During that extraordinarily successful flight do you know how often the spacecraft was actually "on course"? Believe it or not, it was straight on path only 3 percent of the time. That means it spent 97 percent of the time, "off course"! That also means it spent the majority of its time, "correcting".

The same holds true for the journey to success. Expect to spend a large amount of your time, "correcting".

This is why "perfectionists" have a difficult time being highly successful. Perfectionism is a form of fear. It is usually based in the fear of failure or the fear of disapproval. In either case, perfectionism often leads to paralysis. Perfectionists are scared to death of making mistakes and therefore either avoid taking action or are painfully slow.

The truth is, most people are afraid to make mistakes. It's no wonder, since many of us grew up being embarrassed or "punished" for our mistakes. Yet if you want to succeed, you must be willing to accept mistakes and inefficiencies as part of the journey.

I'm sure you've heard of Babe Ruth. He was known as the home run king of baseball. What many people don't know, however, is that he was also the "strike out" king!

Mistakes are our natural way of learning. They are the "feedback" we need for correction.

Let me share with you the Ultimate Success Formula:

TAKE ACTION, GET THE FEEDBACK, LEARN, MAKE THE CORRECTION, TAKE MORE ACTION, ETC. Repeat this process again and again until you reach your goal.

As long as you continue this cycle, and NEVER GIVE UP, in the long run, can you see how it is it virtually impossible to fail?

This month adopt the attitude that correction is natural and focus on continuously acting and correcting until you get to wherever you want to go.

The secret to success is to "zig zag" your way to the top. T

he secret to happiness is to smile along the way.


  • Correction is natural.
  • Mistakes are how I learn.
  • I expect a winding road.
  • I never give up.
  • I zig zag my way to success.

“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be”

(George Sheehan)

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced.”



Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve...............

It doesnt matter what this is..........DO IT!

Best wishes to all of you today........:)

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August 31, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”

“The seeking is the goal and the search is the answer”

How To Imprint Your Goals

(By Dr. Robert Anthony)

Deciding to change a habit, attitude or personal situation does not automatically bring about the change desired. The decision to make the change is only the first step. Further action is required in order to effect a change in your subconscious self-image. You have learned that your goal is the mental picture of what you want.

When you write down the goal, it becomes an affirmation.

The process of doing this is called “Imprinting”. Imprinting is the deliberate control of thoughts and pictures of the kind of changes we want to make. The imprinting occurs when our subconscious mind accepts the new visual image of the end result. Imprinting is a three-step process:

1. You affirm your goal.2. You picture the end result.3. You feel the emotion that goes along with accomplishing the goal.

Let's talk about each step so that we are absolutely clear on the procedure.

Step 1 - Affirm Your Goal

An affirmation is simply a statement of fact or belief that is written out in a personal, positive, present tense form as though the goal were already a reality. When you write out your affirmations, you deliberately control the programming of your subconscious by directing the visual picture to the end result you want.

Step 2 - Picture the End Result

Picture and experience in your mind the accomplishment of the end result. See yourself actively involved in the accomplishment. This is called constructive “synthetic visualization” or “virtual reality”. It works on the theory of displacement. You are displacing the old picture and old self-image with the new. Remember - you will move toward the goal that you picture.

Step 3 - Feel the Emotion That Goes Along with Accomplishment

The subconscious responds to feelings more than to words. It doesn’t respond any better to positive feelings than to negative feelings. It just responds to feelings. The more emotion or feeling we can put behind an idea, the faster it will manifest. So feeling and emotion are very important for impact. It can be said that our affirmation will manifest in direct proportion to the frequency with which we use picturing and emotional involvement. What you want to do is see to yourself accomplishing the end result while feeling the joy and satisfaction of the accomplishment.

All three steps are necessary for successful imprinting. If you just read your affirmations you can expect about a 10% success rate. If you read and visualize the end result, you can expect about a 55% success rate.

If you read your affirmations, picture the end result, and feel the emotion behind the accomplishment of what you are picturing, you can expect a 100 % success rate!

“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”

(Pamela Vaull Starr)


My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog thinks I am


You are the person who has to decide. Whether you'll do it or toss it aside; You are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you'll lead or will linger behind. Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are.

