The ChillOut Log

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Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your tomato plants. It's horrible someone would do that.

We're avid gardeners, the though of someone doing that is just terrible. If you find out who did it, make sure they learn their lesson.
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your tomato plants. It's horrible someone would do that.

We're avid gardeners, the though of someone doing that is just terrible. If you find out who did it, make sure they learn their lesson.

I dont know if we will find out in the future; time will tell.

We adapted and overcame, and got new plants. Plenty of growing season left.

The melons were left alone, which was a good thing.

Thanks for responding.

Best wishes

I feel the need to repost (the subject of SELF-MASTERY) this for those that dont want to take the time to review the log entries since the pages are getting high.

I am thinking of saving certain links to posts, and at the request of a member, I can post it when they have a need to read certain subject matter.

The heart and soul of my success:

Getting in tune with myself. I lost weight successfully, met an exceeded my goals---because I am in sync with myself, and know how to properly deal with and master myself, and I continue to try to master my strengths and weaknesses within life, within diet, and within training.


It's an inner ability to do it because it's important for you -- for your health, appearance, energy level, strength.

Feel the power of Self Mastery


Being Master of Yourself

(Daryl R. Gibson)

("No man is free who is not master of himself." -- Epicetus.)

What does it mean to be the master of yourself?

Certainly, each one of us has demands that pull him or her one way or the other, until it seems that we are stretched in all directions. Does being the master of oneself mean that we ignore those demands? Does being master of yourself mean that you never listen to your spouse, your family, or your mother-in-law?


Being master of yourself goes deeper than that. It all has its root in attitude.

Being the master of yourself goes deeper than getting up when the alarm goes off, although that's an important first step.

It means more than controlling your spending or eating habits, although that too is essential.

It means more than exercising, even when you don't feel like it, or mowing the lawn when you would prefer to sit in front of the TV and eat cheese puffs.

It means, deep down, and to the core, a control -- a mastery -- of your basic emotions that drive your behavior.

First off, we must control self-doubt.

Many of us doubt ourselves, even though we are loath to admit it. "In his private heart, no man much respects himself," Mark Twain, an adept judge of human nature, wrote. Alexandre Dumas, author of such celebrated classics as The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers, put it even plainer: "A person who doubts himself is like man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convicted of it."

Self-doubt is a cancer that limits our future. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy, that forever limits us.

Second, we must control our view of ourselves.

The decisions we make in life are largely determined by the filters we use to judge reality.

Few of us will ever be able to take a totally unbiased view of our abilities, because few ever can detach ourselves from our past.

If we were able to judge ourselves by the same standards that we apply to our friends and family, we might be able to gain a better viewpoint. The Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote the following (loosely translated): "Oh, that some power give us the gift to see ourselves as others see us." (The original is "Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us to see oursel's as ithers see us." I think I did pretty well.).

Only when we can make a reasonable, positive view of our abilities, will we ever gain the upper hand. Herb Cohen, who is billed as "The World's Greatest Negotiator," had an interesting take on this. Herb said in his tape series on negotiation that he tends to downplay his failures, or possibly blame them on other people. While it is important for us to keep a reasonably accurate view of our life and our abilities, it's also important for us to not shortchange ourselves, and we are wont to do. Keeping a positive spin on our abilities can make a major difference.

Third, we must be fair with ourselves.

Being fair with an employee, doesn't mean constant praise. Sometimes, being fair means that correction where a change is needed. So we need to be fair with ourselves, even though that fairness may mean a rational set of changes that need to be made. Few of us are ever fair with ourselves.

Fourth, to master ourselves, we must master our emotions.

So many of us allow moods to control ourselves. If the day is bleak, we get bleaker. If the night is dark, we get darker. We take our emotions to an extreme, and never really become the master of our fate.

Fifth, to become a master, we must practice.

By its very nature, Mastery requires practice. It requires work. It requires dedication, change, sacrifice.

Sixth, remember to protect yourself from IMPROPER self-pity. "Self-pity is our worst enemy," said Helen Keller, who had every reason to engage in self pity. "If we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world."

Seventh, practice occasional self-renewal.

Like a blighted neighborhood, sometimes, you've just got to tear old things down in yourself, and build up something new. Too often, we let the dust of the world clog up the life of our soul. Sometimes, we've just got to do some dusting.

