The ChillOut Log

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I have a few questions for you Chillen...

I see too many body-builders/athletes who are extremely fit and have crooked abs...what gives? Why are the abs so crooked and out of place?

Is it because of improper exercise form? Improper muscles balance at the core? Or just genetics? :confused:

With the draft and stuff I plan on shedding as much fat as possible in the the next 3 I mentioned in my journal...I will become so engulfed with the idea of shedding fat that by the time I finish this 3 month challenge - I will be changed for ever...It might not be realistic...but in 3 months, I - Want - Abs and I feel like I need a little direction from someone who knows what the f@ck they are doing! :D did you get your core to be so well aligned and symmetrical, Chillmeister?

Oh and it's a pleasure seeing you posting again Chillen!

Hope all is well with you, how was your buisiness trip by the way?


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I have a few questions for you Chillen...

I see too many body-builders/athletes who are extremely fit and have crooked abs...what gives? Why are the abs so crooked and out of place?

Is it because of improper exercise form? Improper muscles balance at the core? Or just genetics? :confused:

With the draft and stuff I plan on shedding as much fat as possible in the the next 3 I mentioned in my journal...I will become so engulfed with the idea of shedding fat that by the time I finish this 3 month challenge - I will be changed for ever...It might not be realistic...but in 3 months, I - Want - Abs and I feel like I need a little direction from someone who knows what the f@ck they are doing! :D did you get your core to be so well aligned and symmetrical, Chillmeister?

Oh and it's a pleasure seeing you posting again Chillen!

Hope all is well with you, how was your buisiness trip by the way?



There is nothing wrong with crooked abs, it's all just genetics.
Yea Chill, those are some nice abs man. FFS i actually wish i had abs like that.


Why do you need to wish? There is no wish involved. :D

Thank you for your comment! Hey! I have a chest too ya know. I am not a stick, lol, though I weigh a measly 161 pounds. Along with developed traps, shoulders, legs, arms, back, and calves! And, most importantly a developed brain :D

During the past two years, I am still amazed (and humbled) on how my body at 47 has responded to diet and fitness activities. It has turned the aging process completely upside down. For example, (like the other day) one of my sons wanted to go run a couple of miles. I dropped what I was doing, and got rocken with the young man without batting an eye lash, and ran along side him and had a good time. That right there is one of my rewards of diet and fitness, my friend.

The bad side? My wife sticking Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in my lunch for work--With a big smiley face....on a sticky paper----Well, I She knows I have a huge weakness for Peanut butter, lol.

Again, thank you Big T.

Absolutely awesome work Chillen. Clearly you're the master of your own diet and fitness - that looks like the result of a lot of dedication and hard work, and i'm sure is motivation for a lot of people on here. I know it is for me.

All the best


I have mastered my previous mistakes, and have plenty more to "continue" to try to master. Its really a never ending process with the trick of learning, adapting, and overcoming mistakes, as they come along in the process of dieting and training within one's goal path. Its really about learning what your body "responds" to (and this can be difficult with some) in the functions of diet and fitness. Throwing out what doesnt work (given appropriate time), and trying another until you find the right combination of things that tend to work and/or bring more optimal results.

Trying to master the self within diet and fitness. I may never actually reach it (fully) but I know I will improve along the way, and it will only end when I lay in the casket when I cannot do any more.

My entire diet and training is surrounded with this aformentioned rather simple need to be a rocket scientist :))).

What of the most difficult hurdles "personally" was getting over the dislike for cardio. I lost the majority of the 35+ pounds not doing cardio (just full body training, with cardio here and there). I started reading on various training concepts (reference cardio), and "spanked my ass into gear". I am glad I did, because I learned that my body responds "very strong" to cardio along side a low carb diet. When I began to implement "active rest" with "sprint bursts" (on a an upright bike with the intensity resistance high) during the rest between sets of weight training, my results improved tremendously (speaking for me). Now, I like

Thank you for your comment Xav.

Best wishes,

Why do you need to wish? There is no wish involved. :D

Thank you for your comment! Hey! I have a chest too ya know. I am not a stick, lol, though I weigh a measly 161 pounds. Along with developed traps, shoulders, legs, arms, back, and calves! And, most importantly a developed brain :D

During the past two years, I am still amazed (and humbled) on how my body at 47 has responded to diet and fitness activities. It has turned the aging process completely upside down. For example, (like the other day) one of my sons wanted to go run a couple of miles. I dropped what I was doing, and got rocken with the young man without batting an eye lash, and ran along side him and had a good time. That right there is one of my rewards of diet and fitness, my friend.

The bad side? My wife sticking Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in my lunch for work--With a big smiley face....on a sticky paper----Well, I She knows I have a huge weakness for Peanut butter, lol.

Again, thank you Big T.


LOL! yummy peanut butter cups! my weakness too! hehe!
161 lbs. ha!

I'd break you:D

just kidding. Nice job Chillen. One day my core will look like that.
Perhaps after I die and get reincarnated.
We need wheels :D

We want leg pics

wheels or gtfo

I am going to post some overall body shots, and they will include the legs.

Currently, I am doing Front Squats (and have for many months) and love this exercise for many reasons. I tend to respond better than the Back Squat, and it tends to put a little more stress on the core as well. Additionally, I am doing GM's, and weighted Step Ups with DB's.

For the back I am a little limited due to my home equipment. For "direct" back work, I do the T-Bar Row by putting the 45 pound LB in a corner, and attach a U bar I made at my friends shop. Additionally, I perform the Bent Arm Pull-Over in a superset in-between the T-Bar Row sets. And, finally I do the Bent-Over Row (alternating under hand and overhand grip). I finish off the back with the inverted "weighted" row. I lower the pins on my bench to the #2 position, lift up the back rest, pull over the other flat bench to support my feet. Crawl underneath face up and put my feet on the bench, add weight in the dip of my pelvis (about 85 pounds now), and crank out some more rows--alternating grip.

So, yes, I will post some leg pics, Richard. No problem.

Hyperextensions, C~meister? You can hit the whole posterior chain with nothing more than a counter/desk/whatever and a plate or two.

Also, why no RDLs? I'm sure you've said before, I just never pay attention to these things. :)
LOL! yummy peanut butter cups! my weakness too! hehe!

My wife puts things like this in my lunch all the time with funny remarks and smiley faces (I am on a low-carb diet, by the way). The other day she put a package of Hostess Ho-ho's in my lunch, and drew the Michelin Man with abs on a sticky note saying: See even the Michelin Man has abs eating Hostess Ho-Ho's......

This woman is suppose to love me....and support me. LOL......:) :)

Best wishes,

Obviously a very intelligent lady with a wicked sense of humor. Like grandpa always said, "Stupid people don't get sarcasm." She gets it...she dishes it...she's got it in spades. You're a lucky man. :D
I will post my routine in full detail (in another post) instead of post spots for a better idea. Currently I am doing an upper/lower split.

When I posted the "not exhaustive" leg exercises I do, I failed to mention I do Dead Lifts. I alternate the DL from upper to lower every few weeks, as I believe the DL is an exercise difficult to place in an upper/lower split (as it effects the legs, core, and upper body), and alternating this deadly exercise has proven beneficial and I just rock on with it.

Best regards,

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