The ChillOut Log

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Again, I dont know what your goals are, but signing up for the World Fitness E-Partner Lottery Draft may do you some good.

If you are wondering what this is about go to this link:

Firing-Up the Spirit Between Members

After reading it got to this link and sign up!

Link is here:

First World Fitness E-Partner Lottery Draft!

Marker if you read this let me know, please. Thank you!

Let's Get Fired Up!

Lets ROCK together!

Best wishes,


Hi Chillen

Have been visiting family in Ireland, back today, and have just completed a 5 mile run without having a heart attack. I am Amazonian! (OK, not really, I accept that I can't be at 5`2"). Thanks for this and for your other post. Am feeling great so far, having immersed myself back into training and I think the E-Lottery draft sounds great so am just about to register for it! :).

I'll be back!
We donated our time on the 4th to the band boosters at our son's high school. We held a classic car show as a fund raiser to support the band program. Great time...the band made some money...the cars were SWEET! The two standouts were a '67 Camaro and a '67 Karmann Ghia, with the Camaro winning first place.

The rest of the weekend was spent on home projects. We're just tying up a remodel on our master bedroom, and are gearing up for a major kitchen overhaul.

Started the day today in the gym...a little over an hour, split between cardio and resistance.

We're heading up to Michigan to visit freinds and family this coming weekend. Most haven't seen me since I started working out and improving the diet. :cool:
Hi Chillen

Have been visiting family in Ireland, back today, and have just completed a 5 mile run without having a heart attack. I am Amazonian! (OK, not really, I accept that I can't be at 5`2"). Thanks for this and for your other post. Am feeling great so far, having immersed myself back into training and I think the E-Lottery draft sounds great so am just about to register for it! :).

I'll be back!

There is only one thing getting a heart attack here.

Its your extraordinary and extremely powerful body that hold all the inside secrets to your legendary performance.

It will provide you "instant approval" of your new training. By knocking your socks off where you stand by adapting and overcoming to become the new and improved Marker!

YEP! That's correct! :)

It has no choice but to pitter-patter your heart by its design intention.

Embrace it. Feel its THUNDER and you will never go UNDER.

The Amazing Marker!

1. Remarkable and unparalleled ability to realize and use her mental resourcefulness to master all personal difficulties to create personal opportunities of utlimate thrill.

Tremendous, terrific, and abundant "internal clients" that cannot be overcome nor defeated:

A. A heart that shines in the dark and makes her passion bark.

Her heart dances and enhances her mental finances.

B. A charming and glorious "mental attitude" that provides an extra boost to her true love and personal desires which in return gives true intimacy, self-giving, and personal commitment.

C. Frequent flyer of desire. Mentally harassing fire to fly higher that will never retire.

2. Authentic and startling total commitment that rests in reason; moved by unmistakable and astonishing inner beauty that will be fully awakened in her exhibition season.

Enormous and sensational personal motivation that is:

  • Instructive
  • Intelligent
  • Non-negotiable
  • Miraculous
  • Organized and talented
  • Superior to all adversity
  • Unshakable and unsurpassed astonishing the world

And, is substantially successful revealing the: Super star WITHIN.

3. An energetic, enriched, and fearless spirit that is gloriously gifted, and spectacular, revealing these special traits:

A. A unique motivational specialist
B. Fabulous self-mastering skills revealing her splendid richness.

Marker is unshakable, unmistakenly self stubborn, and personally styled beyond belief! :)


Yes.......she is spazzed out on mental and physical toughness, baby! :)

Congrats on sigining up on the E-Partner Lottery Draft. Feel the power of being a part of a team.

Best wishes to you in life and within all that you do in fitness,

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Hey chillen how you doin man???....just thought i`d pop in and say hello ....hope all`s well.:D

Thank you for asking, Marko.

I am just as nutty and free-wheelen' as ever, baby! ;)

An old man, that is lean and mean in his jeans because he transformed his friggen genes.

This wasnt by artificial means.

It was completed by having the mental marines!

YES! Things are good! I am high! And, love it! :)

How are you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes

July 7th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (1)

A Look at Inner Beauty:

Let me share with you seven reflections that may assist you in getting in touch with that inner beauty that you always are.