(Edgar A. Guest)


“First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end.”



“I've been called many names like perfectionist, difficult and obsessive. I think it takes obsession, takes searching for the details for any artist to be good.”

(Barbra Streisand)


We are the artists of our goal.

The paint brush is our control

We are the painters of our soul.

Act as if you already achieved you goal........PEOPLE WAKE UP!

Our souls are written in our eyes; it should be no suprise the real prize is inside. Real eyes realize this prize. :)

Being Wise brings spots before the Eyes to Sensationalize all brotha and sista's mental Supplies.

Got that?!

Build the fire inside, and let the sparks fly.......from your hands....

I used to have a handle on an "unhealthy life", but it broke.

I am an obsession idiot -- and appreciate that some parts are missing. :)

I appreciate that these voices talk to me...........are they in thee?

WakeUP your spirit!

Best wishes,

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August 31, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (2)

Good morning my beloved brotha and sista's........hope this day goes well for you.......

“Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.”

How To Make Self Improvement Work Every Time

(By Bob Doyle)

There is an inherent problem with the approach most people take to self improvement of any kind. There is a presupposition that there is something wrong that needs fixing. Perhaps it is true that there are areas in their lives that they wish to change. However, the mindset with which they approach transformation will very often NEGATE any positive results they might have. Why? Because all of their focus is on the PROBLEM they are trying to solve, rather than their vision for what their life will be like without the alleged problem.

There is a very basic physical natural law which ultimately determines ANY success on ANY level. This law dictates exactly what our experience will be from moment to moment. Best of all, this law is fully under our control at all times, even if we are not aware of it.

This "law" is the Law of Attraction. Most of the time, you hear about this law in terms of how it will help you to attract wealth or abundance in general. However, the Law of Attraction transcends just those basic desires. The Law of Attraction dictates that you will receive back exactly what you "vibrate"...that is, what you are FEELING. Where is your attention? Is it on the feelings associated with the problem, or with the feelings of no longer having the problem?

If you approach self improvement material with the desire to "get rid of the problem", and if all your feelings are on how terrible or frustrating this "problem" is, Universal Law dictates that you will simply attract MORE of those feelings...more of the circumstances that brought the problem to you in the first place. The Universe isn’t "out to get you". It is simply responding to the "request" that you are putting out by way of your feelings.

If, however, you approach your self improvement solutions with high positive feelings associated with what your life WILL be...if you visualize your success with your program of choice on all sensory levels, particularly on the level of EMOTION, you will literally magnetically ATTRACT the success you are looking for! Miracles will occur!

While this may sound very "mystic" or even preposterous, I submit to you that EVERY aspect of your life right now has been brought to you in perfect response to your prevailing thoughts and beliefs which directly effect your emotional state, which in turn causes you to emit very specific and magnetic frequencies which attract like frequencies.

We must never forget that beyond simply being flesh and bone, we are, at a molecular level, ENERGY. And our personal energy obeys the same physical laws as all other Energy which we study more traditionally.

The wealthiest, most successful people in the world use the Law of Attraction (albeit often unconsciously) to effortlessly bring into their lives whatever they envision. This could be wealth, successful businesses, or satisfying relationships. Or, it could simply be wisdom, peace of mind, and a sense of purpose.

The big secret is that you truly CAN have whatever you want, regardless of how "pie-in-the-sky" this may sound. You need only learn a few key concepts about HOW to ask for what you want to begin receiving it in abundance! Despite what you may currently believe or have been taught, it is not the purpose of our lives to struggle, to work hard for years, or try to "figure things out". Our job is to do what we love to do. When we do that with full trust and knowing that doing so will naturally attract our deepest desires, we become powerful magnets, which absolutely assures our success.


Remember this about Procrastination:

Procrastination is like Masturbation; In the end you're just screwing yourself.

Do not be "D@CKen" yourself.........GOT THAT?!!


When you walk around your home today, think about this:

There's always room for improvement, you know-it's the biggest room in the house.


We can live one life or several different lives dependent upon the state of our mind.


Your state of mind shifts and what was once a priority may not necessarily be today.

Sometimes, it only takes a short time to change some views, while other times, it can take much longer to change a person's view in certain matters. You will be constantly learning a lesson or two in life. And, there are lessons so big that totally make you rethink your entire position in life.

