June 25th, 2008: Thoughts for the day (1)
Got called into work on a server problem, and when I finished that off, I decided to make todays post in the COL.
Good Morning Brotha and Sista's.
Have peace within you today.
Have joy in your step
Prep your
step for every
Hope this morning finds you well and ROCKEN' ON!
On with the "Thoughts for the Day"..................................
What makes the engine go? Desire, desire, desire...........
Blaze with the fire that is never extinguished.
(Luisa Sigea)
Spread your heart around your passion. Create passion disturbances in your heart. It will wake up your soul. It will spread. It will light the fire in your children by example, and pave the way for their own passion creation.
It's the soul's duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion.
(Rebecca West)
Happiness is to the life of a person who is the master of self-passions
Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.
(Denis Diderot)
Be interested in yourself beyond all experience.
Be with yourself, love yourself.
The ultimate security is found only in self-knowledge.
honest with yourself and nothing will betray you.
(Nisargadatta Maharaj)
Have a get Aquanted Party!
I am one powerful self made up of so many selves that sometimes I throw myself a get-acquainted party.
(Eric Maisel)
Passion holds up the bottom of the universe and genius paints up its roof.
(Chang Ch'ao)
What the public wants is the image of passion, not passion itself.
(Roland Barthes)
Come On! You can't use images of another's passion! You have to learn what YOURS IS. Build the FIRE inside!
Every man without passions has within him no principle of action, nor motive to act.
(Claude A Helvetius)
I simple cannot understand the passion that some people have for making themselves thoroughly uncomfortable and then boasting about it afterwards.
(Patricia Moyes)
A lot of us master this condition far too often than mastering the one that matters....
It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted.
Meeting resistance is a good thing
As you go along your own road in life, you will, if you aim high enough, also meet resistance, for as Robert Kennedy once said, “if there’s nobody in your way, it’s because you’re not going anywhere.” But no matter how tough the opposition may seem, have courage still–and persevere.
(Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright)
This quote is similar to the saying, If you say you have no competitors, that means nobody is stupid enough to want to do what it is you’re trying to do”. If you’re doing something of value, you will meet competitors.
Do you have "Internal" competitors for the product you desire. For and against.
THINK about this quote and put it in proper perspective of: SELF.
Paul Buchheit brings up a very valid point about visionary super-achievers, that when it comes to possibilities–it’s not about belief but disbelief.
If you think about it, a vision is by definition, something that is a little farther ahead than the current state of things. It wouldn’t be a vision if it was already achieved, would it? By the same token, if a vision is too far fetched, would we label the person championing it as a psychopath who doesn’t understand reality?
I think the important lesson to be learned here is that when imagining the world of possibilities, as long as you ground yourself in reality, do not fear society disbelieving you. Let’s look at the opposite case: If everyone absolutely believes your vision in its entirety — wouldn’t that just really indicate that your vision isn’t really that visionary after all? At the very minimum, a vision would require a small leap of faith. Leap of faith equals risk, and we all know risk is proportional to reward.
Holding back when imagining the world of possibilities while in search for a solution to a problem is counter-productive, you’re just fighting this internal battle — and the only person that really loses is yourself. I have felt like that at times, and now when I notice myself running in such loops, I quickly disengage from such irrational fears.
In his presentation at Startup School 2007, Paul reminded us that when someone tells you,
“That’s impossible” it should be translated as “According to my very limed experience and narrow understanding of reality, that’s very unlikely.” Everyone continuously builds a different set of experiences in their respective lives, and therefore everyone’s understanding of reality is fundamentally different.
Reality is larger than we can possibly comprehend. Are you certain of something? If so, is it possible that you aren’t seeing the big picture? Perhaps you would change your mind if your understanding were a little broader. Maybe invention is a simple matter of observing what has always existed, and change happens when you notice parts of your self that were there all along.
The SUNJAY Times)
Don’t settle for second best, ever.
A lot of times before, I have settled for second best. Thoughts of failure or mediocrity creeps into my mind as I am pushing towards a goal, and guess what — I do end up falling short of my true end goal. Having such thoughts lingering around is really counter productive as it constantly undermines the effort you are putting in. Picture yourself physically running towards the finish line but your brain telling your body, “No way you’re going to make it there”. There’s no room for such thoughts; so let go of such thoughts already! Accept the outcome after, but don’t settle for anything less than your best when pushing forward.
The SUNJAY Times)
What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.
– George Eastman
What will happen if you try and do not succeed?
For some reason, many times I catch myself not taking an action for fear that I might not get what I want, for fear of being rejected or laughed at. Then, I fail because of my inaction, rather than action. It happens over and over. So therefore, sometimes I find it extremely beneficial to couch the projected end result in terms of complete total failure (as in, the mission was not accomplished).
I ask myself “Seriously, if I failed miserably at this, how bad can it be?”. More often than not, the answer is “I will still have my arms and legs”. So it’s really not that bad at all. And I go do it. And if I do fail, I will have no regrets because I failed by action, and not inaction. Yes, I’m a person of action. I will not look back and say, “See, you shouldn’t even have tried”.
At my hockey practice with my buddies, we usually cheer when one of us fall and crash hard on the ice during practice. It’s actually pretty funny, because someone usually yells “.. AND HE’S OK!!” (insert scene from Austin Powers where mini-me falls and then gets up OK) It’s our way of reminding each other that “Hey, you did good, and you are learning! Keep on doing it!” And the truth is, when learning to skate, if you aren’t falling, then you’re not trying hard enough. I have completely let go of the notion of “not crashing”.
The SUNJAY Times)
passion GUIDE
EYED, my
passion BRIDE.
We will never
When I
passion DENIED.
TRIED with
PRIDE with
passion as my
Passion will always
passion SUPPLIED and
EYED my goal
Bring in the internal "CRUISE MISSLE" and bomb yourself with passion!
Then pick the pieces up, put them in your heart, and let them work with you to drive yourself to your goal.
It will ROCK da' Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaat out of ya!
Feeeeeeeeeeeeel.........the explosion!
Best wishes,