Eighth, give yourself a push. Set goals to work on the parts you want to master first. Choose the one area that is most standing in your way, and goal for a change. Set a specific, detailed goal, a date for achievement, then plan out your path to success.

Ninth, learn to like yourself. "I don't like myself," said Mae West. "I'm crazy about myself."


“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”


Master yourself and stand and deliver to yourself


If you really sit down and think about it, it is truly being able to Master Yourself in the things you deal with in your life. All sorts of negatives come in to play: Not feeling like training, dealing with hunger when deficit dieting, dealing with your own personal demons, dealing with other negative persons, and the list goes on.



Manage stress by Managing Yourself.
(By Anne Walsh)

First of all, I am not going to begin this article by telling you about how important it is to eat properly, exercise regularly and to look after yourself. You know all that stuff already, don’t you?

No, what I am going to give you are five things you can do to handle your stress.

Could I suggest first of all, that you practice these when you are NOT stressed? After all, the time to learn any new skill is BEFORE you need it, not WHEN you need it.

Be here now.

I reckon that a major part of stress comes from the “what if” tape that plays every time we come across something that exceeds our perceived capacity. “What if I can’t handle this?” “What if I screw this up, I’ll lose my job?”. Imagine yourself turning down the volume on the tape.

Instead ask yourself…what is the one thing I have to do RIGHT NOW? Do it and forget about the rest. Repeat as necessary. Focus on doing this one thing as well as possible.

What part of “no” don’t you understand?

There are times when you just have to say “No”. Begin today by saying No to small requests – things you do find it easy to say NO to. If you find it hard to say “No”, say “I’ll get back to you”. This will give you breathing space to decide if you can easily accommodate the other person. Practise this skill when you are NOT under pressure..

If your boss asks you to do something extra, ask him/her what other tasks will have to be left undone because you can’t do everything. You are not Superman/woman. (Really, you are not…haven’t you checked lately? And remember, even Superman wasn’t super all the time!)

Task Swap/Drop

If you have a part of your job that stresses you out, explore the option of swapping this task with someone else, in return for you helping them with something. If that is not an option, is there a possibility you could change your duties if a part of your job really stresses you out?

First things first…after I’ve done this..

Yes, we all know this don’t we? But it’s amazing how we really, really have to tidy out the drawers of our desk (or clean the skirting boards with a toothbrush if we work at home) when there is a deadline coming up. Cheryl Richardson () has an excellent idea around creating an “Absolute Yes” list. This list has 3-5 items that we need to do every day to keep on top of our work. Put this list on small cards and place them where you can see them regularly. Then make sure you do them every day…If you tend to dawdle before you get stuck into a task, build in some “dawdling” time and then begin the real job.

Take a break….

One of my favourite stories about stress was the company that used to call a tea break in the middle of a crisis! This immediately reduced tension. After all, things can’t be that bad if there’s time for tea! Next time you are feeling totally stressed, take a break, go for a walk, stand up and stretch at your desk. And remember if this job is totally stressful, you can always leave it. You always have choices…


I believe it is possible to live a stress free life. You can learn how to handle the problems that you come across every day in a way that stretches rather than stresses you.


I have made many posts on how important it is to MASTER YOURSELF. There is MUCH wisdom in learning how to appropriately master yourself.......


And, number two:

Really brotha and sista's IT IS ABOUT:


Let's continue: Mastering Yourself

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Quality in. Crap out. Master what you allow in your soul and what you do not.



Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.

(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)

Every thought you have makes up some segment of the world you see. It is with your thoughts then, that we must work, if your perception of the world is to be changed.

(A course in miracles)

The problem here is how do you work with your thoughts??? Well, do you really know?


There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility lies in being superior to your previous self.

(Hindu Proverb)

Master your skeletons in the closet, people.



Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.


Become the master of your failures. They are the root of your success.


The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

(Alan Kay)

Is it your mind that guides you? Is it your heart that guides you? Or is it your heart and mind that guides you? Can you master one, the other, or both?



The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.


Master your temptations.



It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit.


You master your inner voice, there is no stopping you.



Listen up my friends: Within diet and fitness we can become under pressure when we try and perform to a standard which is more than we think we can achieve - not more than we can actually achieve. Rather than try harder, change your opinion and your behavior will follow.

Be come a master of self, and stand and deliver to yourself.

