Weight-Loss The Blue Team Thread

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. So I exercised today and yesterday for a total of a little over 2 hours. I did however cheat a little bit yesterday so I wont be earning the bonus points:(..but I'm doing much better today so far, and I still lost a pound! Cant wait to get out of the 180's!!
Jerome, I'm petrified of getting shin splints! Eek!

Before I lost weight, I could barely run more than once a week. Since I lost weight (30 lbs), running every other day is not a problem. That's awesome what weightloss brings. And I'm not talking about joints, ankles, knees, etc :)

fat2fit : I'm proud of you!
i didnt end up working out today :( (saturday).....but no worries, i'll make up for all that time!!!! :) hope you all had a great saturday!
Linseybot3K, wow, you've nearly reached your goal, what will your next goal be? 50 lbs is something to be v.proud of!

Jerome, I'm petrified of getting shin splints! Eek!

Nice to see so many of you enjoy running! My walk today turned into a run halfway through, I couldn't hold myself back...that's three days in a row, woo!

Are you all counting calories, or on any specific diets? I'm doing a home based slightly modified weight watchers!

My next goal is going to be 270, I think. I read somewhere on another website that it's probably best to do ten percent goals- plus, the more I lose, the lower the goals to make things easier on me psychologically as it gets tougher.

What I do is track my calories, and watch what I eat. I try to keep junk foods and fried foods at a minimum and I drink lots and lots of water. In fact, it's the only beverage I keep in my dorm for the most part, although sometimes I keep low fat milk and orange juice.
Everyone seems to be doing great! Thats awesome. We'll win this! I went to the cheesecake factory last night! And I did awesome! I only had a pasta dish with chicken. No appetizers, and for dessert had the goblet of Strawberries... which is literally only a cup full of strawberries. They were YUMMY.

I got 30 minutes of exercise Friday, and 60 on Saturday. Today I'm hoping to get another 60 all together.

Good Luck to all today!
Hey team, great job on resisting those temptations. It sure isn't easy to pass on something when your friends are having it right in front of you. And those french fries just call out to you to take one or two. You guys did great! We have to try and get as many points as possible because I don't want anyone on this team to get eliminated.

We went out last night for mexican food with my cousin and her family. I ordered grilled catfish and black beans. I passed on the 7 baskets of nacho chips and the 3 appetizers they devoured before our main meal even came. Everyone walked out feeling sick. I felt great, lol.
fat2fit : I'm proud of you!

Thanks Jerome!

Cassonova-great job for staying away from the junk. It is especially hard when you see everyone else eating what they want. Good job!
Holy cow bmohearn-that is fantastic. I don't think I could go there without having a very fattening dessert. Good for you!
theKrinse-Way to pass up the temptation. It feels so good when you walk away proud of yourself rather than beating yourself up because you ate horribly.

I am so proud of this team. Keep it up!

We will be leaving for Florida on Thursday morning. We are driving from Northern Illinois to Orlando. So, I am just concerned about not eating the junk while in the car for such a long time. I am bringing my scale with too so I can weigh-in and be able to update.

Have a great Sunday!
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Bmohearn, that place is SO tempting! Even when you try to do the right thing, they give you HUGE portions, or loadsa fatty salad dressing, well done you!!!

Cathy, I know it sounds simple, but....don't bring junk with you! Pack some yummy grapes or strawberries, dip 'em in yoghurt+ it'll be just as tasty!!

I didn't get any exercise in today as I had a big essay to do+it's gotten dark+wet+cold here now so I'm going to go to the gym at 8am tomorrow+sweat it out like a maniac!!!

Come on dudes, keep it up+let's win this week!!
Hello Team!

Just stopping by while I have a few minutes- been a busy weekend.

Had to resist cupcakes at my Mom's yesterday (it was her birthday, and worse yet . . I MADE EM!). She is diabetic so I found some reduced sugar mix and icing. They tell me they were pretty good.

My back has been bothering me since Wed, so I'm unable to work out on my Nordik Track, but have been walking instead. Today, I even took my dog with me as it was so warm out. I got him a new harness to help with the pulling and it is working out nicely.