1. Inner Beauty means you acknowledge you are not who you think you are

Inner beauty is your essence. It does not come for your persona or your “thinking about.” Your personality is like the light of the moon. This light of the moon is beautiful but the source of the moonlight is from the sun. The moon is merely a reflection of the true light. The light of your being is powerful beyond any “thinking about.” Start “to be” more and “do less.” The hard part is that this requires trust. Trust more and learn from your “inner telling sense.” This means trusting the sense of the body.

2. Inner beauty means you know.

We focus our energies outward. We look for satisfaction instead of joy. We accept belief but do not venture “beyond belief.” This inner beauty that you are is beyond any belief system. This inner beauty is your birthright. It is your psychological and spiritual “homeplace.” It is your place of belonging. You will not find this “homeplace” in the outer world. This outer world is only a reflection of the distance we have come from our inner beauty. Spent ten minutes each day in focused silence. This can be when you are walking, sitting, eating or at any time that best suits you.

3. Inner beauty means you are forever enough.

In this 21st Century of noise and haste you are focused on the dynamic of “never enough.” Our societies main focus is ensuring that you never get to “feel enough.” If you get to feel enough it might then mean the end of economics. You get little time to rest in your soul. This is the place of real recreation. This is the place where every day is a holy day. These words “holy day” are the original meaning of the word “holiday.” You do not have to leave home for exotic or non-exotic experiences.

You can travel the world of inner beauty without ever going anywhere other than your heart. You can go on holiday to your “homeplace” at anytime. Just take a moment. Sit still and breathe in and out slowly. Become the fine being you always are and learn to know you will always be fine. Commit to knowing life and give up the limitation of belief.

4. Allow your inner beauty to flow.

As a writer I authorise this free flow of life’s energy moving through this body. When I write I am the experience of allowing. I am not intent on going anywhere. When I write there is no sense of wanting. There is only surrender to flow. I sit before this fireside having a chat with my soul. Energy moves freely through “little me" when I let go and let be. This is inner beauty. This is free expression of the soul. Soul expresses through talent. Discover what it is you love, and then, as my beloved poet Rumi advises, “Risk all for love.”

5. Inner beauty is not defined in words but felt in the body.

Inner beauty is not to be debated. Inner beauty is not definable. It does not belong to “you” or to “little me.” It is not “my” beauty. I do not own it. One can make oneself look physically beautiful and this is a delight. Yet all outer beauty fades with time. Inner beauty develops with age and is timeless. It develops and is embraced with wisdom and understanding. Beauty proceeds from the inside out. It means honouring the inner beauty of this body. The delight of inner beauty is erotic and not just cerebral. For one moment each day lose your head and fall into the heart.

6. Inner beauty is the expression of love.

Inner beauty is the expression of love and compassion. It begins with awareness of each moment just as it is. This allows one to recognise the destructive power of judgement. Each moment is beautiful. Inner beauty is the experience of presence without this experience needing to be other. We spend much of our time dividing our experience. In this way we filter out any experience of joy. We are like a battery that is afraid of being struck by lightening. We are made for joy but within our social consciousness the energy charge of joy would literally blow our minds. The experience of unconditional beauty would leave us feeling burnt out. Inner beauty requires you to be vulnerable. Take a moment this week to allow your feelings to be feelings without judgement.

7. Inner beauty is nothing special.

Inner beauty is the experience of no thing. It means being prepared to be empty in order that the Beloved can pour unconditional love into this empty space. You cannot grasp inner beauty. You have, metaphorically speaking, to keep the window open. This is the window of your heart. All you are asked to do is be attentive. Allow the free flow of grace to enter. When the moment comes you will know. You will know that you are the beauty you seek. When you know this you have returned home. You have returned to what is called in Ireland “the homeplace.” This is a place of reverence and belonging. This is your special place.

Be your longing. Be beautiful. Look inward and find the source of beauty that you truly are. This will give you a glimpse of the timeless wonder you are. You will disappear. You will go into a beautiful experience beyond belief. This will be enough.

(Tony Cuckson)


Romance tip of the day: :) :)

From a person with a few years experience.

Do not pull the cover over her head when you let a bed bomb, and laugh when she gets annoyed. Thats not very romatic. You get none.

Test her mood with:

If you feel like you need to butt bark, ask to see HER index finger. Pull HER finger with your hand, release the butt crack and let it rip.

