The ChillOut Log

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Anyone have any questions and/or personal problems they want to share?

Place them here.........

And, lets see if we can work together and find an answer.

Best wishes


I'm a lazy SOB, how do I fix this?


Anyone have any questions and/or personal problems they want to share?

Place them here.........

And, lets see if we can work together and find an answer.

Best wishes


Hi Chillen,

I think I may be in love with someone. An older... gentleman. How do I know for sure?

Thanks, Crushin' in Calgary
Off to train Upper body, then shower, and then bed.

Later all.

Hope everyone had a great day!

Hope no one experienced anything negative they couldnt handle.


Best wishes

How are your goals coming along?

Can you provide an update?

Any questions?

Concerns? Problems to work out?

Best wishes,


Thanks for asking. :) All had been going very well, right up until vacation. A stupid injury has me slowed somewhat, but not stopped. The house where we were staying came equipped with a Weber grill and we were grilling out, and we didn't notice that the tray that's positioned under the grill to catch coals and ash was missing. We had just come in from swimming, and I hadn't put on shoes (yes...this would be the stupid part). We had just finished grilling and I was moving the grill out of the way. A coal dropped out the bottom of the grill, and without the tray in place the hot coal hit the ground just where my foot was headed. I ended up with a near 3rd degree burn on the bottom of my foot, about a half dollar in size on the ball of my foot...just south of my pinkie toe. treadmill for a while. I have a recumbent bike and have been using that instead...and am still hitting my resistance training. The bike was a gift from a friend. It's an older model and does not fit me very well...pretty uncomfortable...but I'm making it work. It will do until I can get back on the treadmill.

My short term goal is for no back sliding because of the injury. So far, so good.
Thanks for asking. :) All had been going very well, right up until vacation. A stupid injury has me slowed somewhat, but not stopped. The house where we were staying came equipped with a Weber grill and we were grilling out, and we didn't notice that the tray that's positioned under the grill to catch coals and ash was missing. We had just come in from swimming, and I hadn't put on shoes (yes...this would be the stupid part). We had just finished grilling and I was moving the grill out of the way. A coal dropped out the bottom of the grill, and without the tray in place the hot coal hit the ground just where my foot was headed. I ended up with a near 3rd degree burn on the bottom of my foot, about a half dollar in size on the ball of my foot...just south of my pinkie toe. treadmill for a while. I have a recumbent bike and have been using that instead...and am still hitting my resistance training. The bike was a gift from a friend. It's an older model and does not fit me very well...pretty uncomfortable...but I'm making it work. It will do until I can get back on the treadmill.

My short term goal is for no back sliding because of the injury. So far, so good.

Go here, and review the opening post. And, sign up, if you are interested.

There may be a way we can work around the foot injury (burn on foot).

Read the opening post, and see what you think. We are still in the (talking and forming stage at the moment) so nothing is set in stone; however, with the latest posts from TM and EVO, and others, I think we are building a general consensus.

It may do you some good to get involved.

Firing-up the Spirit between Members

(Edit: Hope this is okay with the mods, if not let me know)

Best wishes,

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I need a Chill Pill! :) I have one concern about something that crept up on me I wasn't expecting from working out: Stretch marks?! I have stretch marks on my traps?! Are they from lifting weights or something? I noticed them about 3 days ago, and got kinda freaked out about them. They don't look too appealing if you know what I mean, so I don't want any more (if there IS a way to prevent them?). This is not something that will stop me from working out (I gotta beat GT! ;)), its just something I don't really know much about. Have you ever gotten stretch marks before?
I need a Chill Pill! :) I have one concern about something that crept up on me I wasn't expecting from working out: Stretch marks?! I have stretch marks on my traps?! Are they from lifting weights or something? I noticed them about 3 days ago, and got kinda freaked out about them. They don't look too appealing if you know what I mean, so I don't want any more (if there IS a way to prevent them?). This is not something that will stop me from working out (I gotta beat GT! ;)), its just something I don't really know much about. Have you ever gotten stretch marks before?

No, I have never experienced stretch marks. But, I know A friend of mine (that is male) that has, and my wife has stretch marks (in the lower abdomen area) due to child rearing.

IMO, stretch marks "can" happen due to the possibility of rapid tissue growth.

The skin is not elastic enough or not able to grow as fast as the underlying muscle (or fat) that has accumulated or grown underneath the skin surface.

It then can get stretched forming marks on the skin surface. I think it is logical with "some" persons to get stretch marks when body building due to the disparity in growth, genetics, and skin elasticity, between people in general. Some get them and some do not.

When my wife became upset with her stretch marks, and wanted to do something about them, she got some prescription cream (and some over the counter cream) and it seemed to help--lesson the appearance (and color) of the marks.

She also put creams and what not during pregnacy, but this didnt prevent them from occuring.

It is "possible" that given time that the stretch marks will disappear as you get a little (older and mature), since you are so young, and you continue to change your bodily composition. Your skin "may" just play some catch up.

Stretch marks can go away with time with some persons; however, there is a "chance" they may not.

I wouldnt do anything drastic at the moment. Keep an eye on them, and give it some time to catch up.

In general, stretch marks are basically the skin stetching and not biologically growing as fast as the underlying tissue, thus stetching in the process.

