Just wanted to say hi and wish you all the best with your training (not that you look like you need it!).
Thank you. Diet and training are going well. Currently I am during an upper/lower split with a "special rest twist", that some on the forum would probably not like much, but its built on one premise and one premise only: I know how my body responds to certain stumuli.
This "breaks" many standard traditions, and probably wouldn't settle with some people that well, but no matter, I know ME best:
Below is a QUICK EXAMPLE, and isnt my full UPPER routine:
(And, please bare in mind this EXAMPLE routine, just wasnt thrown in there, it was "progessively developed", and they are NOT necessarily in the order I do them, but just written to give an idea.)
Edit: My Lower routine also includes "the special twist"
If you like, I will take the time to write "specifically" in order all the exercises I am doing. No problem!
1. T-Bar Row: 3 sets 8 to 12 (currently at upper rep end)
Rest is 3 minutes. However, 1 minute of the 2 is spent ALL OUT on the upright bike, and then use the remaining 2 minutes to rest.
Then I perform set 2, and 3 in the same process. Therefore I have 3 minutes on ALL OUT cardio in this set.
2. Bent-Arm Pull Over: 2 sets, 8 to 12 (currently upper end)
Rest is 3 minutes. And do the same process as I explained in the T-Bar Row. Therefore I have an additional 2 minutes of ALL OUT cardio.
3. Flat Bench Press: 3 sets, 6 to 8
Rest is 3 minutes. Each set has a group of 1 minute of ALL OUT cardio, and resting the remaining of the rest period, and then repeating the process for a total of 3 sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.
4. Incline Bench Press: 2 sets 8 to 10
Rest is 3 minutes. And the same process as in the Flat Bench Press. Additional 3 minutes of ALL OUT cardio.
5. DB Flyes: 2 sets, 10 to 12
Rest is 2 minutes. 30 second ALL OUT BURST cardio between sets. 1 minute of additional cardio
6. Weighted Dips: 2 sets, 8 to 10 (I use a thick long leather belt to loop through the hand hole of the olympic weight to hold the weight)
Rest is 2 minutes. With 30 second ALL OUT burst on the upright bike for each set, and resting the remaining. A total of 1 minute of cardio.
7. Military Press: 2 sets, 8 to 10
3 minutes of rest.1 minute of ALL OUT cardio between sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.
8. French Press (Skull Crushers) 2 sets, 6 to 10
3 minutes of rest. 1 minute of ALL OUT cardio between sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.
9. Standing BB Curl (heavy): 2 sets, 5 to 8 (several exercises AFTER back)
3 minutes. No cardio
10. Weighted Pull-ups (palms facing me) 2 sets, 8 to 12
3 minutes of rest. 1 minute of ALL OUT cardio between sets. 3 additional minutes of cardio.
11. Dead Lift: 3 sets, 7 to 9
3 minutes. No cardio (I want to live to see 47

12. DB Curl SHRUG: 2 sets, 10 (changed from Upright Row)
2 minutes rest between sets. 30 seconds of ALL OUT cardio between sets for 1 additional minute of cardio.
13. Weighted Hanging Leg Raise: 3 sets, 15-17
I currently allow 2 minute rest because I am super setting within the first minute with a variation of the weighted roll-out and plank.
The remaining Cardio minutes are then finished at the end.
Yes, a lot of energy and calories are expended and I taylor my diet for it accordingly.
This isnt exhaustive. But if you want I can write my routine specifically detailed (in order how I do them), if you want! Just have to ask.
I have been successful for this reason:
I am in control; always in control; I control what I want my body to produce. Despite its kick backs of the positive and/or negative, I am the boss. I apply consistency and persistence, and look at bodily responses through "educated eyes" and come back with a educated response.
Its great that you always take the time to motivate people individually and you seem to be a real inspiration to a lot of people on here. A lot of what you say makes perfect sense, especially about diet and mental determination, and just reading your posts has given me the mental toolset I need to push on through with my goals and finally look the way I want.
Thank you for your kinds words, Xav. In my heart this is all I want to do is help people. This has been the sole purpose of this log and the reason I created it. Again, I appreciate your kind words and thoughts.
I hope your day goes well for you.
Best wishes,