If she laughs. You are good to go. I not, well, you just blew it.

In the morning, if she has a messy bed head, always tell her she looks good. No matter the lip service you get. Even if birds could nest in it.

Hope you day went well today!

ROCK ON, brotha and sista's

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We donated our time on the 4th to the band boosters at our son's high school.

We held a classic car show as a fund raiser to support the band program. Great time...the band made some money...the cars were SWEET! The two standouts were a '67 Camaro and a '67 Karmann Ghia, with the Camaro winning first place.

That's just fantastic! Lucky B@stard! :) Good to hear. :)

Class act.

The rest of the weekend was spent on home projects. We're just trying up a remodel on our master bedroom, and are gearing up for a major kitchen overhaul.

Sounds like a major project. Are you doing this yourself? The trick is getting momma to do most of the work and you supervise, he, he. ;)

Shoot I couldn't fix a cracked lid on a NPB jar if it were broke let alone attempt to remodel a room in the house, lol. Handyman = Chillen? Nope! He is a friggen dope! lol.

Started the day today in the gym...a little over an hour, split between cardio and resistance.

You still coming along pretty good?

We're heading up to Michigan to visit freinds and family this coming weekend. Most haven't seen me since I started working out and improving the diet. :cool:

Then they are in for a suprise. Its going to make you feel good hearing the compliments.

What does your diet look like? How many calories per day? How are you figuring these? In reference to your weight loss, how is it tracking per week?

Best wishes

Sounds like a major project. Are you doing this yourself? The trick is getting momma to do most of the work and you supervise, he, he. ;)

Shoot I couldn't fix a cracked lid on a NPB jar if it were broke let alone attempt to remodel a room in the house, lol. Handyman = Chillen? Nope! He is a friggen dope! lol.

Yep...we supply all our own labor. Me, the wife, and our two indentured servants. :cool:

You still coming along pretty good?

I lost a little more ground from the burn than the first day of fully working out indicated...mostly on the cardio side. The routine where I had progressed to before the burn is kicking my a$$. :eek: I did better today than yesterday, so prospects are good for tomorrow. :)

Then they are in for a suprise. Its going to make you feel good hearing the compliments.

It certainly won't suck. ;)

What does your diet look like? How many calories per day? How are you figuring these? In reference to your weight loss, how is it tracking per week?

This is where I struggle the most, and where I need the most work on educating myself. It's not so much what I'm eating, but how much of it. I'm blessed, or cursed in this case, with a wife who's an AWESOME cook. Fortunately she cooks healthy meals, and she isn't afraid to experiment with healthy alternatives in standard recipes. We've switched to TVP in recipes that call for ground beef...tacos, casseroles, etc. We've given up all white bread and pasta, eating only whole wheat. All fast food is gone from our diet. I do eat out at least once a week at work for Customer meetings. I order salads, chicken, turkey, fish...avoiding the fried foods and burger/fries that I used to pound down.

Counting calories is something I've never done, and am just beginning to do. I've started looking more closely at what I'm eating...reading the labels and more closely watching my caloric intake. I obviously haven't yet done enough in this regard, as I am holding steady at 177. This is 25 pounds lighter than when I started, but I am still carrying extra pounds around the middle.

Thanks for asking!
Hey Chillen

Thank you, thank you for the great "Let's motivate Marker" piece! It now has pride of place hung in my gym locker. Here's to you, Mr Motivator :yelrotflmao:

By the way, loved the inner beauty post... (and the bed bombs!)

Hope you're having a great day.

Just wanted to say hi and wish you all the best with your training (not that you look like you need it!). Its great that you always take the time to motivate people individually and you seem to be a real inspiration to a lot of people on here. A lot of what you say makes perfect sense, especially about diet and mental determination, and just reading your posts has given me the mental toolset I need to push on through with my goals and finally look the way I want.

Train hard, play hard!

I have to drive to KC with my wife this morning so I will be busy most of the morning, and potentially early afternoon. (Its 8:30 AM, here)

I just wanted to acknowledge the posts from Wojo, Marker, and Xav. I will respond to each of you individually when I return.

Have a great day.

Make someone smile today......

Most importantly, I hope you are happy and personally content.