Best wishes to all of you

June 28th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day(1)

Begetting Change: Same Choices, Same Results​

(The Sunjay Times)

Repeated bouts of adversity are an unavoidable aspect of human existence. We battle against our inner struggles or outer world forces, and in many cases, we emerge on the opposite side of struggle stronger and better equipped to cope with the challenges yet to come. However, we can occasionally encounter trials that seem utterly hopeless. We strike at them with all of our creativity and perseverance, hoping desperately to bring about change, only to meet with the same results as always. Our first instinct in such situations is often to push harder against the seemingly immovable obstruction before us, assuming that this time we will be met with a different outcome. But staying power and stamina net us little when the same choices consistently garner the same results. A change in perspective, behavior, or response can do so much more to help us move past points where no amount of effort seems sufficient to overcome the difficulties before us.

Whether our intention is to change ourselves or some element of the world around us, we cannot simply wish for transformation or hope that our lives will be altered through circumstance. If our patterns of thought and behavior remain unchanged, our lives will continue to unfold much as they have previously. Patterns in which fruitless efforts prevail can be overcome with self examination and courage. It is our bravery that allows us to question the choices we have made thus far and to channel our effort into innovation. Asking questions and making small adjustments to your thought processes and behaviors will help you discover what works, so you can leave that which does not work behind you. To break free from those unconscious patterns that have long held sway over your actions and reactions, you will likely have to challenge your assumptions on a most basic level. You must accept once and for all that your beliefs with regard to cause and effect may no longer be in accordance with your needs.

Stagnation is often a sign that great changes are on the horizon. Courting the change you wish to see in yourself and in the world around you is a matter of acknowledging that only change begets change. The results you so ardently want to realize are well within the realm of possibility, and you need only step away from the well-worn circular path to explore the untried paths that lie beyond it.


A warrior of the light never acts in a cowardly fashion.

Fight may be an excellent art of defense, but it cannot be used when fear is great. When in doubt, the warrior prefers to risk defeat and then cure his wounds - because he knows that if he runs away, he is giving his aggressor more power than he deserves.

He can cure physical suffering, but will be persecuted forever for any spiritual weakness.

Faced with difficult and painful moments, the warrior faces unfavorable circumstances with heroism, resignation and courage.


A lesson in two different Fisherman:

Two Fishermen

Two men went fishing. One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn’t. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back. The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired of seeing the man waste good fish. “Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?” he asked. The inexperienced fisherman replied, “I only have a small frying pan.”

Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throw back the big plans, big dreams, big jobs, big opportunities that God gives us. Our faith is too small. We laugh at that fisherman who didn’t figure out that all he needed was a bigger frying pan, yet how ready are we to increase the size of our faith?


Be at your best PEOPLE!

Best wishes,

June 28th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (2)

You must want a big success and then beat it into submission


You must want a big success and then beat it into submission; you must be as ravenous to reach it as the wolf who licks his teeth behind a fleeing rabbit; you must be as mad to win as the man who, with one hand growing cold on the revolver in his pocket, with the other hand pushes his last gold piece on the ‘Double-O’ at Monte Carlo.

(The Sunjay Times)


Data suggests: More swings at the bat = higher success rate


Veracity — being honest with yourself

I was reading an article published by MarcumSmith and in it, I learned a word that I have not previously known about but whose meaning I am familiar with.

Veracity is the English word for the Latin term veritas, which means truth. But why not just say the word truth if that’s what they meant by choosing it to describe what they found? Truth essentially refers to facts or reality; it implies accuracy and honesty. Veracity, however, differs slightly; veracity is the habitual pursuit of, and adherence to, truth.

Veracity differs from truth in action, not in value. So why is veracity so important—who doesn’t want the truth? It’s not that people don’t want the truth, but what portion we want is occasionally a different story. What part wouldn’t we want? The part that’s hard to hear. What fraction of the truth wouldn’t we want to address? The portion that’s hard to say.

There is a point and time in almost every important business discussion where we might be curiously exploring or intensely debating, and stumble upon brutal facts. If openness and progress are the outcome of humility, and innovation is the aim of curiosity, then veracity is the light that exposes the truth hidden in the shadows of habits and comfort zones.

Admitting your own failures and shortcomings are difficult sometimes.