Hope everyone is doing well!
yarmiah---way to go, i know how hard it is to resist sweets when you bake them yourself! i don't know if i'd have that same will power!

alrighty off to workout today, hopefully i'll do 1.5 hours to make up for not working out yesterday!

hope you all have a wonderful sunday! GO BLUE CREW!
I was going to go out for a walk... but I don't like walking on main streets by myself, and the place I wanted to walk to was on a pretty busy road. Since the boyfriend is at work... I had no one to go with. So instead I did 30 minutes of DDR. And I'll probably do more later. For right now I am going to see how much exercise I can make for myself cleaning!

Lets go BLUE TEAM!! No one will get eliminated from our team. we've been doing GREAT!
Cathy, I know it sounds simple, but....don't bring junk with you! Pack some yummy grapes or strawberries, dip 'em in yoghurt+ it'll be just as tasty!!

Thanks MyOwn...That is what I plan on doing. I probably won't bring many snacks at all. We will stop when we need our regular meals and I will just bring healthy snacks for inbetween. There is no reason the kids need the bad snacks either.
Bonus Points

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well to the challenge.

I have to say this is a tough time of yr. for me. At my job, there is a lot of year end processing stuff to get done. So, Wed., Thurs., & Fri. I worked on avg. 12 hrs each day, plus the 2hr commute roundtrip. But Friday, I stayed focus and didn't eat any junk. Very proud of myself as it was 10:30pm before I left work and didn't have any dinner. Very easy to say, oh let me have a chocolate bar.

Now Saturday, I had to work at a biz that I opened. Left the house at 8:00am to get supplies, mostly food for the biz. While shopping for the biz, made sure to pick up stuff for me, as I know we only sell concession stand type snacks. Well, it was sooo busy, didn't even have a chance to heat my soup. One of the birthday parties had leftover cookie cake and from habit, ate one of the pieces in between customers. Can of low sodium, low fat soup still in the can. I was soooo pissed. I didn't want to tell you guys. Thought, ah, they'll never know. But I can't do that. I let myself down and all of you too. Sorry about that. :(

I am confused on the bonus points. I thought once u screwed up you were out from getting any bonus points and now I just read a post here and it seems u earn 4 points for everyday that you stick to the bonus challenge???
Now, I am doubled bummed because, I had to work at the place yesterday and had a diet soda and water. But if I had realized i was still in for points, wouldn't have had the soda.

Yesterday, I did an hour at the gym. 15 minutes walking at 4.5mph and then I ran for 40 minutes at 6.1mph, cooled down with 5 minutes at 4mph and then real cool down for 2 minutes at 3mph.

Today is a new day.
I plan on hitting the gym later today as I had to start work this morning at 6:00am.

Again, between my biz & my regular fulltime job ( with the hours 7-4pm), then to come home and 4 out of 7 days go to the biz I opened, it has really screwed up my schedule.
Use to work out in the morning from 5 - 6:30am, come home shower and leave for work at 8:00am. But changed my hours because of the kids & biz.

NO EXCUSES HERE!!!! Just trying to readjust my schedule.

Okay, I am soooo proud of my kids. My one daughter doesn't try anything new and very picky eater. Not the best veggie or fruit eater like my other daughter. Though, for a snack she will ask for a yogurt, apple and she only drinks water or watered down apple juice. Well, the other day her cousin had a strawberry smoothie at tgif and she had the same. I was shocked as she only drinks water or apple juice. Well she loved it. Now, I know tgif is not a healthy smoothie, but she wanted to make them at home. So, we bought low fat yogurt,strawberries, blueberries, bananas, pineapple(she likes that too, must be the apple thing) and we made a smoothie and she loved it.

I also made a chocolate protien shake and told them it was a chocolate shake, they loved that tooooo! woohoo, get them eating healthy. I always tell them about health in regard to food, not about wt or being thin or fat. Don't want them to get hung up in that, but mostly want them to take care of their bodies with nutritious food and understand the importance of eating healthy food.

Now if I could only practice what I preach!:D

Okay, hopefully, I can still earn bonus points.
Hey Loseit, don't beat yourself up over it. Any of us can slip at anytime, we are all human, so don't dwell on it, just move on. Also, diet soda is ok, it's the non diet sodas that are a no-no so you still get the bonus points for Sunday.

