Weight-Loss The Blue Team Thread

Omygod, I came thisclose to getting elimanated! I was so scared that I was going to be because I couldn't meet the fiber challenge!

Great job everyone! Let's keep it going. Try and get the 300 minutes of exercise in to get all the points possible and maybe we'll be in 1st place next week too.

Wow, that was exciting to see this morning. I felt so bad that I couldn't get a loss in this week but I'm feeling good about next week's weigh in, I'm already down over a lb, woo hoo.

Go Blue!!!
A here I was planning on being eliminated!!!

Guess I wasnt the only one with a bad week.

Gratz guys! I will be sure to kick it in gear this week, and the remainder of the challenge!
Hey guys, we're seriously gonna have to take names and kick butt this week and stay in first place! This week I should DEFINITELY be able to get the bonus points.
yayyyyyyyyy ok guys its ALL about the exercise this week......try to far surpass that goal and guess what.....then we'll ALSO have the most wt loss as well putting us at the TOP......seriously find any time to do anything even 15 min here or there with an exercise video, walking the dog, or a quick run add up! let's go blue nice job this week!
Hey Blue Team,

How's your weekend going? Hope everyone is making an effort to get all your exercise in. Wouldn't it be great to be in first place again this week? After tomorrow's workout I'll be at the 300 minutes needed for the max number of points. Hoping for a loss too this week to give us a few more points.

Keep up the good work everyone!


How's the exercise going? Keep in mind that these exercise points are worth wayyyyyyyyyyy more than weight loss! So let's ALL try to get ALL the exercise points this week and be on top again!!!!!! Remember, find ways to exercise even if it's 10-15 minutes here or there!
Sorry to say I have not been feeling well the past few days. I have been dealing with my own health, and tending my 12 year old who is also sick.

Needless to say, I have not gotten any exercise in thus far :ack2:. I will make an effort to get some exercise in the remainder of the week.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Yarmiah. Hope you and your child both feel better soon.

I did 95 minutes on the bike this morning which put me over the 300 minutes needed for all the exercise and bonus points this week. I'm going to hit the gym on Wednesday for another workout. Every little bit will help.

I've got 90 minutes down, 210 to go! I'm going to do seventy minutes tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday and hopefully I'll get another good weigh in like I did Friday!
Despite being ill, i'm trying to get all my exercise in; so far so good. I find it helps with my bad stomach which is nice. Get well soon Yarmiah&kids!
aw yarmiah, I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well! Hopefully you get well soon!!!!! You too, casanova....feel better.....way to keep at it!!!!!! I know how much of a pain it is to work out when you're not feeling your best...it takes a lot of energy out of you!

Just did 30 min of elliptical and then some lifting, abs, and some of my PT exercises, yeah! I only have an hour and 10 left until I've met my goal! Very excited, although, thekrinse, you are an inspiration---I need to start working out as much as you!
Well gang,
I had to leave work early due to a power loss. I took the opportunity
to get some laundry done AND hopped on the NT for 45 minutes.!
I also did a 30 min strenth training routine.

I hope to continue this for the remainder of the week.

Hope you all are doing well!
well done, yarmiah! That is 75 minutes right there! Good for you, despite being sick!

I am on call at the hospital all day tomorrow and overnight until noon the day after so I plan on doing tons of stairs for my exercise during down time.....I'm hoping it'll add up to about 45 min or so, but we'll see depending on how many sick kiddos come into the hospital!
I might be getting a treadmill free of charge soon. :] yay
I hope everyone is doing well, I'm hoping to get a lot of extra exercise today
Got in 65 more minutes today, maybe might get in a few more later! I'm doing well with food today, as well!

I hope everyone else is doing well, too!
Hey folks! Just thought I'd check in. Its a little after 7pm and I did NOT exercise this morning, but as soon as I log off of here, I'm on the NT for 45 minutes!

Food has been good the past few days, exercise is improving, as is my mood. I really hope to see good numbers on the scale on Friday!
Mornin' Gang!

I did indeed get on the NT last night for 45minutes, for which I'm very proud of. I do so hate getting on so late, but knew it had to be done, and learned my lesson . . . even tho I was tired this morning, I got up at 6 30am and did a 30min session!

HOpe everyone else is having a succesful week!