Veracity means to be honest with yourself, acknowledging weakness so that you can move on to address them. I _do_ want people to tell me the part they think would be hard to me to hear. I _do_ want to know the truth that is hard for me to swallow

(The Sunjay Times)



Best regards,

July 1, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (1)

The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.

(Earl Nightingale)

Prepare your Mind.

Prepare to meet your Goal.

We have all heard the expression, “It don’t come easy” in reference to success. This is the truth. Although success may appear to happen in an effortless fashion, someone somewhere worked very diligently behind the scenes to ensure optimal results. You must prepare your mind for the difficult tasks that lay ahead of you as you drive your way toward success. Just as a world-class athlete spends years training his body to take the punishment of intense competition, you must train your mind for the battles you will face on the road to making your goals a reality. Your mental training regime involves challenging yourself with completing increasingly difficult tasks.


The deepest human defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become.

–Ashley Montagu

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

–Anais Nin


Self-analysis and action must go together

It’s so easy to stay comfortably stuck in the infinite loop of self-analysis, just waiting and waiting for the perfect moment when everything is right before we take that emotional risk or actually do something.

While introspection is good and necessary, it is doubtful that introspection alone will provide us with the answer of what we want to do. Getting out there, trying new things, and after possibly failing a few times, we’ll widen our experience which will help us hone in on what we want.

Sometimes I fall into the trap of planning all damn day, getting that false feeling that I am actually progressing. I guess I am prone to analysis-paralysis. While I’m not advocating against not planning a strategy, tweaking one’s strategy every 5 minutes is counter productive. Don’t forget execution.

Self-analysis and action must go together.

(Sunjay Times)


Master yourself to motivate yourself.

Being motivated in life is quite difficult with showers of sadness and sorrow that soak us from time to time. You just struggle out of one stormy weather only to get into another. At this time the mind conjures negative emotions and with increasing bitter incidents it gets ugly.

For instance you start your own business, but burn your fingers and when you try to withdraw you only realise you are neck deep in debt. So how do you overcome such untoward accidents? Well as it is said, 'it's all in the mind'.

If you are feeling negative, your mind builds a consortium of negativity, but if there have positive thoughts then your mind will flood you with all the goodness in the world. So how do you shift the direction of your mind?

First understand yourself and your thoughts. Learn what situations pinch you and what bring a smile to your face. Similarly know what triggers your emotion and try to keep away from it.

There are basically three foundational reasons why you lose motivation in life.

a) Lack of confidence - So you want to learn cooking but create a blunder every time you enter the kitchen. Now you think you are not fit to be in the kitchen and give up. Moreover if someone says that you are horrible in the kitchen it adds to your gloominess and increases negativity. All this is simply because you lose confidence in yourself.

b) No focus - You do not know what it is it you want. You are giving all your attention to the things you do not have. A designer dress, coveted furniture or that pricey promotion. This makes you jealous of people who posses those things and changes your attitude towards them.

c) The direction - you do not know where you are heading. You want to buy a house but do not know which one to pick. You finding it difficult to arrange for the down payment and so are in panic. This occurs because you are not taking one step at a time. You lacked homework and are now in the lurch.

Now that you know the reasons lets look at the solutions.

a) Build your confidence - list down all your positive aspects and the negative aspects. Now look at how you can better your positive and cut down the negativity. Read books on how to get better, exercise and eat healthy. Look into the mirror daily and say, 'yes I can do it!' Then you can cook or do whatever you want.

b) Increase concentration - whenever your mind wanders away try to get it back on track. Your mind follows a pattern; once you can crack the pattern you can amend it too. Think of yourself as you have the dress, the furniture you dream of or the promotion you seek and soon you will have it.

c) Know where you are heading - write the list of things you want to do. Then take up one at a time and study it thoroughly. Make up your mind on do's and don'ts. Take some professional help if you need. So if you want to buy a house, what is the first step? Sought out your money and put everything in writing. This serves as a ready reckoner whenever you want to fall back on it.

(Judea Ghandi)


It boils down to a powerful choice: positive expectancy or negative expectancy.

To achieve the success you envision, you must believe that you are capable of making it happen. For some people, this deep-seated belief comes quite naturally. However, for many of us we frequently question our ability to ultimately succeed at accomplishing our dreams; lacking a sense of positive expectancy.