The size of the lessons that you learn in life do not matter. This same rule can also be applied to the paths that you have chosen before. Always keep in mind that you should be in charge of your life and your perceptive feelings.

Therefore, you should be able to change what you do not like. It does not matter what others have to say about you. You always have choices, if you are willing to see them.

Do not make an internal coffin. Rather apprehend a close friend (YOU); change your frame of MIND it will never lead you BLIND, and allow positive perception to UNWIND.



Additional thoughts:

Every decision you make in life is based on your belief system. To open your mind, start to list your fundamental beliefs, and for each one ask yourself why you believe it. Then ask yourself whether you could imagine being you if you didn't exactly believe it any more, but believed something marginally different. Then marginally different from that. Pick a belief a week and work at it. Ask some really good friends what they believe and how they acquired their beliefs. Understand this - your belief system is absolutely unique to you. Your friend's belief system is unique to them. An open mind is comfortable with differences, and also a variety of lenses to view an issue.


Change the way you view the power of feeling down: Instead of it having power over you, use it to empower yourself:

Apprehend this feeling and embrace it; feel its power. Turn this power against itself and use this force to enable outward action of elimination.


You have at your personal disposal all the tools you need for the elimination process:

Change your frame of mind along with diet and training.

Best wishes,

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hey, sifu.
glad to see you are still on fire man...whats that smell...its that flame of youth in you still bringing people here.
i was just remenesing, looking through the good ol log a while back....this log is old!
i saw posts when i was in 10th grade i think, now being in 12th im much busier suprisingly. haha i have a busy snr year...3 APs, 2 honors,1 reg. But thats nothing. just ask azndave:]

but iv been learning more than just book smarts....because the Bible is more than a book to me lol
excuse me for assuming your interested in my personal life ;] just catchin up "chillman"
my lifting is back on track about as strong as 2 years ago again haha im at 160, however not lean enough. im guessing 13%, which leads me to a small request, if i may test your hospitality :]
specifically, how do you lift when cutting? lower volume? curcuits? low rest? heavy weights with high rest?
i ask because i am going to cut soon. i am pretty much set on diet...i understand deficits, macros/micros, water ect.
however if you have any quick tips, i would love to hear :D

im interested to hear whats new with you chillen! :D:D:D

I am happy you are doing well. Protein Boy. Its good to hear from you, again.

I have always been interested in your personal well-being, diet and fitness experiences, it has never left.

Keep ROCKEN! You are doing great! Keep that education on the UP and UP, baby!

I would be more than happy to write up what I did in detail for you, if it will help you in some fashion. But the training was varied and multi-dimensional, and will be a long post. So, I must prepare you in advance :) I know, the old>:)

YOU define what happiness is. Do NOT let anyone define this for you.

Remember, you are the one that has to lay down in your bed at night with yourself.....

I will post it this week....

Be the "MOP and GLOW"........ "mop up the crap"......and watch yourself GROW and GLOW!.......


This youngen......ROCKS!

Best wishes

I firmly believe persons need to do things that personally fulfill themselves and makes them happy within diet and fitness in order to be successful.

You are going to meet many people with opinions "one what they think" will make you happy.........or there opinions on what is "BUFF" or "FIT".....

There is no greater rythem.......than strumming your own heart.......

I wrote this in a different thread a few days ago, and I mean every word of it......

YOU DEFINE WHAT BUFF IS, and do not allow anyone else to do it.

YOU educate yourself on diet and fitness and MAKE THE DECISION.

Opinions are "a smelly butt" they are always hanging around, because we ALL have one. :)

Its....sort of funny......there is ALWAYS a girl.......for another....

If you want abs" I say "F@CK-EM" go get it, if this what you want.


There will be a girl....(one day I say).....that will like you....for being YOU.

NOTHING replaces doing something you DESIRE "inside" the most.

I didnt go after the body I worked please someone elses eyeballs.

I wanted to PLEASE MY OWN.

My tough, hard-as-nails personal VISION.

If they get pleased this good, if they dont, this is good. Either way, I am happy------because it pleases myself. THIS ROCKS THE MOST.