Best wishes,


Just wanted to say hi and wish you all the best with your training (not that you look like you need it!).

Thank you. Diet and training are going well. Currently I am during an upper/lower split with a "special rest twist", that some on the forum would probably not like much, but its built on one premise and one premise only: I know how my body responds to certain stumuli.

This "breaks" many standard traditions, and probably wouldn't settle with some people that well, but no matter, I know ME best:

Below is a QUICK EXAMPLE, and isnt my full UPPER routine:

(And, please bare in mind this EXAMPLE routine, just wasnt thrown in there, it was "progessively developed", and they are NOT necessarily in the order I do them, but just written to give an idea.)

Edit: My Lower routine also includes "the special twist"

If you like, I will take the time to write "specifically" in order all the exercises I am doing. No problem! :)

1. T-Bar Row: 3 sets 8 to 12 (currently at upper rep end)

Rest is 3 minutes. However, 1 minute of the 2 is spent ALL OUT on the upright bike, and then use the remaining 2 minutes to rest.

Then I perform set 2, and 3 in the same process. Therefore I have 3 minutes on ALL OUT cardio in this set.

2. Bent-Arm Pull Over: 2 sets, 8 to 12 (currently upper end)

Rest is 3 minutes. And do the same process as I explained in the T-Bar Row. Therefore I have an additional 2 minutes of ALL OUT cardio.

3. Flat Bench Press: 3 sets, 6 to 8

Rest is 3 minutes. Each set has a group of 1 minute of ALL OUT cardio, and resting the remaining of the rest period, and then repeating the process for a total of 3 sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.

4. Incline Bench Press: 2 sets 8 to 10

Rest is 3 minutes. And the same process as in the Flat Bench Press. Additional 3 minutes of ALL OUT cardio.

5. DB Flyes: 2 sets, 10 to 12

Rest is 2 minutes. 30 second ALL OUT BURST cardio between sets. 1 minute of additional cardio

6. Weighted Dips: 2 sets, 8 to 10 (I use a thick long leather belt to loop through the hand hole of the olympic weight to hold the weight)

Rest is 2 minutes. With 30 second ALL OUT burst on the upright bike for each set, and resting the remaining. A total of 1 minute of cardio.

7. Military Press: 2 sets, 8 to 10

3 minutes of rest.1 minute of ALL OUT cardio between sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.

8. French Press (Skull Crushers) 2 sets, 6 to 10

3 minutes of rest. 1 minute of ALL OUT cardio between sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.

9. Standing BB Curl (heavy): 2 sets, 5 to 8 (several exercises AFTER back)

3 minutes. No cardio

10. Weighted Pull-ups (palms facing me) 2 sets, 8 to 12

3 minutes of rest. 1 minute of ALL OUT cardio between sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.

11. Dead Lift: 3 sets, 7 to 9

3 minutes. No cardio (I want to live to see 47 :))

12. DB Curl SHRUG: 2 sets, 10 (changed from Upright Row)

2 minutes rest between sets. 30 seconds of ALL OUT cardio between sets for 1 additional minute of cardio.

13. Weighted Hanging Leg Raise: 3 sets, 15-17

I currently allow 2 minute rest because I am super setting within the first minute with a variation of the weighted roll-out and plank.

The remaining Cardio minutes are then finished at the end.

Yes, a lot of energy and calories are expended and I taylor my diet for it accordingly.

This isnt exhaustive. But if you want I can write my routine specifically detailed (in order how I do them), if you want! Just have to ask.

I have been successful for this reason:

I am in control; always in control; I control what I want my body to produce. Despite its kick backs of the positive and/or negative, I am the boss. I apply consistency and persistence, and look at bodily responses through "educated eyes" and come back with a educated response.

Its great that you always take the time to motivate people individually and you seem to be a real inspiration to a lot of people on here. A lot of what you say makes perfect sense, especially about diet and mental determination, and just reading your posts has given me the mental toolset I need to push on through with my goals and finally look the way I want.

Thank you for your kinds words, Xav. In my heart this is all I want to do is help people. This has been the sole purpose of this log and the reason I created it. Again, I appreciate your kind words and thoughts.

I hope your day goes well for you.