There are a variety possible reasons as to why we question that we can't or won't follow through with a desired objective. Perhaps we have allowed ourselves to absorb repeated negative comments over the years, or maybe we didn't receive a sufficient dose of positive reinforcement in our youth. Of course, there are numerous other potential reasons or excuses.

If you are one who needs to regroup and begin the process of taking back control of your outlook toward positive outcomes, the good news is that it is entirely possible. The bad news is that successful achievements simply won't happen unless you believe they are possible and make the commitment to passionately pursue your goals.

It may take awhile to condition yourself to develop a pattern of authentic positive expectancy, but it is most likely easier than you imagine. Once you accept that the brain responds to what it is conditioned to expect, then the process begins to make sense. For example, if one is conditioned to expect failure, one can also be conditioned to expect successful results.

Thomas Jefferson was right on target when he stated that, "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal." Over time, Mr. Jefferson conditioned his mind to expect positive outcomes. He developed an attitude of thought that attracted positive results, people, and circumstances that supported the fulfillment of his goals. He nurtured self-belief and self-confidence. Developing "the right mental attitude" for successful outcomes is possible for each of us.

If the concept of truly believing that you are capable of achieving a major goal is a bit overwhelming, then begin with a smaller, more manageable objective and progress to a larger goal. Remember, each of us had to crawl before we could walk. Allow yourself the opportunity to develop a pattern of positive expectancy. With time, your mind will be conditioned to support you as if you have the wind at your back.

An absolutely crucial ingredient toward the accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor is the mindset that you can and will achieve the results you want. This is called Positive Expectancy. This week, next month, and the year ahead will unfold as you expect it will. In other words, if your outlook and belief system is positive and you genuinely expect like results, you are certainly going to realize greater personal fulfillment.

This does not mean that your pursuit will always be a bed of roses just because you positively expect that outcome. But, positive expectancy begets positive results more of the time and provides the foundation for overcoming challenges along the way. Adversely, if you approach your life with the attitude that nothing will improve or that you are destined for a "Murphy's Law" existence (what can go wrong will go wrong), that's pretty much what you can expect.

It boils down to a powerful choice: positive expectancy or negative expectancy.

The person who practices the attitude of positive expectancy becomes proficient at turning problems into solutions, embraces responsibility as opportunity, and attacks adversity as an opportunity for learning and strengthening abilities and resolve. The depth of your success greatly depends upon your commitment to your positive expectations.

Here are 5 components that contribute to Positive Expectancy:

1. Clearly decide on what it is that you desire - be precise, write down details.

2. Use your imagination and consistently visualize the results you want.

3. Truly believe in your pursuit, no matter how many obstacles appear.

4. Enthusiastically take action and doggedly overcome challenges.

5. Be positive, expect the results you want.

(David Schaafer)


Be true to yourself, put your heart in it, and you put yourself in it.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.

(Create your own music that no one can hear but you!)

Let the music ROCK inside you! :)

Best wishes,

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Thanks Chillen.

Good news here. The burned foot has healed enough that I was able to get back on the treadmill this morning. :cool: I hit it hard, and it felt GREAT to be moving. A little pain, but still...a very good workout. I was able to pick back up where I left off before the burn. As much as I hated that recumbent bike, the work on it paid off.
Thanks Chillen.

Good news here. The burned foot has healed enough that I was able to get back on the treadmill this morning. :cool: I hit it hard, and it felt GREAT to be moving. A little pain, but still...a very good workout. I was able to pick back up where I left off before the burn. As much as I hated that recumbent bike, the work on it paid off.

You are welcome!

Good to hear that you foot is healed!

It seems your body adjusted extremely well with the slight delay in training! Keep on cooken'!....oh...:).....uh, lets put that a different way: Keep on ROCKEN! ;)

I am glad to see you signed up for the e-partner competition! This could do you some good! We have a lot of persons sigining up! This is going to ROCK!

Cheers! My friend.......stay tough as always!

