Guys relax, you know that he will deliver. Don't be like little kids, just be patient. Chillen rock their world mate
Christmas is December 26, bitches. No matter how long you sit in front of the fireplace crying. :love1:
Guys relax, you know that he will deliver. Don't be like little kids, just be patient. Chillen rock their world mate
Guys relax, you know that he will deliver. Don't be like little kids, just be patient. Chillen rock their world mate
Just sayin. Been 2 months.
Chillen has not been feeling well since I posted my picsI thought if they were removed, he'd recover faster.
Sorry, Chillen. I think I destroyed your mind ... with my negative omnipotence.
I think I'm morphing into Focus. Somebody, please help me before the transmogrification becomes irreversible ...
Chillen WTF? get to posting again bitch!!!!![]()
What can we learn from an Elephant.
Lets see.
Don't Act Like An Elephant!
(by Thomas J. Stevens)
Strange statement, isn't it?
But listen carefully because it can make the difference of success and failure in your business and private life.
So, let me explain...
You might know that in India elephants are used for manual labor. But what to do with them when they are not working? How to restrain them?
Their handlers came up with the idea to "program" them while they are still very young - by setting self-imposed limits into their thinking.
How does it work?
When the elephants are still small, weighing around 150 pounds, they get tied up with a very heavy rope. All day long, the elephants try to get rid of it, whine, tug at it and some of them even try to chew it. But they can't break free.
Finally, the elephants give up and the fight is over. And now it's getting interesting...
From this moment on, they strongly believe that there is absolutely no chance to get rid of the rope. They accept the "fact" that the rope limits them.
And with this imprinted belief in place, their handlers are able to tie them with extremely small ropes!
And even as adults, weighing 8,000 pounds and more, they never attempt to break free because they "know" they have no chance at all!
As you can see, the elephants limits are not real, but exist only in their mind.
And also we are programmed with built-in-boundaries. They are also not real but exist only in our minds.
But with these imprinted belief systems, with these inner boundaries, we are unable...
* to live our lives to the fullest
* to be successful as we could be
* to set and reach higher goals
* to make 10 times more money as we do now
* to build a successful business
* to get the promotion and pay increase we always dreamed of
* to fulfill our true dreams and desires
* etc.
But it hasn't to stay this way. Our negative belief systems don't have to limit us for good.
If you truly want to become successful and are not kidding yourself, you can change your inner belief system, your attitude, and your inner boundaries.
You always have the inner strength; the personal power to change everything in your life for the better. Just try!
So, never give up! Never act like an elephant!
Learning From Failure
(By Lou Stoops)
Growing into success is not an easy thing to experience. You will really get knocked around a bit as you determine to win in your chosen career. The biggest drawback you have to deal with is the fear of failure. It can lead to many disastrous outcomes.
The first thing fear of failure does is breed an overcautious approach to opportunity.
Knowing when and how to utilize opportunity is fundamental to career success. Having knowledge about the opportunity, you then need to determine timing. Pros and cons listed, you make your decision. If you have a fear of failure, you might be stalled in your decision even though the opportunity passes scrutiny.
Secondly, fear of failure can keep you from speaking up and making the kind of impact that could enhance your career.
A well-spoken word that solves a problem or sparks creativity could be just the thing to get you noticed as a valuable part of the team, but if you're sitting there stewing over the kind of response you'll get, then more times than not, you'll remain silent and miss your moment to shine.
Thirdly, fear of failure causes you to miss the point of personal and professional growth.
Failing is one of the best tutors in career development. Consider the story of a new bank president who went to meet his predecessor. Upon being introduced he quickly said, "I would like to know what have been the keys to your success." The older man looked at him for a moment and replied, "Young man, I can sum it up in two words: Good decisions." To that the young man replied, "I thank you immensely for that advice, sir, but how does one come to know which are the good decisions?" "One word, young man," replied the old man. "Experience." "That's all good and well," said the young executive, "but how does one get experience?" "Two words," replied the old man, "Bad decisions."
If you really want to succeed, be prepared to grow into it. Lose your fear of failure and risk doing something that's important to you. You'll be glad you did.
Charles Dubois once said, "We must be prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice who we are for who we are capable of becoming."
Best wishes