Best wishes,

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Thank you. Diet and training are going well. Currently I am during an upper/lower split with a "special rest twist", that some on the forum would probably not like much, but its built on one premise and one premise only: I know how my body responds to certain stumuli.

This routine is absolutely monster. It does pose an interesting answer to the much debated question "Should I do cardio before weights, or the other way round?" - Clearly the Chillen philosophy states "Neither, mix 'em all up in one big hard session and reap the rewards".

Not sure I could do this at my current level, but I give you much respect for hammering this session out. How many time a week do you do this 'ipper' routine? (I'm going to assume that the 'lower' one is just as gruelling! At the minute I do HIIT 3-4 times a week and resistance training twice a week and that is pushing me to the edge, but I'm smashing through my goals at the minute and getting progresively stronger so I must be doing something right!

On the topic of goals, and assuming that you should always be working towards an aim so that you have something measure progress by, what's the next target on the Chillen hitlist? (Insert answer such as "Get traps like cannon balls by christmas" here). Interested to know what else there can possibly be left to do after you've smashed through the 8% bf mark...

All the best

This routine is absolutely monster. It does pose an interesting answer to the much debated question "Should I do cardio before weights, or the other way round?" - Clearly the Chillen philosophy states "Neither, mix 'em all up in one big hard session and reap the rewards".

Not sure I could do this at my current level, but I give you much respect for hammering this session out. How many time a week do you do this 'ipper' routine? (I'm going to assume that the 'lower' one is just as gruelling! At the minute I do HIIT 3-4 times a week and resistance training twice a week and that is pushing me to the edge, but I'm smashing through my goals at the minute and getting progresively stronger so I must be doing something right!

On the topic of goals, and assuming that you should always be working towards an aim so that you have something measure progress by, what's the next target on the Chillen hitlist? (Insert answer such as "Get traps like cannon balls by christmas" here). Interested to know what else there can possibly be left to do after you've smashed through the 8% bf mark...

All the best


I will post the more accurate more detailed version in the COL, so you can get a better picture. Due to the "current" intensity and volume, I am doing the upper with the "special rest twist" once per week, and the lower once per week (with the same "special rest twist"); in-between I add in 3-4 sessions of cardio during the week, stetching sessions (static holds, etc).

Bare in mind, this is what I am currently doing, and not an indication what I have done in the past--its just a spin off.......of what I have learned from my past, and applying something new, and going against the grain so to speak, and getting results.

Due to the "current volume", I have learned (from many errors of my past) that my tendons aren't as willing to rock on as my muscles were willing to, so I have to allow just a tad more rest time because of this. And, because of this, I have NO JOINT PAIN and this is saying something being 46 and training regularly.

When I post my more detailed routine, I will post my current goals as well.

The current intensity/volume was (like I said before) not something I just threw in there. I work up to it on a progressive scale, which allows for the current intensity/volume.


Best wishes

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Hey Chillen

Thank you, thank you for the great "Let's motivate Marker" piece! It now has pride of place hung in my gym locker. Here's to you, Mr Motivator :yelrotflmao:

By the way, loved the inner beauty post... (and the bed bombs!)

Hope you're having a great day.

You are welcome, Marker. I am glad you decided to join the draft, I think its
rekindling the forum spirit, and will benefit many in progressing toward their personal goals.

How are thinks in life?

OH! And, ROCK ON! :)

Best wishes,

you know Chillen, I've been seeing that a lot more lately about people doing "active rests" between their working sets (never full-out cardio before). I think it's a great concept, and so far has proven effective. Almost like an altered superset, so to speak.

Very interesting, and intriguing, and the body will definitely respond in a positive way.
you know Chillen, I've been seeing that a lot more lately about people doing "active rests" between their working sets (never full-out cardio before). I think it's a great concept, and so far has proven effective. Almost like an altered superset, so to speak.

Very interesting, and intriguing, and the body will definitely respond in a positive way.

I like it. I do it a little different when I perform the lower part of the split, I go about 1/2 full pace on the bike in-between sets (and work up progressively).

I just went to this about a week ago (from doing a form of it before).

Prior to this I was doing a different "special rest twist". Or short quick "burst" exercises in-between.