Hey Chillen

Good to meet you. Have been reading your log for the past few weeks and it's been a great motivation to me - particularly as I decided to get back on track fitness wise by signing up to a marathon in Oct and have hit the gym and trails hard over the last month or so. Have never run before so it's been interesting so far and your log has become a bit of a daily staple :)

So thank you on behalf of all of the quietish, lurker type people on the site! :jump1:
Hey Chillen

Good to meet you. Have been reading your log for the past few weeks and it's been a great motivation to me - particularly as I decided to get back on track fitness wise by signing up to a marathon in Oct and have hit the gym and trails hard over the last month or so. Have never run before so it's been interesting so far and your log has become a bit of a daily staple :)

So thank you on behalf of all of the quietish, lurker type people on the site! :cool:
Hey Chillen

Good to meet you. Have been reading your log for the past few weeks and it's been a great motivation to me - particularly as I decided to get back on track fitness wise by signing up to a marathon in Oct and have hit the gym and trails hard over the last month or so. Have never run before so it's been interesting so far and your log has become a bit of a daily staple :)

So thank you on behalf of all of the quietish, lurker type people on the site! :cool:

Thank you for your kind words, Marker. I appreciate them a lot.

I made this journal over a year ago for just one purpose: The members on this forum whether they post or lurk. And, I know alot view it that dont post, and its nice to hear once in a while. So, I thank you.

I dont know what your personal goals are. But we are currently developing a first competition (i.e. Draft) among its members, and I think it could have some benefit for you. Go here and read on it, and if want to join make a post saying so, and I will add your name to the list of participants.

Here is the link:

How are you "really" doing?

Hope all is well.


Again, Thank You!

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July 02, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (1)

Let's Get Fired Up!

Lets show the WORLD what we are made of by banding together and working as one!

TM (bless his heart!:)), has just posted the First World Fitness E-Partner Lottery Draft!

Go read the material and sign up!

Link is here:

Official World Fitness E-Partner Lottery Draft


If you are new, and do not know what this is about, then go to the link BELOW and read, and then got the above link, and sign up! It will do you some good!

Firing-up the Spirit Between Members

Lets ROCK together!

Best wishes,

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Bump this forward: (I haven't forgotten, Brotha and Sista's)

EDIT: I am adding in the posts and links for convenience. I will eventually get all posts and links in. So please pardon the incompleteness for now, its not finished. All links are within the COL ONLY

I plan to make several more posts in tribute to:

1. Protein Boy (Jon)-Done

Tribute Poem: 1,319
Tribute Post: 1,036

Several more to Link

2. SpicyPumkin--Done Post: 1,556

Post 1,321
Also posted a "thoughts for the day" Post: 1,065

Several more to link

3. Beth-Done Post: 1,337, 1,338

Tribute Poem: 1,320

Several more to link

4. AMP-Done Post: 1,339

More to Link

5. The FFer-Done Post:1,340:1,341

I have done several posts for the FF'er and will locate and edit in the links.

He also stepped in and posted a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,470

6. Jackie-Done Post: 1365

Post 1,573

Several more to Link

7. Sparrow--Done Post: 1,367:

8.CCR--Wants another one ;) Post: 1,372

CCR also wrote a "thoughts for the day" Post 1,164:

9.Derwyddon (Sarah) Done Post 1,991

Derwyddon also stepped in and made a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,502

10.Phate-Done Post: 2,069

Several more to Link

11. Stingo

12. Nae82 DONE: Post: 1,383

13. Dallen
15. George
16. Lei
17. Phil
18. BSL

BSL also has taken time to post "thoughts for the day" Post 2,393

19. RWS (Refined Wisdom and Spirit)
20. EVO
21. Mreik
22. LV
23. TM
24. Malkore
25. Deschain
26. Smithmachine
27. Streamline
28. Def
29. G8R80
30. Kraken--is NEXT

31. Calorie Busten Furnace, GOOCH DONE Post 2,386

32. [Focus]
33. KittyHartman26
34. Lost
35. JokersWild
36. Shellsy21
37. Spartan300
38. NBS4Life
39. Wrangell :)

40. Woodt

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number One): 1,496

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number Two): 1,050

Various more to Link

41. GreenhornGal.
42. MrDevine.
44. BigTom
45. MarkMyWords
46. BigTom
47. Marko--DONE Post 2,592:
48. Wojo
49. Marker

Chillens Home Training Equipment:

The Equipment I use to Train With: Post: 1,727

And I will add others. If you want to be added, please let me know or if you want something specific, let me know too.

They will not be "necessarily" in the order listed.

The all powerful, all knowing, and unmistakable Kraken is next........