Happy or not.......I can peel of the friggen "thunder" at any time, any place, anywhere.....I woke up an aging old man.......and you can wakeUP a young man........GOT THAT?

I may not be the biggest, I may not be the youngest, but I carry a "lightening bolt that is filled with THUNDER!".

I can look good (by my definition), and be "overal" fit, and push "most" their limit (in the weight room).....and I weigh 161lbs.....I am about pushing my endurance limits. I am about pushing my strength limits.......

And so can YOU.........

GOT THAT........???????

Do what makes YOU feel good.

When the smoke clears.....YOU are the one that has to "lay down in the bed with yourself".......UNDERSTAND? (Do not "twist this" brotha's----->:))

Do it for you.

Best wishes

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August 31, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (3)

Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield.


What do you friggen mean you don't know where to turn? SCREW THAT!

Forget dat Sh@t! Visualize using your turn signal.

"What are ROCK-ONS?":

"The stuffy, sneezy, why-is-the-room-spinning medicine."

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
Make it Spin, baby!...........................> :action13:

This is YOU brotha and sista's because motivation speaks on the inside:

"You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me."

That is right.......Voices ROCK on the INSIDE!


And, plant this in your HEART..because you are diet and fitness SMART:



You WANT this crime. You NEED this crime, and if you do the CRIME you will spend a lot "happy" TIME:

Several Energizer Bunny's arrested and charged with battery.

Battered and bruised fat into submission and have no problems in the commision and will NEVER go into personal remission........GOT THAT?
I sincerely hope there isnt any questions:

Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now.



We've got what it takes to take what you've got.


Pay your friggen due's........know the truth.....throw out the crap:

DO NOT put a stop payment on your reality check!


Best regards,

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August 31, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (4)

Keep On Keepin' On

(by Leslie Fieger)

Purpose + passion + PERSISTENCE = Prosperity!

“Persistence is the twin sister of excellence.
One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time.”

In those times when everything seems to be going just perfectly, it is easy to keep moving toward the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. You are in the flow. The whole world seems to be conspiring to create your success.

You might be inclined to think that this is the way it should always be. Easy.

I'll let you in on a little secret. If the going is easy, it is for only one of two reasons: the first is that you are on the wrong path; the second is that, if you are on the right path, it is because you have already proven yourself worthy by making it through the tough times.

Some days, when Tiger is on the golf course, it all goes like a dream...impossible shots end up inches from the cup, etc. Of course, all golfers wish it could be so easy as he makes it look. What makes it easy for him is the countless hours of practice over years going through endless difficulties just to learn how to hit the ball so it could go approximately where he wanted it to.

His strength and power comes from the learning he went through when it was tough. It is easy now because he learned how to overcome the difficulties. He persisted; he kept on keepin' on until his skills developed. He still has bad days when nothing seems to go right, (something other golfers are grateful for), but he knows that he knows how to get it right. This confidence was built by going through and surpassing the obstacles. He knows that if he plays his game, the flow will come back.

Of course, Tiger is a gifted golfer and most of us, no matter how hard we might practice, will never get to his level of the game. But, you can always get to the top of your game. You can get to a point where you are in the zone, in the flow and everything works the way you want it to.

To get there, you must persist during the times when it is all NOT going right. It is in these tough times where you learn what it takes to be in the flow. More importantly, you also learn who you are and what you are made of. Winners persist. Losers quit. It's that simple.

Persistence pays off. It always does. The ultimate dividends may be obscured while the problems are present, but more than character is built by persisting; skills, confidence, self-esteem, mental and emotional resources are built that would not have been without the difficulties.

Be grateful for the tough times. They make you tough. Later, after you have tasted success and tough times return (and they always do to test your resolve), you will be able to smile because you know that you can surmount difficulty by just keepin' on keepin' on.

So, if you are going through hell, just keep going. Fire bring temper to steel. Fire makes clay as hard as a rock. When the flow comes (and you are on easy street), you'll know that it was the fire that brought the flow.


What do you first do when you learn to swim? You make mistakes, do you not? And what happens? You make other mistakes, and when you have made all the mistakes you possibly can without drowning - and some of them many times over - what do you find?

That you can swim?

Well - life is just the same as learning to swim! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!

