The ChillOut Log

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Good to see you joined the Lotter Draft! I think it will do you some good!

The sign-up (thus far) has been sort of slow, but I expect it to pick up (hopefully) in a few days.

The number of persons interested, isnt matching the signup list thus far :(.

I wish you much luck with your goals, Wojo!!

Flat blast off the launch pad........., baby!

Best wishes my friend,

Hey Chillen

Good to meet you. Have been reading your log for the past few weeks and it's been a great motivation to me - particularly as I decided to get back on track fitness wise by signing up to a marathon in Oct and have hit the gym and trails hard over the last month or so. Have never run before so it's been interesting so far and your log has become a bit of a daily staple :)

So thank you on behalf of all of the quietish, lurker type people on the site! :cool:



Again, I dont know what your goals are, but signing up for the World Fitness E-Partner Lottery Draft may do you some good.

If you are wondering what this is about go to this link:

Firing-Up the Spirit Between Members

After reading it got to this link and sign up!

Link is here:

First World Fitness E-Partner Lottery Draft!

Marker if you read this let me know, please. Thank you!

Let's Get Fired Up!

Lets ROCK together!

Best wishes,

July 3, 2008: Thoughts for the day (1)

Everyone is special in their own RIGHT

Have your heart show the internal LIGHT with all your MIGHT

Your soul will burn BRIGHT and will keep you in the FIGHT!



We generally hear about how persistence is often the key to success.

But what do you do when you've been striving for so long that it seems like your goal is never going to see light?

How do you deal with the fear that you're about to fail?

Simple - Give it just one more shot.

And then one more.

Think about the sweat and time you've committed already.

You've come this far, you'd be unfair to yourself if you quit without a fight.

Even if the odds are way out of your favor and you can't see how it can possibly help, reach out and take one last swing.

You never know what will happen. Glory and big achievements don't happen when everything goes your way. How many times have you seen people in sports make miraculous winning shots that seemed impossible?

Sometimes, you can find victory in the effort.


Eye of the tiger.


I was listening to a different Stallone movie tune during this morning's workout...Over The Top by Sammy Hagar. Cheesey arm wrestling movie...but a good work-your-a$$-off song.

July 3rd, 2008: Thoughts for the day (2)

Most people live and die with their music still unplayed.
They never dare to try.


Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.

(Guess who?)


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing
the inexpressible is music.

(Aldous Huxley)


Music is by far the most wonderful method we have to remind us each day of the power of personal accomplishment.

Chris S. Salazar


Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body.

Oliver Wendell Holmes


A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.

Chinese Proverb


Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.

E. Y. Harburg quotes


If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

Henry David Thoreau

My favorite Philosopher! :)

Music is the art of thinking with sounds.

Jules Combarieu


Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

(Berthold Auerbach)


Best wishes to all!

Music is harmony, harmony is perfection, perfection is our dream, and our dream is heaven


July 3, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (3)

Smooth….........................step on to the mike, leave the hype........

Enter........Your own mind.......

You are the one with the lyrical flow to make your mind blow......

Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude

(Dale Carnegie)


Have YOU found the REAL YOU?!!


I have often thought the best way to define a man's character would be to seek out the particular mental or moral attitude in which, when it comes upon him, he felt himself most deeply and intensely active and alive. At such moments there is a voice inside which speaks and says:

''This is the real me!''.”


What does this Smiley represent in the context of diet and fitness (okay stop the jokes, lol)



“Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear.”


When the rain comes, and it is pouring more acid rain then you seemingly can handle.....ENTER..your mind.

You can change ANYTHING you desire to....................

Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up the fault-finding business. (Hint, Hint):D

Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it.

Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy.

Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces.

(Og Mandino)


Never let any part of your "internal enemies" f@ck with your heart or passion toward your goals.


And, for all the Sista's on the forum:

You never have to hide behind anything..........




Dont be reckless with other peoples hearts.

And, don't let anyone be reckless with yours.

Most importantly, dont be reckless with your own.


Best regards to ALL!

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July 03, 2008: Thoughts for the Day (4)

Welcome to the: "Smelling-The-Turd-Course"

(By Chillen, one of many versions)

When completed you will:

"Have been educated, and will earn the "Bull-SH@t Degree, BSD"

When I responded to someone about metabolism:

You clearly don’t understand what impact diet and fitness "basics" has on stimulating metabolism.

Metabolism is a complicated subject; however, I thoroughly believe that if one were to understand how to manipulate calories and exercise together as a comprehensive unit, this will have a far greater impact on fat tissue loss--then the placebo effect and false sense of accomplishment so called over the counter fat loss pills tend to create.

From all the data and information I have read thus far, "meal frequency" (but is useful for nutritional and other fitness purposes) is a minor player on the impact of metabolism (if having any), and has much less of an impact on metabolism, than calorie manipulation and exercise manipulation.

You would be better served paying attention to manipulating your calories and exercise, than exercising your wallet on fat burners.

For amusement, I was looking at a bottle of Mega-T.

Product label:

*Helps curb appetite
*Helps burns calories
*Helps fight mental fatigue

All the above have a caption asterisk next to it, and when one reads this it says:

"We believe over a period of time you can lose up to 20 pounds if you follow a proper weight loss diet and exercise plan."

Bang the head on the table and shake and rattle the brain! WAKE UP!

Fat loss pills WILL NOT BE responsible nor the stimulant to bring about fat loss!

Why do you think they include clauses such as these on so called fat burner products?

Because the deficit diet is the absolute KING of all fat burners, the nutrients are the decision maker, and fat burners are bull SH@tters to take your money from your pocket and make a profit.

In addition, you need to understand this market isn't even regulated to the degree it should be.

Congratulations, you just had a "smelling-the-turd-course", and have earned your "bull-sh@t" degree.

Without further delay, please put on your cap and gown, my fellow brotha an sista's:



Best wishes,

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Hope everyone who is a US Citizen enjoys the holiday!

1. Going to the park with the family, to cookout on the grill (Steak, Chicken Breasts, Special made baked beans, and other great stuff)

2. Play some Basketball with the wife and sons.

Smack Momma on the ass when I lay the smack down on my finnesse defense! :)

4. Then later going to Ponoma Lake to sit in our boat on the water and watch the fire works display over the dam.

With the reflection of the fireworks off the water its just fantastic.

Off to do my Lower Split, and then some extra cardio, since I am going to eat about 600c over MT today.


Hope your day is great!

If you are doing something special with the family or just hanging out doing something, share it! I would love to hear about it.

Best wishes

What no crappie fishing while watching fireworks??!! LOL

Going fishing tonight No sense in even getting on the lake until after 9pm.
Planning on some after dark walleye and crappie.

Hope your holiday is going well.
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