Best regards,

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Chillens Home Training Equipment:

The Equipment I use to Train With: Post: 1,773


I've been curious about your training equipment, so I clicked the link. Post 1,773 is a post by mreik. Scoped your adjacent posts and beyond, but couldn't locate. Just thought you should know it's something of a blind link. :eek: :)

I've been curious about your training equipment, so I clicked the link. Post 1,773 is a post by mreik. Scoped your adjacent posts and beyond, but couldn't locate. Just thought you should know it's something of a blind link. :eek: :)

Okay, I will fix it.

It worked the last time I checked it.

I will post the new link, for you, and then update the other one.


Best regards,

I fixed the link in the tributes post. I may have to fix all of them, however.

We had some problems with some of the journals displaying more pages than they actually had sometime back, and this may have messed it up. It was about 3 pages back from the link I had posted (116 instead of 119). I appreciate you telling me.

Any hoot!

I will post it here for your convenience:

I dont know if most of you know the type of equipment I use to train with. The equipment I am going to post is all that I have EVER used. I have "never" went to or signed up for a gym.

It's nothing to write to momma about. The point I am making is the average person on this forum "doesnt" need high tech equipment to lose weight, get into shape, and achieve a low fat percentage.

If you learn the "basics" and then apply it (with some advanced applications in the journey), apply hard word and consistency, you WILL WIN and "earn" your goal. Sure there is better equipment out there (so what?). I just purchased the items I needed to get the----"job done".

In addition, remember this. When you didnt train (and likely became out of shape), ate like crap and over what your body needed, and gained unwanted weight overtime---you just provided yourself "consistency" for these type of results.

Therefore its just makes "common sense" that in order to reverse this trend, you have to have "like" consistency and "time" in this consistency to reverse the effects of the time you have given to getting out of shape and gaining unwanted weight. You have to bare in mind your preception of time difference between the two.

Let me make this clear as well. I plan my workouts before. And, I analyze my performance after, and then apply the outcomes of the workout and plan my next workout (in progressive nature)---right after I am done. EACH TIME without fail, I never put this off. Its fresh, I feel good, and its the best time for me.

If a workout is bad. I still feel good. Why? "I am doing something" Instead of "nothing", and not crying about it, and I am "working" on it. One has to be "consistantly" tough in my opinion, and "learn" from mistakes, and not let "failures" lure you into----your "prior consistancy habits".

Failure can be a "poison" or a"benefit" decide which it is.

The equipment I have is in my garage, just off my kitchen. When I train I have my laptop on my kitchen table, and its connected to a pair of Wireless headphones (Sennheiser's). I use these headphones while I train.

This is the equipment I use:

1. I have about 450lbs (approx) of Olympic style cast iron weights (Gold's Gym, brand)

2. Olympic stainless steel long bar (45lbs type), a short "S" bar, a "tri" bar, two stainless steel, DB's

3. Olympic style Bench which declines and inclines, and has a squat rack. It also has a preacher pad, and a front leg extension device. I have never used the front leg extension device, come to think of it.

4. A mobile flat bench which inclines and declines

5. A upright recumbant bike with a back rest. It has a gauge for inputting one's age, wgt, etc. It will display heart rate, calories burned, and time in exercise.

6. A self made dip station. My friend and I welded this together "several" months back, and it looks like a traditional dip station one would see in a catalog or online.

What's interesting here is that for many months I used a "car cloths rack" for my dips (we have to be inventive in our requests....HEHEHE :) ). I have been wanting to put dips in my workout for some time, but flat didnt have the equipment or money--at the time. One day I got of my car, and the "car cloths rack' caught me eye. I took it out and looked at it. Since it telescoped out, I was hoping it would come apart into two separate sections. It did. It was made of steel, and the only question was: Would it support my weight and the stess of sets/reps. I had 4 rather high jack stands in the garage. I gather you can figure out what I did-------"worked perfectly"!

7. I have a rail on my wall in front of my stationary bike. It has two pics. Me and the person I want to look like. In between the two pics are numbers and months. (I already posted what I do, so I wont write this again).

8. A golds gym weight stacker (next to my stationary bike)

9. A Swiss Ball

10. Several Stretch bands, at varying stengths

11. Telescoping Push-up bars

12. Squat rack (personally modified)


Best regards,

Just so you know I'm still reading your thread of useless filler and spam. LOL

Thanks, a lot...........>:bncry:

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