(Alfred Adler)

Quote of the day:

Be careful of the words you say.
And keep them soft and sweet.
For you never know from day to day.
Which ones you'll have to eat.


Can't never could do anything...........

Till could came along and whipped Can't butt...
now can't can do a lot.

Your body's just a carrier........... transporting your soul.

Its inside YOU.

It is beauty to behold.

Find yours today! Grap a hold of it. Pull it in your not ever let go........

A good exercise for the heart is to bend down and help another up.

Best wishes

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Difference between a normal person and a scientist



HEY!................>Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the expected?

And three more to remember:

1. The measure of greatness is not found in your accomplishments. Its in how much discouragement it takes to stop you.

2. Don't ask diet and fitness education to guide your footsteps-----> if you're not willing to move your feet.

3. It is risky not to take risk. If you don't take risk, risk will take you.

Best wishes,

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The Search for the Anti-Aging Diet
New studies suggest healthy eating may add years to your life.

Not a bad read.

A site to check out recipes, healthy food, and other information:

Best wishes

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September 1, 2008: "Thoughts for the Day" (1)

The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

What To Do When You
Don't Know What To Do

(By Leslie Fieger)

It is often difficult to know exactly what to do. This is especially true when you decide to stop being a creature of habit and circumstance and decide instead to live a life of purpose and meaning. It may sound strange that deciding to live purposefully can leave you without a sense of direction. But it often does. Imagine that you always take the same route to work and then one day, you wake up and decide that you are going to take another road. Ah, but which one? And does it actually go where you want to end up. That's the quandary.

Indecision. Procrastination. Doubt. Fear. All rear up whenever you are at a choice point. All serve to frustrate and impede your ability to know what to do and then actually do it. And just like that, you are back doing the habitual, back in the comfort zone, back with the known, even when you know it does not work to produce the results you desire to have in your life. Yet another opportunity to change has come and gone. All because you think you don't know what to do.

So, here is my suggestion for what to do when you don't know what to do...

Stop thinking about it. Get out of your mind. Let your heart make the decision. Or your gut. Instead of just trying to think your way through the decision making process; feel your way through it. What feels right? What is your gut instinct?

Sure, it often makes sense to use the old Ben Franklin method-- list the pros on one side of a piece of paper and the cons on the other side and then go with the majority. That may help you to think about some possible course of action a little more clearly. But thinking something through doesn't always supply the right answer, or even supply the way to your best answer.

It's been my experience that many people will actually think themselves right out of making the right decision. They know in their hearts that they should go a certain way, but they allow their mind to tell them otherwise.

Listen up all you mindful people... How do you create a life that is both successful and fulfilling? Simple. You already know the answer. It is... FOLLOW YOUR PASSION. Passion is not a mental attribute; it is an emotional one. You don't think passion, you feel it.

So, whenever you don't know what to do, here's what you do -- check in with how you feel about it. If it feels right, do it. If it doesn't feel right - don't.

Now, I am not saying that you shouldn't use your mind. I am not suggesting that you stop using your critical thinking. I am saying that when your mind is not giving you a quick and definitive answer, then go with your gut instincts. Ask any winner in any field and most times, they'll tell you that:

- they trusted their intuition; or - it just felt right, so they did it; or - they had a gut feeling; or - they had this burning desire to do it, despite the evidence; or - they somehow just knew what to do, without knowing how they knew.

In other words, they were out of their mind :) ]and into their heart.

Trust your heart. It is wiser than your head. It knows what to do when you don't know what to do.


The axe soon forgets, but the tree always remembers. (Shona saying)

Looking back, may I be filled with gratitude;
Looking forward, may I be filled with hope;
Looking upward, may I be aware of strength;
Looking inward, may I find peace.......


He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived.
(Chinese proverb)


Our backgrounds and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.


Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than look back.


The first 90% of project takes 90% of the time, the last 10% takes the other 90% of the time.


The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. (Edward Phelps)


The mind can only stand what the butt can endure.


The optimist says, "My cup runneth over, what a blessing." The pessimist says, "My cup runneth over, what a mess."


The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. (Sir. Winston Churchill)


If your heart is beating.

Your still competeting.

Bring your soul in this meeting and motivation you will be eating

Spread peace, joy, and happiness to all!

Best wishes

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