Great job on the treadmill. I'm trying to build my stamina back up to where I'm running at 6.0 or higher. Also, good job on getting your kids to eat healthy.

Hey guys! I dropped another pound over the weekend! I've met my 50 pound goal!

My mom made tator tots for my brother and left them out on a pan. Tator tots have to be my favorite form of fried potato finger food, and I didn't have a single one! And when she got out the ice cream, I didn't get any either- but my mother being my mother (anyone who's read my journal will get this) had to come and say something like, "you're being good, right? I just want you to know that I thought about you!" as if she was trying to get me to say, "yes, I'll have some!"
Loseit88...yep, don't beat yourself up. You do what you have to do. You did great at the gym. My goal is to start running. At this point I can only do about 3 minutes without stopping to walk for a couple of minutes. I will build it up over time. Oh and good job with teaching your children how to choose the right foods! We never want our kids to make the same mistakes we did. We just hope they listen.

Great job Lindseybot, that is a big accomplishment. What is your next goal?
And good job resisting the tator tots and ice cream.

Me, well I went to the gym this morning at 5:30. I was so tired and I didn't want to go. My husband said he wanted to, so I said "fine let's go". I was mad at him for making me go:cuss:. But of course now that I am awake I am glad that he got me to go:rolleyes:.
Thanks V. - yes, new day and ready to go.

V. how long have you been losing wt? I see we are close in goals, though, u r closer than me of getting there. I am 5'7" and weigh 174. I want to get down to 135, 40lbs. Hard to believe I ran a marathon in October of 2006. No great time, took me, 5 1/2 hours, but I completed it on only 6 weeks of training. Again, now with the biz opened for the last 6 months, really got away from working out and turned to wine & food for the stress!!!

I've never eaten this unhealthy nor been away from the gym for soooo long!

Hi Linds,

My mom is the same in some ways. My brother that lives w/ her has diabetes. She will make choc. chip cookies for him. ???? Hello????
Then she siits there and says she has sugar issues and is constantly take her sugar readings. little on the hypochondriac side.

Okay, just made a lowfat yogurt w/ banana straw & blue - berry smoothie.
had a couple of sips. But it is made and ready for my mid morning snack.

Have to get the water going. Let me get the bottle now.

Later Bluees
Hi Fat2Fit,

Thanks. Lately, I have been finding that I am having a problem running. Even dread going to the gym when I know I need to run that day. I think it's due to me being in denial of how out of shape I am compared to where I was.
Meaning, use to always start the treadmill off at about 9 1/2 minute mile warm up and by the end of my 3 miles, I would have completed the run i 27 minutes for an avg. speed of 9 minute miles. Now, I am completing just under a 10 minute mile and find myself wanting to push for more because I should be able to even though I am dying on the treadmill.

Though, for you, give yourself a goal and work up to it. Like say you are going to run for 4 mins. next time and walk 3 and then 4 again. Then the next time, push for 5 mins. Go gradual so you don't burn yourself out or frustrate yourself by not beig able to do it. (like I am doing to myself, lol) I don't know your stats, but running is not easy to the body, so don't overdue it as you don't want an injury.
When I did the last 6 miles of the marathon, i walked/ran it. I would see a sign up ahead and make myself run to it, then allow a short walk. The only reason a short walk, was because I wanted to get finished and the more I walked, the longer it was gonna take!!! After 4hours of being out there and then you calculate how many miles and how long it will take before you finish, and realize that you have over an hour to go, u get a little bonkers and just want to get the damn thing over with. lol

Guess it is hard for me to stomach(unless it's chocolate. :D) that less than 10 years ago, I use to run 7 - 7 1/2 minute miles.
I know, being hard on myself. But the other thing, I have to realize is how much wt I've put on. Another 6 lbs and I weigh as much as I did when I gave birth to both my daughters!

Okay, refocus here. I am going to lose this 40lbs and be healthy. This is it.
And I need all you great folks to help me. Trust me, you are doing that. So, thanks to all of ya.

Linds, just realized your goal of 50lbs. That is wonderful!!!!! You are a true inspiration. Did u ever see the comedian John White - think that's his name, anyway does a funny bit on tater tot.
Thanks again all.