Best regards,

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Thanks! So basically I just gotta wait it out, which is what I was expecting. I have heard of stretch marks due to pregnancy, but getting them from muscle underneath? I wouldn't think so, especially on my traps, that's why I was concerned about it. Hopefully I won't get too many more to the point where someone can see them at a distance from me. Thanks for the info Chillen!
Thanks! So basically I just gotta wait it out, which is what I was expecting. I have heard of stretch marks due to pregnancy, but getting them from muscle underneath? I wouldn't think so, especially on my traps, that's why I was concerned about it. Hopefully I won't get too many more to the point where someone can see them at a distance from me. Thanks for the info Chillen!

You are welcome, young man.

I think its more common than you think. Its just the skin and underlining tissue not keeping in sync with each other. Like I said, there is a good probability that with you being so young (and the youth biological functions still within initial growth period) and the ability to recover/repair quickly they "could" disappear in time.

Keep Rocken-On.......

Hi Chillen,

I think I may be in love with someone. An older... gentleman. How do I know for sure?

Thanks, Crushin' in Calgary

To love what was is good.

To love what is new and improved is better.

You know for sure when you have loved the old self well enough to let go of it, to allow a new self to develop.

This is what you are doing.

This is how you know.



Best wishes,

I am pretty upset at the moment.

My wife and I plant about 6 cherry tomato plants each year (and sometimes these plants in 6 gallon pots can grow to 6 to 8 ft high, and we have tomatos out of our arse for a long time.

Not this year.

Someone took it upon themselves (over night) to break each one of our currently 3 ft plants at the base of the stalk, leaving a stub in the plant.


Thats sh1t Chillen man.

If you find out who did it, kill em slowly, torture em n watch em burn.

Unlucky anyway mate, cant you plant some more?
Thats sh1t Chillen man.

If you find out who did it, kill em slowly, torture em n watch em burn.

Unlucky anyway mate, cant you plant some more?

That's what we did. We found some fairly large plants at a greenhouse today.We will more than likely get some fruit during the late summer, early fall.

So we start over.

Nothing like vine ripened cherry tomatoes in a salad.


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Why would someone do that...I mean,really...who gets off on breaking tomato plants?


I dont know. Doesnt make sense.

Possibly some very young kids out for some kicks.

Putting those beautiful plants in the garbage can just pissed me off.

My wife and I spent most of the morning, cleaning it up, and replanting the new plants.

We also grow our own watermelon and cantelope.

Watermelon on a hot day flat ROCKS.

Any goes on (LOL)......

I could have worse problems instead of dead tomato plants.......:) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Best wishes

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Chillen, I don't think they know who they're messing with. Keep a picture of your six pack in your garden, then they'll think twice before doing something like that ;)
Chillen, I don't think they know who they're messing with. Keep a picture of your six pack in your garden, then they'll think twice before doing something like that ;)

How do you think I crack the watermelon's open when they are ripe and ready to rock....;)

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to have watermelon after mowing the grass. Its so "refreshing" (and filled with a ton of water) and nothing tastes better than fruit off the vine--natural. At least to me.

Heck, I get a weight training workout when they get done growing and we begin picking them.....LOL.

Oh! I account for the calorie expenditure too.....he,he :)

Its all good.....

I will be like the little town when the Grinch stole Christmas....> so he thought..


June 27th, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (1)

How is everyone this fine and beautiful Friday!

Put the hours in

YES! Put the hours in.

Doing anything worthwhile takes YOU and Time to put the effort in.


90% of what separates successful people and failed people is time, effort and stamina.


Warrior of Light:

Using one’s own madness (See, he, he I can be explained!! :))

A warrior of the light studies very carefully the position he wishes to conquer.

However difficult his objective may be, there is always a way to overcome the obstacles.

He verifies the alternative routes, sharpens his sword, and seeks to fill his heart with the perseverance necessary to face the challenge.

But, as he advances, the warrior realizes there are difficulties he had not foreseen at the outset.

If he waits for the ideal moment, he will never move from his position; he sees that a little madness is needed for the next step.

The warrior uses a little madness. Because - in war and in love - one cannot foresee everything.

(Paulo Coelho)

Love this! THIS ROCKS! :) :)


Warrior of Light:

Anyone who fights for their dream, suffers far more when it doesn’t work out, because they cannot fall back on the old excuse: “Oh, well, I didn’t really want it anyway.” They do want it and know that they have staked everything on it and that the path of the Personal Legend is no easier than any other path, except that their whole heart is in this journey. Then, the warrior of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring in his favour, even though he may not understand how.

– Paolo Coelho


Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
–Winston Churchill

Not doing more than the average is what keeps the average down.

–William M. Winans

Life is to be lived, not controlled, and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat.

–Ralph Ellison

Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.

–Mohandas K. Gandhi

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody.

–Herbert B. Swope

The torment of human frustration, whatever its immediate cause, is the knowledge that the self is in prison, its vital force and “mangled mind” leaking away in lonely, wasteful self-conflict.

–Elizabeth Drew

My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.

–Elaine Maxwell

The deepest human defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become.

–Ashley Montagu

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

–Anais Nin

There will be days when our bodies say no and we need our mind to say yes.

There is no doubt......dont be suprised.....embrace it. You will be able to tolerate it and react on it more favorably.

There will be times when it seems that everything in life conspires to sabotage our goals and dreams.

Really?!!! Is it really true life can S@CK sometimes?

Geesh......this is a new one.....ROLL WITH IT, and ROCK!

And there will be weeks or even months when we feel like we are hitting the 20th mile.

The answer is to maintain your vision and focus on it. Keep your vision alive and it will keep you alive. Don’t give up. Keep striving towards the vision planted in your mind and heart.......

YEP! Keep in implanted in your heart!

Best wishes

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