For example, if I it was lower day and I was doing deadlift (as I alternate the dead lift from upper to lower, and lower to upper, every few weeks), I would set the rest at 3 minutes, and within the first minute (about 30 seconds each), I would perform one set of "step ups" with a pair of light DB's, and then do a very light "good morning". Then sit and rest the remaining two minutes. On the other portions of the lower split, I have added in other types of leg work in-between sets, to recruit different muscle fibers, get my heart rate up, and touch on endurance a tad.

As you can imagine, my heart rate is going good, and a lot of energy is expended just in that one complete set.

Then cardio was peformed "after" the entire workout was completed.

An absolute killer.

I break many traditions, but this is based on my own personal science and what my errors of the past has told me. I just adapted and adjusted according to the feed back I was getting through trial and error. I let the results, progression measured, and the mirror be my judge. I dont play around with anything. If I am going to sweat my ass off in the gym I am going to "specifically" monitor the results I am seaking in the attempt to make my potential results fruitful......Not tracking one's results, is not smart in my opinion, and I have wrote about this many times.

Thanks for posting, FT.....!


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I may add, that my diet is taylored "specifically" to what I do EACH DAY. I have been doing this two years, and I have it narrowed down to a personal science.

For example. About two weeks ago (approximately), I entered into a low-carb diet. From my previous history I knew "exactly" what to expect from my body after about 3 to 4 days on a low-carb, high protein/high good fats diet:

1. The first 3 to 4 days I would see a decline in "retaining water", with no psychological experiences. The drop in water would be the first biological experience. The goal was in deed to drop a bit of water and use carbs as a diuretic. I dont need any friggen pills.....nutrition is my diuretic. This is the first phase in my "personal experience."

2. After about 3 to 4 days, I begin to feel the effects of the low-carbs, and the body "attempting to adjust and switch", and it begins balls to the wall letting me know it doesnt like it. I get light headed, dizzy some times, some (at times) intense head aches, nervousness, low-energy, etc. I also deal with intense cravings for carbs, which I deal effectively with water, large bulky foods, and a proper mental attitude while my body is being the ass.

Just prior to this, I lowered my volume (not intensity) a tad in training expecting it to come, so I wouldnt burdon it much more than "needed".

3. After the switch (by converting proteins for fuel, and potentially ketones), I feel like a "million bucks", energy sky rockets, hunger cravings are nearly nonexistant (especially the craving for carbs). When going low-carb, and getting past the 3 to 4 day period, cravings dont exist--its amazing actually at least with me, just how much carbs influence my appetite.

I then change my routine again (and to where it is currently), and volume goes UP and intensifies. Though I do steady cardio, I do perform short burst or short sprints within my cardio sessions, and respond well to it.

4. I run low carb for about 10 days (approx). Carb UP on the 11th.

Something extraordinary here to note. My Glucose stores are low, which means that the "vast majority" of the calories from carbs, are going to be accepted very graciously by my body and stored very conveniently within my body (liver, and other organs), and I can consume "reasonably" over my MT Line, and not experience and "real tissue" gain. A matter fact I look and feel even leaner than the day before, I tend to fill just a tad with water, look fitter, and much more defined as the body swells the muscle with more water as compared to its "previous trend"--and this is important to note. At this point I am very "insulin" sensitive and this is a GOOD THING.

5. ALL calorie consumption is centered around what I am doing, and I ZIG-ZAG my calories during this entire time. My MT LINE per day isnt the same each day, like wise my deficits are not, and likewise, when I allow a controlled surplus it is not the same.

And, I have wrote on this, as well, this passed year. And RIGHT HERE.......(besides my training of course) is the very reason......when I lost 30 pounds, I didnt end up looking like a complete stick without anything on it......., and allowed me to work with the metabolic "shifts" (because I personally believe the body adapts to calorie consumption.......over a time period), and assisted in preventing plateaus in training AND goals in tissue gain/loss.

EDIT: People can say what they want, I do not flat care. When I first started I KNEW that contolling MYSELF---within diet and nutrition, and within fitness training was and is the KEY to success, and IS the very thing that DOES FAIL MANY....

I am not going to allow a blind ass lead a blind ass...........Its not nutrition/fitness training that is the chief failure, its the person applying it and the extent of their--educated control to get theirselves to do what they have to do.....bottom line.

Best wishes,

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Hey Chillen wake yo ass up bitch!!!!!!:sleeping:
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